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Euthara Page 7

by Michael McClain

  The AIs spoke at the same time, “We’re already in contact with Atlantis.”

  “Good, who is in command of your respective vessels?” Jon said.

  “Captain Gilas,” Tatiana said.

  “Captain Vaes,” Zadra said.

  “Would you please have them both report to me at Deatra’s retreat,” Jon said. “Tell them to bring extra men and equipment if they don’t mind.”

  “I’m sorry,” Tatiana said. “Captain Gilas is being ordered to report to the Royal Palace as soon as possible. I can have the second in command, Lieed, fill your request.”

  “I don’t think I know him,” Jon said, then nodded. “Do so, please. Then pass on to Captain Gilas to join us at the retreat at his earliest convenience. That will be all, have a good day, both of you.”

  Again as one they spoke, “Thank you Sir.” then both faded from view.

  “More surprises,” Deatra said.

  “What?” Jon said.

  “The Buranis AI,” Deatra said. “I wasn’t expecting that.”

  “I did say we were going to turn all the AI’s back on,” Jon said. “The Scythe’s AI database was intact from what I understand. She needed a few repairs and a new core upgrade, which was installed during the repairs. At least that's what I’m guessing as she wasn’t active at the Ga’sahde home system.”

  “If you didn’t know then how come you weren’t surprised?” Deatra said as she nudged him.

  “Because, after the last few months, nothing anyone does around me surprises me,” Jon said. “I was expecting the Buranis AI, I just didn’t know when. The Earth’s Revenge has also had her AI turned on, or will have shortly, although she will need a complete rewrite and systems overhaul. That’s why I’m guessing she’s not here. I would think that Carex and the station crew is taking advantage of the Ga’sahde cover to do some of the backlogged things they haven’t been able to do.”

  “They are,” Terri said. “With the Flagship and her escorts there to protect them, they don’t have to worry about dry docking a ship.”

  “I’m sorry to break up this conversation,” Ifata said. “But, we have more pressing concerns.” She indicated the fighters they all started slowing down to take up attack positions behind the shuttle.

  “I don’t think they will be much of a problem,” Jon said.

  As Jon spoke, eight of Atlantis’ fighters dropped in from the cloud cover and took up formation around the shuttle. Jon reached up and flipped the com back on so they could communicate with the pilots if needed.

  ‘Escort Leader,’ a male voice said. ‘This is Gold Leader, Atlantis Special Escort Group Alpha. I’m ordering you to stand down as we now have escort of the shuttle.’

  ‘Gold Leader, this is Escort Leader,’ a male voice said. ‘You have no jurisdiction and even though you have authorized flight plan. I’m ordering you to leave this air space at once.’

  ‘Negative Escort Leader,’ Gold Leader said. ‘Your rank doesn’t exceed mine and I am giving you a direct order to return your flight group to base. I’m transmitting my authorization codes now.’

  There were a few seconds of silence as Jon guessed the Escort was checking the authorization codes. ‘I’m sorry Sir, but I have my orders,’ Escort Leader said.

  ‘Listen here, Captain,’ Gold Leader said. ‘I’m giving you new orders and unless your orders come from a Royal Guard with a rank higher than Captain you will listen to me. I’m personal escort for the Princess Deatra and her bond-mate and as such I have ruling authority here. Do as you’re told, or I’ll have you up on charges if you survive the fight. Do I make myself clear?’

  “We’ve just passed the city’s outer marker,” Terri said.

  ‘I, uh,’ Escort Leader said as he stumbled on words.

  ‘It doesn’t matter anymore,’ Gold Leader said. ‘You’re out of your jurisdiction as we’ve just passed the city’s outer markers. You can return to base. Oh, and I’ll be filing a report on this incident with the Royal Court.’

  Without another word, the escorts peeled off and headed back towards the city. Jon knew they had won this round and just barely. He had planned for something of this nature, though he expected a straight out attack instead of something like this. Now he had to sit back and wait for the next attempt, if this was an attempt and not an honest mistake.

  ‘Gold Leader to shuttle Alpha One, we’ll be your escorts for the remainder of the trip,’ Gold Leader said.

  “Roger that Gold Leader, you have the lead,” Terri replied.

  Jon turned to the back of the shuttle and started climbing down as he spoke, “See, not all my ideas are hair-brained.” He was beaming with pride at the fact he had enough foresight to set up this little escort. He had set up a signal with Carla that if he called he would need an escort, no matter what reason he called. It had worked perfectly as the escort was following the shuttle in a suborbital trajectory waiting on the word that they were needed.

  Deatra rolled her eyes as she stepped down to the lower platform and spoke, “You’re right; you had a good plan set up. But wasn’t it Atlantis and Mark that came up with the safety patrol idea and you just refined it?”

  Jon’s smile faded as he spoke, “Do you always have to knock the wind from my sails?”

  “Oh, I give credit where credit is due,” Deatra said. She flashed him a big smile. “You did have the better way of executing the idea. I just don’t want your head to explode before we get officially married is all.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” Jon said as he made like he was hurt.

  “Besides the doorways in the retreat aren’t that big, and if your head swelled any larger I don’t know if you would be able to get through,” Deatra said.

  Sam giggled as she spoke, “That’s funny.”

  Jon turned on her and made claw like hands and flexed them as he spoke, “Hush you or your punishment will be severe.”

  Sam put up her hands in defense and made like she was scared.

  Deatra wrapped her hands around Jon from behind and leaned into his ear as she spoke, “You know I always think you do a great job, and that is one of the reasons, bond or not, I would love you so much it hurt.”

  “I know,” Jon said as he dropped his hands and rubbed her arms. “But, you do a much better job at ribbing me when Terri is involved.”

  “I heard that,” Terri yelled down from the cockpit. “Don’t worry your big head about it, there will be plenty of time for that later.”

  Jon moaned as Deatra laughed and kissed him on the back of the neck. Nefeit had just stepped down, and her eyes locked on the two of them. Jon saw something in her face almost as if she was sad. She gave them both a slight nod and smile as she took her seat next to Sam.

  “You know you’re going to have to talk to her,” Deatra said to Jon as they resumed their seating arrangements.

  “Who?” Jon said.

  “Nefeit dummy,” Deatra said.

  “Um, why?” Jon said.

  Deatra stared at Jon as if he had just grown another head. “You really have no clue about women do you?” Deatra said.

  “I don’t understand what you’re talking about. I haven’t had time to talk to her,” Jon said. “We’ve only known each other about four days.”

  “And you have been avoiding her,” Deatra said.

  “I have not,” Jon said.

  “Don’t you think she’s beautiful?” Deatra said.

  “Yes, but not as beautiful as you though,” Jon said.

  “I’m not vain,” Deatra said. “I’m old enough and sure enough of myself to realize there are women much more pleasing than I. You don’t have to butter me up or say something to make me feel better.”

  “No, really, you’re the most beautiful woman I have ever seen,” Jon said. “I have seen women of comparable beauty, but there's something about you that makes them pale in comparison.”

  “The bond,” Deatra said. “It has that effect. Once Nefeit’s bond is established, fully you will think the same thing
of her. Then there will be no distinction between us, and you will love us both equally.”

  “I don’t know about that,” Jon said.

  “It will happen,” Deatra said. “That is why I said you need to talk to her. To get to know her before it kicks in fully. She is one of your wives now, and even my sister and heir to the Eutharan Crown. You have been avoiding her.”

  “No, I haven’t,” Jon said. “I just haven’t had time to sit down with her.”

  “You have been making excuses; checking on things that you never took the time to check on before,” Deatra said.

  “No, I haven’t, I’ve been doing what I normally do,” Jon said.

  “Like, eating lunch in the galley with the duty crew?” Deatra said.

  “I’ve seen the need to make myself more available to the crew, and that is one of the ways to get to know them,” Jon said.

  “Oh, I agree,” Deatra said.

  “So, what’s the problem with it then?” Jon said.

  “Have you ever invited us to eat with you so that we get to know the crew too?” Deatra said. “You used to eat lunch with Sam and me every day; how do you think that made us feel when you stopped doing it?”

  “Oh,” Jon said. He looked a little sheepish. “I never thought it made that much of a difference to anyone.”

  Deatra gave him a hard stare as she spoke, “You never thought it made a difference to Sam or me that the person we love doesn’t come around like he used to anymore?”

  “That’s not what I meant,” Jon said.

  “It might not be what you meant, but that’s what you said,” Deatra said. She crossed her arms.

  “Come on, you know what I meant,” Jon said. “I didn’t think me missing lunch would have that big of an impact, I’m sorry.”

  “What about your inspection rounds? They last until the wee hours of the night cycle,” Deatra said.

  Most ships in the ADF ran on cycles, morning, afternoon and night. They were used to simulate life on a planet and help people keep track of time. The night cycles had all main lighting in halls turned down to simulate darkness while morning cycles had a medium lighting. It was something Jon picked up off the people on the Titan. He had even instituted it in the station. Gilas told him it helped keep people sane on long voyages. That before such a routine was in place, personnel exhibited all kinds of different signs of mental breakdowns after two months in space.

  Atriums were another tool used to help the crew moral and mental health. It was something that Jon didn’t understand at first. But once Gilas said they helped create fresh air for the ship as well as allow people to unwind after a day’s work, Jon made it a priority for all atriums to be restored and functional. He even ordered a section set aside in each atrium for planting so that the ship would have fresh produce. It was an idea Gilas liked and instituted on his own ship.

  “I have to make those rounds,” Jon said.

  “You never did before Nefeit was around,” Deatra said. “You relied on the heads of the various departments to file reports. Since she has arrived you have doubled your work and are doing things you know you don’t need to do.”

  Jon deflated as he thought about it; he had been spending more time away from his family and friends. “You really think I’m avoiding her?” Jon said as he looked up to where she was seated chatting with Sam.

  “Maybe not on purpose,” Deatra said. “But, deep down you’re avoiding having to deal with her.”

  “I didn’t want another wife,” Jon said. “I was happy with you.”

  “You saved her life,” Deatra said.

  “Yes, at an inconvenience to mine,” Jon said. “I don’t really want or need her around.”

  “And it shows,” Deatra said. “She knows this is how you feel, and she has done everything to keep her distance.”

  “You think she knows?” Jon said. “I didn’t mean to hurt her or upset her.”

  “Of course she knows,” Deatra said as she tapped the side of her head. “I don’t think you have upset her as this was kind of what she expected. But I know you have hurt her by accepting her and then rejecting her. It’s not something her people are used to.”

  “I didn’t know that,” Jon said. “I really don’t know if I can love her the way she deserves.”

  “You will, you don’t have a choice,” Deatra said. “You accepted her, and the bond recognized that and, because, in your heart, you were being true, it established a link to her.”

  “I accepted her to save her life,” Jon said.

  “And a small part of you loves her,” Deatra said. “Some part of you recognized her as a soul mate and someone important to you. She also loves you. She has from the moment she laid eyes on you. That is why it hurts her so to be avoided.”

  “You know this how?” Jon said.

  “My attachment to her is stronger than yours right now,” Deatra said. “I can feel what she is feeling and if you tried you might feel it too. All I’m asking you to do is try to get to know her and see where it goes from there. She deserves at least that much from you. It will make it easier as the bond tightens its grip on you both.”

  “One of the reasons I love you is because you are a very wise person,” Jon said. “You’re like the part of me that helps me realize what I need to do when I’m not doing it.”

  “That will always be my job,” Deatra said. “It’s what the Queen does for her King.”

  “I’ll make changes to my schedule, and we will all spend some time together,” Jon said.

  “Good,” Deatra said. She leaned over and kissed him and then laid her head on his shoulder.

  The shuttle landed on the small landing field, with the fighters settling to the ground around it. Jon stood up and took Deatra’s hand and stepped up next to Nefeit. He reached down and took her hand and entwined his fingers in hers as the side hatch cycled open. Unseen to Jon a small silver tear fell from one of Nefeit’s eyes as her heart swelled.

  Jon stepped through the doorway and was confronted by a red faced Gilas. He was pacing heavily as he waited for Jon to emerge.

  Gilas looked up as Jon took the first step off the shuttle and almost screamed, “The King stripped me of my rank and took my ship!”

  “So it begins,” Jon muttered.

  Chapter 5

  Twists and Turns

  Jon led the way through the arches into the main foyer of the large house. The walls and arch were made from a strange light blue flowering tree that entwined itself together to form a rigid barrier. Deatra had told him it was called ''Eudicits Selanac'' and it took years of tending to get the plants to grow together like that. It was to keep the forest animals out as there were some vicious cat like creatures inhabiting the surrounding area.

  Gilas was still grumbling quietly to himself and Jon shook his head.

  “Gilas, stop, once we get inside you can explain everything,” Jon said as two guards opened the front doors. “Corporal, contact the Atlantis and have them dispatch troops to secure the premises. Have Mark accompany them, and tell him I said bring the drop ships with cargo. Have the 2nd and 5th fighter squadrons deployed here too. I want Carla to put Atlantis in a geosynchronous orbit above the retreat. Terri and Nefeit, I want you to do the same. I want to have this area garrisoned by a thousand troops by night fall.”

  “Yes Sir,” the Corporal said as he saluted.

  “Jon I don’t have marines on board yet,” Terri said. “Well not many, we’re mainly all councilors.”

  “Fine, have a few of them dispatched. We'll probably need them,” Jon said.

  Deatra reached up and touched Jon’s arm as he sat down and motioned Gilas to sit opposite of him. “Is all that really necessary?” Deatra said.

  “It might be,” Jon said as he watched her sit down next to him. “I would rather be prepared and not just wishing I was. That little event over the crown city has the hairs standing up on the back of my neck. Something is going on here, and I’m going to be prepared for it.”

  Terri and Nefeit were already on the coms with their ships as Deatra spoke, “You’re right; I’m just a bit worried how my father will take it.”

  “He can take it however he wants,” Jon said. “I’m not going to sit here and be undefended while they play games. I’m hoping he doesn’t know what’s going on and isn’t part of it. But, between what happened on the station and what happened over the city, I have my suspicions. Besides that, technically this is diplomatic soil as I’m here as a diplomat for the ADF. I’ve checked into that part of the law and it’s pretty much the same as on my home planet. I have the right to defend myself and call this area sovereign soil.”

  “My retreat house is sovereign soil?” Deatra said.

  “And the area around it,” Jon said. “You offered it to me to use as my base of operations.”

  “But, you’re going to be my husband soon,” Deatra said.

  “Yes, and that makes my hold even stronger,” Jon said. “I dispatched the needed paper work before we left Atlantis.”

  “That’s what I signed?” Deatra said as she let out a small laugh.

  Jon just nodded as he grinned.

  “You’re pretty shrewd, you know that?” Deatra said. “I can see this is a well thought out hair-brained idea.”

  Jon groaned and rolled his eyes; even Gilas let out a small chuckle.

  “I still love you,” Deatra said. She gave him a small kiss on the cheek and settled back on the couch.

  “I love you too, no matter how much you pick on me,” Jon said. He patted her leg and then turned his attention to Gilas. Gilas was done fuming and looked spent. “So, what happened?”

  Gilas started relating his tale to Jon and those present as Nefeit sat down next to Jon and nodded at him. Terri took up a spot standing at the end of the table as she listened.

  “No sooner did we drop out of fold…” Gilas said.

  “Sir, incoming communication from Euthara,” the com officer said.

  Gilas stood up out of his chair as Tatiana appeared next to him and spoke, “It’s the Royal Communications Officer.”


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