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Murder Page 12

by Sandra R Neeley

  “I don’t mind at all. I’m glad you’re making yourself at home,” Murder answered, sitting down and reaching for the spoon Phrygia handed him with one hand and the hunk of bread with the other. He dipped the bread into the buttery drippings that the shrimp and fish were in and took a bite, immediately nodding his head in appreciation. “This. This is your calling, Phrygia. You have made a delicious meal.”

  Phrygia lit up with his praise. “I just did what Gaston said. It smells really good,” she said, peeling the shell away from the shrimp tail and popping it into her mouth. “Oh my! That is really good!” she exclaimed. Her eyes wide and happy.

  Murder stopped chewing. He dropped his bread into his bowl, then got up and went around the table to Phrygia.

  Phrygia watched Murder coming toward her, an intense look on his face. “What? What is it?” she asked.

  “Your eyes,” he said, reaching out toward her face.

  Phrygia just ever so slightly flinched, pulling away.

  Murder stopped, his hands frozen in mid-air, reaching out toward her. “I would never harm you, Phrygia,” he said softly, surprised that she would even consider pulling away from him. Surely she didn’t fear him, her own mate.

  “I know that,” she answered, her eyes cast down at her lap and away from him. “It’s just habit.”

  “Look at me, Phrygia,” he said gently.

  Phrygia gradually lifted her eyes to Murder.

  Slowly Murder reached toward her again, making sure she could see his hands reaching toward her. “Your eyes, Phrygia. They’re not blue anymore. I knew something was different when I left with Aubreigne. It’s why I was looking at you so concentratedly — I couldn’t quite figure out what it was. But it’s your eyes — they’re brown now!”

  “I don’t know what you mean. I’ve always had brown eyes,” she answered.

  “No, you didn’t. You had dark blue eyes, like the midnight sky.”

  Phrygia shook her head, confusion clear in her soft brown eyes as she began to grow a little upset at his insistence. “They’re brown, Murder. Always have been.”

  “Alright,” he said. “Perhaps I was under duress and just imagining they were blue,” he conceded.

  Phrygia nodded, her eyes cast down at her plate, not looking at Murder at all.

  Murder gently pushed his bowl away, toward the center of the table. “I think I’ll call it a night early. We have the celebration all the women are planning at Destroy’s home tomorrow if you’d like to go,” he said quietly, trying to hide his own frustration at knowing full well her eyes were blue and not brown.

  Phrygia nodded. “I think I’d like to go. I’m a bit on my own here, I’d like to meet more of your neighbors… perhaps I’ll make a friend or two,” she answered, slowly raising her eyes to his.

  Murder nodded. “I’m sure you will. You already have. Carolena would surely welcome your friendship. She knows what it is like to find yourself in an unfamiliar place with no friends.”

  “She’s very kind,” Phrygia said.

  “She is, and very patient, too. She’s got Carnage to keep under her thumb,” Murder said smiling.

  Phrygia smiled and nodded to show her agreement with him.

  “I’m going to bathe and go to bed, if you don’t mind,” Murder said.

  “Not at all. I’ll be there shortly,” Phrygia answered.

  Murder went to his bathroom and stripped down as he reached for the spigot to release the warm water captured in the water cistern on his roof into his bathtub.

  He reclined in the bath, thinking of Phrygia insisting her eyes were brown. He shook his head, she was wrong, had to be. He thought of her face peering up at him while she bathed his wounds in Hell. Her eyes begging him to allow her to soothe his pain. And she had. He’d tried to keep himself apart from her, but she’d drawn him in. Her eyes and her mannerisms. The very feel of who she was had offered him solace like no other ever had.

  “Why then, do I not feel it now?” he asked himself aloud.

  Hurriedly he bathed himself and stepped from the warm water onto the towel he kept there to exit the tub on, even more convinced that Phrygia had at one time had blue eyes. Blue eyes like the midnight sky above his home. Midnight eyes that soothed him and offered him forever. The blue eyes that he saw in his dreams.

  Chapter 14

  Felicity and Evangeline were busily hanging tiny streamers of white and blue, and tiny cherubs with horns coming out of their heads dangling from the streamers as quickly as they could. Carolena, Lily and Lucitari had covered the dining room table with a white table cloth and had laid out all the food and desserts along with all the plates, bowls and silverware.

  There was a knock at the door, and Murder’s voice calling out. “It’s just us!”

  Lucitari almost dropped the platter of meatballs she held in her hands, and it was all she could do to place it on the table and hurry into the kitchen.

  Lily ran to the door and pulled it open. “What?” she asked, glaring at Murder.

  “Well, I’m happy to see you too, Lily,” Murder answered, deciding she must have gotten into trouble just before he arrived and that would explain her attitude.

  “Sorry. Hello, Uncle Murder. What?” she amended.

  “I just wanted to introduce everyone to Phrygia. I’m going to go back out front and help the males get the rest of the decorations in place.”

  “Come on in, Phrygia!” Carolena called out.

  “Yes! We can use all the help we can get,” Felicity added.

  “Welcome, Phrygia! It’s good to see you again,” Evangeline said warmly.

  The door to the kitchen opened, and Lucitari stepped inside the dining room.

  Phrygia was smiling and speaking to the other women when Lucitari walked in. She stopped mid sentence. “Hello,” she said.

  “Hello,” Lucitari answered, sincerely trying to be kind. It wasn’t the girl’s fault that Murder thought she was his.

  “You seem so familiar to me,” Phrygia said.

  “And you to me. Perhaps we knew one another in a different life,” Lucitari said.

  “Must be it,” Phrygia said, smiling. She looked at the other ladies, all busily decorating and setting up. “Can I help?” she asked.

  “Of course,” they answered.

  And Phrygia jumped right in, eager to do anything she could.


  After walking Phrygia into Destroy’s home to help the other women who were preparing for the party, he headed back outside to join the rest of the males, who were just standing about talking. They were supposed to be decorating the outside of the home, but streamers had already been hung from the columns supporting the roof over the porch and on the banisters framing the wide staircase leading up to the porch.

  Carnage, Enthrall, and Lore stood in the yard discussing in depth the fact that they could find no trace of the Dark One. And Shane played with Ezekiel and Boon just a few feet away under the watchful gaze of the males.

  Murder ruffled Ezekiel's blonde hair and chucked Boon gently under the chin on the way past. Ezekiel giggled, but Boon snarled and snapped his teeth at Murder.

  Murder laughed out loud. “Did you see your boy, Carnage?” Murder asked.

  Carnage nodded. “’Es! Nooooo scaaaarred,” he said, smiling proudly.

  “Let’s hope he got some of Carolena in him, otherwise we have another you on our hands until he outgrows his surliness,” Murder said laughing, coming to a stop beside Carnage.

  Carnage grinned. He knew full well just how difficult he’d been before he’d finally grown up and accepted some responsibility. And he loved that Boon was kind and loving with his mother and sister, even Carnage to an extent, but fierce with everyone else.

  Not five minutes later Gaston and Anton approached, making their way from a path that led off in a different direction from most of the houses in Whispers. “How ya’ll are?” Gaston called, waving exaggeratedly.

  “Heeeey!” Carnage called. “We�
��come!” he said, waving Gaston and Anton over.

  “Shane!” Anton shouted, and ran toward the other children. “Hey, Boon! Hi, Zeke!” he said sitting down to play with them.

  “Looks like I’m too late to help,” Gaston said, looking at the decorations. “Ya’ll did a good job, ‘doh,” he complimented.

  “Thank you,” Enthrall answered.

  “I did it,” Lore said smugly.

  “All alone?” Gaston asked.

  “What he’s not saying is that he waggled his hands and the decorations just put themselves up,” Enthrall added.

  “It is still my doing,” Lore advised.

  As they all laughed, more people started to come out of the trees on the paths that all led toward Enthrall’s and Destroy’s homes. Simon and Serafina with their children in tow, and Aubreigne and Deaumanique stepped into the clearing at just about the same time carrying a small but beautifully wrapped gift.

  All were smiling and looking forward to a pleasant visit and celebration of Destroy and Rowan’s soon-to-be-born baby.

  As Aubreigne approached, Enthrall stepped forward to speak to her. “Has everything been okay?” he asked. “No more problems?”

  “Everything’s fine,” she answered, her voice low and soft out of habit.

  But Enthrall was no fool. He knew she was hiding something. “Are you sure?” he asked, looking more pointedly at her.

  “No more roars, nothing particularly frightening. Just us, going through each day,” Aubreigne reiterated.

  “Okay. We’ve started patrols periodically. Each of us here makes rounds regularly. And every male of Whispers has been brought up to date and is on alert. They are each responsible for patrolling their particular areas and letting us know if they find anything at all that doesn’t belong there. We are doing everything we can to keep everyone safe. If you see or hear…” Enthrall said, letting the rest of his sentence fall off unfinished knowing she already knew exactly what he was saying.

  “Of course, I will let you know the moment I am aware of anything you should know,” Aubreigne promised.

  “Excellent. I’m happy you came today,” Enthrall finished.

  “Me, too. We needed a pleasant day out,” Aubreigne answered. She greeted the other males, then stopped to hug Murder and kiss his cheek.

  He hugged her tightly, just a second longer than was normal.

  When he released her, she stepped back and looked at him closely. “Are you well?” she asked.

  He nodded, his face speaking volumes and contradicting his agreeable nod.

  “What is it?” Aubreigne asked.

  “Nothing. And if it is, I'm not sure yet.”

  “You will let me know if you need me?” Aubreigne asked.

  “I promise,” he answered, as he hugged Deaumanique.

  Nodding and smiling at Murder, she moved toward the porch with Deaumanique right behind her.

  Simon greeted the males, then walked Serafina inside to be sure that she’d be welcome. He couldn’t help it, he’d been unwelcome all his life and it was a hard thing to let go of. After he saw that all the women were genuinely happy to see her, he kissed her and leaving her to visit went back outside, taking the children with him to play with the other children.

  “Simon!” Enthrall greeted.

  “Enthrall. How are you? Well I hope?” Simon responded, watching his children get down in the dirt with Zeke, Boon, Anton, and Shane.

  “Very well,” Enthrall answered as Simon walked over to them. He shook hands with Murder, Lore and Carnage.

  “Edggggge,” Carnage said, lifting his chin in the direction of the trees.

  “Me, too. Can’t recall being this edgy,” Simon answered.

  “Huunnnt,” Carnage said.

  “Yes! I think we should hunt, not just be on the lookout,” Murder agreed.

  “He’s not hurt anyone, yet. He may just want what he asked for and nothing more,” Enthrall said, trying to be the voice of reason and at the same time remembering the male that was his friend at one point.

  Murder looked affronted. “Maybe not here in Whispers! But I’m sure there are thousands that would beg to differ. Myself and Phrygia being two of them. And if you want to get technical, Evangeline was at his mercy as well — saved only because the Dark One knew Acaelo had specific rules in place for her.”

  Lore looked from Murder to Enthrall who he stood beside. Then he looked back at Murder before taking the few steps to place him at Murder’s side. “I agree with Murder! Why are we considering giving this male anything other than a death sentence?”

  “He is not the male you think him to be,” Enthrall started to explain. “He is not responsible for all the actions his body imposes.”

  “What? That makes no sense at all!” Murder exclaimed.

  Lore looked over at Carnage and with his arms crossed across his chest smirked at him. “And I’m considered confusing and hard to follow.”

  Carnage snickered, just standing quietly and listening to all sides of the conversation.

  Simon, who was only a step from the children, watching over them protectively, decided he needed to make sure everyone understood. “All I know is that if he comes anywhere near my family, he’s become prey. I’ll hunt him down until he’s dead.”

  Enthrall opened his mouth to explain further but then they heard Destroy’s voice carrying through the trees as he and Rowan made their way toward them. “But, Row! It’s a beautiful, glorious day. And you get to walk through all the natural gifts of nature with me at your side. A beautiful gift of nature myself! Why would you possibly want me to fly you home?” He was speaking much louder than necessary to be sure that all heard him as he announced their approach.

  “Come on, everyone! Let’s get inside before Destroy and Rowan get here. Let’s hide so we can surprise them!” Enthrall said.

  Carnage picked up Boon who started to growl at being made to put down his handful of dirt until Carnage growled back, then, he grinned and let go of the dirt.

  Children were gathered by their fathers and ushered into the house, where the women were already finished and waiting for Rowan to arrive.

  “What is this?” they heard Rowan’s voice exclaim. “What is happening?” she asked happily from in front of her home.

  “I’m not sure. But it looks like someone is celebrating the baby, and you!” Destroy answered.

  “Oh my gosh! It’s beautiful! Look, Destroy! Little cherubs with horns!” she said, fingering the cherubs hanging from the streamers decorating the front of her home.

  Everyone stood in the dining room perfectly quiet, still as they could be as they heard footsteps on the stairs outside and then on the porch as Rowan and Destroy approached the front door. They saw the doorknob move, but the door didn’t open. Instead, they heard Rowan speaking to Destroy. “I am past ready to have your child. When I asked you to fly me home, you should have told me there was reason to stay gone for a while. I seriously considered unmanning you when you said I needed to get some more exercise.”

  “But, Row, being that high up off the ground can’t be good for you. And walking is. Keeps you in shape, you know?” he asked.

  “And I’m sure the keeping me away had nothing to do with all the decorations,” Rowan said.

  Destroy didn’t answer, but a breathily whispered, “I love you, Ribbons,” let everyone know a few kisses had made everything better.

  “Love you, too, my little witch-woman!” Destroy said, calling out, ‘Ouch!’ in response to Rowan pinching him.

  Finally, Rowan opened the door and as they stepped through, the scent of the food and the calls of surprise from her dining room, which was to the right of the door, had her tearing up.

  “Surprise!” the entire room called in a chorus.

  “What is this?” she asked, her hands cupped over her mouth as she looked teary eyed at everyone.

  “Your baby party!” Felicity said. “We all pitched in!”

  “Happy Baby Party!” Carolena, Lily,
and Lucitari said, with “Happy Baby Party,” called out right after by Evangeline, Serafina and the rest of the room.

  “We all cooked different things, and made decorations and we’ve been planning it for weeks,” Lily said excitedly.

  “Thank you all so much!” Rowan answered, tears streaming down her face.

  “Come on, Row. Let’s get you a seat, then I’ll get you a plate and a drink, so you can enjoy your party,” Destroy said.

  Rowan looked up at Destroy as she struggled with the tears and emotions. “I wouldn’t really have unmanned you. I love you,” she confessed.

  “I know. It’s just the emotions of being pregnant that get you. If it would have made you feel better, I would have let you unman me. Maybe. Probably not, but I would have let you think you could.”

  Rowan rolled her eyes and turned back to her friends all beginning to serve themselves and meander around the room.

  Rowan noticed that they’d moved her rocking chair over close to the table and had it festooned with ribbons and bows just like those that Destroy had worn on his horns when she’d first seen him. She went from tears to laughter and Carolena laughed with her. “I knew you’d recognize the ribbons and know what they represented.”

  “I do! I absolutely do!” she said, still laughing.

  Destroy walked her over to her favorite chair and helped her sit down.

  Rowan looked up at him. “I love you.”

  “I know. It’s because I’m pretty, right?” he asked wiggling his eyebrows at her.

  “You are very pretty,” she agreed, shaking her head.

  “I’m going to make you a plate. Anything you don’t feel like eating today?” he asked.

  “No, I think I’m good with whatever you bring,” she answered.

  “I’ll be right back,” he said, pecking a kiss on her lips.

  After everyone ate and visited for a short time, it came time for Rowan to open her gifts. As soon as the gifts were opened, they cut the cake — the main dessert for the party — and handed out pieces. The men gradually made their way back out to the porch and the front yard to keep an eye on the children while they played. Even Gaston, who had a very tough time keeping himself from staring at Phrygia. He could barely contain his impulse to sweep her up in his arms and spirit her away. The only way he was able to keep himself from snarling at Murder was because Murder had chosen a corner in the dining room and stayed in it, keeping to himself as he quietly watched all the goings on, including Phrygia as she moved happily around the room, visiting and making friends with everyone there.


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