Can we protect it from those amongst us bound and determined to wrest freedom from our grasp so they may tie real or virtual chains around our necks for all of time?
Please read carefully and understand what we are doing for each other, our children and theirs and down through the coming ages.
Since winning our Independence from Earth-Born, we have searched this galaxy and many others. We almost gave up hope of finding any government form that would serve freedom and us.
How very strange it was to find what we had sought for so long on Earth-Born itself. In the finding, the reading and the understanding of this treasured discovery we are moved to write as follows:
24th July 4008 EB
We the People of Here-Born, adopt the full and original Constitution and Bill of Rights of those United States of America, a Republic. We thank them for the document they left behind—we consider it a treasure.
With the benefit of history, other technology, and our own requirements, we have added new ideas and clarified all we can as best we can. This we have done in defense against those amongst Mankind who insist upon enslaving their fellows.
We the People of Here-Born condemn all forms of slavery whether physical, mental, financial or spiritual. We hope all of Mankind understands these are inalienable Rights, are God-given and may only be removed by God—and by God alone.
Live by Neatness alone fellow citizens.
However, from human history comes a clear message to one-n-all.
On the day that a worthwhile Constitution and Bill of Rights are enacted, some amongst us are already plotting its downfall. These schemers are wily, patient and willing to wait hundreds of years to gain victory.
Their victory is our freedom lost.
Never lose sight of this.
We wish to prevent what happened to the United States of America from happening to us.
Those United States of America vanished.
An Empire of Freedom vanished without a trace.
Live by Neatness alone fellow citizens.
I glance up as Skellumer giggles.
“Those Here-Born dopes. I can’t figure what they’re talking about. What is this Bill of something and Constitute something and this the United States of America something? Where does this come from?” He scratches under his beige collar.
I always imagine fleas or something worse.
“Let’s read...see if you find anything worthwhile,” I say.
“Not likely,” he says.
I wave him off and scroll down to the next section.
I catch my breath, screw up my eyes, note our ADD-Dees clustered around our Supe and listening as he reads it to them, and I start reading.
Excerpt from the Here-Born Tax Code
Schedule 1-4 is the only Tax Code legal on Here-Born.
All taxes are collected at the State level as a State’s Right.
Each State independently possesses the Right to withdraw financial support from the Federal Government. This State’s Right is inalienable and is a defense against Federal Governments going rogue.
Within the consideration and agreements of We the Citizens of Here-Born, the costs of life, of business and of living may never to be taxed.
Living life can often be tax enough.
The Annual Taxable Income (ATI) will always be income over and above the basic costs of life, of living or of running a business and of all education which also includes all the listed items on which Government may spend Tax Revenues.
Schedule 1-4 outlines the percentages of ATI paid per year for individuals, any business, and all corporations. These are based upon the income remaining (the profit) after subtracting all deductions from Gross Income. Therefore, net income alone is taxable and is the ATI.
Schedule 1
Below fifty thousand dollars, one pays 10%.
Schedule 2
Fifty thousand but less than one-hundred and fifty thousand dollars, one pays 7.5%.
Schedule 3
One-hundred and fifty thousand but less than three-hundred thousand dollars, one pays 5%.
Schedule 4
Three hundred thousand dollars and up, one pays 2.5%.
ATI percentages may never be increased.
They can and by the same amount for each Schedule, be lowered.
Once lowered they may not again be raised.
How Government obtains, revenues for programs not part of Schedule 1-4 is covered later.
The first time an individual (eighteen years or older) or a new for-profit business enters the Here-Born economy their ATI is fixed at the lowest percentage for a period of five years.
This is currently 2.5%.
This allows a five-year period of opportunity, of building, of learning, of training on the job and allows for an organization to become profitable or for an individual to become a professional.
Persons under eighteen pay no taxes neither may their parents nor any others be made to pay taxes on a minor’s earnings.
Minors are free to work upon their own self-determinism.
With this system, we encourage success.
And I, Agnes Soulone, feels happy with 97% in taxes every year?
I suspect I may live to regret reading this. Maybe not. Maybe if I save and scrimp, I could go live on Here-Born. I glance about. Silence paces the halls of the Department for the Assurance of Happiness, like never before.
Yes, no work getting done. Agnes goes back to reading with her face quite pale but mutters to herself, “I note that Here-Born’s citizens have prohibited certain forms of taxes. Won’t such ideas get them into trouble? We can’t even mention lower taxes or complain about them without getting into trouble.”
“They must face prison time for their crimes,” Skellumer growls.
I wave him silent.
“You watch your high-minded ideas I see them plain as writing,” he says. I go back to reading. So does he.
Prohibited forms of taxation follow.
These are listed solely and only in defense against any who may wish to invent other Tax Codes in the future and call or name them something other than a Tax.
This is not a full list at all.
Sales Tax
Property Tax
Taxes on Service provided
License or Permit Fees of any kind
Parking Fees for parking on Public Land, streets or roads
Citations and Fines of any kind or type
Any form of general or specific Usage Fees
Excise or Trade Tariffs
Utility Tariffs or Taxes
Energy Usage Fees or Taxes
Communications fees covering usage of, installation of, maintenance of or any other form of fees or taxation
Oil Taxes
Gasoline Taxes
Energy Taxes
How to determine taxes due each year:
The highest dollar amount due over two succeeding years—the current one and the previous year will be the amount paid.
All Government spending is restricted to Section 12 of the Tax Code.
No new nor other forms of government expenses may be created in the future.
A person or group attempting to add items to Section 12, or even proposing such is committing Treason against the People of Here-Born and will be prosecuted.
Section 12
Government employee’s salaries
Elected Officials Salaries
Office Supplies
Office furniture
Travel and accommodations while conducting proven Government business
Communications systems hardware, software, support, and services
Data and IT systems hardware, software, support and services
Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds, interior/exterior
Transportation for Government purposes
Maintenance of Public Land, Roads, and Streets
Percentages required and set aside to the Self-Defense Fund
Government’s purchase of Utilities
This concludes Section 12.
All levels of government from City to County, to State, to Federal voted yes to be restricted to Section 12.
Section 12 may not be added to for any reason whatsoever.
Not by the People’s vote.
Not by Legislation.
Not by any means whatsoever.
Items can be removed.
Once removed they may never be added back in.
Any person or group attempting to add items to Section 12 is to be charged with Waging Economic War for the purpose of the Economic Enslavement of We the People of Here-Born.
The charge is, therefore, one of Treason.
Military Self-Defense was voted a State’s Right by all.
Federal Military involvements are restricted to a Federal Liaison Office. All States elect their own Representatives to Federal Departments as well as to the Federal Liaison Office. The Federal Liaison Office provides coordination between States for Self-defense purposes alone.
Okay—been staring at my screen all day and thinking, thinking, trying to figure why I must know this not just need to know.
What drives me? I’m not sure. I check behind me and again he is there. I have noticed my Supervisor keeping a watchful eye on me from a distance. Don’t know if it’s something I’ve done or not done, but it’s time to head on home.
Behind me, Skellumer closes out his first and likely only relatively silent day.
“Tomorrow Skellumer.”
“What trash. I can’t even make myself read more. This’ll never work. Those people are idiots.”
“Toodle-oo Skellumer.”
“Here-Born morons!” he mutters.
Of Entitlements And More
It’s morning, I’m back at the office...and I’ve had a change of heart. Last night I read into the wee hours and at first I figured to leave out of this Transcript much of what I’d read last night.
But on the way in I realized I can’t...I mustn’ I won’t.
Yes, I’ve continued thinking about what I’ve learned these past days enough so that my head aches—all the time. I need to this information could work here on Earth. Here is what I read last night:
Excerpt from the Here-Born Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights
Public land, buildings, grounds, parking facilities, offices, warehouses any and all real property is on loan to the Here-Born Government at all levels. These are given into Government’s temporary care by We the People who remain the Rightful and Registered Owners thereof.
Privately owned property cannot and may never be confiscated nor become Government owned through legal action, regulation, law, propositions nor confiscated in any manner whatsoever by any part of Government at any level.
Hereby, Eminent Domain is removed from the Here-Born Constitution and so too any form of confiscation for back or unpaid taxes.
No Government entity may obtain credit in any manner nor for any reason whatsoever.
No new Government Sections, Departments, Group, Division, Commission or Body may be created in the future for any reason at any Government level for any purpose whatsoever.
Government bodies may not raise funds through any means other than the above Schedule 1-4 and as outlined below.
On Here-Born the purpose of all Government, all Public Officials, all state hired employees and those elected to Office is NOT the continued and ongoing drafting of new Laws, Propositions, Bills nor any other form of legislation nor regulations.
Their duties instead are the administration and management of our World, our States, our Counties, our Cities, our Towns, our Villages and our Hamlets and done so within the budgets made possible by Schedule 1-4 and nothing else.
Entitlements and all other Here-Born voting requirements
We the People of Here-Born believe that all Citizens who desire a Government Program have the Right to have such a Program brought into existence for their use.
We the People of Here-Born believe that no citizen who does not wish to participate in a particular Government Program shall have such a Program forced upon him or her. Nor shall the Taxation required to fund such a Program be forced upon him or her.
We the People of Here-Born believe that anyone wishing to assist with the financial support of any Program yet not use the Program themselves may do so at their own self-determinism alone. Such participation would be tax deductible.
We the People of Here-Born declare that any person who requests and then receives payments from an Entitlement Program into which they have not contributed in the past or signed up for, loses the right to vote for a period of six years—for each payment received.
Example: If one receives ten such payments, whether these payments are extended over time, in a single month, or on a single day; one loses one’s vote for sixty years.
See the Letter to All Citizens Current and Future for why this penalty exists.
In that, any form of Political campaigning is illegal and that those running for office may not advertise either; We the People of Here-Born operate without an Electoral College or Districts.
We’ve adopted a democratic system of voting. Therefore, each State irrespective of the population will have the same number of Senators and House Members representing them. Each State has 2 (two) Senators and 2 (two) Representatives.
This ensures each State as a whole, equal representation in the Federal Government.
All voting, whether in an election or for Laws or Propositions will always be done by a popular vote alone. This may never be changed.
Our reasons for this are obvious.
Every Earth-Born country in existence perverted the use of the Electoral College or Districts. Districts were redrawn and redrawn and filled with the loyal voters of one Party or another. And Electoral College members often came together to vote into Office someone who failed to garner enough votes.
Our system ensures every vote is of the same value as every other one.
Nevertheless, our system prevents oppression by a majority.
May it never be said upon this world of Here-Born, “Your vote has no value!”
Any Program, Law, Legislation, Entitlement, Proposal or Proposition must follow steps 1-12 as below and this includes those requiring additional tax revenues over and above the solely legal ATI of Schedule 1-4. This requirement may not be changed by a future Citizens vote nor in any other manner. The attempt to do so is Treason.
The 12 steps are as follows:
1.All proposed Entitlement Programs must be written up in detail, outlined and budgeted for yearly running costs in less than twenty-six pages, 8.5 x 11, in either ten or twelve font size and posted on the Election Website by the individual who is running for Office.
The full document must be posted a minimum of three months prior to the Date of the Election. Once posted, no changes may be made to it. All other forms of Legislation follow this same route but exclude additional taxation requirements.
2.Entitlement write-ups must provide an actual first Annual Budget. It must also show the exact monthly tax payment for participation due by each Citizen who votes Yes on it.
3.The Entitlement document must list exactly the number of Yes-votes needed to cover the Program’s budget for the first year. A Yes-vote for an Entitlement is an automatic sign up for that Entitlement.
4.For an Entitlement Legislation to pass, Yes-votes must at a minimum count equal to the required number of participants to cover the annual budget. If the turnout is a little low and the predicted yearly per person tax payment can be slightly increased to cover the budget, the increase may not be more than 10%. When the increase is greater than 10%, the vote will be counted as a No-vote, will fail to become Law and cannot be passed on to the President for
All other Programs, Laws, Legislations, or Propositions require a 69% Yes-vote of and by all citizens qualified to vote. Each fails on anything less than a 69% Yes-vote. For all elections and all voting, citizens may ‘stay home’ without fear a majority vote may take away their Rights because each Non-vote is automatically counted as a No-vote.
5.Every Program, Bill, Proposition, Entitlement, proposed Legislation, Law or Proposal must incorporate one subject only and cannot co-join, nor reference, similar or dissimilar Entitlements, Projects, Programs, Law or Legislation, whether new or old, authored by the same person, another, or other persons. It must be in plain language.
6.After the election, if changes are made in the House or Senate to the Program or to any other proposed Law or Legislation it must again be displayed on the Election Website for an additional ninety days for each change made.
Each change that is made must be advertised to the Public daily, on and in all media, on each day of each ninety-day period leading up to the final vote. No changes may be made to the document in the last fifteen days prior to the voting date.
Any failure, which restricts or prevents access to the website and documents of any Program or Proposal, must have its duration added to the ninety-day period required for each change made. Whether access denied is global or local.
7.When changes are made in the Senate or House, no references to other Legislation, Laws, Propositions, Proposals or any other document or Law may be part of any Legislation, proposed or otherwise.
8.Person who first authored and listed the new Legislation when running for Public Office must have been elected to Office for the legislation to proceed. Proposed legislation fails when the author fails to be elected. Legislation may only be proposed by those running for Office and so prohibits those already in Offices from presenting any new proposals. A proposed legislation cannot be offered by multiple individuals running for office. It is restricted to the author alone. On inspection should it become obvious that many have worked to bring multiple, though slightly different versions of legislation forward to be voted on all participants will be charged with a High Crime.
9.All Legislation must pass by a 69% Yes-vote in the House or Senate, being the one into which the Official WAS elected.
10.All Legislation must pass by a 69% Yes-vote in the House or Senate being the one that the Official WAS NOT elected to.
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