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Euthara Page 18

by Michael McClain

  “No Sir,” the tactical officer said. “Locking on the Aduriep.”

  “Now, one more time for the slow people out there,” Jon said. “As your Prince I’m ordering you to surrender peacefully.”

  “You’re kidding, right?” one of the Captains said a small smile crossed his face.

  “Fire,” Jon said.

  “Firing,” the Tactical officer said.

  Lights flickered behind one of the Captains as sirens came to life. Suddenly it was a bee swarm of activity behind the Captain as reports started coming in. “What the hell?” the Captain said.

  “You refuse to help defend your planet and leave us to do all the work,” Jon said. “In doing so you cost thousands of lives because of your inactivity.”

  “We were ordered to stand down,” the first Captain said.

  “That was a warning shot,” Jon said. “The next will cut through the shields. I’m not joking when I say surrender or die. That choice is yours to make. Most of you know something is wrong on this planet and your people and families are suffering. I’m here to end that suffering and because I’m trying to help, your King has taken my Fiancée and sister hostage. I’m done screwing around here. We have more pressing matters we should be dealing with.”

  Four of the Captains along with all the command center crew gasped when they heard that Deatra and his sister were being held hostage. Some because the princess was being held and some because Jon’s sister was. Others gasped because both were. Royalty was allowed to move freely and to hold them hostage was a crime even for the King.

  “You,” Jon said, pointing at the only Captain that wasn’t surprised. “You will stand down and surrender your vessel.”

  “I don’t recognize your authority,” the Captain said.

  “Target his vessel and prepare to fire,” Jon said.

  “You wouldn’t dare,” the Captain said.

  “I just did,” Jon said. “what makes you think I wouldn’t shoot you too?”

  “Sir, the Desmodi is moving to intercept them,” the Tactical officer said. “They’re charging their weapons.”

  “I imagine they’re pretty upset to find out their leader is being held hostage,” Jon said. “I suggest you stand down Captain.”

  “Again, I don’t recognize your authority or that of the Ga’sahde,” the Captain said.“Desmodi, I’m ordering you to stand down you're in Eutharan sovereign space and…” The communications was cut off as the Desmodi fired on the Eutharan battleship with her forward weapons. On the screen Jon watched as the Desmodi’s weapons punched through the ships forward shields and cut into the hull. Small explosions erupted from the point of impact as the hull plates buckled.

  Jon sat down as he spoke, “What about you four? What is your response?”

  “We serve Euthara and uphold her laws,” one of the Captains said as the other nodded in agreement. “We all took that oath when we joined the service.”

  “I see,” Jon said.

  “Therefore, we can’t support the King in his unlawful act and we will do as you request,” the Captain said.

  “Then I suggest you make your way here and dock up,” Jon said. “I want you and your crews assembled in hanger Alpha in one hour.”

  “As you command, My Prince,” the Captain said.

  Beams lanced out from the Eutharan battleship striking the Desmodi with little effect. The Desmodi returned fire striking the battleship mid ship and tearing a gouge in her hull half her length.

  “Incoming communication from the Desmodi and the Hazea,” the com officer said.

  “Put them on screen,” Jon said as he settled back and relaxed.

  Arianna’s face appeared on the screen next to a Eutharan he didn’t recognize. Behind the Eutharan the crew scrambled to extinguish fires as panels erupted in sparks.

  “My Lord,” Arianna said. “It’s good to see you well. Would you like us to continue firing?”

  “That depends…” Jon said. He was interrupted by a panicked Eutharan

  “This is second in command Barle,” Barle said. “The Captain has been relieved of duty and I’m now in command of the ship. We surrender as per your request, please stop firing.”

  Sa’oliq stepped on to the command deck with Admiral Gabriel by her side. They both hurried over to Jon’s side, looks of worry on both their faces.

  “In that case cease fire, Arianna, and start rescue operations,” Jon said. “Tow her into port and resume your duties. The station crew will pick it up from there.”

  “As you wish My Lord,” Arianna said. Both com links closed at the same time.

  “What’s going on?” Sa’oliq said. “Are we at war?”

  “We’re always at war,” Jon said. “Officially, I haven’t declared war with Euthara.”

  “Then what’s all this about?” Sa’oliq said.

  “A battle of wills,” Jon said.

  “My Lord,” Gabriel said. “I wish to apologize for my previous actions. I have had time to reflect on my actions and I now know that I was wrong. Please accept my apologies, I wish to only serve the Ga’sahde as best as I can. I know that means serving you and my Matriarch. I’m prepared to accept any punishment you feel I deserve.”

  “Good, because I need you,” Jon said. “I want you to assume command of the station. The Ga’sahde will be the ‘police’ of this station. You will see to the day to day operations and relations of the people here. You will also have fleet command in this area.”

  “Of course, as you wish My Lord,” Gabriel said as he bowed.

  “We’re running out of time and because of that this is a necessary move. A bit early but necessary,” Jon said. “Not to mention they have my sister and Deatra held hostage. There is something going on with the King and his crew. I plan on applying pressure until I figure out what that something is.”

  “What?! How dare they hold the Matriarch against her will?” Gabriel said. Anger filled his face as he tried to control it.

  Sa’oliq gasped as Jon’s words slammed home. “The King’s insane! He has to know that you have the power here. Why would he push the issue if he’s trying to cover something up?” she said.

  “That’s what I plan on finding out,” Jon said.

  Chapter 11

  A Taste of Things to Come

  Jon had left the crews of the Eutharan ships in the bay and had their Captains escorted to the main briefing room under guard. Sa’oliq, Gabriel and Andie were already waiting on them when Jon walked in with Nefeit following closely behind him. Nefeit had come up from the surface once the city was secured.

  Jon motioned for them to sit as he took the head spot and Nefeit sat close to him on his left. Drovasian Shock Troops stood at various points in the room waiting for any action that could be construed as hostile. Jon’s Royal Guards were arranged behind him in a loose formation. They stood close enough to him and Nefeit that they would be able to shield them both in seconds.

  Each Captain bowed to Jon as they took their seat in a sign of respect. Jon still wasn’t convinced they were on board and were doing this more to save their collective asses. It was something Nefeit and he had discussed at length before he decided to go to the Bay where they were all held a few hours later.

  He felt more comfortable now that the city was in his hands. It had been a brief struggle as there weren’t many troops stationed there. The city itself was a slum, most of the buildings were falling apart and the docks had long since fallen into the ocean. The people there had almost been thankful that they had arrived and liberated them.

  Military Engineers were already in the city and working on plans to bring it back to its former glory. Their first job would be getting the docks back in operation so that fishing could re-commence as the city's primary food source. Then they would work on either restoring buildings or rebuilding the city from the ground up. Ga’sahde, under heavy escort, were already in contact with local rural sub-towns to get the Ixantrax to produce the Ixantrau needed for the reconstruction effort.
The engineers wanted to use other materials, but Jon over ruled the idea as he didn’t want to change the city; he wanted it restored to its former glory. The engineers hedged and complained that they didn’t know how to work with the substance. Jon simply told them to find teachers and to learn. He wasn’t here to change the Eutharan’s way of life only to make it better and correct any problems.

  The city was very close to the two ground impact sites, and Jon had given orders to secure those sites as well as the city. Surveillance and scouting was underway, and that battle would begin in about six hours or so. Jon knew that the taking of the impact sites would be a lot harder than the city and they were already reinforcing the city with troops and armor. That would free up more troops to move on the impact sites.

  Jon looked around the table and then finally spoke, “I don’t think all of you are sincere about this, and that most, if not all of you, are just trying to save your asses. You’re confused as something like this has never happened in your lifetime. I don’t have much time as I’m due somewhere else so I’m getting right to the point.”

  A few wide eyes and a few neutral looks from the Captains greeted him from around the table.

  Jon continued, “I don’t blame you in the least. You’re between a rock and a hard place and I’m going to tell you it’s not going to get any easier. I’m here to offer my proof that there is something wrong and let you decide what to do. You want to take your crews and leave, fine, do so. Just know one thing; I will not pull any punches next time. Do, you all understand this?”

  All the Captains nodded as one. Then Barle spoke up, “What about my Captain?”

  Jon shrugged as he said, “Your problem if you decide to leave. If you don’t then I’ll deal with him.”

  Barle nodded and said, “Fair enough.”

  “First things first,” Jon said. He stood up and started to walk around the table. “Your King abolished a treaty without the proper authorization. The Ga’sahde treaty is something for the people and the planet, and had a special council elected by the people to represent their power here on Euthara. That council was disbanded by the King when he took power and the treaty was dissolved.”

  A few of the Captains looked at each other in surprise.

  One spoke out, “If it was unlawful and the Council allowed it to happen, then they gave their power to the King to do what he wished.”

  Jon stopped behind the Captain that had spoken and grabbed the man’s shoulders and started massaging. He froze as Jon spoke, “Seems that way doesn’t it? However, the way the treaty is written, that can’t happen.”

  “They should have contacted the Ga’sahde,” another said.

  “I agree, they should have,” Jon said. Gabriel’s mouth opens as if to say something and Jon gave him a look telling him to be quiet. “However, most, if not all of you, know the Ga’sahde have been dormant, and they wouldn’t have been able to respond.”

  “Then the treaty was invalid,” the Captain Jon was massaging said.

  Jon stopped massaging him and continued his way around the table as he continued speaking, “Even the fact that the Ga’sahde couldn’t respond doesn’t invalidate the treaty in any way, shape, or form. The way it’s written, it is valid until such a time as the Council decides to dissolve it. So, you see, even this doesn’t give any one ruler the power to remove the treaty.”

  “So, you’re saying the treaty is in effect still?” Barle said.

  Jon nodded as he said, “That’s what I’m saying.”

  The Captains all looked at each other. Some with looks of astonishment, a few with looks of contempt.

  “This brings me to my next point,” Jon said as he took his seat again. “The King is holding the Matriarch of the Ga’sahde prisoner and is planning on putting her on trial for made up crimes. The judgment has already been passed as far as he’s concerned. She’s to be put to death as soon as the trial is over.”

  “Preposterous,” one of the Captains said. He was one of the Captains that had contempt on his face. “The King has no need to make up charges.”

  “What charges?” Barle said.

  “Murder, going against his eidetic that no Ga’sahde was allowed to land on Euthara under pain of death, treason,” Jon said. He looked around the table to see most of the Captain’s faces were neutral and few even had a smirk on them. “Among others I’m sure.”

  “She’s your sister, right?” one of the Captains said.

  “Not the point, but yes,” Jon said.

  “Oh, I think that’s the whole point,” the Captain said. “You think she’s above any charges. She shot down and killed multiple Eutharan pilots over the forest where they caught her.”

  Jon arched an eyebrow.

  “Oh, yes I know the whole story,” the Captain said.

  “I doubt that,” Jon said.

  “She killed two more in the holding cell once they caught her,” the Captain said. “So I can see how murder fits into the equation.”

  “Good that’s two less I have to deal with later…” Jon said. Nefeit grabbed his arm and shook her head no.

  Two of the Captains let the smiles grow on their face while the rest looked around at each other as if trying to figure the whole thing out.

  “I’m sorry,” Jon said. “Yes, I’m upset my sister is a captive and being held against her will. Not only that, but also the fact the King seems bent on executing her. I ask you who here would feel different?”

  That seemed to calm the assembled Captains and wiped the grins off the faces of the two Jon had already marked as trouble makers.

  “The facts are, her flight group was engaged over my Embassy grounds without provocation,” Jon said. “They were defending themselves and the Embassy territory. The King is also using her as a pawn against me to make me leave before I can help you. If I leave now and never come back he’ll send her to me safely, minus my bond mate that is.

  “If you toss in the fact she’s a Princess through my bond with Deatra, now the King is holding royalty against every law set down. Then if that isn’t enough, he refuses to allow Deatra to speak to me or return to my side. Another law he’s breaking by holding my bond mate from me. He’s seems to like laws and rules when it suits him and break them when it doesn’t.”

  “A false bond that invalidates your claim to the throne and removes the title of princess from your sister,” one of the trouble making Captains said with a smirk. “That will soon be corrected from what I understand.”

  Jon’s eyes narrowed as he stared at the two sitting on the other end of the table. “Just what do you mean by that?”

  “Nothing more than the Princess Deatra will soon be free of your influence,” the Captain said.

  “First the bond is real,” Jon said. “I have no mental powers and she was the one who bonded to me. Second, if anything happens to her...” Again Nefeit squeezed his arm and gave him a look.

  The Captain stood up as he spoke, “You’ll what?” Guards shifted in the room, waiting for any sign of aggression.

  “Sit down Captain,” Jon said.

  “I’m done with this little farce,” the Captain said. “I’ll take my ship and crew and leave as you said I could.”

  “Sit your ass down Captain! I said you could do that after this meeting, and this meeting isn’t over,” Jon said. He stood up and planted both fists on the table top as he leaned towards the Captain.

  “You’ve proved nothing here and, as far as I’m concerned, you’re not my Prince and you’re meddling in things you have no right too,” the Captain said he turned towards the door and started to walk to it. “So, I will take my ship and crew and leave this station. You have no right to hold me or my crew. This is an international station and per the laws of this station I can come and go as I please.”

  “No you can’t,” Jon said. “I’m lord and master here and I revoked that treaty when I took command of this station. This station and everything on it is ADF property now and you are under my laws. Furthermore, I
have every right to hold you. I’m going to hold you and put you on trial and then execute you.”

  The Captain stopped and spun around as he spoke, “You have no right to revoke that treaty. It’s was enacted by the ouncil of planets and it takes a member from each race sitting on a council to change any law on this station. I laugh at the thought of you putting me on trial. What crimes am I supposed to have committed?”

  “Oh, we’ll start with murder,” Jon said.

  “I’ve never killed anyone,” the Captain said.

  “You command a vessel and you’ve never had to fight anyone or send someone to their death?” Jon said.

  “Well of course I’ve been in battles,” the Captain said.

  “Murderer,” Jon said.

  “Same could be said for you or anyone else in this room,” the Captain said.

  “We’re not talking about anyone but you,” Jon said. “You can’t arrest me as this is my station and I’m the King here.”

  The Captain looked around the room for support and found none. The other Captain, that had seemed to be in support of him, looked away when their eyes met. The Captains that were neutral to the whole situation and starting to see the light of what Jon was saying just frowned at him.

  “Now for the last time,” Jon said. “Plant your ass in that chair or I’ll have you arrested. The choice is yours to make, but make it quick.”

  The Captain hesitated as he tried to decide just how serious Jon was.

  “I’m being deadly serious,” Jon said. “Sit your ass down right now!”

  If there was one thing Deatra taught him was that authority and being in control of a situation matters in situations like this, especially with the Eutharan people. With his title up in the air it was far more important to press the advantage and show them who was in charge. It was a damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation for them. If Jon was to be the next King and they didn’t do as he said then they would have problems down the road when he took control.

  “Fine,” the Captain said as he took his seat again.


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