Innocence Tempted (Generational Sins Series)

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Innocence Tempted (Generational Sins Series) Page 4

by Samantha Blair

  "Is that why you picked me?" she asked. "Because you thought I was inexperienced?"

  "Partially," I answered truthfully. "I'm not sure I would ever have approached you if I hadn't overheard your conversation in the store the other day, though. I didn't like the idea that you might listen to her. Your submissive nature is beautiful and incredibly arousing to me. I would hate it if you left it unexplored because you thought you'd be ridiculed for it. I want to encourage you. I want to help you discover who you are. I don't want you to feel like you are in any way inadequate."

  "Okay." She gave me a tremulous smile.

  "I already know that you need to be controlled. The way you respond to aggression is incredibly telling, but I still don't know why. I need for you to tell me why you want this. Why did you agree to come to that bonfire?"

  She swallowed hard before she looked up at me again. Before she even opened her mouth I knew that she'd made the decision to tell me the truth. She was ready to have it all out in the open.

  "I came to the bonfire because you told me that I was desirable, and I believed you. It sounds needy and desperate and stupid, but truthfully, I just wanted you to pay attention to me. I spend a lot of time alone. I always have. My dad works a lot, my mom was never around, I've never fit in all that well with my peers, and even Jake–well, Jake paid attention to me, but he treated me like I was fragile, breakable. When you look at me it feels like you want to consume me. You are sure and confident, and extremely masculine, and when I'm around you, I don't have to feel embarrassed for having the fantasies that I have. I feel like you get it, like you won't judge me for it."

  I wanted to comment, but she was on a roll and I hated to interrupt her. She was finally getting somewhere with expressing her feelings to me. I nodded my encouragement to her.

  "And the other thing that I really liked," she continued, "was when you said that I had a choice to obey or not obey, and then I would face the consequences of my actions. I wish that all of life were like that. I wish it were more black and white, where I could see the results of my actions. So many times you do things and you think it's going to work out and then it doesn't, and it's inconsistent and frustrating. I would really like, for once, to not have to be responsible for everything. I don't want to worry about the outcome. I don't want to make all the decisions all the time. Sometimes I just want to have the experience without the worrying."

  "Thank you, Kat," I said. "That was the answer I needed. I will help you with that. I will take the responsibility. When you are with me, I want you to be worried about only one thing, and that is pleasing me. I'll take care of everything else. You just concentrate on doing what I tell you to do. Okay?"


  "Want to try it out?" I asked. This adorable little smile graced her lips and she nodded.

  "Good girl. What are your safewords?"

  "Yellow and red."

  "Right. Let's start with proper forms of address. When we are alone you will call me ‘Sir.’ Can you do that?"

  "Yes, Sir."

  I smiled. She was a fucking natural. "What's your real name?" She looked confused. "Is it really Kat, or is that short for something?"

  "Oh, it's short for Katlyn."


  "Right, Sir. Sorry, Sir."

  I tried not to laugh. She was adorable, but I was going to have to be a little firmer with her if she was going to learn.

  "Katlyn is a very pretty name. I think it suits you."

  "Thank you, Sir. Can I ask a question?"

  "Yes you may."

  "Why “Sir” and not “Master”?"

  "We have a limited amount of time, as you are leaving for school in the fall. I don't have enough time to fully train you and collar you as my sub. I want you to think of me as your teacher, not your master. Do you understand?"


  I gave her a stern look.

  "I mean, yes, Sir."

  I smirked at her. "Tell me, Katlyn. Did you like sucking my cock in front of the fire the other night?"

  "Yes, Sir." No hesitation on that one. Interesting.

  "Good. Stay here a minute." I got up and went into my bedroom. I'd had a couple of things planned for tonight depending on what she put on her checklist. I didn't want to push too far too fast, but I was anxious to get started, and I knew that she was too.

  She was going to be a fascinating study. It sounded like she didn't have a history of physical abuse, but I was able to put some of the pieces together. She'd been abandoned by her mother, and while her father seemed to be a pretty good guy, I had a feeling that being a single dad to a teenage daughter was not easy.

  She seemed to glow when I complimented her, which led me to believe that she hadn't been praised a whole lot in her life. I didn't think her impression of herself was very accurate. She had some self-esteem issues, despite her intelligence and natural beauty. She seemed to be missing a sense of belonging. She carried a lot of responsibility for someone as young as she was. If I could help to take some of that load off of her, I was sure she would open up more. She was clearly very independent at a young age, and now she wanted to experience dependency on another person.

  I pulled a short length of nylon rope out of the drawer and pulled one of the pillows off of the bed. Typically I used my bedroom rather than the living room, but I wanted to start her out fairly easy, and I was afraid that the bedroom would be too intimidating for her. I had to remind myself to take it slowly. The bravado on her checklist was not necessarily going to make a true appearance any time soon.

  I returned to the living room where she was waiting patiently on the couch. "Stand up and take off your clothes," I commanded. I deliberately didn't look her in the eye, instead focusing on putting the pillow on the floor and stretching out the rope so that she could see it. By not making eye contact she would have less of an opportunity to argue. My expectations were clear.

  She stood and shifted her weight from foot to foot. She made no move toward stripping.

  "I won't tell you twice," I said.

  "What? You mean now?" she stammered. She was not confused. She just wanted me to make it easy on her.

  "Yes, Katlyn. Strip. Now. And I won't tolerate your lack of respect. If you want me anywhere near you, you will respect my orders."

  "Sorry, Sir," she said. She took off her shoes and then slowly made to undo the buttons of her shirt. I watched her undress. The slight tremor in her hands revealed her nervousness. She managed to get her shirt and pants off without too much trouble, but her bra and panties proved a little harder. I knew it could be intimidating. I had touched her, but I hadn't made her strip for me. In fact I had seen very little of her body. I wondered if she'd ever really been on display like this before. I was guessing not. Peeling clothes off in the heat of the moment was very different from standing alone and undressing while someone else watched. All things considered, she was doing well.

  I didn't want to push too hard. The first couple of sessions were always the hardest with a new sub. Even if you talked about it up front, when it came time for action you never really knew how far to go the first few times. So you made the best decisions that you could and reminded the sub that there were always safewords. The comfort would come with time.

  I didn't think that she was going to be able to do it on her own so I decided to cut her a little slack. "Stop," I said. "Turn around slowly. I want to see you." She hesitated, but did what I asked.

  "Absolutely beautiful."

  She really was. She had a great natural shape that wasn't developed in a gym, but was slender and feminine.

  She unconsciously crossed her arms across her stomach. "No, no, no. Lift your hair up. Put your hands on top of your head." She blushed hard, but did what I asked, revealing the graceful curve of her neck and lifting her whole posture. I crossed the room to her and put my hands firmly on her hips.

  "You are absolutely stunning, Katlyn. There is nothing about your body that I will ever find unattractive." I ran my
hands up her sides, over her stomach, pulling her back against my chest and speaking in her ear: "You will not hide from me. I am going to enjoy looking at you, and you will not deny me that pleasure. Do you understand?"

  "Yes, Sir." Her voice was breathy. She was relaxing under my touch. The close proximity would eliminate most of the discomfort that came from being naked in my presence.

  "Good girl," I praised. I took a small step back. "Keep going. I want you bare.”

  She swallowed hard before reaching behind her back and unclasping her bra. She dropped it on the floor in front of her and then slowly lowered her panties, giving me a great view of her ass in the process. My cock was loving this.

  "Put your hands back up and make a nice slow circle for me." She followed my instructions without a word, and I told her repeatedly how much I approved of her appearance. Somehow though, I got the impression that she didn't believe me. We were going to work on that. By the time she left for school I was going to make sure she knew how powerful her body was.

  "Very nice, Katlyn. Come here and hold your wrists out in front of you."

  This part she seemed to have no trouble with. The rope in my hands didn't seem to be intimidating to her at all, but being naked in front of me was. She really was a puzzle.

  I took her forearms in my hands and gently stroked the skin down to her wrists. The tremor was gone from her hands, her nakedness forgotten. I worked at half my normal speed, letting her adjust to the feel of the cord as I tied her wrists together. It wasn't tight, just enough to adapt her to the idea of being bound.

  "Wiggle your fingers for me." She flexed her fingers. "Feel okay?"

  "Yes, Sir."

  "Good girl." I kept her bound wrists in one hand and pulled her closer to me. I placed a couple of open-mouthed kisses along her collarbone just so I could watch her pulse race. So fucking hot.

  "On your knees, Katlyn."


  I dropped to my knees on the pillow in front of him. It was more difficult than I thought it would be with my hands tied in front of me. I guess you don't realize how often you use your hands until you lose full functionality of them.

  I was nervous, but incredibly aroused. I had never felt so self-conscious in my life as I did when Cody made me spin around with my hands above my head. It wasn't like it was the first time I'd ever been naked in front of a man, but this was somehow very different. It was like he was searching every inch of my skin, proving to me that I couldn't hide anything from him. Part of me felt incredibly objectified, and I hated it, but another part of me was extremely flattered. I had a hard time believing that he really wanted to look at me that closely. I was nothing special in that department, perfectly average in every way.

  He threw his shirt to the side just as he had the other night and unzipped his pants. I chanced a peek up at him from under my lashes. His form, on the other hand, was a thing of wonder. His upper body was perfectly muscled. He was weathered and tanned. He had several tattoos that I really wanted to take the time to study, but I was not given the opportunity. Instead I became focused on the task at hand.

  I took his waiting cock into my mouth, trying to remember what he had told me the other day. I ran my tongue over the head, catching a drop of his pre-cum. He was hot and salty in my mouth, and I was once again confronted with his pure masculinity. I wanted very badly to please him. I wanted to hear him groan and feel his fingers tighten in my hair.

  I sucked and tilted my head to take as much of him as I could. He rocked his hips forward, pushing farther into my mouth. I tried to relax and breathe through my nose. I willed myself not to gag and mostly succeeded. It was easier this time; I knew what to expect.

  I was surprised at how frequently I was aware of my bound hands. I had kept them behind my back the last time, and this wasn't much different, but when I had the natural urge to move my arms, I was reminded that I couldn't, even if I wanted to. Not wanting to and not being able to were two entirely different experiences. It made me feel very powerless. It wasn't like I wanted to stop, and I knew that I could if I really wanted to, but still it was a step closer to giving up my free will altogether, and I didn't quite know how to process it.

  I settled for trying to forget about it. I did what he told me and worried only about pleasing him. I had only one responsibility in that moment, and it was to make him have an orgasm. I relaxed and let him use me. He must have felt the change when I fully surrendered because he changed his stance slightly so that he had better control of my movements.

  "That's right, sweetheart. Now you're getting it," he panted. I wanted to smile around his cock. I was making him breathless. Me. I sucked harder trying to get him to talk to me in that gravelly sex-voice.

  I grazed his cock lightly with my teeth, as he'd instructed me the first time. Apparently it was the right thing to do. He let out a loud "Fuck, yes," and then I felt his hot semen filling my mouth. I swallowed quickly. He held on to my hair for a second longer and then stepped back. I tried to keep the smug smile from forming on my lips, but I didn't succeed. I was really quite proud of myself.

  "Enjoy that did you?" he said, looking down at me smiling. I nodded my head, and he laughed. "Come on, silly girl. Your turn."

  He helped me up from the floor and then took my bound hands in his and led me down the hallway. He took a right at the first door, and I was greatly surprised when it opened into a bathroom. He ushered me inside and closed the door behind me. Did he want to take a bath?

  I didn't really have time to figure it out before he pushed me back up against the closed door. He had zipped his jeans up around his softening cock and now the rough material was pressing between my aching thighs. He pinned my hands above my head, his body flush with mine, his lips attacking my neck and breasts. He moved quickly, and before I could really process it, he had looped one of the coils of rope on my hands around the hook on the bathroom door.

  It wasn't until he took a step back from me that I realized I had been hung from a towel peg, like some kind of living drapery. Both of my feet were still firmly on the floor and I had some play in my hands. If I wanted to get free I knew I could, but I was terribly curious to see what he would do next.

  I finally got a chance to admire him as he walked across the bathroom and reached into the cabinet over the sink. His jeans rode low on his hips and my eyes fell naturally to the incredibly sexy V-shape that disappeared into his waistband. When he turned back to me he had a bottle of lotion in his hands.

  "Don't move, Katlyn," he said. It wasn't like I could go very far as it was, but I didn't bother to tell him that. I held still.

  He knelt down in front of me, which surprised me. I almost protested that his posture was not at all Dominant, but the look he gave me as he stared up at me said otherwise. His expression was hungry, almost feral.

  He squirted a little of the lotion into his hands and rubbed them together. He lifted my left foot and began a gentle massage from the sole of my foot, over my ankle, and up to my calf. I balanced precariously on one foot with my hands bound over my head. He seemed confident that I would not fall. I did not share his confidence.

  His hands worked up my calf and curled around my knee while he brought his mouth to the inside of my thigh. His breath was cool against my overheated skin. He nipped at me gently, and I groaned. I wanted more but I didn't dare ask for it. After what felt like an eternity, he turned his attentions to the other leg. I tugged uselessly at the ropes that bound my hands. I wanted to grind my hips against him—anything to gain more friction—but he would not be rushed. He kept his hands and mouth carefully away from the place that I wanted him most.

  "Please," I begged. I couldn't keep the words from falling from my lips.

  "Please what, Katlyn?"

  "Please touch me."

  He bit the inside of my thigh, hard enough to make me yelp. It only hurt for a second, but it had surprised me. The place where his teeth had made impact burned like hot embers.

  "Address me prop
erly, Katlyn."

  Oh fuck. I kept forgetting that. How was I supposed to remember that while he was making me feel this way? "I'm sorry, Sir."

  "Beg me." His tongue traced a delicate path up from my knee. It was absolute torture.

  "Please, Sir. Please touch me, Sir."

  "Mmm," his lips vibrated against my leg, dangerously close to my dripping pussy. "I like the sound of that." His tongue darted out and swiped at my clit. My head made a thumping noise as I dropped it back against the door.

  "Please, Sir, don't stop," I begged. I was already too far gone to be ashamed.

  "Look over my head, Katlyn. I want you to watch me," he said roughly, before licking me in earnest. I looked through the loose strands of my hair and saw what he meant. There was a full-length mirror on the wall opposite the door. I had a perfect view of his back and part of his profile. I watched his muscles flex as he moved his hands up and down my legs. His skilled tongue lapped at my clit, driving me into a frenzy.

  He moved one of his hands to my hips, pinning me against the door, holding me still. The other hand pressed between my legs, his fingers probing gently, pushing me to new heights. I cried out, begging him over and over to finish, to let me cum.

  "Watch, Katlyn. I want you to see how fucking beautiful you are."

  He sucked my clit into his mouth, and I lost my grip on reality. I trembled as I came hard, but he held me firm, not letting up until the last tremors had passed. I tried to watch, as he requested, but I was unable to keep my eyes open, the pleasure was so intense.

  When it was over, I felt weak and docile, like I'd been given the ultimate muscle relaxant. He stood and removed my hands from the door. He swept me into his arms bridal style with my hands still bound and carried me out to the couch. He sat down, folding me into his lap, and slowly untied my wrists.

  "How do you feel?" he asked.


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