Will of Fate (Dual Court Kiss Book 1)

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Will of Fate (Dual Court Kiss Book 1) Page 5

by Samantha Britt

  “Did you not see her?” Ronan asked, his focus once again returning to the young woman. “She is breathtaking.”

  Fully enjoying his friend’s boyish behavior, Kalan allowed himself to play along and observe the female’s face to see what had Ronan so entranced.

  The sight that met his own stole the breath right out of his lungs.

  Standing, not fifteen feet away, was the most beautiful female Kalan had ever seen. Dark hair fell against faultless, fair skin. Pink lips, puckered in surprise, gave her a look of innocence, drawing out his desire to protect her. From what? He had no idea.

  Eager to take in the rest of her beauty, Kalan raised his bold stare. Big, blue eyes framed by long, dark lashes met his own. It felt as if electricity radiated through his body. Her eyes widened before she dropped her beverage on the floor.

  The girl jumped back in surprise, managing to escape most of the splash. A human male approached her from the side while a member of the bar staff set up ‘wet floor’ signs. Although he couldn’t hear her over the music, Kalan knew she was apologizing profusely to the employee cleaning up her mess. The man said something to her, eliciting a blush. The prince’s body hardened in response.

  Before Kalan could fully compose himself, the human male managed to buy the girl another drink and was following her through the crowd. The woman did not acknowledge him as he watched her pass by. The spell was broken.

  Wait! Kalan jerked his eyes back towards the woman as she sat down in a chair facing him. He inhaled sharply. She’s not a woman.

  He didn’t mean that she wasn’t female. There would be no denying the feminine grace and beauty she possessed in spades.

  No. Kalan meant that she was no human female.

  The beauty who captivated him… she was fae!

  Chapter 6

  How could I have missed it? Kalan chided himself.

  Looking at the beauty now, the prince could easily see the bright glow surrounding her–a characteristic all fae possess. The feature was often overlooked in the Fae Realm where everyone exhibited it, but in a room full of humans, it should have been hard to miss.

  His only excuse was how mesmerized he had been with her loveliness. Observing her now, Kalan continued to admire her. He found himself immensely grateful to have agreed to join Ronan on the trip into the Human Realm. Otherwise, he might never have stumbled upon the beautiful, Winter Fae.

  “Alright, Kalan, enough staring,” Ronan interrupted with a chuckle. “The girl isn’t that appealing.”

  He couldn’t disagree more. “Do you think I should go over there? She must know who I am.” Kalan ran a hand through his hair, hoping he looked presentable. He couldn’t remember the last time he cared what a female thought of his appearance.

  Ronan’s brow furrowed. “Have you met her before?”

  “No,” the captivated fae responded, “But surely she would know me as the Winter Prince.”

  The knight howled in amusement. “Kalan, I do believe you have lost your good sense. Surely you can’t expect a mere human to know the intricate details surrounding royal fae identities.”

  Stunned, Kalan gaped at his friend. Not seeing any indication of a ruse, the prince said slowly, “That female is Fae, Ronan.”

  The male rolled his eyes. “Your Highness, with all due respect, that girl over there is no Fae. I would be able to see through her glamour.”

  “Yes, you would,” Kalan replied, exasperated. “Just as I am seeing through it this very moment.” Kalan glanced back towards the beauty to confirm his statement. Yes, he was definitely looking past her illusion. The girl was definitely Fae.

  “Perhaps we should head back to the Winter Court,” Ronan suggested quietly, touching his friend’s elbow hesitantly. “Maybe the stress is affecting you more than we realized.”

  Growling under his breath, Kalan jerked away from his friend’s touch, and began walking over to the other Fae. He was not enjoying Ronan’s game in the least. Though, the prince was mildly surprised with how quick he was to snap at the guard. It was not like him.

  Pushing the thought aside, Kalan proceeded across the room, returning his attention to the task at hand. He wanted to speak with the Winter female and he wanted speak to her directly.


  The man in front of her was a jerk.

  Gwen had been extremely thankful when the stranger approached her after she dropped her drink. If he hadn’t come along, she would probably still be standing there staring at the sexiest man she had ever seen like a star struck teenager.

  Shaking the thoughts away, Gwen returned her focus to the man at the table. He bought her another drink–an offer she politely tried to refuse. As a result for his service, this virtual stranger now had no quarrels with imposing himself on their girls’ night out. The cherry on top? He was the most arrogant, self-centered man she met in years. And to think… she knew Bradley.

  “Excuse me,” a smooth voice penetrated her considerations with its silky tone, “Might I have a word?”

  Looking up, Gwen’s heart leaped into her throat as she realized the appealing voice belonged to the handsome man she gawked at near the bar. She froze in surprise when she realized his question had been directed towards her.

  “Me?” She squeaked, mentally kicking herself for not keeping her cool.

  No doubt seeing the reaction he elicited, the attractive man grinned. “Yes,” he responded, “You.”

  God, his smile is amazing.

  Flustered, Gwen tore her gaze away from the man. She glanced at her friends. Kate’s mouth was gaping open like a fish under water as she stared at the hunk of a stranger before them. Sara was viewing him with mild interest, which was equal to her standing up and flashing herself to him as a romantic proposition.

  “Actually, we are in the middle of something,” the arrogant man stated. Gwen forgot he was there. Suddenly, he put a hand on her knee in a gesture of possession. She immediately stiffened. She did not like being touched by strangers.

  The standing man noticed. “I do not believe you have any claim upon this female. Perhaps you should remove your hand.”

  Female? Gwen briefly wondered over the odd choice of words before the man beside her stood.

  “Or what?” He asked, challengingly. Gwen winced at the sight before her. No way did she want to cause a scene. Her eyes flew about the room, spotting the bouncers along the back wall.

  Look over here, she pleaded silently, come break this up before something bad happens!

  Thankfully, it appeared she worried for nothing. Almost as soon as she returned her attention to the men, the handsome one simply jerked his head to the side in dismissal. To Gwen’s surprise, the other man just walked away.

  Smiling, the handsome man turned to face her once more. “I apologize for that. Might we speak, now?”

  Speechless, Gwen just stared at him. What just happened?

  Although she did not know the departing guy personally, Gwen was pretty sure such a move would have been out of character for him. Their short interaction did not make the stranger seem like someone who would step down if he felt challenged.

  “She’d love to talk to you,” Kate rushed to say as she shoved Gwen up and out of her chair. “Wouldn’t you, Gwen?”

  Completely unprepared for the movement, Gwen did not have her balance and felt herself falling forward. Strong hands caught her shoulders, placing her gently on her heels.

  Gwen jerked back as if his touch shocked her. Maybe it did. How else could she explain the tingling sensation radiating down her arms?

  “My lady?” God, Gwen addressed the all-seeing-being once again, I could listen to him speak all day.

  “Yes,” she choked out, “I mean… sure?”

  With a smile, the man held out his arm the way actors in Jane Austen movies did. Ignoring the odd motion, as well as the flutter in her stomach, Gwen placed her hand in the crook of his elbow as he led her away.

  Glancing back at her friends before stepping out onto t
he bar’s patio, Gwen felt her body flush in embarrassment as she saw Kate and Sara making the most lewd and hilarious gestures in their direction. Shaking her head in amusement, Gwen made the mental note to pay them back at the first opportunity.

  The man led her to a corner table on the patio. The spot was probably the most secluded in the whole establishment. Most of the bars occupants were still entertained by the pianists and would be until they stopped playing at 1 a.m.

  “May I get you a beverage?” Her companion asked politely.

  “That would be great, anything works for me.” Gwen didn’t truly want a drink, but it would be nice for her hands to have something to do while she spoke with the good-looking man.

  Holy cow, what am I doing? Gwen asked as he walked away, running her fingers through her hair. She promised herself no romantic entanglements this summer.

  The man returned within moments. “A gin and tonic,” he informed her, placing the glass in her hand. Their fingers brushed, sending a shiver down Gwen’s arms.

  “Th-Thank you.” Get it together, she chided herself, taking a sip of her beverage to calm her nerves.

  An uncomfortable silence settled between them. Well, it was uncomfortable to Gwen. The man looked the picture of ease as he quietly observed her, then his surroundings, before returning to her again.

  “I’m Gwenevere. But people call me Gwen,” she offered in a moment of conversational brilliance. She held out her hand.

  Pursing his lips in what she thought to be amusement, the stranger grabbed her palm. “Pleasure to meet you, Gwen.” The way he said ‘pleasure’ caused tingles to travel down her spine.

  He did not release his hold. “Um…,” Gwen’s head was clouded by the sensation of his touch. “What is your name?”

  The attractive man smirked. “I believe you know my name.”

  Surprised, Gwen straightened in her seat. He thought she knew him? Impossible. She would never forget meeting anyone that looked like… that.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, tugging a little on her hand. He released her. “I am not that great with names. How would I know you?”

  His eyes narrowed. “Come now, Gwen. Surely you can see who I am through the glamour? Focus.”

  A feeling of unease started as she took in his odd words. “Again, I’m sorry, but I think you have mistaken me for someone else.”

  “I do not make mistakes,” his eyes filled with confusion and a tad bit of annoyance. “I don’t know if Ronan set you up to this, but I am not amused.”

  “Ronan? I don’t know a Ronan,” she replied, voice filling with nervousness. What if he was unstable? Why did I let him lead me into an isolated corner?

  She made a move to stand, only to be stopped as his hand flew down on top of hers. A strength like she had never felt held her in place.

  “Please,” she continued, tugging against his hold. “Let go of my hands.”

  He ignored her request and did not appear threatening, except for the fact that he held her hands down. “What are you doing in the Human Realm? Why are you spending time with those human females?”

  Gwen’s blood ran cold. He was crazy!

  “What,” she paused to lick her dry lips, “What do you mean? They are my friends.”

  A heated look passed his face as he watched her tongue move across her lips. “I mean,” he said, voice suddenly throaty, “what would a Winter Fae noble be doing with friends in the Human Realm? Who are your parents?”

  Fae? Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. Gwen needed to get away from this basket case… like now!

  She inhaled slowly, hoping he would not see the extent of her unease. She had read somewhere that the best way to handle an unstable person was to go along with their fantasy before finding a means of escape. Calling for help was out of the question at the moment; the loud music filling the air would make it impossible for anyone to hear her.

  “My parents are dead,” she said with no emphasis or emotion. “I don’t know who they were.”

  A sorrowful expression marred his handsome face. Gwen found herself wanting to erase the look for him. Keep your head on Gwen, she thought to herself. He’s crazy, remember?

  “It grieves me to hear that. I offer my condolences.”

  Gwen shrugged, trying not to be touched by his sincerity. “I know nothing about them. It’s hard to grieve someone you never knew.”

  “You have no knowledge of your parents? Not even their names?” His eyes sharpened slightly, looking like an officer in the middle of interrogating a suspect.


  The stranger rubbed his neck, looking like he didn’t know what to make of her. Silence settled and unnerved Gwen more than his rambling.

  Finally, he stood, shaking the table with his sudden movement. “You shall come with me back to the Winter Court,” he decreed with authority. “I shall help you find more information regarding your parents.” He held out his hand to her with his body already turned to move towards the exit.

  Panicked, Gwen could only shake her head and cry out, “No!”

  His blue eyes widened at her outburst. “No?” He tested the word, taking a step closer to her. “You will come with me. It is not negotiable.”

  Shaking, she gulped and prayed for courage for what she was about to say. “I’m not going anywhere with you. My friends are waiting for me.”

  She rose and attempted to brush past him, back in the direction of Kate and Sara. His hand snapped towards her, grabbing hold of her bicep, keeping her in place.

  Shit, she scolded herself for not making her escape before this. She entertained him for too long.

  “Let me go, please.” Her shaking revealed itself in her voice. His hold was not painful; there was hardly any pressure to it. Regardless, she was unnerved and rapidly losing the ability to remain calm.

  The man, seeming confused by her reaction, opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted when someone called out, “Gwen?”

  The woman let out a huge sigh upon hearing the familiar voice. She scanned the patio until her eyes landed on the tall, lean man meeting her gaze.

  “Ian,” she whispered in relief. She was never happier to see him.

  Ian’s eyes landed on the man beside her, then his hand on her arm. Within the blink of an eye, her foster brother was by her side and shoving the stranger away from her.

  How had he moved so fast?

  Gwen didn’t have time to continue contemplating her friend’s new-found speed as the tension between the two men drew her attention. Ian shoved her behind him, shielding her with his body.

  “Keep your hands off her, Winter bastard.”

  The man Ian directed the words to looked so taken aback it was almost comical. Regaining his composure, the stranger replied. “You must have a death wish for touching me so, Summer scum. You will hand over my Winter subject this instant.”

  Gwen saw Ian’s body lock up. Oh no, she worried, what now?

  Breathing harshly, Ian glared menacingly at the dark-haired man. “Are you telling me you can see her?”

  The man laughed without humor. “Of course, I can see her. Now release her to me before I freeze you where you stand.”

  Freeze where you stand? Gwen felt her knees grow weak. Maybe the bartender made the hurricane stronger tonight?

  Ian looked back at her, his expression of fear unsettling her more than she already was. Why was Ian afraid of this lunatic?

  Turning around, Ian straightened his shoulders and said in a firm voice, “I will not give her to you, and if you give me but ten minutes of your time, Your Highness, I will explain why.”

  Did he just say, ‘Your Highness’? Gwen’s vision blurred.

  Contemplating Ian’s statement, the man looked at him thoughtfully. After a few moments, he gave one nod. “Agreed, but I demand both of your names and titles for assurance that I will not be duped.”

  “Eilian, Your Highness,” Ian answered, giving what Gwen thought to be a false name. “Noble of the Summer Co

  Maybe he is just playing along with the unstable man as well. Maybe he has a plan to get us away from him.

  Those theories were quickly disproved when, with an apologetic glance to her, Ian continued. “And she is Gwenevere… Noble of the Winter Court.”

  The sound of her rushing blood filled her ears before she was met with darkness. Gwen vaguely recalled the feel of warm arms wrapping around her torso as she lost consciousness.

  Chapter 7

  Gwen felt as if she were in a dream. She was on the Roberts’ boat, rocking back and forth in the waves caused by a speed boat zipping past them on Canyon Lake.

  Wait. The Roberts sold their boat last year…

  Throwing her eyes open, Gwen realized the rocking motion she felt was from being carried. She sighed in relief when she recognized the warm, green eyes scanning her face.

  “Welcome back, Sleeping Beauty,” Ian teased, using the hand on her knee to pat her gently. “You had me worried back there.”

  The girl laid her head against the strong man’s chest, trying to relieve the sharp pain under her temples. “What happened?” She asked, taking in her surroundings. They were in a parking garage. Turning her eyes forward, Gwen spotted the familiar Jeep Wrangler Ian had purchased on his 18th birthday. She remembered how excited she, Kate, and Sara were at the prospect of having a friend with a vehicle.

  Gwen jolted in her friend’s arms. Kate and Sara. She was supposed to ride home with the girls.

  A chill blanketed her body as she recalled the handsome stranger and the strange words he used in the bar. The chill deepened when Ian’s reaction played in her mind. He had reciprocated the unstable man’s words.

  “Ian,” she croaked before he could answer her question. “Put me down.”

  He gave a slight shake of his head. “No can do. You just woke up. I don’t want you to fall again.”

  Gwen wiggled her body forcefully. “I can walk, Ian. Put me down.”

  “I must object,” a hauntingly familiar voice said from behind her. Gwen lifted her eyes over Ian’s shoulder and muffled a scream.


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