Julian (Trinity Academy Book 4)

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Julian (Trinity Academy Book 4) Page 1

by Michelle Heard

  Copyright © 2018 by M.A. Heard.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written consent of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotation embodied in critical reviews and various other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  The resemblance to actual persons, things, living or dead, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.

  Cover Designer: Sybil Wilson, PopKitty Design

  Cover Model: Andrew Biernat

  Photographer Credit: Wander Book Club Photography






  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39


  Trinity Academy

  Enemies To Lovers

  The Next Generation

  Connect with me

  About the author



  To you,

  Never doubt yourself.


  Julian’s Playlist

  Trinity Academy Playlist


  A couple of drinks.

  A random stranger.

  It was only supposed to be one night.

  Turns out, the stranger is Julian Reyes.

  Formidable businessman.

  And my brother-in-law’s new business partner.

  Chairman of Trinity Academy.

  Where I’ve just enrolled as a student.

  Coldhearted jerk.

  Who also happens to be ridiculously hot.

  Whenever we meet, it doesn’t help I’m reminded of how amazing his hands felt on my body.

  Yeah, definitely not how I imagined my first year of college.



  This is a stand-alone spin-off from Trinity Academy & The Enemies To Lovers Series.

  Julian & Jamie’s story can be read as a stand-alone, but for your reading pleasure, it’s best to start with the aforementioned series.


  Bringing the wine glass to my lips, I take a small sip. I’m not used to alcohol, but when Julian ordered a bottle and offered me a glass, I couldn’t bring myself to refuse. People tend to think that at nineteen-years-old you’re still a kid, and I’m far from one.

  Being ten years younger than my sister, Della, I’ve always been treated as the kid sister by her friends, even though I practically raised my niece, Danny, by myself until she was four because Della had to work.

  I’m really enjoying Julian’s company, and the last thing I want to do is scare the man away because I’m under twenty-one. I’m not a one-night-stand kind of girl, but for the man sitting across from me, I’d make an exception.

  He’s tall, dark, and handsome – and then some. Julian ticks every single one of my boxes when it comes to my perfect man, who I thought only existed in my imagination.

  Thick brown hair I want to pull my fingers through. Tick.

  Deep brown eyes that can hypnotize me. Tick.

  Strong jaw and full lips that won’t grow tired when he goes down on me. Tick.

  Broad shoulders that will spread my thighs wide open. Tick.

  Muscled body that will be able to go all night long. Tick.

  Geez, I’ve never felt so turned on before. Watching him across the table from me is like having my own personal porn channel.

  “You have a southern accent,” Julian states. “I take it you’re not from around here?”

  Shaking my head, my mouth curves up at the memory of my home town. “I’m from Saluda. It’s a one-horse-town in North Carolina.”

  “What’s a girl from a small town doing all the way out here?”

  Not wanting to mention my studies or too many facts about myself, I twist the truth a little. “I’m a photographer and came out here to get some scenic shots.”

  Not a lie. Photography is a hobby of mine.

  The interest in Julian’s eyes grows, causing my body to tingle as more heat spreads through it. It’s amazing how he can turn me on with a single look.

  Wanting to keep the conversation going instead of just devouring Julian with my eyes, I ask, “Can you play any other instruments besides the piano?”

  The corner of Julian’s mouth lifts slightly. “I can play the cello, violin, and guitar.”

  “Wow, you’re quite the musician,” I compliment him, wondering what it’s like to pursue your passion as a career. “I’ve always wanted to learn, but I never had the time.”

  “Yeah? Would you like me to teach you some piano chords?”

  “Now?” My eyes widen slightly before I glance around the restaurant that seems to have emptied out while I was absorbed in Julian.

  He glances around then tilts his head to the right, and with a low rumble, says, “The restaurant has closed, so we won’t be disturbed.”

  The suggestive tone in his voice makes an impatient sweet ache tighten my abdomen. Loving the feeling, I get up and make my way over to the piano. Sitting down on the bench, I glance up at Julian. My mouth dries up at the sight of him rolling up his sleeves. He takes a seat next to me and then pins me with one hell of an intense look as he murmurs, “Place your hands on the keys.”

  Holy cow, it’s like the man’s been made of pure ecstasy.

  The entire left side of my body feels as if it’s been magnetized, and I’m breathlessly aware of every movement Julian makes. I do as he instructs and position my fingers over the keys. When Julian places his hands over mine, my fingers move involuntarily, hungry for more of his touch.

  It’s needless to say that I can’t focus on any of the notes as our fingers begin to move. My attention is solely fixated on his deep breaths, his body pressing against mine, and his forearms as muscles ripple beneath his golden skin.

  I become lost in the moment, and my hands still when Julian moves his right arm to behind me, turning his body so his chest presses against my shoulder.

  I’m not one for public sex and never thought it would be something I’d consider, but right now, I’m more than willing to let this man take me right here on the piano.

  With my breaths rushing over my lips, I slowly turn my head until our eyes meet. Julian’s left-hand caresses its way up my arm, and by the time it brushes up my neck, I’m holding my breath with anticipation.

  Instead of ravaging me on the piano, he murmurs, “Would you like to take this to my suite?”

  Would I? You’re still asking?

  I nod and can’t hide the desire I’m feeling when my voice com
es out sounding raspy, “I thought you’d never ask.”

  Julian is the first to get up. When I rise from the seat and take a step forward, he places his left hand on the small of my back. The silence between us feels alive as the growing desire between us makes it impossible to think.

  Thankfully the lobby is quiet, but reaching the elevator, it feels like it takes forever for the doors to open. When they finally open, I step inside, followed by Julian. Turning so I can face him, I lean back against the gleaming steel wall.

  Julian presses the floor number, then slowly closes the distance between us. He places his hands on my hips and lightly tugs me toward him. Lowering his head, I feel his breath skim over my flushed face. The touch of his lips on my forehead is so soft, I can barely feel it as he moves his mouth over my temple. The anticipation keeps growing, and when he reaches the corner of my mouth, my body is wound tight from needing more.

  The doors ping open, temporarily pulling us out of the trance we were caught in. As we walk to his suite, I marvel how comfortable I feel with the silence between us. The couple of times I’ve been with a guy, there was a lot of talking.

  When he opens the door to his suite, I vaguely think he must be doing well as a musician to afford the penthouse. I don’t get to look around because he shuts the door and bringing his hands to my face, his eyes meet mine.

  “Are you sure?” he whispers, and it looks like he’s holding his breath as he waits for my answer.

  It makes me feel desired. I’ve always felt like I had to fight to be taken seriously, that people only saw me as Della’s little sister, but with Julian looking at me as if his world would come to an end if I denied him, it makes me feel like so much more.

  More than a sister.

  More than an aunt.

  More than the kid who always tagged along.

  He makes me feel like a woman.

  “I’m sure,” I murmur, and pushing up on my toes so I can reach his mouth, I don’t have to dream about being just Jamie anymore because for once I get to be the assertive adult who has full intention of taking everything she wants from this man.

  Chapter 1


  I’ve been at the office since five this morning, preparing for the first board meeting where our new partners will be present.

  Mason, who’s starting today at CRC to take over from his father, Mr. Chargill, as Chief Financial Officer and the president, closed the deal with Indie Ink Publishers.

  A grin pulls at my mouth as a sense of pride fills my chest. I knew Mason would be an asset to the company, and him bringing in such a huge deal only solidifies the fact.

  With Mason by my side, I feel more confident we’ll continue to make a success of CRC Holdings as we take over from our fathers.

  Walking into the boardroom, I smile at Stephanie, who was my father’s personal assistant before I took over as chairman.

  “Everything is ready,” she says as she pulls out the chair at the head of the huge mahogany table before handing me a folder with everything I’ll need for the meeting.

  “Thanks,” I sit down and opening the folder, I glance over the main points I’ll need to present to the board. Moving on to the next page a worried frown forms on my forehead as I stare at the retirement document Mr. Cutler has handed in. Just then, my younger brother, Falcon, walks in along with Mason and Lake.

  “Lake,” I say to get his attention, “Are you sure about not joining CRC?” With his father retiring, I’m hoping he’ll accept the position instead of only being a board member.

  Lake first takes his seat next to Falcon, before he answers, “I’m sure.”

  “Why won’t you consider it?” I ask.

  Lake glances to Mason, who’s seated on my right side, and I already know what’s coming. The three of them are inseparable and share the same bond I used to have with Mason’s older sister, Jennifer before she passed away.

  “Falcon’s running with the new company, and I’m here,” Mason explains on behalf of Lake. “Once Lake is ready to work, he’ll take it into consideration to join Falcon.”

  “That’s not much of an explanation,” I state. “Give me something solid for the board.”

  Mason pins me with a serious look. “Lake doesn’t need to justify his decision. The board will just have to accept that only I will be working at CRC.”

  I have to suppress a grin as another wave of pride washes through my chest. Mason has come a long way after he lost Jennifer in such a tragic way.

  “Mr. Cutler is retiring. We’ll need a new attorney and vice-president,” I mention, pointing to the folder in front of Mason. “The document has been submitted.”

  Mason, Falcon, and Lake open their folders and glance over the contents.

  Mason seems to be deep in thought about something as Stephanie fixes us each a cup of coffee. Before he can voice his thoughts on the contents, the other board members begin to arrive.

  Once everyone is seated with a cup of coffee next to their open folders, I open the meeting, “We’re honored to have Carter Hayes, the chief executive officer from Indie Ink Publishing here today.” I continue to list the titles of the other members, introducing Logan, Jaxson, Marcus, and Rhett as well. Once the formalities are out of the way, we begin to work our way through the list of items up for discussion today.

  I glance around the table before I say, “Mr. Cutler will be retiring, but as per company rules, he will remain on for a year in order to hand over the reins to whoever is appointed.”

  Carter locks eyes with me and asks, “Do you have a list of candidates?”

  “Not at this moment,” I answer honestly. “I’m hesitant to bring in someone from the outside. CRC Holdings executives have always consisted of the founding families.”

  “Is the board open to recommendations?” Rhett asks, and I catch his gaze flicking to Logan, who is the current attorney for Indie Ink.

  I remain silent for a moment, considering that if we gave the position to Logan, it would at least remain amongst the current board members, which has me answering, “The board is open to recommendations.”

  The meeting comes to a close just in time for lunch, and I remain seated while some of the board members leave.

  “I’ve confirmed the reservation at The Rose Acre for lunch,” Stephanie says before she leaves the room to head back to her office.

  “Gentlemen,” I say as I rise from my chair. “Should we head out?”

  “I’ll ride with Julian,” Mason says, surprising me because he always drives with Falcon and Lake.

  We leave CRC, and I wait until the cars begin to pull away from the entrance before I glance at Mason. “To what do I owe the honor?”

  “Honor my ass,” Mason grumbles with a smirk. “I wanted to talk about Logan West before Rhett recommends him as the attorney for CRC.”

  “You picked up on that?” I murmur, once again impressed with how perceptive Mason is.

  “Only because I was thinking the same thing. It would be better for CRC to keep the position amongst the board members. We all have something to lose if the company goes to shit.”

  “True.” I pay attention to traffic for a couple of minutes before I ask, “Do you think Logan would be able to manage both companies, though?”

  “If he gets an assistant, he could. I’d rather hire a new director than an executive officer.”

  “That makes two of us,” I agree. The corner of my mouth lifts as I admit, “Look at you, Jennifer would’ve been proud.”

  “You think?” he murmurs, keeping his eyes trained on the landscape outside the window.

  “I know.” Keeping my face schooled, I add, “Don’t let it go to your head.”

  “Why? You scared I’ll outshine you?” Mason jokes.

  I’m unable to keep the smile from forming around my lips. “Like that will ever happen,” I joke back, enjoying the bantering between us.

  After Jen died, Mason and I drifted apart, and I regret not trying to repair the damage to our
bond sooner.

  “Right, because you’re one hundred percent businessman who thinks having a personal life is a liability?” Mason calls me out.

  “I have a personal life,” I argue even though I know he’s right.

  Mason doesn’t hesitate to scoff, “You call living at a hotel and working every waking hour having a personal life?”

  “I don’t spend all my time at the office.” Mason gives me a cynical look, which has me confessing, “I’ve been spending some time at Trinity’s music department.”

  Surprise widens Mason’s eyes. “You have? When did you start playing again?”

  Music was something I shared with Jennifer, and after her passing, I couldn’t bring myself to play an instrument.

  “After Falcon and I made peace,” I admit. Glancing at Mason, I see the questions on his face, so I explain, “Since Jen died, I closed myself in behind the doors of my office, avoiding anything that wasn’t business-related. I almost destroyed my relationship with Falcon in the process, but during the past year, I realized I couldn’t go on living my life that way. I let Falcon and my father back in, and I regret not doing it sooner.”

  I’m surprised by how natural it feels picking up with Mason after the distance that grew between us the past five and a half years.

  “Jen would want you to be happy,” Mason repeats the words he told me when the families met up for golf a couple of weeks ago.

  “I know,” I murmur as we pull up to the entrance of the hotel I’ve been staying in the past couple of months. Stopping my car behind Carter’s, I say, “Bringing in Indie Ink as investors was a good deal, Mace. I’m proud of you.”

  Mason smirks at me as he pushes his door open. “Did you expect anything less of me?”

  I let out a chuckle and shaking my head, I mumble, “Arrogant ass.”

  Once we’re all seated and our orders have been taken, Carter doesn’t beat around the bush, saying, “I recommend Logan for vice-president of CRC.”


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