Nettler, Bordt...was a good friend of Once-Other.
Nomadi...all-purpose personal communications device. of the three population groups of Here-Born.
Nordt, Jenk...a Northerner, provides pre-owned parts to Once-Other. Travels by walking.
North Guard...mountainous dune just north of Sand Lake Flats.
Nother, Meredith, Senator voted into the Federal Senate for the Upper Highlands of Here-born by the Northerners.
Number Eight...also Mr. Conqueror, disgruntled male from Earth, an associate of Peter Wernt.
Number Six...Asian female from Earth, an associate of Peter Wernt (also, The Lady).
Odentien, Gordon...Earth-Born tourist with horizontal mustache begging a trim, who meets Once-Other at the Drinks-n-All.
Olfactory...relating to the sense of smell. of the main character, hero, protagonist (in Here-Born grammar, both words are capped).
One Grain o’ Sand...a nightclub in Sand Lake Flats.
One-on-one...a tour on Here-Born with the tour guide going one-on-one with a tourist. expression encompassing the order of certain occurrences.
Ozerken, Mawlendor...a Desert Driver from out of Plaeth City, Far North Highlands.
Pernicious...having a harmful effect.
Peri-peri...a chili sauce sometimes referred to as African bird’s eye chili.
Wernt, Peter...Once-Other’s new tourists and campaign target.
Poip...Police over Internet protocol, a two-part system, A-one and B-one models, considered a plural in grammar.
Port-SLF...Inter-constellation port at Sand Lake Flats, Here-Born.
POV...Point of View.
PoW...Power over Wireless.
Pre-owneds Galore...the name of Once-Other’s store.
Pre-owneds...human body parts in good enough condition to be reused.
Quaaseon gas...fictional gas used to cool a fan-n-fit suit similar to how air conditioners work. suppress something.
Rehabilitation prisoners gain an education, economic skills, and a paying job while imprisoned.
Rio-Tero II...a second planet owned and ruled by Rio Tero, which is much like Earth but absent any desert.
Rio-Tero...planet from which the dominant technology comes and political decisions are made...a desert planet similar to Here-Born.
Roanark Braer... a beige-n-black deer-like animal with a donkey face and Kudu like horns which roams the Highlands, and which brays like a donkey and eats cactus.
Rocklands...vast stretches of dark brown rock covering parts of the surface of Here-Born. bitterly regret and wish it undone.
Saint Karl…see Marx, Karl.
Sally set out briskly or energetically...Forth...onward or outward in place or space; forward.
Sand Lake Flats Review (The)’s eNewspaper.
Sand Lake Flats (SLF)...Once-Other’s hometown and location of his store Pre-owneds Galore of SLF.
Sand...the equivalent of earth on Earth. Here-Borns never say: ‘...the sand.’ waterfalls but over which sand and rock fall like water over a waterfall.
SandMaster...eight wheeled, two engines, two gearboxes armored vehicle on Here-Born. sand-pace is approximately five feet.
SandRider...wheeled sand rider with motorcycle style saddle and fairing.
Sans...literary or humorous, without.
Schwartzlauda, intriguing wisp of a brunette with deep blue eyes who is in charge of refreshments at the SLF gold mine museum.
Sieg Heil...a victory salute used originally by Nazis at political rallies...literally, ‘Hail victory!’
Skellumer, Johannes...old male transcriber works alongside Agnes Soulone.
Slack...a depression between hills, dunes, in a hillside, or in the land surface.
SLF Mall...Mall of Sand Lake Flats.
SLF...Sand Lake Flats.
Sloppy...careless and unsystematic, very casual.
Sloth...reluctance to work or make an effort, laziness.
Soonsaan...childhood and current friend of Once-Other, owner of Soonsaan’s SandRider Sales, Repairs and Maintenance of Sand Lake Flats.
Soulone, Ms. Agnes...pronounced Soul-one, transcriber of Assured Happiness monitoring records at the Department for the Assurance of Happiness, Earth.
Specter...something unpleasant or dangerous imagined or expected.
Stay...stop, delay, or prevent, suspend or postpone.
Supe or Supervisor...male supervising Agnes Soulone at the Department for the Assurance of Happiness.
Tack...a boat’s course relative to the direction of the wind.
Thermocouple...a device (massive ones on Here-Born) made up of two dissimilar materials that are conductors, as copper and iron are, by which an electric current is generated when the two materials are subjected to extreme temperatures. ankle-length robe with long sleeves worn by some Arab men.
Toip...Taxation over Internet Protocol (see IP).
Top of the in the Mall of Sand Lake Flats.
Tower Dune City...a large city in the Here-Born northern region.
Trepidation...a feeling of fear or agitation.
Tull-Tor Hawkur...poet, political columnist and commentator on Here-Born.
UBA...Unbreathable Air.
Unequivocally...leaving no doubt.
US of Axis (USA)...United States of Axis.
UWMD...Here-Born’s Constitutional Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction.
Verwoerd, Doctor Hendrik…7th Prime Minister of South Africa. He is the person behind the conception and implementation of apartheid, a system of racial segregation dividing ethnic groups in South Africa. Historical: Justice Millen, in a judgment delivered in the Transvaal (a Province of South Africa) Supreme Court on July 13, 1943, pronounced that He (Verwoerd) did support Nazi propaganda, he did make his newspaper a tool of the Nazis in South Africa, and he knew it.” This case arose out of an action, brought by Dr. Verwoerd (as editor of the Transvaaler—an Afrikaans newspaper) against the Johannesburg Star (an English newspaper), for publishing an article, entitled “Speaking Up for Hitler”, in which the Transvaaler was accused of falsifying news in support of Nazi propaganda and generally acting like a tool of the enemy. Dr. Verwoerd lost the case. In a lengthy judgment, extending to more than 25,000 words, the judge found that Dr. Verwoerd had in fact furthered Nazi propaganda. The defendants had proved, said the judge, that Dr. Verwoerd “caused to be published a large body of matter which was calculated to make the Germans look upon the Transvaaler as a most useful adjunct to this propaganda service.” On another point, the judge said: “This is a falsification of current news which was approved by the plaintiff. It was calculated to cause alarm and despondency, and it is not open to doubt that it was of great service to the enemy in the way of supporting his propaganda for the damaging of the war effort of the Union of South Africa.” Like so many racialists, Dr. Verwoerd had early training in anti-Semitism. In the mid-1930’s, when he was Professor of Applied Psychology at Stellenbosch University (Afrikaner-dom’s oldest seat of learning), he accompanied five fellow professors on a deputation to the South African Government to protest against the admission into South Africa of Jewish refugees from Hitler’s Germany. Verwoerd studied Applied Psychology in Germany. His use of the news media as a propaganda tool is done by all Socialist groups including those in the USA, Europe, Austral-Asia, Africa, Central and South America & Canada, etc.
Vested... a personal stake in something, project, action, deal, etc.
Wagenaara, Pe’truss...Desert Driver and companion to Ozerken.
Walmer...a siren like those used to warn of dangers such as in WWII bombing raids.
Water Criers...a wolf-like animal with a pouch on its back in which their young reside until old enough to ven
ture out on their own.
Williams, Jiplee...the first Here-Born casualty of the undeclared war.
Wise...a way of doing or proceeding or considering, a manner, fashion.
Wrought...made or fashioned in a specified way
Zedong, Mao…Communist Socialist dictator of China (deceased).
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