Will of Fate (Dual Court Kiss Book 1)

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Will of Fate (Dual Court Kiss Book 1) Page 12

by Samantha Britt

  “So,” Ronan began, fortunately drawing the prince out of his trance before Eilian was able to reprimand him for it. “Let us talk more details.”

  Returning his thoughts to the present, Eilian watched a soft smile formed on Gwen’s lips as she traced the edges of the locket.

  He supposed he should not have been surprised the prince was interested in Gwen. She was breathtaking, and any young male would have to be blind to her charms. Though, in no way did he believe she needed to be entertaining attentions from any Fae–given her parentage. He made sure to advice Gwen to keep all Winter males at a distance while visiting Court, reminding her to carefully guard her secret.

  “She was very pretty… and happy.” Gwen commented, continuing to observe the locket’s photograph.

  Eilian swallowed the lump that formed in his throat. “She was beautiful,” he couldn’t resist correcting. “Never more beautiful than that night, though. She lit up Summer Court.”

  “The way she looked at you. She… she loved you.” Blue, watery eyes met his own.

  “I loved her.”

  “Oh, Eilian,” Gwen rose and moved to join him on the couch, wrapping him in her small, but comforting, hold.

  The male let a few wayward tears escape, not bothering to wipe them away as he tucked his head on Gwen’s shoulder. It had been a while since he let his emotions go this far, always reeling them in when he felt himself losing control. But talking with Gwen, sharing his heart with the daughter of his love, there was no controlling his reactions.

  “You loved my mom,” Gwen whispered, continuing to hold him.

  Eilian gave one quiet laugh. “More than life itself.”

  Leaning back, but keeping her arms on his, Gwen gave him a questioning look. “So I guess you’re more of a father figure to me then, huh?”

  His answering laugh was a little louder. “In my mind, I have always considered you more of a daughter than anything else. But that doesn’t mean that our friendship is not also genuine and true. I would say you are the second best friend I have ever had.”

  Gwen faked a disappointed frown. “Behind my mother, right?”


  A grin broke through her façade. “I guess I can live with that.”

  Eilian brought her back in for another tight hug. She returned it eagerly.

  “I want you to have the locket,” Eilian told her after a few moments.

  “No,” Gwen responded, still holding him. “I can’t take that from you. It’s all you have of her.”

  “Besides,” she added before he could object, “I don’t want to risk having anything that could tie me to Summer Court. A picture of two Summer Fae, forget that one is their princess, would be enough to cause a lot of unwanted questions.”

  Eilian already considered that as well, but he didn’t want Gwen to go to Winter Court with nothing to remember him by. He voiced that thought to her.

  “One step ahead of you,” she responded, removing herself from him and disappearing into her room down the hall.

  Coming back, she held a maroon picture frame in her hands, holding it out to him.

  Eilian took it and saw a black and white photograph of Gwen wedged between him and Sharon Longe. The picture had been taken when Gwen received her class ring from Texas A&M University. They were standing in front of large statue replica of the school’s ring, surrounded by a crowd of students and their families. The three of them looked like a happy, normal family.

  “I plan on taking this one,” Gwen supplied as he continued to look at the photo. “I intend to keep it out of sight, but in case someone finds it, I figured it would be less conspicuous than one in color.”

  Eilian nodded, then handed back the frame. “Good idea.”

  Silence fell.

  “I was wondering…,” Gwen started, sounding uneasy. “Did Sharon know about you? I mean, us? Did she know what we are?”

  Eilian rose from his seat to approach her, placing a gently hand on her shoulder. “No,” he answered truthfully. “I glamoured myself to appear as a child to her as well. To Sharon, we were both parentless children who she made her own. Her motherly love for you was real.”

  Eilian felt her should drop in relief.

  “That’s good to know.” A tear fell from the corner of her eye. “I was afraid ask,” Gwen admitted with a watery smile. “I didn’t want to find out that such an important relationship to me was a lie.”

  “Not that I think ours was a lie,” she corrected quickly, ever conscious of other people’s feelings.

  His face softened. “Don’t worry,” he assured her. “I know what you mean.”

  Eilian and Gwen spent the rest of their morning and afternoon together. They talked, watched episodes of their favorite T.V. shows, and even spent a little time by the pool. It was what a normal summer day would have been for them if Fae had never reentered their lives.

  By the time evening came and Ronan arrived to take Gwen to Winter Court, Eilian found he had come to terms with her departure. Was he nervous? Of course. But he trusted Gwen and knew that she would be smart and stay safe during her visit. He also trusted Kalan and Ronan, the admission took him by surprise. Over the past weeks, Eilian realized the two Winter Fae were honorable and seemed genuinely concerned with his friend’s wellbeing. The Summer Fae did not doubt that the males would do their best to ensure Gwen’s safety.

  As the group stood in the living room, exchanging goodbyes, Gwen caught Eilian in what must have been their thirtieth hug that day. “I’ll miss you,” she said, choking on a sob.

  His own eyes teared in response. “I’ll miss you more. Remember, Prince Kalan said he would bring you back to visit whenever you want,” he tried to comfort her, gently rubbing circles into her back. “You will only be gone as long as you want.”

  Gwen nodded and reluctantly stepped back. “I know. I’ve just never been so far from home. Colorado is nothing compared to the Fae Realm.”

  Eilian smiled indulgently. “The distance is nothing once you learn to faze.” Gwen had yet to practice fazing to and from locations, but Kalan promised it would be the first thing they worked on once in the Winter Court. For the time being, Gwen would have to travel in the company of Fae who could faze, relying on them to correctly transport her between locations.

  After a couple more emotional exchanges, Gwen finally picked up her meager bag of belongings. Kalan instructed her to bring only the essentials, stating that she would be receiving a “court-appropriate” wardrobe upon her arrival.

  As Ronan reached out his arm for Gwen to take hold, she cast one last look to Eilian before accepting it.

  “I love you,” she called out as the apartment began to fade, as if realizing she had yet to express the sentiment.

  Eilian imagined she saw rather than heard his reply, his smile and lips blurring before her eyes. I love you, too.

  Part III

  Chapter 14

  “How are you feeling?” Ronan’s voice penetrated her clouded mind.

  Gwen’s vision continued shifting, trying to get her bearings from fazing. Slowly, her surroundings registered, causing her to inhale sharply.

  Gwen was standing in front of a towering stone wall, snow patches and ice covering its surface, although she believed the temperature to be above 32 degrees. Large trees with white and blue flowers lined the wall despite the seemingly unseasonable time for plant life. The rows of trees continued down both sides until her eyes could no longer see them in the distance.

  Glancing around, eager to see more, Gwen spotted men and women walking to and from the clear, glass-looking doors ahead of her. Looking beyond them, she could vaguely make out the sight of a large, white stone structure.

  Gwen inhaled deeply, breathing in the winter air and the scents surrounding her. Vaguely, she felt a gentle hum through her body, starting from her feet and progressing to her fingertips. The sensation was both calming and stimulating.

  “Gwen?” Concern evident in the guard’s tone.
/>   She turned slightly, giving him a sheepish grin. “Sorry, I’m feeling fine,” she answered his earlier question. “This place is beautiful,” she added with a wistful note.

  Ronan chuckled. “Indeed. Just wait until you see the palace.”

  The guard gently placed her arm in his and led her through the clear doors. Upon closer inspection, Gwen realized that they were actually made of ice–very thick and frozen ice.

  In the distance, Gwen was able to make out what had to be the palace. The building looked to have three stories and was decorated similarly to medieval castles she had seen in history books. Ronan walked her towards it.

  “We will be entering the west wing of the palace. We will avoid most Fae that way.”

  “Why didn’t we faze into the palace to begin with?” Gwen asked distractedly, watching a beautiful Winter Fae glide down the walkway. She was wearing ice skates, and Gwen’s eyes widened as she realized the fae was using her powers to create a path of ice in front of her.

  “Only the royal family can faze directly into the palace. Spells from Wise Ones are in place to ensure that is the case. All others must enter the palace in the traditional manner.”

  Nodding, Gwen continued to look around, fascinated with the beauty she saw.

  The pair approached a simple wooden door located on the west side of the palace. A handsome fae stood beside the doorway, wearing a uniform that looked as though it belonged in a medieval European royal court. His ensemble consisted of a navy blue shirt with gold buttons lining its front, stopping just below the jaw line. The outfit gave the guard a formal and authoritative appearance. His matching pants with gold pinstripes down the side and black knee-high boots completed the look.

  Gwen made a note to ask why these fae seemed inclined to dress in styles from centuries past. She could not recall ever seeing Kalan or Ronan in such dated clothing.

  “Sir Torin,” Ronan addressed the male, bringing Gwen to a stop as he did. “I am surprised to see you on guard duty today. Isn’t the position below yours?”

  Gwen’s breath hitched when the handsome guard broke into a charming grin. “It is Lord Ronan, but I don’t mind. Young Renny requested the shift off to see to family business.”

  “Very kind of you to grant his request.”

  Sir Torin shrugged, then donned a professional demeanor. “Might I ask for you to state your business for the palace logs?” The man managed a sheepish tilt of his lip. “Protocol and all that…”

  “Of course,” Ronan took the man’s outstretched clipboard and began writing. “I am Lord Ronan, His Royal Highness’ personal guard, returning from a trip to see my family.

  “And this,” he gestured to the silent Gwen, “Is my niece, Lady Gwenevere. She shall be taking up residence with me at Court. Prince Kalan has already approved the arrangement.”

  Gwen could only assume he wrote the same information down on the clipboard.

  Sir Torin, seeming to really notice her for the first time, gave her a smart bow upon her introduction. “Lady Gwenevere, it is my honor to be the first to welcome you to Court. I hope you enjoy your new home.”

  “Th- thank you,” she stammered, momentarily thrown off by the guard’s way of greeting as well as his sincerity. “Please, call me Gwen. It is an honor to meet you, Sir Torin.”

  The guard’s gaze never faltered from her eyes. “Very well… Gwen,” he tested her name on his lips. Gwen was mildly mortified with the heat she felt blooming in her cheeks.

  These fae men make me act like a teenage, school girl.

  “If there is nothing else,” Ronan said, breaking the spell between Torin and Gwen.

  The handsome guard looked sheepish at his obvious infatuation. “That should be all, Lord Ronan. Thank you.” Torin retrieved the log from Ronan, gave Gwen one last look, before opening the wooden door for them to enter.

  Once again taking Gwen’s arm in his, Ronan led the young fae through the door, trying his best to hide his disapproving look from the other guard. Gwen saw his expression and gave a small chuckle.

  “I think I am going to like it here,” she said to herself, eliciting a humorous groan from her escort.


  Ronan showed Gwen to his rooms in the palace, giving her brief comments on passing sights.

  “Kalan will be taking you on a tour tomorrow,” he told her in apology for his lack of detail. “He thought it would be nice for you to rest this evening following your fitting with the seamstress. He did want me to tell you that he will be stopping by to welcome you, however.”

  “Seamstress?” She questioned as she put her bag on the large, four poster bed in the room Ronan stated was hers. The space was larger than her and Ian’s bedrooms in San Antonio put together. Varying shades of blue covered the walls, carpet, and furnishings, lending the space a welcoming feel.

  As if on cue, a lovely fae with brown eyes bustled into the room, a basket in her hands. She was followed by a younger girl, holding a pile of fabric out in front of her.

  Immediately following a brief greeting, Ronan began giving the female instructions regarding the numerous styles and types of clothing the seamstress was to make for Gwen. Gwen found herself tuning the guard out, not knowing half of the items he was talking about.

  “Do you have a preference on fabric or color choice?” Ronan shot at Gwen, catching her unaware.

  She shrugged, wondering who would ever have a fabric preference. “Not particularly. Whatever you think is best.”

  Appreciating her answer, Ronan continued his discussion with the other female, leaving Gwen on her own for the moment.

  Gwen strode to the large window on the far side of her bedroom, noticing upon closer inspection that it was actually a door leading to a balcony. Eager to see more of her surroundings, she stepped out onto the stone patio and stilled at the beauty before her. Her mind whirled with all the sights she had taken in thus far.

  The palace was shaped in a large rectangle, with a large courtyard in the center of the structure. Ronan’s rooms were located in the East Wing, he informed her, and Gwen believed they resembled a type of upscale apartment one might find in a swanky downtown loft. In the small amount of time she was in his main area, Gwen counted seven doors leading from it, indicating the sheer size of his quarters. She looked forward to exploring every inch of the palace, and she planned on starting with her current lodgings. Although, after taking in the magnificent view from her balcony, Gwen wondered if she would ever want to leave it. She eyes a pair of dove-looking creatures swoop down across the courtyard, landing softly on a white bark tree.

  “We will need for my niece to have an appropriate dress for her introductions tomorrow evening,” Ronan’s voice carried through the open patio door. “Is that manageable?”

  “Of course, my lord,” the seamstress returned.

  “Worthy of meeting King Kheelen and Queen Tanya,” the guard added, ensuring the seamstress knew of the quality of dress he would be expecting.

  “Indeed. Your niece will look poised and elegant in the dress I have in mind. I will take her measurements and, when I am finished, will work on modifying the gown to her size.”

  Taking that as a sign to return, Gwen reluctantly entered the room and allowed the seamstress to being poking and prodding as she worked. Ronan quickly departed, vaguely informing her he would return later with their friend.

  Gwen assumed the guard did not wish to make her acquaintance with the prince known to the seamstress. Both Ronan and Kalan informed her that acting familiar with the prince too soon might raise questions on how she and the prince met. All of Winter Court knew Ronan’s family rarely spent time at Court; caution was needed in order to keep their ruse from scrutiny. Gwen let out a sigh, realizing she might not have given appropriate thought to how her interactions with Kalan might change at Court.

  Gwen watched Ronan exit the main door through her room’s own door, catching a glimpse of another fae in a guard’s uniform standing next to the entrance. She added anot
her item to the list of things to discuss with the prince.

  Thirty minutes passed according to the large, gray wall-clock when the seamstress spoke to Gwen beyond asking her to raise or lower limbs.

  “I am going to retrieve your gown for tomorrow and return so we may fit it correctly.” The seamstress turned her attentions to the younger girl with her.

  “Penny,” she addressed her. “Please help Lady Gwenevere into a corset for the fitting. The ivory set should do.” With a swish of her skirt, the seamstress swiftly exited the chambers.

  Penny picked up what looked to be a torture device from her pile of fabric. Gwen winced, already anticipating discomfort.

  Penny saw her expression and offered a kind smile. “It is not as bad as it looks. Would you be more comfortable changing behind the screen?” She gestured to a tri-fold in the back corner of the room.

  “No, I am alright here.” Gwen began removing her black cardigan and white tank, leaving her skinny jeans on for the time being. Penny fit the corset over her chest for modesty sake before Gwen removed her lacey, pink, Victoria’s Secret bra.

  The younger girl was just working on lacing up the strings, making the offending item dig into Gwen’s ribs, when the front door to Ronan’s rooms opened.

  Looking up, Gwen smiled when she recognized Kalan with Ronan a step behind him.

  She placed her hand on her corseted hips when Penny gave the strings another pull. “Kalan!” She let her voice reflect the enthusiasm she felt since arriving in the Fae Realm. She observed his outfit, surprised to find him in similar historical garb as the fae she saw earlier.

  The prince was dressed in a long-sleeved, loose, white shirt tucked into tight navy pants. He stood in shiny black boots which stopped just below his knee cap. Gwen felt her smile quiver as she registered how sexy the outfit made him. He looked like the romantic lead in one of her historical romance books. Her stomach clenched.


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