The Outbreak Series (Book 2): Purgatory

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The Outbreak Series (Book 2): Purgatory Page 8

by Thomas Baker

  "I think I will," Tyrone said, raising his voice. "Like I said, I'm about done with all y'all."

  "Hey hey, you are bringing a serious negative buzz on man," Jelly yawned. "If you guys don't mind, I'm going to catch some sleep. I’m feeling very tired all of a sudden."

  JT decided it was as good a time as any to catch some sleep as well. He needed to take some deep breaths and calm down anyway. Maybe tomorrow Tyrone won't be acting like such a stupid kid.

  "Yeah, sure man," JT decided for now he would try to keep the peace with Tyrone. The kid might not realize it but they needed each other more than ever right now. "Hey Tyrone, don't worry. We're going to get out of here."

  Tyrone grunted and was quiet. JT laid down on the cot, hands locked under his head, staring up at the ceiling. Not long after Randall came in and shut off the lantern.

  Two days later, Charlie and his buddy came back. The Sheriff led them in and down to Tyrone's cell. Randall opened it up and Charlie and the other guy grabbed Tyrone by the arms and pushed and pulled him out of the cell.

  "Get your hands off me," Tyrone yelled, twisting and turning in an attempt to get free. "Where are you taking me?"

  JT sprang up from the cot.

  "Sheriff, what the hell is going on here! We’ve had enough of this bullshit. When are you going to quit pretending what is going on here is legit and let us go?"

  JT tried to reach through the bars at Charlie. Randall pulled his nightstick and swung at JT's arm. He pulled it back and the nightstick clanged off the cell.

  "Albright wants to talk to your friend again. Everything is going to be alright," Sheriff Randall projected over all the noise. "Calm down, both of you. I've been assured there won't be anymore misunderstandings like last time."

  "Hey man, I am trying to sleep over here," Jelly called from across the hall.

  JT moved down the bars towards Charlie. He reached out, stretching and dodging Randall’s baton, wanting to grab a piece of Charlie. If he helped Tyrone get away, it would be one less thing to worry about.

  "Damn it! Let's cut out this racket, unless you want me to take your food away," barked Sheriff Randall.

  JT lunged one more time as they passed. All he got was a deadened arm when this time the Sheriff connected with his nightstick.

  "You son of a bitch! You fuckers!" JT roared as they left the room with Tyrone, shaking his arm awake.

  In a futile rage JT ripped the bedding from his cot and threw it across the cell. He tried to pull up the cot frame itself but it was bolted down. He screamed and cursed as he stalked around the cell. Sheriff Randall came back in a few moments later.

  "Sheriff, can we cut the crap?" JT confronted him. "Where are they taking Tyrone? What are they going to do with him? We are never getting out of here are we?"

  Randall put his hands on his hips. He looked at JT like he was a dumb child asking dumb questions. "I don't know what you are implying, but once Reverend Albright is sure you both are on the up and up, then you will be free to go."

  "So you have done this before? Held people against their will? Let them be dragged off to become happy little brainwashed sheep of your church? What happens if we don't want to join them?"

  "Listen here. Since the Outbreak, I’ve spent most of my time stopping lowlifes who’ve come into town with guns blazing. I lost my last deputy to a looter's attack. It’s been capture, kill or be killed. I’ve also kept the town free of zombies. That's not so easy now that I'm down to a one man operation, unless I ask Reverend Albright for some men," Sheriff Randall wagged one finger at JT. "Try to calm down and then I can explain how this will all work. For the last time. You can't listen hollering and acting like a five year old who can't get a piece of candy."

  The Sheriff paused a moment. JT pretended he had calmed down, even though he still seethed inside. He stood there, rubbing his arm back to life.

  "People like you, we’ve had come through here before. The last one was a woman named Linda. When I found her, she was walking out of a house down on seventh street I know wasn't hers. She came with me peacefully. Stayed in that very cell your black friend is in. I let Albright know, just like always. He met with her a few times. About a week after she became my guest, she agreed to stay with the church. That was, I guess, eight or nine weeks ago. I haven't heard a peep from her since. It might be hard for you to believe but she must be happy up there.” Sheriff Randall threw some menace in his voice as he continued on. “The bad people now. Once it’s discovered a person is nothing but low base scum they stay here. After a few days with me, the Reverend will take them away for last rites and that is the last I see of them."

  JT took what he was implying. That helped to settle him some but he still wasn’t done. The Sheriff seemed more…normal than Albright. If he was going to change someone’s mind, it was going to be Randall’s.

  "So you expect me to believe this Linda lived happily ever after?" JT scoffed. "I saw the tree coming in. The other people, bad guys you say, even though neither of you are judges, he murdered them. You are okay with that? What kind of an officer are you?" JT could feel his anger getting away from him again.

  Randall rubbed the side of his face, clearly getting agitated. "Look I have my town to look after and Albright has the church. It’s been that way since the Outbreak and things have been just fine. The town has been cleared of zombies and troublemakers. It's been more peaceful around here now than the last twenty years. Maybe it would help your cause if you and your friend watched your lip while either of you are up there. You both have acted like nothing but a pair of punks to me and to Albright. Like how you’re running your mouth right now. Keep doing it and I can tell you, it will get you nowhere. Show some goddamn respect!"

  "I've gotten the impression Albright cares two fucks for Tyrone or me. I can tell you what Albright is really up to," JT said, all but shouting now. "All he did while I was up there was put his hands all over my friend Hannah and rub it right in my damn face and I was powerless to do anything about it. Sounds like if we had tits we would be out by now. He wants her and he wants me and Tyrone gone."

  "I am done talking to you about this. You are clearly delusional and paranoid," Randall ran his hand over his mustache. "Talk to Jay here, maybe he can help set you straight. I'm not some kind of monster. Sit tight and I’m sure in a day or two I’ll be letting you all out. Then I can go back to my peace and quiet."

  Randall turned and walked out, slamming the door behind him.

  “Hey ya Gus, how are you doing?” Hannah asked, bending over the bed and giving Gus a light hug.

  Gus was happy to see her. It felt like ages since someone from the old crew had come to see him. He was getting along fine with Linda, but it was good to see a familiar face.

  “I get to lay around all day and nap. What is there to complain about?” Gus replied. “If I was getting paid, this would be my dream job.”

  “That’s great Gus,” Hannah was cheery enough, but Gus thought she was a little distracted.

  “Something wrong there darlin’?” Gus asked.

  “What?” Hannah said, brushing back her dark blonde hair. It had grown long in the time since they first met. “Oh, I have just been having some deep thoughts. Trying to wrestle with a decision.”

  “About?” Gus said, curious. “Or do you not want to talk about it yet? Can’t say you normally beat around the bush.”

  "Well..." she hesitated. "Gus, I am thinking about staying here. About us staying here, joining the church." She said it in a rush, like she was nervous Gus was going to explode.

  He wasn't of course. He was surprised by it though. After what had happened at Harold's place. After losing Ashley. Now to be so trusting of these people who were by all measures strangers? And to do it so soon? He didn't think Hannah would be up for more people outside her group yet. Sure they were helping fix up his busted old body, but they were also holding JT and Tyrone prisoner. Linda had told him it wasn't like that. The same thing was done to her when she got to the c
hurch. To Gus though, that sounded like splitting hairs. He wasn't too sure about the Reverend either. Maybe he was being overly paranoid after all that had happened, but the guy was throwing up red flags in his mind. Still he tried to be delicate with his answer. The girl had been through so, so much already.

  "Seems nice does it?" Gus asked. "All I have seen are curtains, IV tubes and inside of my eyelids, which are mighty drab. Oh and Linda, who is much easier on the eyes."

  "It is Gus," Hannah said, perking up. "Everyone has been so helpful. They have a wonderful community and camaraderie going here. They seem like good people, who follow the morals that The Bible teaches. We could be safe here. For real."

  There must have been something on his face, even though he tried to remain neutral, because before he could say anything she plowed on.

  "Look what they have done for you Gus. They will ask you for nothing in return. I promise you. We can all leave if we want, after you have healed. Doesn't that prove it?"

  The pleading look in her eyes hurt Gus to the core. She so desperately needed it to be true. Maybe this church would let her cope with her loss. Hell what did he know anyway, stuck in this bed? For now he couldn't bear to do anything else but humor her.

  "You know what darlin, maybe you are right? I get out of this joint, get JT and Tyrone up here with us, and then we can talk about it."

  "Sounds great Gus," Hannah said, smile breaking like the sun through thick clouds. "I gotta go. Service is starting soon. Anything special you want me to bring you next time I visit?"

  "Yeah but they’re things I don't think you are going to find in a church," Gus chuckled. "Or the Rev would approve of. Your smiling face will do."

  "Gus, you can’t know how happy I am to hear you sounding like your old self." Hannah gave him another light hug and bounced off out of sight.

  Not a minute passed before Linda came over to Gus.

  "Your friend there, she’s really sweet," Linda commented.

  "She really is. We are lucky to have her in our group." Gus laid back in the bed, feeling a little weary now. "She's also got steel in her spine, with all she has been through. You might not be able to tell right now but it’s there."

  "I am sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop. I was coming back down with your next antibiotic and heard the last bit of what you two were talking about. Are you serious about staying here?" Gus sat back up. Even though he was feeling tired, something in Linda's voice worried him.

  "Let me ask you something Linda," Gus said, leaning forward. "Reverend Albright. Talk to me straight. Is he on the up and up?"

  Linda darted her head back and forth and around the room before replying.

  "Let's just say, I would think very hard about staying here."

  "Go on. I'm more wiseass than wise. I'm gonna need some straight and narrow here." Gus pried.

  There was the sound of people shuffling around above them. Linda glanced over her shoulder at the stairs. She quickly changed her demeanor and patted Gus on the arm giving him a clear look of concern. Gus opened his mouth. She stuck the two pills in it and left before Gus could press her any more.

  Gus laid back and tried to rest, but now thoughts of Albright and Hannah filled his mind. He kept going over them like a dog chewing on an old bone. He felt like he was about to drift off when he felt a pressure on his arm. He opened his eyes and was startled to find Reverend Albright standing over him. Speak of the devil he almost said in his half daze. Instead he lightly grunted.

  "Gus," Albright said, speaking a level above a whisper. "How are you doing this morning my friend?"

  Is this guy for real? Is he a priest or a used car salesman with these theatrics?

  "You know, I'm here, lying around," Gus replied, as nice as he could.

  "Good, good," he said, pulling up a chair to Gus's bedside. Before he sat down, he pulled the curtain around them.

  "I first wanted to ask if you would like to pray with me. Give God thanks you are still among the living and healing nicely?"

  "I've already done that myself, so I think I will pass," Gus said. "Don't forget we should also give thanks to Hannah and Linda."

  Albright tried to hide it, but Gus saw a little frown on the corners of his mouth he quickly masked with a smile. This made Gus even more alert. He looked deeply into the Reverend's eyes, trying to read what the man was thinking.

  "It’s good you give God your praises. I like hearing that. In that case Gus, would you mind answering a few questions about your friends? I can tell Hannah has a great love and admiration for you. Even though it seems JT is the leader of your group, you seem more suited for it. More mature and reasonable."

  Albright sat there, hands folded in his lap, a slight smile on his face. His eyes didn't look happy though. The man has a good poker face, I will give him that.

  "I'm not sure it's right to talk about other people behind their back. That’s what my momma taught me."

  "Your morality and your loyalty are to be admired," Albright said. That was not what his eyes said though. They crinkled in annoyance. "I'm looking after my people. Their safety is highly important to me. Wouldn't you say that is admirable too?"

  Gus was starting to think the guy wasn't a nutball, but he wasn't being sincere either. His first thought of used car salesman might not be far off the mark. He was quickly deciding Albright couldn't be trusted.

  "It is. As you can see, I'm sure not a threat," Gus gestured to his arm, with the IV running to it.

  "JT and Tyrone?" Albright asked, raising an eyebrow.

  "Only in self defense. I haven’t seen them do anything but help people when they needed it. They’re protectors" Gus tried to spin a threatening tone on the last two words.

  "I see.” Albright clapped his hands and grinned widely again. "Even in the old days proving self defense in your actions was hard. I have to tell you, I've had meetings with them both. They trouble me. Tyrone the most. Did you know the poor child is a non believer?" Albright acted wounded by the mere thought.

  "No, but then again it is hard to have deep theological discussion when zombies are trying to eat your peckers off."

  He thought he might rattle Albright with some language, but Albright continued sitting there with his shit eating grin.

  "Gus, you don't have to stoop to that. You're in a house of God," Albright sighed, as if the weight of the world was his burden. "If you do want to talk to me, help your friends out, just let Linda know. She will come to me and I will come to you. At any hour. God doesn’t rest and neither do I. Help me bring your two friends into the fold."

  Albright rose, making a show of pulling the curtain back open. "I will continue thinking and praying on my decision. I would welcome you all to God's house, so you know. You could all stay here. It would be as safe a place as you could find. All you would have to do is follow the rules."

  "Whose rules?" Gus dared to ask.

  Reverend Albright gave him a knowing look but didn't answer. Instead he made a scene of moving his chair back where he got it. Albright was almost out of the room when he turned to speak to Gus one last time.

  "You are lucky she cares about you so much you know?"

  Gus was left alone. He tried to fall asleep. Instead he replayed the conversation over and over again. The more he thought about it the more worried he became for JT and Tyrone. How could he help them? How could he get through to Hannah that she needed to open her eyes? It all thrashed around in his head until he fell into a fitful sleep.

  The next day when Linda came to administer him his medication, he jumped right on her. He had to put his trust in someone. His gut told him this nurse was as good a choice as he was going to get. Until he could get up and around.

  "I want to ask you something Linda. No beating around the bush. Is Albright dangerous?" Gus demanded.

  Her face tightened and after long heartbeats he was sure he wasn’t going to be answered. "I’m just not sure Gus," Linda did answer, in a frantic, hushed tone. She had pulled the curtains around h
er and Gus but she couldn't help but look over her shoulders every few seconds. "We shouldn't even be talking about this at all. Let alone here on church grounds."

  "If this place is a legit church, then I’m the pope," Gus said. "Pope Gustas the Third. That's what my gut tells me."

  "I know but...."

  "My friends are all in trouble. My old bones can feel it. Not to mention we just got done dealing with one whack job. After the last one carved me up like holiday ham, I’m not ready to meet another one. I can't lay here and do nothing. If not for them I wouldn't even be here."

  She bent across his bed, looking like she was checking out his IV. "Look, maybe I can scrounge up a wheelchair. I’ll convince the Reverend you need some fresh air and some time outside. Then we can talk." Linda ripped back the curtain. She spoke in her usual, casual drawl. “Gus you are healing real fine. Sorry there’s not more I can do now. I have to go."

  She headed towards the stairs and gave one last look at Gus. He could tell she was frightened, but also concerned.

  For herself or for both of us Gus wondered.

  Linda was good on her word and later that day she helped Gus limp up the stairs and into a wheelchair. It looked old. It was faded and cracked from prior use.

  "We need to get you out and walking around. We wouldn't want your muscles to atrophy," Linda said as she got Gus settled in. While she was helping him into postion, Gus took a gander around at the church. This was the worship room, dominated by the stage and the TK. Rows of pews marched off from the stage to the front door. Linda pushed him up right in front of the main doors, behind all of the pews. Albright came in through a door on Gus’s left and crossed the room, beaming as usual.

  "God bless you Gus. His grace has healed you well. You are looking almost as good as me."

  You are about as slick as a snake oil salesman. Gus thought.

  "You wish you could make this look good sonny," Gus said, patting the wheelchair arm. He could play the part of doddering old fool if that’s what Albright wanted. If it kept Albright off guard, even better. “I need to get up and about. Someone’s gotta stay around and give you young folks some wisdom.”


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