Will of Fate (Dual Court Kiss Book 1)

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Will of Fate (Dual Court Kiss Book 1) Page 2

by Samantha Britt

  After some time, Eilian picked Wendy up and carried her to his room, gently laying her down. He slid right beside her, cuddling her back against his chest in the middle of his bed. He stroked her long, golden-blonde hair and lulled her to sleep. All the while, he desperately tried to come up with a way to save the love of his life from complete ruin.


  “We need a plan, Wendy,” Eilian stated as the pair sat at his two person table eating breakfast the next morning. “We need to handle this quietly. No one ever has to know.” Wendy already confided in Eilian that not even the child’s Winter Court father knew of her condition, making the situation slightly easier.

  Wendy nervously glanced up at him and swallowed her bite of eggs before sitting up straight. “I actually already have a plan in mind.” With Eilian’s hesitant glance, she added, “I am not going to have the child killed.”

  Eilian let out a large sigh. “I didn’t think you would, but I am glad to hear it confirmed.”

  Wendy gave him a small smile. “I do not want to turn the baby human, either.”

  “I didn’t think you would,” Eilian repeated, smirking. “What is your idea?”

  Wendy proceeded to tell him of her plan. The princess already told her mother and father that she would be gone for a time to visit her best friend, Eilian, in the Human Realm. She convinced them to let her go, saying that she would consider their list of approved suitors more seriously when she returned. She also added that she might even pick one in the next twenty years. Eilian frowned after hearing the last bit. Wendy saw his reaction and quickly grasped his hand tight.

  “That is only a ruse,” Wendy assured him, stroking her thumb over the back of his hand. “I have no intention of following through with it.”

  Slightly satiated, Eilian gestured for her to continue. He purposefully decided not to read into her caress of his hand. Wendy had enough going on without him throwing himself or his romantic notions on her.

  She continued. The plan was for Wendy to give birth to the child there… in the Human Realm… with him.

  Upon seeing his shocked expression, Wendy quickly tried to back pedal, saying they could think of a different solution. Eilian dismissed her statement after a moment, reassuring that he would be more than happy to help her that way.

  Following the birth, the child would remain with Eilian in the Human Realm and remain under the radar of any fae. Eilian quickly agreed, knowing he had set himself up in such a manner that the child would be safe from any scrutiny. Wendy would return to the Summer Court to keep up appearances with those who have monitored her throughout her life. She would, however, return often to visit her child and Eilian. The male fae felt somewhat selfish for how elated the news made him, especially with how stressed the ordeal was making his friend.

  “Are you sure you would be okay raising a child?” Wendy asked after wrapping up the details of her plan. “I could finance a nanny to come in and assist you. I simply need the child out of the Sight of Fae. It is not your responsibility to bear alone.”

  Eilian gently squeezed the hand he was holding. “I might require some assistance, but that is where you come in, Wendy. Rest assured, I would be happy to help in any way. I will learn. I can do this.”

  The glowing smile bestowed upon him for his words was stunning. “Thank you, Eilian. I am so grateful to you.”

  Wendy leaned forward and gave Eilian a soft kiss on the lips, leaving him completely breathless.

  Chapter 2

  5 months later…

  The baby was born.

  A healthy, beautiful baby girl.

  Wendy and Eilian both wept with joy.

  The pair spent their first two months after the birth in a harmonious routine. They took turns feeding, changing, cooking, playing, and any other activity that was required of them. Sometimes, Wendy was obligated to leave for a few days to keep up appearances at Court, but she always rushed back, eager to be with her best friend and child. She ended up spending much more time in the Human Realm than either of them anticipated at the start.

  “You really are a sight to behold,” Eilian said out loud as he rocked the baby in his arms, trying to lull her to sleep. “Just look at this beautiful, fair face.” He gazed down at the infant, admiring her wispy, blonde hair–the same shade as her mother’s. He was also taken by her deep blue eyes. While the color was beautiful, both Wendy and Eilian hoped that it would change to be green like theirs. Though, neither of them said it aloud.

  Summer and Winter Fae had distinct colorings, which made determining a fae’s court an easy task. Summer Fae royals were characterized by warm, green eyes, blonde hair, and sun-kissed skin. All of which described Wendy and Eilian exactly. Winter Fae royals were known for their light skin tones, ice blue eyes, and black hair. The hair color from each court held true even to their more common citizens, but commoners did not have green or blue eyes; theirs were brown.

  Hence, Wendy and Eilian wished for the baby’s eye color to change. While her hair said Summer Court, the baby’s ocean blue eyes revealed her noble, Winter Court heritage. Those two color schemes did not exist in the Fae Realm. And although they never discussed it, both friends held on to the faint hope of possibly introducing the child into Fae Society one day.

  Eilian already embraced claiming the child as his own. King Cai and Queen Orla would not be happy, but they would overcome the unpleasantness of a bastard grandchild from a male Summer Court noble. Especially if he offered to marry their daughter, which was his every dream come true.

  None of it would be possible, however, if the baby’s eyes did not match those of other Summer Fae.

  “Isn’t she though?” Wendy responded to Eilian’s musings. “And I just love her name.” His friend walked up beside him, placing a hand on his arm, and gazed lovingly at her child.

  Eilian observed his best friend with a smile, the memory of the child’s naming coming back to him. It had been two weeks since the baby’s birth, and Eilian had been holding her much like he was at that moment, mesmerized by her perfection.

  “You really should come up with a name, Wendy,” Eilian said with a smile, “I need to know how to refer to this beautiful child.”

  “I know, but I cannot decide, there are too many names I like,” Wendy replied with a jokingly exasperated sigh as she continued folding the baby’s onesies. “Why don’t you pick her name? I trust you. I know you will pick a wonderful name.”

  An uncomfortable silence settled. “It’s not my place,” Eilian whispered, feeling suddenly melancholy, “She’s not my daughter.”

  Wendy whirled on him, the fastest he’d ever seen her move, which was fast considering her quick fae speed. “Do not say that,” she gritted between her teeth. No doubt, only keeping her voice low to not startle the child. Her face was contorted with unimaginable anger.

  “You are as much her parent as I,” she continued, penetrating his soul with her eyes. “Do not diminish your role in this. You will name her.” Her tone brooked no argument.

  Stunned and touched by her outburst, Eilian simply continued to rock the child, gazing at her angelic face.

  “Gwenevere,” he said softly, touching the child’s cheek with his finger. He looked up to see Wendy’s reaction to the suggestion. She was smiling.

  “We can call her ‘Gwen’,” he continued, a smile of his own forming on his lips. “I always thought ‘Gwen’ would be a wonderful nickname for ‘Gwendolyn’, but you insisted upon being called ‘Wendy’.”

  His best friend laughed, lighting up his soul with the sound. “That is because ‘Gwen’ didn’t suit me,” she explained, walking over to him, placing one hand on his and one on her sleeping daughter. “But it is perfect for this child. It is settled. We shall call her ‘Gwen’ for Gwenevere.”

  Now, as Eilian alternated his gaze between the two females with him, he couldn’t help but think of himself as the luckiest fae in existence. Here he was, with the two most beautiful fae to ever live, and he was fortunate en
ough to be a part of both of their lives.

  He smiled to himself, thanking Fate for every single moment that brought him to be a member of their family.


  Weeks passed before Wendy was, once again, forced to return to Court. She was due to appear with her family at the Winter Court for the celebrations for the Winter Solstice, and could not miss it.

  “I’m going to miss you two so much,” she said lovingly, staring at her best friend and Gwen like they were all she needed in the world. Eilian knew exactly how she felt.

  “And we will miss you,” Eilian assured her, holding Gwen with one large hand on his right hip. “Isn’t that right, Gwen?” He asked the infant, tickling her neck to get her to squeal in ‘agreement’.

  Wendy grinned. “I love you both, I will be back as soon as I can.” Wendy kissed her daughter’s cheek and flailing hands. She then reached up on her toes and gave Eilian a peck on the lips, causing both of them to smile brightly.

  The kisses between them had been few and far between, but they occurred. There was never a need to discuss what the kisses meant to the other, both simply knew. They began as best friends, and were now a family. Their love for each other was growing and morphing into something beautiful and both were excited to see where it would lead them. Both were also patient enough to know that such things took time.

  “We love you, too. Now, hurry up before you are late.” Eilian jokingly swatted Wendy’s butt towards the door for good measure.

  She blew a kiss at them before stepping through the door. “Bye, see you soon!”


  Bang, Bang, Bang!

  Twelve hours later, in the middle of the night, Eilian experienced déjà vu as he heard the banging on the door. He grabbed a shirt from his chair, just as he did the night Wendy came back into his life.

  He peeked over to the crib at the other side of his room. Gwen was fast asleep. Eilian smiled softly as he left the room and headed towards the door.

  He looked through the window and froze at the sight.

  Aeron. His twin brother.

  What is he doing here?

  Eilian opened the door hesitantly. “Aeron,” he greeted coldly, observing his identical twin. He was dressed in his Summer Court finery, hinting that he had come straight from the Winter Solstice Ball. “What do you want?”

  His brother looked stiff, extremely on edge. He shifted from one foot to the other. “Can I come in?”

  Eilian tensed at the request, but gestured for him to enter. There were no baby toys or gear out, so his brother wouldn’t know about Gwen. She was already sleeping through the night, so there was no fear of her alerting Aeron to her existence… unless there was a loud noise. Eilian would be sure to keep the encounter quiet.

  “What do you want?” He repeated. “Out with it.”

  Aeron glanced about the room before meeting his gaze. “It’s about Gwendolyn.”

  Eilian’s heart gave a nervous thump. “What about her?”

  “Are we alone?” Aeron asked nervously.

  “Yes.” Eilian’s heart felt like it was sinking to his stomach as he registered his brother’s tone.

  His brother sighed. “There was an attack.”

  Eilian’s heart was now at his knees. “What happened?”

  “Some Winter Court lesser nobles were causing a ruckus. Our Summer Court guards were on high alert with them, making sure they didn’t do anything. The Winter Solstice is a significant event, very crowded, very busy, but safe. Always safe. We thought it was safe...”

  “What happened?” Eilian wanted to shout, but whispered for the sake of Gwen.

  Aeron met his brother’s gaze with one filled with sorrow. “Someone took advantage of our guards’ distraction,” Aeron gulped, finally lowering his gaze from his brother’s. While no one was looking, someone stabbed Wen… Gwendolyn. They used an iron stake.”

  Eilian felt his heart hit the ground. He felt it crumble into a thousand pieces on the floor. An iron stake. Iron. The only material forbidden to enter any part of the Fae Realm. The only material that could kill Fae, even if struck in a nonfatal area.

  “Is she…” He could not finish the question.

  “She did not make it.”

  Long moments of agonizing silence passed. Aeron was smart enough not to speak, not to offer condolences. If anyone in existence knew of Eilian’s devotion to Wendy, it was him. He would not pretend his words would offer any comfort to his grieving twin.

  Aeron made to leave after some time, vowing to return the moment he knew any information regarding Wendy’s murderer. Eilian barely heard him.

  Aeron told Eilian that King Cai already threatened to declare war if the Winter Court did not find the fiend responsible for his daughter’s death.

  War would be inevitable, Eilian thought bitterly, no one will admit to killing the Summer King and Queen’s only child.

  “I was with her at her last breath,” Aeron offered over his shoulder as he opened the front door to leave.

  Eilian looked at his brother, finally giving evidence that he was listening to all his twin brother had said.

  “She asked me to give you this,” he said, tossing a flash of gold to Eilian.

  Eilian caught the item as his brother slipped out the door. Opening his hand, he recognized the gold chain he always saw around Wendy’s neck, but he had never seen the tear-shaped pendant now lying across his palm. He brought the item closer to his face and noticed the tiny hinges on one side. He turned the pendant around and opened the latch. It was a locket. Inside the item was a photograph–a photograph of them.

  Eilian remembered the moment clearly. The picture was taken when he and Wendy were leaving a ball celebrating the Summer Solstice. It must have been their 90th. While their appearance remained unchanged after reaching their 25th year, it was easy to determine the time based on their clothing. At least, it was for Eilian. His memories of his youth with Gwen were seared into his soul.

  Eilian was dressed up in his typical designer tux with gold cuff-links. It was nothing special. Wendy, on the other hand, was stunning. In the photo, Wendy wore a capped-sleeved, peach, satin gown that hugged her curves mercilessly. Flaring out at her knees, the material drifted gracefully to the floor. Her hair had been swept up in curls atop her head. Long, blonde tendrils floated down either side of her face–a tiara added as a finishing touch. Eilian recalled how many male fae he had to fend off of her that night. He couldn’t leave the princess alone for one second without a swarm of both Summer and Winter Fae vying for her attention.

  That had always been the way things were with them. Neither Wendy nor Eilian ever showed interest in attending an event with anyone but the other. They also rarely accepted offers throughout the night that would separate them from one another. After about a half a century of rejection, would-be suitors for both eventually received the message and quit trying. That night was the exception. No one could have resisted her beauty that night.

  Prior to the photograph, the pair were walking hand-in-hand, laughing at something one of them said when a Summer Court photographer stepped in their path and begged them for a picture. Still grinning from whatever humor they shared, Eilian grabbed Wendy by the waist, pulled her to his right side, and gave what looked to be the biggest smile he had ever displayed.

  Eilian never saw the photograph, not thinking it would be anything special.

  He had been wrong.

  Eilian remembered Wendy placing her right hand on his tuxedo-covered chest to maintain her balance when he pulled her to him, but he did not recall the breathtaking smile on her lips. Nor did he remember that smile being turned, not towards the camera, but to him.

  With her delicate hand on his chest, bright green eyes turned up to his face, head barely reaching his chin, Wendy never looked so happy… or captivated.

  Eilian stared at the picture for another moment before turning his eyes to the other side of the locket. There, inscribed elegantly, were the words “The Day I Knew
I Loved Him”.

  Eilian released the most gut-wrenching and soul-tearing cry ever made by one of the fae.


  It could have been minutes or hours later when Eilian heard the cry of an infant.

  He remained slumped against the wall he fell down upon reading the most beautiful words ever written. “The Day I Knew I Loved Him.”

  Eilian’s thoughts were those of regret. Why didn’t he tell Wendy how he felt? He knew the love she referred to in the locket was not the love of friends they easily exchanged with each other. It was a romantic love; a love she held in secret. A love he agonized over for years, staying silent when he should have been proclaiming himself to her all along.

  The infant cried.

  Now, it was too late. He lost her. He would never hold her again. The silent tears that had been streaming down his face since opening the locket continued on.

  What monster could take her beautiful life from this world?

  A choked sob came from down the hall.

  Eilian’s heart jumped to his throat as he, at last, registered the noise. He stood and raced to his bedroom.

  Lying in the crib was little Gwen with the reddest, most tear-streaked face imaginable.

  He scooped her up and began bouncing her softly, trying to soothe her cries. His pain temporarily masked by his concern for the baby.

  Gwen gave tiny, pathetic hiccups as she slowly calmed down.

  Eilian shook his head in disgust at himself. How could he have neglected Gwen? How could he do that to Wendy’s own child? Wendy…

  The mourning fae held the child slightly away from his body and looked down into her face. He was, once again, mesmerized by her bright, fuzzy hair and blue eyes.

  Gwen waved her arms around in an uncontrolled fashion, before landing them roughly on Eilian’s chin. She stared intently at his lips.

  Eilian’s heart hammered as he was reminded of the photo and the way Wendy looked at him. He breathed out a heavy sigh, which blew against Gwen’s fingers. Her hands quickly began flapping uncontrollably again, accompanied by a large, toothless grin.


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