Something Wicked

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Something Wicked Page 3

by Theresa Hissong

  “Why the fuck would you ask me that?” she snarled, her blonde bangs falling into her eyes as she leaned forward and put a hand on her hip. She was pissed that I’d brought up her mom.

  “Just want to make sure your head is in the right spot,” I replied, walking toward her. The fire in her eyes sent my thoughts straight to my dick. “This is a big event for us.”

  “My head is on straight, Aiden,” she snapped, her eyes roaming my body as I moved into her space. “I want this as bad as you do.”

  “What is it that you want, Kit?” I asked, reaching out to wrap my hand around her waist. I didn’t pull her toward me, but fuck if I didn’t want to just take her lips right there.

  “I want to play music, and I want Something Wicked to come out on top,” she admitted, her eyes softening as she inhaled. “I want to be here with you…the band.”

  “I’m not going anywhere,” I said, tightening my hold. That moment was there again. It was the same as when we’d almost kissed a week ago. Some strange electricity crackled through the air, and I could’ve sworn it was coming from her. “You’re not going anywhere.”

  “We shouldn’t be doing this.” She frowned, but she didn’t move away from me, either. “This touching, and almost kissing, isn’t the best idea right now, Aiden.”

  “I know,” I said, still watching her eyes as they searched my face. “But I don’t care anymore.”

  Her eyes blazed with heat as I leaned in, capturing her lips. Her tongue snaked out and lapped over the piercings in my lip. I felt her body relax into my hold as I deepened the kiss. My hand slid up to cup her face, holding her still for my demands. I knew if I let her go, she would run from me.

  I was shocked when Kit’s hand wrapped around my forearm and held me in place. She didn’t want me to stop, and maybe she knew that I sure as hell didn’t plan on releasing her anytime soon. With my free hand, I let it slide up the side of her tight vest, stopping at her breast. I cupped it through the material and felt myself harden when she moaned, closing her eyes in bliss. My erection pressed against her sex, showing her just how much she affected me. I felt the heat coming from her pussy, and I knew if I touched her, I’d find her wet for me.

  My phone rang from its spot on the table, causing both of us to jump. I cursed and turned around, releasing my hold on her. Steven was calling, wanting to know where I was. We had less than fifteen minutes before we were needed at the stage.

  When I hung up the phone and turned around, Kit Ellis was nowhere to be found.

  “Fuck,” I growled, my voice echoing in the empty bus.

  Chapter Four


  When his phone rang, I used that as my excuse to get away. I didn’t even look back as I bolted from the bus, grabbing my backpack from its spot on the couch. I scurried around the front of the bus that was parked next to ours and made my way to the women’s restroom behind one of the tents. I ignored the two women who were washing their hands and stepped into a stall, throwing the lock as soon as the door closed. I put my feet up on the toilet and crouched down, covering my face with my hands. I inhaled slowly, hoping to calm my rapid heartbeat, but I couldn’t get his face out of my head or the taste of him from my lips.

  Aiden Hawke made every ounce of my body turn liquid whenever he touched me. There was no denying that we wanted each other, and I knew it was only a matter of time before I’d let him bury himself between my legs. I felt all of my inhibitions draining away, and I would’ve let him fuck me right there on the table if he’d asked for it. His kiss was electric. Hell, anytime he touched me, I felt like I’d willingly grabbed a live wire with both hands just to feel the jolt to my soul.

  My point of us together was valid. We couldn’t cross that line, but we had. Being with Aiden was sure to destroy my career. It would make things awkward, but damn if I didn’t want to let him touch me. I couldn’t risk being put out of this band because I fucked my lead singer. I couldn’t afford losing everything for a night of what was sure to be the hottest sex I’d ever had.

  I was finally making money doing what I loved. Granted, I’d just sent all of my savings to the landlord to keep from being homeless, but I still had a steady income hitting my bank account on a monthly basis. This tour was going to make it so I could move out of that trashy apartment and find myself something that wasn’t in the slums of Phoenix.

  When my uncle called, I knew immediately that something had gone wrong with my mom. When I left for this tour, all I did was drop a note on the kitchen table, telling her that I would be gone for the next few weeks. She’d been passed out on the couch and never woke up by the time I closed the door. At that point, I had to quit worrying about her and live my life for me.

  I didn’t know how long I stayed there before my phone chimed for an incoming text. Steven was throwing a fit because I had less than ten minutes before I was due at the side of the stage. Hitting a reply and telling him I was on my way, I hurried out of the stall to use the bathroom’s mirror to darken my makeup. I grabbed my comb and hairspray from my bag and hastily made my hair stand up just a little more.

  Shrugging, I put everything inside and walked out into the hot Nevada sun, turning for the stage. My thoughts about Aiden would have to be put on the back burner for the next hour. I sure as hell wasn’t going to let my hormones fuck up this show. I’d deal with my feelings toward him when I was alone.

  I stopped beside the stage and rolled my head around to loosen the kink that had settled in the back of my neck. There was nothing I could do about the heat that still rolled through my core after Aiden had kissed me on the bus. Our crew was just putting the final touches on the stage, adjusting our microphones to the height we needed.

  “You ready to do this?” Kade asked as he came to stand beside me with a smirk on his face. He jutted his chin out and looked over my shoulder. “Oh, this is going to be fun.”

  I turned my head and finally got a good look at the crowd. There had to be a few thousand people out there, bodies pulsing as they all crammed in as close to the stage as possible. Bodies swayed, people were bouncing beach balls across the crowd. I’d only seen crowds like this from televised concerts.

  “Holy fuck,” I breathed, feeling my heart thunder in my chest.

  I’d never played for this many people in my life. The past week, our tour stops had been packed full of fans, but the venues we played only held about a fifth of the people that were waiting at this festival to see Something Wicked. This event was big…huge.

  “You’re on in three minutes,” a tech said as he walked toward us holding Aiden’s microphone.

  “Thanks,” Aiden said from behind me. I hadn’t even heard him approach. When our eyes met, I saw the fire in his, and the pull was stronger than ever. His gaze roamed my body like he was taking stock of every inch. Like he was calculating the minutes until he could have me all to himself, and he looked hungry…very hungry.

  Jude moved to my right and stretched, bending from side to side. Aiden wrapped his arms around us, pulling the band into a circle. We bowed our heads and let Aiden do his preshow ritual of reminding us that the show would not be a success unless we gave it our all and then some. As soon as we broke apart, the tech nodded and we walked up the stairs to the side of the stage. I strapped on my bass and took a deep breath.

  It was time to work.

  My feelings toward Aiden would have to wait.

  Chapter Five


  “HELLO, LAS VEGAS!” I screamed, and the crowd roared as we rushed the stage. Jude was already poised and ready behind his kit to start the first song. Once Kit and Kade were in place, I gave my drummer a nod and the show began.

  Our first song was going to be the next release off the new album. It was hard and heavy, and from the roar of the crowd, the song was a hit. The heat rolled up off the desert floor, and I ripped my shirt off as soon as the song ended. Women screamed, and I saw Kit’s gaze flicker to my chest before we started the next song.

It wasn’t long before I noticed one of the other bands playing that weekend standing in the crowd. Flix wasn’t scheduled to play until the next day, but I wasn’t surprised to see them there.

  What I was surprised at was the obvious lust in their drummer’s eyes as he watched Kit from his perch in the crowd. I found myself gravitating toward her as the song ended. Jude started the next song immediately, and I belted out the beginning, my eyes focusing on her. Kit looked at me with an odd expression, but I played it off as part of our set. I leaned my back against hers as I sang the chorus, then turned around to put the mic in her face so she could sing her backup vocals. I gave her a wink and headed back to center stage.

  The crowd roared as we rolled into the first single off of the album. Some girl was surfing across the crowd, and several guys had started moshing a few rows back from the rail. I raised my fist in the air and told the fans to sing along. Kade jumped off the riser and found his way over to Kit, looking over her shoulder as she played the deep bassline.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, Kit Ellis!” When I pointed to her, the audience cheered and swayed. I smiled and gave her another soft wink. She nodded and walked behind me to stand up on the riser that Jude’s kit was sitting on so he could be seen by the crowd. She didn’t stay long, returning to her mic to help me finish out the song. We did this for the next hour, pushing ourselves until we were near the point of exhaustion.

  As we came off the stage, our crew rushed in behind us to take down our equipment. I grabbed a towel and wiped my face, tossing it into a basket by the tent that was set up for us beside the stage. Kit followed along after me. Her face lit up, and like all of us, she was feeling the rush of energy from the crowd.

  “That was amazing!”

  Just as I turned around, I saw the guys from Flix approaching. Their band manager, Ryan, introduced himself and made some pleasantries. When they asked about Kit, I hardened my features and offered to introduce them. I knew they weren’t there to take her from my band, but the look in that drummer’s eyes told me he would have her naked and screaming his name, given the chance.

  “Kit,” I said, taking my hand and placing it on her lower back as I stepped up to her side. I felt her body relax for a moment but quickly stiffen when she realized I wasn’t alone. Her body signals told me that she wanted me, but she resisted.

  Ryan held out his hand for a shake. I told her who he was and that they’d been very impressed with her performance. She smiled widely and blushed. “Ah, thanks so much.”

  “I’m Will,” the drummer said, pushing past his bandmates to get his hands on her. “Can I buy you a drink?”

  I felt Kade grasp my arm when she nodded and allowed Will to wrap an arm around her lower back, leading her off toward the bar. The rest of the band and their manager said their goodbyes and left us standing there alone. I watched her as she waited for a drink. After that, she didn’t waste time moving to a tall table to talk with the drummer from Flix. I wanted to kill the son of a bitch.

  “Calm down,” Jude whispered, making a move to stand in my line of sight. When I made a move to step around him, Kade was right there to block my way.

  “I am calm,” I snarled. “I want to make sure she’s okay.”

  “I told you to claim that.” Kade shrugged, handing me my discarded shirt. I pulled it over my head and immediately found her again.

  “She’s fine,” Jude sighed, giving Kade a hard glare. “We will mingle and keep an eye on her, but don’t you dare do anything stupid. They’re just talking.”

  I spent the next ten minutes trying my hardest not to go over there and claim Kit for my own…and punch that drummer square in the fucking throat. He wanted what was mine.

  “Drink this,” Kade demanded, setting a shot of whiskey and a beer in front of me. My eyes never wavered from her spot across the room as I tilted the liquid back, swallowing it down without even feeling the burn.

  Kit was talking quietly with the drummer; and thankfully, she wasn’t leaning into him or laughing at anything he said. Jude and Kade moved with me as I made my way closer to her table. I wanted to be near her, because I really didn’t know the guy she was with, and I wasn’t sure if I trusted him. My body vibrated as he reached over to touch her hand. I noticed the moment she looked away and our eyes met. There was that fire in her gaze again.

  Just as my feet started moving toward them, I felt Kade grasp my arm once more. I’d had enough and was going to get her away from Will for good this time. Before I could approach the table, Will stood up and nodded toward Kit, leaning down and placing a soft kiss on her cheek. The animalistic growl that came from my lips caused a few people to turn and look in my direction.

  I really didn’t care anymore.

  I wanted her.

  Chapter Six


  I nodded and accepted Will’s invitation for a drink. His hand settled on my lower back as he guided me to the bar at the back of the tent. The drummer for Flix was very tall, his arms heavily tattooed. His deep brown eyes and light blond hair made him stunning, but I was more interested in a guy with multicolored hair and eyes so green they were mesmerizing.

  “What can I get you?” the bartender asked, giving me a once over.

  “Whiskey and coke, please,” I replied, refusing to look over my shoulder. I didn’t even have to check to see if Aiden was watching me, because I could feel his stare.

  “I’ll have a beer,” Will said, interrupting the bartender’s creepy leer as he flashed his badge indicating he was with a band and our drinks were free. Once he set our drinks on the bar top, Will shoved a few bills in the man’s tip jar and took my hand, pulling me away from the crowd that had gathered. We found a bistro table, and I took a seat after setting my drink down.

  “You are an amazing bassist,” Will said, leaning against the high top table.

  “Thank you!” I smiled, taking a large gulp of my drink. The burn from the alcohol felt good against my parched throat.

  “How long have you been playing?” he continued.

  “About ten years.” I shrugged. “My uncle gave me his old bass for my fourteenth birthday and then spent the weekends teaching me how to play it.”

  “Isn’t that how most of us started out?” he asked, looking at something over my shoulder. His eyes narrowed, but he quickly schooled his features.

  “Pretty much,” I answered, turning my head slightly to see Aiden had moved closer. He held a beer between his fingers, bringing it to his lips and taking a swig. The fire in his eyes sent a chill down my spine. He was pissed.

  “I see that I have competition,” Will chuckled after a long sigh. “I’m going to bow out, Ms. Kit. It was a pleasure to meet you, and I hope to see you again.”

  “Thank you for the drink,” I conceded. Will was right. Aiden would’ve probably killed him if he’d even made a move to get close to me.

  “I usually go after things that I want, but I see that with you, my charms would go to waste,” he said, then winked. “I just wish I’d met you sooner.” He was teasing me, and I knew it. When he leaned over and kissed my cheek, I heard Will chuckle before walking away.

  As soon as I was alone, Aiden marched forward, his teeth clenched so hard that his jaw ticked rapidly. I didn’t say anything, just picked up my drink and found my way out of the tent. He followed me without another word. Jude and Kade hung back and didn’t make a move to follow us.

  “Do you know him?” Aiden asked as soon as I climbed the steps of the bus. Looking around, I cursed under my breath when I realized that we were alone. Being alone with Aiden Hawke was a bad idea.

  “No,” I replied, draining the rest of my drink and dropping the plastic cup into the garbage can under the sink. “That’s the first time I’d ever met anyone from Flix.”

  “He wanted in your pants,” Aiden snarled, running his hand through his multicolored hair.

  “That’s crude, Aiden,” I scoffed, taking a step back. “Really rude.”

  “It’s the trut
h,” he cursed, moving forward. “If he could’ve thrown you across that table, he would’ve fucked you right there for everyone to see.”

  “And?” I pushed. I knew he was trying to stake his claim; and damn, I wanted him to claim me, but not like some Neanderthal. The tension was building between us, and I wasn’t stupid. We both knew that we wanted each other, but I was the only one who was thinking rationally. He was acting like a caveman.

  Aiden froze, his eyes blazing with heat as he searched my face. I kept my expression hard as stone. It was now or never. I wanted him. He wanted me, but in that moment, Aiden Hawke turned on his heel and walked off the bus. Only a vicious curse was left in his wake.

  My heart thundered in my chest, the adrenalin making my hands twitch. Tears pricked at my eyes, and I cursed loudly to keep my mind off crying. I wanted him to be the one to throw me down on the table and fuck me, but I also didn’t want to ruin what I had with Something Wicked.

  Where did I draw the line?

  “Fuck this,” I snarled, grabbing my bag. There were a line of cabs outside of the venue. I knew where I wanted to go to let off some steam.

  I slipped out of the bus and skirted around the backstage area, hoping I wasn’t seen by any of my bandmates or noticed by any fans. The sun was setting and I pulled on a thin jacket over my vest. I pulled the hood up over my blonde hair and ducked my head. As soon as I cleared the fence, I waved at a cab and jumped in the back the moment he stopped.

  “Take me to The Strip,” I said, leaning back in my seat and finally releasing a breath I didn’t even know I was holding. I fired off a text to our manager, telling him I would be back in time for us to leave Las Vegas. I just needed some time alone.

  Chapter Seven


  After I’d left her on the bus, I’d found my way back to the tent. Jude had sat me on a barstool and fed me a few shots to calm myself. I chatted with some of the other bands, and we spent the better part of an hour tossing back the free drinks that were offered. The alcohol in my system hadn’t dulled my need for her, either.


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