Full Figured 9

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Full Figured 9 Page 16

by Carl Weber

  Instead, the drama queen took a deep breath and did what she felt was best: lied. “I’ve been trying to take it easy. And yes, before you ask me, I’ve been writing in my journal instead of outwardly venting. My sister and entire family are going through it, as you know, so I’m just trying to help out where I can.”

  “So you want me to take you up to visit with Tori for a little while? No problem. I got you.” Helping Vance get comfortable in his wheelchair, Tami grudgingly pushed him the short distance between the orthopedic specialist’s office located on the lower level of the hospital and the two sets of red-door elevators.

  As they stood there making small talk, Vance informed his sister-in-law of his good news. The X-rays taken showed at least two of the three breaks in his leg were healing at a rapid pace. The once strong, independent man announced that before they knew it, he’d be able to get around on crutches and go home to his condo.

  Hearing his update and desires made Tami’s heart skip a beat. Immediately she felt sick to her stomach. Leaning against the wall to fully take in what he’d just said, her mind trailed off. Exercising some of the coping skills the therapist had just taught her, Tami closed her eyes while counting backward from twenty by threes in hopes of calming her nerves and the onset of an anxiety attack. Midway through, luckily, it worked. Just like that, it dawned on her that if she could only find a way to slow down his healing progress, he’d remain her medicated sex toy. Keeping him spaced out half the time had been hindering his mental capabilities, but now she’d have to refocus on further handicapping his physical well-being. The dick was much too good to give up on without a fight.

  Interrupted by the chiming sounds of the elevator doors sliding open, Tami quickly regained her senses. She waited for a few doctors and other visitors to step out, then she wheeled Vance inside and pushed the appropriate button. They were soon on their floor.

  Used to all the suspicious stares and judgmental glances of a handful of nurses’ aides, Tami held her head high as they passed the nurses’ station. Overweight or not, she always had pride, and now that she was sneak-banging her brother-in-law on the regular, Tami felt untouchable. She was on top of the world. The thick-boned beauty didn’t care about them whispering about her not spending time by her little sister’s bedside like her parents, friends, and, of course, her husband had been doing. So what they if wanted to start rumors of why she and Vance seemed so close? To hell with them all, was her overall attitude. Who were they to question who, what, or why she did the things she did? If Vance or her parents ain’t speak on it, then why should some salty, shit-wiping strangers?

  “Baby, I love you so much. I’ve been missing you being by my side. I miss us laughing and joking like we used to do. My life isn’t the same without you by my side.” Vance’s eyes filled with tears as he laid his head down at the side of Tori’s hospital bed. With his mother-in-law and Tami right outside the door, he still had no shame whatsoever expressing himself. It was no great secret. He wanted the world to know how he felt.

  “I’m so sorry I wasn’t able to protect you. You’re my wife, and here you are fighting to get better, and I’m sitting on my ass in this wheelchair.”

  Tami tried her best to focus in on her mother and the things she was saying. What they would have for dinner; what her stepfather had done or said at work; the doctor’s recent prognosis, and if the mailman had been delivering their mail on time topped Mrs. Lewis’s conversation with her daughter.

  Unfortunately, Vance’s voice was trumping all of that. Tami’s heart burned with fury as she ear hustled most of what her man was saying to his wife.

  How dare he act as if he is so damn miserable being with me? Not only do I cook special food for his ass, put up with his barking, bring him his meds, but I bathe him and fuck him too! What else can a man want?

  Tami fought not to rush in her sister’s room and knock Vance out of his wheelchair and onto the floor. The demons embedded deep inside of her head were calling out for her to yank Tori up by her neck, snatch all the tubes out of her arms, and throw the machine that was keeping her alive out the window.

  This can’t keep going on. I won’t allow it. I’ve put too much time in with getting him better just for this little bitch to still have him under her no-good spell.

  “Tami, do you hear me talking to you?”

  Brought back to her right mind, Tami answered her mother. “Yeah, I hear you—some more madness about Daddy and how he clowning again at work.”

  “Well, come over here. I want to write down a list of things I want you to pick up for your sister to make her feel more comfortable.”

  “Pick up?” Tami puzzled, taking a few steps backward. “What kinda stuff she need? She’s not about to go anywhere, is she? Is it something that I’m missing? Something you wanna tell me?”

  “No, Tami, and stop acting so overly dramatic all the time. I want some nail polish and a new brush. You know your sister would act a fool if she woke up and seen how she’s been looking.”

  This bitch as crazy and disrespectful as Vance, who’s in there crying the blues. Why in the fuck they acting as if that tramp in there is so special? What’s next? A marching band, her own stylist, maybe her own personal chef when she wakes up! Shit, I wish she’d stop lingering and die already. That way she can set Vance free once and for all.

  Pretending to remember the many frivolous items her mother wanted, Tami was happy when a small group of doctors appeared, needing to perform a gang of tests. Vance had to thankfully cut his visit short. Shortly after him saying his temporary good-byes, the pair was back in the elevator, heading toward valet parking.

  Vance was strangely silent. Tami could tell her brother-in-law turned secret lover had a lot on his mind. She wanted to ease his pain and convince him everything was going to be okay, but she just couldn’t force herself to act as if she gave a damn. She had bigger fish to fry, keeping in the rear of her head the news about his legs healing. She had to stay on her game plan. Tonight she was gonna go all out and drug him up on an even more powerful mixture of pills. After all the time and energy she put into dealing with Vance, there was no way she was gonna allow his actually getting better to get in her way. Forget Tori. He was now hers, like he should’ve been in the first place, and tonight he’d know it.


  Vance was exhausted. He’d had a long day, first being overjoyed hearing about his health improvements then being emotionally brought down seeing his beloved wife was getting no better. He wanted nothing more than to finish the dinner his loyal sister-in-law had prepared, take his meds for the night, and go straight to sleep.

  He prayed the new medication the doctor prescribed would help him with the almost nightly hallucinations and dreams he was having starring Tami. Vance knew she’d proven herself to be nothing but good to him and a stand-up sister-in-law. He couldn’t ask for a better caregiver who, he knew, truly had his back. Tami had kept it a hundred with him from the beginning of this nightmare. He knew she didn’t deserve all the nasty, disrespectful things he was doing to her in his nightly dreams. He couldn’t seem to help what he knew were side effects of the strong, but much-needed, meds he was taking.

  “So you’re all good right?” Tami stood up, taking the tray of dirty dishes out of the room. “I’ma get you a glass of water and your pills. I was going to help you wash up, but if you don’t mind, I’d rather wait until the morning. I’m kinda tired.”

  “Hell naw, I don’t mind,” Vance replied, seconds away from having made the same announcement. “I’m out of it myself. After I take my hookup, I’m going straight to sleep. I’m not even gonna turn the television on.”

  Tami nervously paced the floor of her bedroom. Knowing her stepfather was out of town at a conference and her mother was knocked out, she knew tonight was the night. Since the moment Vance revealed what the doctor told him about his leg and how anxious he seemed to get back home to his own condo, she’d been scheming. She’d gone too far all the way around
to let him go just like that. As far as Tami was concerned, her sister’s husband belonged to her, even if he didn’t know it yet. She knew what his manhood felt like as well as tasted like and was not ready to give up those feelings.

  Standing naked in front of the mirror, she tried gathering not only her thoughts but her nerve as well. Taking a brush, she made sure her hair was off her face and in a ponytail. Rubbing two palms of baby lotion on her entire body, she felt her inners start to get moist. Imagining Vance was really returning the favor for all the many nights she’d sucked him off while he was in his drug-induced zones, her fingers worked their magic with her box. Knowing she was at the brink of explosion, Tami stopped short, wanting to save everything she had for Vance.

  With a bathrobe on just in case her mother was to wake up, Tami slowly crept by her parents’ closed bedroom door. Each foot that touched the steps was leading her to her true destiny: her sister’s husband. It was eerily quiet throughout the lower level of the house.

  Barely hearing the sounds of a few passing cars, Tami stood motionless outside the den. Pressing her ear close against the door, the low-key sexual predator placed her hand on the knob. Making as little noise as possible, she eased the door open.

  Poking her head inside the room, Tami saw the back of Vance’s head lying on the pillow. Taking a deep breath, she stepped all the way across the threshold. Tonight was going to be her night. Listening to him snoring, she prayed her plan would work. Tiptoeing by the end table, she immediately noticed not only had he drunk all the water, but he’d taken not only his dosage for the evening, but somehow the three tiny red and blue pills he was told to take in the middle of the night. Combine those medications with the pills Tami had crushed up in his dinner, and Vance would definitely be out for the count.

  “It’s just gonna be me and you, baby, like it was meant to be from the very start. It’s no need for you to leave me and go back to that condo. I’ve got everything that you need right here,” Tami seductively whispered in his ear. “I don’t know why you’ve been wasting your time with my sister when you can have all of this.”

  Reaching over, she raised Vance’s hand, placing it on her full-figured breast. Covering his hand with hers, she moved both their hands in a circular motion. Moments later her nipples hardened. Closing her eyes, Tami was caught in the trance of what she believed to be her brother-in-law’s voluntary touch. Licking her lips, Tami was caught off guard when she surprisingly saw she was no longer in control of his hand. Vance’s movement had increased, along with the strong grip of his fingers diving deep into her skin.

  “Oh, yeah,” he moaned out, wanting more. “Bring that ass closer. Let daddy touch and feel all of you.”

  Vance had mumbled things like that before when Tami had him under the influence and was doing her thang, but this time was different, much different. His tone wasn’t groggy as usual, and his eyes were wide open. Still caressing her breast, Vance used his free hand to go underneath Tami’s robe. Intent on finding her box, he let his hand roam until the heated zone was found. One finger then two found their home in the warm moisture.

  She was lost. Her predatory demeanor changed quickly to that of prey. As her knees grew weak, Tami’s thick legs started to buckle. Although it was dark in the den, she felt like she was seeing stars.

  This can’t be. I know this isn’t really happening. Tami was totally confused. She knew she hadn’t taken her own depression and anxiety medicine in over a week because she was slipping it to Vance, but this had to be a dream turned to reality. The man she’d been slowly overmed-icating for weeks to take advantage of had somehow flipped the script. He was now in control, having her want to practically climb the walls.

  His hands are all over me. Oh my God, he’s looking dead at me! Oh my God, is he about to kiss me in the mouth, for real?

  The mutual moaning and groaning continued. Each one of them seemingly took turns as the room grew hotter. The more Tami’s body would jerk, the more Vance would attempt to gyrate his strong hips. Restricted from total movement by the cast on his leg, Vance pulled an overweight Tami as close as he possibly could. After a few moments of what Tami thought were gifts from God, Vance’s body jerked twice more as he embraced her tightly.

  Just like that, as fast as it had begun, Vance pulled away. Closing his eyes, he laid his head down into the pillow. Wasting no time, he was fast asleep, snoring. Tami was left speechless and confused as to what had taken place. With her robe now on the floor of the den, she was frozen as her love box dripped down her voluptuous inner thighs.

  Morning came, and Tami was just as shocked as she had been the night before. Lying in her bed, she didn’t know what to do or what to say next. Vance had totally flipped the script. Out of all the nights she’d done what she did, he was never this alert. Knowing for sure he’d taken all his meds, plus the extra ones, on top of the medication that was crushed in his food, it was a miracle he was even coherent enough to mutter his own first name, let alone remember it.

  Now she had to get dressed and go downstairs and face the man she’d been secretly worshiping for over a year: her sister’s husband, the same man who had his hand deep up in her snatch only a few hours earlier. She couldn’t avoid him. At this point, as the weeks before, Tami knew she was Vance’s everything. She understood he relied on her not only for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but for his meds, to help him bathe his body, and for transportation if need be. There’d be no hiding in her bedroom. She had to face him and let the chips fall where they may.


  “Yes, Mrs. Lewis, it’s true,” the caller reaffirmed.

  “Oh my God! Please tell me God has answered my prayers. What does it all mean?”

  The doctor was ecstatic. Delivering the news that would give a household full of concerned family members and friends that much-needed hope to stay vigilant in their prayers. “Yes, she opened her eyes briefly. And our monitors also show a small bit of brain activity.”

  Mrs. Lewis couldn’t believe her ears. Jumping out of bed, she praised God. Not being able to share the good news with her husband, who was out of town as usual, she darted across the hall. Without knocking, she burst into Tami’s domain. After giving her Tori’s medical update, the exuberant mother ran down the stairs to let the now most important person in her daughter’s life, her husband, in on the happiness.

  This worrisome-ass little bitch! Why don’t she die already? It’s like she sensed Vance slipping away and won’t let him go. I know he wants to be with me deep down inside. Last night proved that. Even through the influence of all the drugs, he was looking dead at me. He called out my name as I was climaxing. He did that. I know I’m not crazy.

  Tami’s mind raced as she took her time drying off after callously taking an extra-long shower. In no great hurry to get dressed, the vindictive sister defied her mother’s wishes to just throw on any old thing, get Vance in the car, and for them to meet her down at the hospital.

  I’ll get there when I get there. Last time I rushed down to that place, God left me hanging in a major way. He allowed that bitch, Daddy’s little angel, live. Well, fuck that. I’ma get myself all the way together, then leave!

  Tami was in no huge rush to come face to face with the love of her life, but she could stall no more.

  In the midst of all the excitement Vance was feeling, he and Tami hardly got a chance to say more than two words to each other pertaining to the events of the night before. When she first entered the den, he was trying to finish up with a small breakfast tray his mother-in-law had prepared before running off to the hospital. In the midst of trying to get his own self together, he even failed to make direct eye contact, leaving Tami even more bewildered about his brazen actions.

  As the two of them drove en route to the hospital, Vance stayed on his cell, reaching out not only to his best friend and frat brother, Courtney, but his elderly aunt as well. Tami wanted to snatch his cell phone out of his hands and throw it out the window. She wanted to yell
out that she was on the other side of the fence of recovery and hoped her little sister had shaken hands with the devil. Yet it seemed as if she’d have no such luck, not today.

  Pulling up into valet as they’d done so many times since Vance was released, they were greeted by the attendant who knew them both by name. Sensing they’d received some good news about their loved one, he shook Vance’s hand, telling him that he was praying for the entire family. Tami, of course, fumed. Knowing that Vance would have to at least end all his exuberant cell conversations when the doors of the elevator closed, she hoped she’d at least have an opportunity to gauge his mindset. However, just as luck would have it, one of Vance’s orthopedic surgeons was already on the elevator heading upstairs. He’d been called in to look over some other bone-mangled patient’s X-rays. Engulfed in a conversation about how Vance’s leg had been healing since he last saw him, they spoke until Tami announced they were at Tori’s floor.

  Gripping the black foam handles of the wheelchair, Tami pushed Vance off the elevator and down the long hallway. Ignoring the once-again prying and judgmental glances of a few of the nurses’ aides, Tami still stood tall. She held on to her pride, knowing that even if her conniving sister had miraculously snapped out of it and was at 100 percent, she still won. Tami knew she’d still live in the celebration that she’d had Vance the way she wanted him on more than one occasion. And no matter how much Vance seemed to want to ignore or play dumb about what happened the night before, he wanted her just as much; at least, in that one small moment of time.


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