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Murder Page 5

by Sandra R Neeley

  “Goodbye, sweetheart, I’ll see you tomorrow?” Carolena asked.

  “Yes, ma’am!” Deaumanique called back.

  “Welcome to Whispers, Phrygia. I hope to see you again soon,” Aubreigne called.

  “Thank you,” Phrygia answered, though she looked a little confused.

  As soon as they were out of sight, Enthrall spoke again. “We’re going to go too.” Then he focused on Phrygia. “Welcome to Whispers. I believe you’ll be very happy here.”

  “Thank you,” Phrygia said softly as Carolena began to speak to Enthrall.

  “Okay. But try to make nice with Lore,” Carolena suggested.

  “I will not! He had no reason to curse at me that way. He knew I was going to seek the Dark One out. He knew part of the reason I agreed to go was for my own agenda.”

  “I know. But he doesn't usually react that way. He was probably really worried about you when it came time to leave and you weren’t where he expected,” Carolena explained.

  Enthrall just huffed a deep breath and looked at Carolena. He knew she was most likely right, but he was still angry. “Shane, you ready?” he asked over his shoulder while still regarding Carolena.

  “Yes, sir,” Shane said, jumping to his feet. He hurried over to his father. “Mr. Carnage was going to take me home so Mama didn’t have to come all the way over here for me. But since you’re here, he won’t have to do that when he gets home.”

  “We saved him some time, then, didn’t we?” Enthrall asked. He took Shane by the hand and faced Carolena as they heard more voices approaching the stairs leading from the ground up to Carolena’s home. More parents apparently, coming to pick up their children.

  “Carolena, we will see you later,” Enthrall said pleasantly, though the tension was still clear on his face.

  “You will,” Carolena confirmed. “And don’t worry, you did the right thing.”

  “Then why do I feel so uneasy?” Enthrall asked.

  “Sometimes we second guess ourselves,” Carolena offered, trying to soothe her friend.

  “I wish that was all this was. I just feel… off,” Enthrall said, trying to explain.

  “It’ll pass,” Carolena promised.


  Hidden in the dense woods of the swamp surrounding Carolena’s home, a male stood perfectly still. His vision blurred from the sun he hadn’t seen in centuries. His feet standing on the leaves and needles fallen from live, fresh trees, his heart pounding as adrenalin dumped into his system from being in a whole new world, with completely new possibilities and his nose picking up the most delicious scent he’d ever smelled.

  He squinted his eyes, trying to better focus, but just couldn’t yet — it would come in time. So instead, he angled his nose toward the sweet scent wafting toward him, and as silently as he could, moved carefully through the trees, tailing the scent of the female that had captured his attention.

  He listened to the girl chattering away, telling her mother all about her day. And he listened to the mother responding, asking questions in turn. And each time the woman spoke, a vise squeezed around his heart. A power unlike any he’d ever experienced descended around him, keeping him trailing in their wake. He paused and inhaled her scent again. A deep rumble left him. No one should ever be allowed to scent her but him. He opened his mouth, a crackling kind of pre-roar poured out of him as he tasted her on the air.

  He couldn’t see her. Had no idea what she looked like, but he knew her name. He’d heard those in the house in the trees speak to her — Aubreigne. Her name was Aubreigne. And quietly, he followed his Aubreigne blindly, quite literally, to her home. Her safe place. He’d decide once he’d followed her to her destination, what his next move would be.

  Chapter 6

  Murder moved Phrygia to a seat on Carolena’s deck in the opposite corner from the children. He felt she was overwhelmed and on very shaky ground emotionally, and still fighting the fact that she’d been yanked out of Hell against her will. She was angry, suspicious, and trying to put distance between himself and her, in her preparation to return to Hell as soon as she could to keep the ‘chaos’, as she called it, from occurring.

  Murder watched as she looked around herself, noticing for the first time the trees, the clouds in the sky, the sunshine. There was a tenuous smile on her face despite the obvious nerves and irritation she suffered.

  “Are you alright?” Murder asked. “Can I get you anything?”

  Phrygia looked right at Murder and answered in a slightly less strained voice than she’d spoken to him in previously. “No. I’m fine, thank you. Just enjoying being here for the short while I’m here,” she answered.

  “Short while? Phrygia, you don’t understand. You are here forever. You are not going back there, ever,” Murder said in his best growly voice, trying to soothe her, but at the same time so adamant that his words came out growled.

  “What if I have to?” she asked.

  “You do have to. You have to stay,” he answered.

  “What if I have to go back?” she asked, her irritation growing again.

  “You won’t. It’s not an option. I’m here to protect you,” Murder promised.

  Phrygia shook her head as she gave up trying to make the stubborn, huge male understand.. Then she lifted her face to the sky, inhaling deeply of the fresh, sulfurless air.

  “What is Whispers?” Phrygia asked without opening her eyes or even facing Murder.

  “This is Whispers. This community,” he answered.

  “And Enthrall is its ruler?” she asked.

  “No, not exactly. He’s more of an overseer. He doesn’t rule us exactly, just tries to keep us all safe and moving in the right direction.”

  Phrygia didn’t answer, just nodded as she kept her face up toward the sky. Then she scented something wonderful. Her nostrils flared as she took in the scent of the food the children had been eating.

  Murder watched her with a smile on his own face as she discovered the world again, when he noticed her nostrils flaring.

  Phrygia opened her eyes, and they searched until she found the food the children had been snacking on.

  “Are you hungry, Phrygia?” Murder asked.

  “I’m…” she started, then stopped, not wanting to be a bother to anyone. “I’m okay. I can wait to eat.”

  Carolena chose that moment to introduce herself properly. She stepped in front of Phrygia and Murder. “Hello, Phrygia. I’m Carolena, I’m Carnage’s mate. Welcome to our home. Can I get you anything?” Carolena asked, holding her hand out politely waiting for Phrygia to shake her hand.

  Phrygia gently shook Carolena’s hand, then shook her head no. “No, thank you, I’m fine.” Then she considered Carolena’s words. “Carnage. Is that the bluish-grey Gargoyle that came to help save Murder? The one without the wings?” she asked.

  “Yes! That’s him, only he has wings now. And he’s very proud of them,” Carolena said, laughing.

  “He’s got wings?” Phrygia asked, confused on how they could grow back.

  “Yes! He does. Long story, I’ll tell you some day when you’re not so tired,” Carolena answered. She noticed Phrygia’s eyes wandering back over to the sandwiches and cookies the children hadn’t finished.

  “Murder? Why don’t you take Phrygia inside and see what you can find to feed her. You can have whatever you like. There’s more chicken in there if you’d like a sandwich like I made the children. I’m going to wait for the other parents to come pick up their children, then I’ll join you.”

  “Thank you, Carolena,” Murder answered. He got to his feet and reached out his hand for Phrygia to place her hand in his.

  Phrygia regarded Murder’s hand held out waiting for her to take it. Her stomach rumbled. Surely, it wouldn’t do too much damage to the balance of things if she just had a little meal. Hesitantly she lifted her arm, gingerly placing her hand in Murder’s. Soon as she did, he leaned forward and kissed her forehead. “Let’s find you something to eat, we’ll w
ait for Carnage to meet you, then we’ll get you home.”

  “Home?” she asked, getting to her feet. “You finally understand…” she said relieved, yet saddened that he’d take her back.

  “Yes, I hope you like it as much as I do. I built it myself,” Murder answered.

  “You mean your home… I’m sure it’s a very nice home, Murder, but I need to find a way back.”

  “No,” Murder said simply, leading Phrygia who walked quietly behind him toward the door of Carolena’s home.

  Murder and Phrygia passed Gaston and Simon who were walking toward the back deck, as they went into Carolena’s house. Murder inclined his head to them by way of acknowledging them as he passed rather than actually speaking to them since he was steadily speaking to Phrygia, telling her of their house and the lands around it.

  Gaston, who was in front of Simon, came to a complete stop, actually freezing in his tracks when he saw the female following Murder into Carolena’s home.

  Phrygia stumbled when she looked up to see who was approaching them, and found Gaston looking directly in her eyes. She immediately dropped her eyes to her hand, locked into Murder’s and tried not to stumble again as he led her into the house.

  Simon got tired of standing behind Gaston. “Either walk, or move aside, Gaston. I have children to pick up.”

  Gaston, usually quick with a snappy comeback, just moved aside, not even acknowledging Simon behind him. He was looking at Carolena’s door. The same door the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen had just disappeared into.

  “Gaston? Are you alright?” Carolena asked.

  “Who is ‘dat?” he asked, still staring at the doorway Murder and Phrygia had gone through.

  “Murder, and his mate, Phrygia,” Carolena answered.

  “Nooo! She ain’t…” Gaston stopped himself, realizing what he was about to say. “Murder’s mate, you say? She happeh?” he asked, looking at the door again.

  “I’m sure she is, or will be. They’ve only just arrived. He and Lore rescued her. Enthrall helped, too. I’m sure she’s quite traumatized, but she’ll get over it, Murder will see to that I’m sure.”

  Gaston stood there for a moment, gathering his wits about him. He’d just been thrown for a loop. Finally he nodded. “If she needs somethin’, or if he needs somethin’ for her, you tell ‘dem I got ‘em, okay? You’ll do ‘dat for me, Mrs. Carolena?” he asked, his eyes pleading as they looked at her.

  “I will, Gaston. Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Be fine, Ma’am. Be just fine.” Then he looked over at his son, calling to him. “Anton, you ready, boy?”

  “Yes, sir! I’m comin’, Daddy,” Anton called, getting to his feet. He picked up Boon, who’d been sitting in his lap and scribbling on the small slate board reserved for him when he came to school at Mrs. Carolena’s. Anton carried him over to Mrs. Carolena and handed him to her. “He don’t want to stop drawin’, no!” he said on a laugh.

  Carolena took Boon from Anton. “He does love to draw. Thank you, Anton. I appreciate you entertaining him for me.”

  “You welcome, Mrs. Carolena. He’s fun,” Anton answered.

  “Come on, boy. We gotta go quick. Can’t be here much longer, cher.”

  “You okay, Daddy?” Anton asked.

  “Tryin’ to be. We gotta go, though,” Gaston answered.

  Carolena watched this all unfold and she just got more steadily confused. What in the world was happening here?

  Simon, having gathered his childrens’ belongings, stopped to thank Carolena. “I appreciate you working with Seth and Serena, ma’am,” he said respectfully as he did at least every other day that he came to get his children.

  “You’re very welcome, Simon. I love your little ones. I enjoy them being here.”

  “Serafina, she made you this, if you like it, I mean. If you don’t, you don’t have to wear it,” Simon offered.

  Carolena took the tightly wrapped package from Simon and carefully tore it open. “Oh, my goodness! Simon, it’s beautiful!” Carolena exclaimed.

  Simon grinned ear-to-ear. He was very proud of his wife’s talent. “I’m glad you like it, ma’am.”

  Carolena held up a white blouse, embroidered with brightly colored flowers of all shapes and colors around the hem and the neckline. “It must have taken her forever to do this. I’ll be happy to pay her.”

  “No, ma’am. This is in appreciation of you taking such good care of our little ones. We want you to know how much we appreciate you.”

  Carolena laid her hand on Simon’s arm and leaned toward him to give him a slight hug. “Thank you, Simon. So much. And please be sure to tell Serafina how much I love her gift.”

  “I will,” Simon said, blushing. Not very many people even got close enough for him to possibly touch, and here Mrs. Carolena touched his arm and hugged him, with her baby on her hip, too. She trusted him. She knew he wouldn’t hurt her in any way. She was truly good people. They were fortunate to have her as a friend to their family.

  “We’ll see you tomorrow, then?” Simon asked.

  “You will. I’ll be waiting for you all to arrive.”

  Soon as everyone left, Carolena went inside her home to join Murder and Phrygia. Lily had already gone inside.

  Carolena entered her home to find Phrygia biting into a sandwich that Murder had placed in front of her. Murder stood at the kitchen sink rinsing his hands, while he kept up a steady argument of resistance against Phrygia’s claims she needed to go back to Hell.

  “You are not going anywhere,” Murder stated matter-of-factly as he dried his hands on a dishtowel sitting on the counter top.

  “Yes, I am,” Phrygia answered. As soon as she took a bite, she stopped talking to Murder and looked down at the sandwich. “Gods!” she exclaimed. “I’d forgotten how good food can be,” she explained, quickly taking another bite and savoring it as she chewed slowly.

  “Do you not eat in… well, where you came from?” Carolena asked, taking a seat and settling Boon on her lap.

  “We do, or at least those in service to the Dark One do, but it all tastes like sulfur, no flavor at all. Even the water is tainted with it,” Phrygia explained, taking another bite.

  “If you go back, you don’t get to eat like this,” Murder said, taunting her.

  Phrygia opened her eyes and regarded him. He was as handsome as she remembered him to be. And as imposing. Her eyes traveled from his face down his chest to his stomach, where the table blocked the rest of him from her view. He was definitely a very attractive male. Her eyes moved back up to his face where she was startled to find his intense yellow eyes studying her.

  There was uncertainty in his eyes. And she recognized it because she felt it too. No matter their draw to one another, there was not an instant connection as one would expect when two halves of a whole finally found one another. But still, she did feel the need to be near him. She felt better when she was around him.

  “There is no chaos, Phrygia. None. It is admirable that you wish to save the world from the downfall your freedom will bring to it, but it simply won’t happen. As we told you, Acaelo is no more.”

  Phrygia looked around the kitchen, the woman seated across from her, the children seated with them — the girl watching her curiously, and the sunshine coming through the windows. There was certainly no chaos happening here.

  She nodded. “Perhaps you’re right.”

  “Of course I am. Think of what Lore explained; he’d never put his own mate in danger. And these people here,” he said, indicating Carolena, Lily and Boon, “they are his family. He’d never risk them. You are safe. All is safe. Just relax and enjoy your freedom. I am here. I am in no rush. I will protect you and provide for you. I will not fail you. You are safe now,” Murder said softly.

  Phrygia nodded. “Okay.”

  The door was flung open, and Carnage stepped inside with a rope thrown over his shoulder, three wood ducks hanging from it where it lay against his back. He had two more in his left
hand, and a rabbit tucked in his belt. He was sweaty, dirty, and held his bloodied hunting knife in his right hand as he stepped through the door and kicked it shut with his booted foot. “I home!” he shouted, grinning at Carolena.

  “I see that, love,” she answered, smiling patiently at him as his successful hunt bled all over her clean floors. “I missed you. Did you have a good hunt?” she asked.

  “’Es. Eeeat?” he asked. Holding up his ducks and grabbing his rabbit by the ears to hold up in the air.

  “If you clean them, I’ll cook them for you,” Carolena promised lovingly.

  “’Kay,” he answered, stomping over to the sink to drop the ducks and the rabbit into the sink, then began to take the other three ducks off the rope he’d secured them to, and tossed them in the sink, too. He grabbed the dishtowel and turned on the faucet, shoving the towel under the stream of cool water before wiping his face and then his hands with it. Then he turned, faced the table and pointed directly at Phrygia while he looked at Carolena. “’Ick?” he asked seriously.

  “No. She’s not sick,” Carolena answered.

  Carnage narrowed his eyes and studied Phrygia closely.

  “Carnage, she’s not sick,” Carolena promised.

  Finally he nodded. “’Kay,” he answered, the smile returning to his face. “We’come,” he said happily, welcoming Phrygia to his home. “Eeeaat?” he asked Phrygia. Then he grabbed Murder from behind and hugged him roughly. “Haaaappppeee”, he said, pounding his chest right over his heart.

  “Thank you, Carnage. It’s still sinking in, but she’s here now. So, we’re happy,” Murder answered.

  “Goood,” Carnage answered. Then he asked Murder again. “Eeeeaaaat?”

  Carnage looked at Phrygia again, too. “Eeeeaaat?” he asked insistently.

  Phrygia held up what little was left of her sandwich. “I’m eating,” she answered hesitantly.

  “Eeeaat moh,” he said, walking over to the bloody drips on the floor and dropping to his knees to wipe up the mess. “I ‘keen it,” he said, flashing his smile to Carolena.


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