“I thank you for also voting yes on our adoption of the Here-Born Constitution and Bill of Rights as our own. Though it is a little like making our own...our own once again and then some.
“I know many of you must have been terrified of voting for this. I mean. There I was the sole person in charge of this great world of ours making promises to you.
“Trust me on this—so too was I.”
Applause explodes.
As it fades, President Agnes Soulone says, “Thank you to all the multitudes of helpers who stepped up and grabbed hold of the various political reigns and interim Government duties and who took responsibility.
“A special thank you goes out to all those military, police, and government personnel who stepped away from the previous regime at great peril to themselves and stood shoulder to shoulder with us.
“Thank you from the bottom of my and our Nation’s heart.
“I’ve too much to say yet I pause again...to pay special tribute to one of us who, beyond measure, helped to bring us to where we are today. Thank you to Jonathon Andrew for all his help and his understanding of what a free people value most.
“His input during the drafting of our acceptance of the new Constitution cannot be adequately rewarded. What is strange is no one really knows him as he is a private person and seeks no fame. I had promised not to mention him...but I have.
“Thank you, Jonathon. But where are you? How do you disappear without a trace?
“Well, as usual, no answer. So! With his and your help we have set up State’s Rights and you have here today sent your Representatives to the Hub. We have worked together as a nation and here we are and who knows but that tomorrow is ours!
“We are all to one degree or another familiar with our Rights. But I’d like to take the time to bring Religious Freedom to our attention.
“It is significant because it guides us now as it did in the past and will again in the future. It has always painted a path that leads to Personal Freedom—and that is why those wanting to enslave us target religion.
“Should it ever die again it will be because the Slave Masters amongst us have once again taken hold of our lives. And he again reigns over our economy, our hearts, our minds, our freedoms and has already murdered Religion.
“Let us never again remain silent when those who wish to control us destroy Religious Freedom.
“It’s true that they compound that death with even more oppressive taxes, endless regulations and deliberate violations of our Rights. Never forget that they are actively destroying our Constitution in attacking us and bringing to bear upon any person who dares to speak out against them, the full force and power of a government gone mad.
“We must never remain silent again.
“We must never fear them again.
“If we once again remain silent, we condemn our children to worse than what we will suffer by speaking out.
“No paycheck is more important, no mortgage is more important, no job is more important, no self-perceived status is more important than your Rights, your Freedom. If you love your children never remain silent ever again. Never silent again!”
And the crowd roars in return, “NEVER SILENT AGAIN.”
A few moments of silence, the President says, “Thank you all. That is a lesson we must all teach our children starting today.
“And speaking of children...just as Here-Born’s Constitution and Bill of Rights embraces the concept of the individual being not wholly a physical being but a spiritual being that lives onwards into the future.
“And taking into account the possibility that at the time one passes away you may in the next moment be associated with an unborn child’s developing body...abortion is now a crime.
“It’s been centuries since last a mother-to-be died from birth complications. We have those issues pretty much covered, medically. Most who have suffered that misfortune were usually too distant from Emergency services to be helped…at the time of crisis. At this time, even Emergency service personnel are trained to rescue an unborn child should the mother-to-be pass away due to a tragic event.
“And the majority of mothers are saved as well.
“Well. There’s another aspect to Religious Freedom. As I’ve heard a Here-Born or two say, even the fouled mouthed religion haters got the right to say what they do about religion—from Religion—they have just not realized it.
“Sounds accurate to me. Religious Freedom initially gave us Freedom of Speech though that is not the same as the Freedom to Lie in a publicly damaging fashion.
“Allow me to quote from Freedom of Speech.
“Crimes include lying in News or other Media reports and claiming or pretending it’s all fact or factual while it’s actually falsehoods, lies or simply isn’t what it’s stated to be.
“This includes biased reports or failures to report when favoring a particular person, group or politician.
“This includes as well any form of false statements verbal, visual or written that are designed to destroy the reputation or honor or integrity or good standing of another or others.
“Whether such destruction or damage occurs or not.
“In short...Freedom of Speech does not include the freedom to lie.”
President Soulone pauses.
“And so...Freedom of Religion...and its importance.
“Everyone here was handed a copy of why there’s Freedom of Religion and why it’s important. Please take it home and read it. Let your families, neighbors, work companions and strangers know they should download, read it and understand that it ensures our tomorrows and that of our children and their children.
“Even those who have no Religion get that Right from Freedom of Religion and nowhere else! You should study our new Constitution too, as it is a weapon.
“In fact it’s Here-Born’s UWMD. Oh yes! Now I know it for sure.
“It’s been an enormous task and I am proud to say that those of Here-Born, Once-Other and others, were not quite able to leave as obviously-invisible as they had hoped. And ever so very grateful I am.
“And We now move on for a new future awaits us all.
“I have heard your call for a return to cultural identities and sovereignty. These are important and as critical to our future as open communication and freedom of travel. Barriers and walls destroy communication. Endless, ongoing regulations that create difficulties with moving products or hinder travel from one state, planet or country to another is what needs to change.
“For if we are all truly of Earth then we should act as friends do and work with each other. Yet in a united nation, a united world of multi-cultures and races, there is ample room for individuality and differences in culture, beliefs and expectations. Diverse cultures will thrive if each is willing to be communicated to and to communicate with cultures different from one’s own.
“We have spoken on this at length. There is a proposal in the making wherein we hope to bring all elected officials from all States, as the old countries are called, together. Yet, we will all remain united under the banner of our new Constitution and Bill of Rights. There’s support for this idea.
“We are also working to keep the Hub as the center of all Federal government so that National governing bodies from all states are in one place. While back home, in the countryside so to say, States run their own affairs.
“It seems to me the best road back to cultural identities.
“An enormous amount of work still needs to be done and we will get it done. To that end, I’ll be keeping a careful eye on our un-elect website. I ask of you to use your voting power on the Legislation website to remove any legislation you no longer desire.
“Please use the same power to vote someone out of office as well. Yes! We can now undo any and all legislation and any regulation. How those politicians of old must be turning in their graves, shuddering.”
“I’m greatly encouraged by the promise Once-Other and others made to us—to our G
rand Masters of Enterprise that is. I had my doubts. But is appears to be true, to have worked and still does.
“You know they told me that those good old boy monopolies and dedicated government contractors from way back during the Free Market system which used to earn millions or billions will not...once a balanced economy kicks alive...disappear and die.
“Instead, they will find, if they look at it the right way, that those billions will translate into trillions or even quadrillions of dollars. A few have already mentioned this is true. But…they imply that they had to look at the free market system in a new way...and the floodgates opened for them.
“We all love that...they make so many of us wealthy.
“Another change we’ve made is regarding patents and copyright of technology. This is done to protect we consumers. As of now, any time an owner of technology of any kind whether transportation, space flight, computer or software or garden hoses retires a version of theirs, that version immediately becomes public domain.
“Thereafter anyone or any enterprise can and may pick up full support and further development for the product due to having access to the patents and copyrighted materials for a specific version.
“Finally Fellow Citizens, I bring to your attention a poem titled Chains and Dreams. A citizen of Here-Born who was once my Supervisor wrote it. I have asked him several times if his real name is Tull-Tor Hawkur, but he never answers, only smiles.
“It is my hope he will step forward and take credit for it. I hope you will take it and the Freedom of Religion brochure home with you, read them and consider on each.
“Thank you, one-n-all!”
Religious Freedom
As taken from the original Here-Born Constitution:
All citizens of Earth have an Inalienable right to Religious Freedom.
And to the practice of their Religion anywhere including in public. To the practice of their Religion in private and upon all property occupied by any and all Government entities.
To the beliefs of their Religion.
To the right to speak freely of their Religion and or beliefs, anytime and anywhere.
Under the possible circumstance wherein future generations may seek to circumvent Criminal Laws enacted on Earth it is separately declared that: Any criminal act incorporated into a Religion and then practiced under the guise of the Freedom of Religion is not held free of Criminal Law but is subject to it.
Examples of current criminal acts are: Murder, Rape, Theft, Fraud, Terrorism, Blackmail, Treason, Assault, Torture be it spiritually, physically, mentally or emotionally.
No Law may be enacted that declares any Religion or Religious practice to be criminal.
No Government entity has now, nor in the future, the right to Legislate nor in any manner whatsoever define what Religion is. Nor which Religion is acceptable, or which are not acceptable, or what Religious Belief is acceptable or what constitutes Religion or Religious Beliefs.
Separation of Church and State
CHURCH is here defined as those individuals or groups who form the legislating, ruling, management, administrating or governing body of a Religion whether that religion is formal or informal.
STATE is defined as those individuals or groups that form the legislating, management, administrating or governing groups, or individuals, or entities of Government or any Public Office.
This includes all Government at all levels of government.
It is here declared that a governing body of the CHURCH may not be the same governing body of STATE and thus bring into being one governing body that rules, administers, legislates, manages or directs both Church and State. Which includes any Church and any Government from Federal Government to State, to County, to City or town.
This includes covert or overt co-operation between such groups thus rendering them factually as one.
This does not now nor in the future exclude from Public Office any person with a Religion or Religious beliefs. Nor does it exclude any Public Official or Citizen from the practice of their Religion as above and below.
The purpose of the Separation of Church and State is to ensure that no Church can decree by official Law what form of Government is acceptable. Nor what Laws must or must not be passed nor what person may serve in Government.
Secondly, this is to ensure that no Government body, group or individual can by Law decree what a Religion is. What Religion is acceptable, define Religion or ban any Religion or its practice.
Religious Practice and Worship
Any individual or group may practice their Religion upon the exterior grounds of all Public Property including Government buildings at any time. This is a Right.
Blocking of entrances or exit paths is not included here.
No Law may be passed banning the practice of any Religion at any specific time or in any location save as written here. Therefore:
All Government buildings must provide rooms for the practice of Religion. The practice of any Religion is confined to these rooms inside all buildings used as Government offices or other Government use.
It’s predicted that at times many different Religions may be in practice at any one time and mixed in a single room. This is how it shall be. If space allows, more than one room per building should be provided. Anyone is free to practice in any room if more than one is available.
Participants are free to make agreed upon schedules if so desired.
Private enterprise has the Right to formulate their own rules regards the practice of religion on company premises during and after work hours.
This must be documented and be part of all employment contracts. A copy must be provided to all new employees as well as a hardcopy placed permanently on Bulletin Boards and an eCopy on a public website.
The private sector by Law must include within the body of all Contracts of Employment the rules that allow or disallow the practice of religion at or in the workplace in everyday language. This provides all applicants the option to accept or reject any offer of employment based upon their personal religious requirements.
Some employers may wish to provide quiet environments at the workplace for the practice of religion during working hours. Some employers may prohibit the practice of religion in the workplace altogether.
These are their Rights.
In this here, we understand that citizens who seek Public Office will inevitably bring into any Office and any Legislation they propose some measure of their religious beliefs.
Per our Constitution such Legislation appears on the Election Website at the time a person is running for Office. This gives Earth’s citizens the opportunity to accept or reject the individual running for office and any proposed Legislation at the same time.
The above from the Here-Born Constitution and Bill of Rights is included in the United Countries of Earth’s Constitution and Bill of Rights in honor of the fact that Religion brings change for the better in any society.
It is Religion, which keeps the Flame of Freedom burning.
Extinguish Religion and the Flame of Freedom dies.
Using Religion to maim, or murder, or slaughter is a greater crime than the murder of Religious Freedom itself.
Upon the Tomb of the Slave Master it is written:
All people are honest. All people are honorable.
In some, though—these are deeply buried.
Despite this, they do reside in all people.
That is a truth.
It serves all people of goodwill well to note that the Slave Masters that are amongst us and those who wish to become such rely heavily upon that truth.
And so it came to pass that our honesty and our honor opened the door to making us slaves.
Listen carefully those who may wish to be free.
The Slave Master knows that once we give our word once we’ve agreed to that we will forever keep our word.
; And so they lie and cheat and thus elicit from us our Word of Honor.
But in their telling they leave out vital information.
And when we discover how truly well we’ve been lied to what do we do?
Alas! We still keep our word.
For we are honest and honorable.
And they know that.
And they know too that for us our word is as sacred as our honor.
But for them it’s something to be spat upon and is merely the bait they use to draw us forever into slavery.
And so we find we would be slaves rather than break our word once given.
For we have given our word when declaring, we will keep our word.
And so we keep our word forever.
Do we not?
But is it not now time to assign ourselves a new Right?
The Right to change our minds about keeping our Word once given.
Let us then ably take back our Word exactly as previously given and retain our Honor.
Especially when we’ve been lied to.
And greater Freedom shall belong to all.
But here now at this reading’s end let us too consider another response.
We all know just how dedicated those who wish to enslave us are.
How ardently they repeat those well-learned talking points.
Propaganda learned until the minions have become naught but a collection of repeating audio files.
And each audio file waits to be played yet again each time we are careless enough to express our hope
for but a little freedom for ourselves for our children.
Should we not admire such automated dedication on their part and simply smile their endeavors aside?
Tull-Tor Hawkur
24th October 4318
Dear Students,
Travelers stopping off at Inter-Constellation Port-SLF and who venture into Sand Lake Flats itself will find as they leave the Terminal a monument honoring those who lost their lives.
Once-Other Page 55