Will of Fate (Dual Court Kiss Book 1)

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Will of Fate (Dual Court Kiss Book 1) Page 15

by Samantha Britt

  The king nodded. “As I said.”

  “I am honored. I will be awaiting your summons tomorrow morning.”

  The king stood; Kalan followed suit. “I have business to attend to,” he said, dismissing his son. Kalan bowed his head, turned, and left.

  Kalan was on his way to find Gwen and Ronan, eager to inform them of his latest revelation, when he was intercepted by his mother.

  “My dear,” Queen Tanya cooed, “There you are. I have been looking everywhere for you. Where have you been?”

  “Hello, mother,” Kalan greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. “I was with Father in his study. What can I do for you?”

  Her eyes sparkled with mischief. “I was wondering if this young lady and I could steal your company for lunch this afternoon?”

  It was then that Kalan noticed the presence of a third person in the hallway. He glanced over and did a double take when he realized it was Hera, the pretty fae he’d met on the garden patio a little over two weeks ago.

  “Miss Hera,” he greeted, not able to hide the surprised lilt from his voice. “Pleasure to see you again.”

  The girl curtsied, giving him a soft smile. “The pleasure is all mine, Your Highness.”

  “Won’t you say you will have lunch with us, Kalan?” His mother asked again, attempting to lure him in with a pleading expression.

  It took but a moment for Kalan to realize his mother’s motive. Following their encounter, Hera had, no doubt, reported back to the queen. Upon learning that her son had not blatantly refused or disliked Hera’s company, Queen Tanya decided to continue her luck with this particular female in the hopes that he would choose her to fulfill the prophecy. Kalan could kick himself for leading both females on.

  “Kalan?” His mother questioned, her tone insistent. Hera’s smile began to fade with his continued silence.

  Looking at Hera, Kalan felt a pang of remorse for the situation he caused for her. Here she was, a sweet and lovely girl, her life being uprooted just to see if the prince would choose her as his mate. Now, after sharing no more than ten minutes in her company and…

  Oh no. He said he looked forward to seeing her again when he left her on the patio, didn’t he? Idiot!

  No matter how badly Kalan wanted to refuse his mother and discourage her continued matchmaking, the prince realized he did not want to cause Hera any more discomfort on his behalf.

  “Of course,” he answered. “Sounds wonderful.” Kalan would have this lunch with Hera and his mother, and then privately inform Hera of his lack of interest. He already dreaded the impending conversation.


  Kalan’s lunch with Hera and his mother turned out to be surprisingly pleasant. The prince was once again taken with Hera’s sweet disposition and could not find it in himself to break the news of his disinterest following the meal and subsequent stroll through the courtyard.

  Assuring himself that he would find the right time eventually, Kalan left Hera late in the afternoon. The prince hoped he could find Gwen and Ronan before he needed to get ready for the evening.

  Unfortunately, Kalan was unable to find his friends in the palace, even after searching the most unlikely of places. Knowing that if they left, Ronan would take them through the west door, the prince made his way there and asked the guard on duty if he had seen Ronan.

  “Yes, Your Highness,” the fae answered with a bow. “They left some time ago. Lord Ronan cited his departure as being due to his desire to show his niece around Court.”

  Kalan sighed as he looked at the sun’s position in the sky. The likelihood of finding them with any time to spare was very slim.

  After thanking the guard for his information, Kalan made his way back to his rooms, resigned that he would have to wait to see Gwen until Ronan escorted her to dinner.


  Kalan took a sip of elixir-laced wine from his goblet, tugging on his black bow-tie; his mind continuing to whirl from the events of the day.

  The prince stood in the foyer of the North Wing, facing the entrance from the bottom of the grand staircase. He greeted dinner guests when they entered as he awaited the arrival of Ronan and Gwen.

  Kalan regretted not spending the day as he planned, but resolved himself to do his best to continue the tour tomorrow. There were so many things in his home that he wanted to show Gwen, and he was excited do so.

  As if on cue, Kalan watched Ronan and Gwen entered the wing.

  Ronan looked nice, exchanging his formal guard’s uniform for a tuxedo. Kalan was glad his friend decided to appear as a guest and not as a guard, especially considering he would be formally introducing his niece to the Court. The fae’s current attire would be deemed more appropriate. Kalan’s eyes eagerly searched for Gwen’s, but she was blocked by the noble couple who entered before them.

  The same couple sought out Kalan for a welcome. He did his best to give a polite but succinct one. Stepping around them when they moved forward, Kalan directed his attention to Gwen and upon seeing the vision before him, dropped his jaw to the hard marble floor.

  Gwen was always beautiful. But tonight, she was breathtakingly gorgeous. Her dark hair styled in elegant perfection, dark tresses draping over the gloved arm curled into Ronan’s. Her blue gown cascaded down her slender frame, trailing gracefully behind her as she moved across the blue marble. When her eyes met his, Kalan felt as if he were drowning in them, captivated beyond saving in the deep blue waters of her gaze.

  Gwen gave a timid smile and a pleasurable warmth flowed through his blood in response.

  Ronan escorted Gwen the remaining distance to him and bowed to the prince. Gwen gave an effortless curtsy.

  “Your Highness,” Ronan greeted as he straightened. “You remember my niece, Lady Gwenevere?”

  “Yes, of course,” he responded, following his friend’s lead. “Pleasure to see you again, Lady Gwenevere.”

  “The pleasure is all mine, Your Highness,” she replied, biting her lip to withhold an amused smile. Kalan zeroed in on the act, another burst of warmth sent through him.

  “And please,” she added, “Call me Gwen.”

  Distractedly, he replied, “Very well, Lady Gwen. Might I escort you to the hall?”

  Ronan obligingly removed his arm from Gwen’s, offering it to Kalan with a bow. “She would be honored.”

  Kalan’s hand tingled and his heart sped up as he brought Gwen to his side. He couldn’t resist another perusal of her and was amazed to realize she was even lovelier upon closer inspection. He thanked Fate that he agreed to go to the Human Realm that fateful day.

  The pair proceeded across the foyer and into the Great Hall. Ronan was two steps behind.

  “You look lovely,” Kalan leaned over to murmur in her ear as they crossed the threshold of the majestic room.

  She grinned, a pink tint coloring her cheeks. “Thank you, Prince Kalan. You look wonderful, as well.”

  “I trust you had a good day with Ronan?”

  “Yes,” she beamed. “Winter Court is amazing. Everything seems so dreamlike. I feel as if I am in a royal court from medieval times.”

  Kalan chuckled. “Yes, I could see that. Actually though, the Fae Realm has existed far longer than the human race. Our Court’s design was created long before the Middle Ages.”

  “Even the clothing?”

  “Well…,” he began with amusement. “No. I must be honest and give the humans credit for creating the clothing styles you see around you. My parents enjoyed Regency fashion so much that it became popular rather quickly at Court.

  “Although,” he continued, gesturing to Gwen’s gown, “modern modifications to the traditional style are becoming more common.”

  Their conversation ceased as they delved further into the room and Kalan’s presence drew the attention of the fae around them. Donning his regal air, Kalan continued to escort Gwen, nodding to groups of nobles as they acknowledged him with bows and curtsies. The gold light fixtures illuminated the space in a warm, yellow glow.
/>   “It’s strange to see you treated like a prince,” Gwen commented quietly, her eyes scanning the crowd before her. “Very strange.” She had a smile on her lips, but Kalan thought knew her smiles well enough to know it was not lighthearted or relaxed.

  Kalan gave her hand an encouraging squeeze. “Just think of it as a job title. That is really all it is.”

  That caused a brow to lift in response. “It’s cute you think that…” she trailed off, a brief yet genuine smile bestowed upon him, letting him know she was teasing.

  Kalan laughed, squeezing her hand again. The noise brought more attention to them from the surrounding fae. The Winter Nobles eagerly observed Gwen, no doubt curious of the beauty who seemed to have their prince so charmed. Moments later, Kalan and Gwen approached a circle of fae located furthest into the room. His father and mother were among them. Though, each conversed with different nobles.

  Believing it would be prudent to not interrupt his father, Kalan instead advanced towards his mother, clearing his throat to catch her attention. “Mother,” he greeted, releasing Gwen’s arm as he kissed his mother’s cheeks. “You look lovely, as always.”

  Nearby fae murmured their agreements. His mother glowed in response. “My son, dashing as ever. Is he not, Hera?”

  Kalan schooled his face as the petite fae stepped forward. “Very,” she answered shyly. Kalan tilted his head in acknowledgement, but did not respond to the compliment from the girl. He really needed to address that issue sooner, rather than later.

  “Mother,” Kalan turned to face Ronan, gesturing the guard and Gwen forward. “You know Sir Ronan.”

  Queen Tanya chuckled, entertained by her son’s words. “Of course I do, Kalan. He was my guard long before you were even born, after all. How do you do, Lord Ronan?”

  “Very well, Your Grace,” the guard bowed deep before continuing. “Might I have the pleasure of introducing you to my niece, Lady Gwenevere of Vetur. She has recently moved in with me to experience life at Court.”

  Gwen dipped into a low curtsy, remaining there while looking the picture of grace as she awaited his mother’s acknowledgement. Kalan was sure his face betrayed his awe at Gwen’s elegance.

  Queen Tanya’s eyes scanned the young fae’s appearance, her face no longer lit with amusement. “A niece you say?” The queen spoke after a lengthy silence. His mother shot Kalan an observing glance before turning back to the guard. “She is quite a beauty, Lord Ronan. She does your family credit.”

  Ronan bowed again. “I thank you, Your Majesty.”

  Finally, Queen Tanya waved her hand for Gwen to rise. “It is a pleasure to meet you, child. I trust you are enjoying your time at Court.”

  “Yes, Your Majesty. Very much so.”

  His mother nodded. “Wonderful. Now, if you would excuse me, I see an acquaintance I have business with.” With that, Queen Tanya turned on her heel and strode from them, gesturing for Hera to follow.

  The threesome watched her departure, Gwen letting out a long breath. She turned her eyes to Kalan. “I don’t think she likes me.”

  “Nonsense,” Kalan responded immediately, not fond of the idea his mother did not approve of Gwen. “She doesn’t know you. Take no offense from her abruptness. That is just her way.”

  Still looking unsure, Gwen gave a small shrug. “If you say so.”

  Since his father still appeared occupied, Kalan took Gwen’s arm and walked with her through the large, formal room. He and Ronan continued to introduce her to various nobles during their journey and the lingering and admiring looks from the males did not escape Kalan’s notice. The prince took solace in Gwen’s seemingly lack of awareness, though, he did bring her closer to his side in response.

  The trio was just approaching the garden doors when silence fell over the room. Curious, Kalan’s eyes scanned the crowd and landed on the group of five fae near the entrance of the Great Hall. They each wore a green uniform, yellow scroll and stripes decorating the otherwise drab ensemble.

  The yellow lines and curves met to form an emblem at the right shoulder, displaying a sun back dropped with a large, leafy tree: the insignia of the Summer Court.

  The Summer Ambassador had arrived.

  Chapter 18

  Gwen sat next to Ronan at the long, oak table in the Great Hall. Kalan, positioned near the head of the same table, engaged in conversations with his parents and other distinguished guests near him. Gwen pushed the steamed vegetables around her ice-carved plate absentmindedly; all her brain power focused on the events that had transpired earlier in the evening. So distracted, she wasn’t even amazed at how the food on her plate stayed warm despite their cold surface.

  Gwen was standing with her two friends, sharing a conversation with another fae when silence settled over the room. A chorus of murmurs filled the air when the group of Summer Fae completed their entrance into the Great Hall, ending in bows of greeting to the Winter King and Queen.

  Gwen couldn’t believe her eyes as she took in the appearance of the Summer Fae leading the entourage and her limbs stilled in surprise. The fae leading the group was the spitting image of her lifelong friend, Ian!

  At first, Gwen actually believed the fae to be Ian, but after she came over the initial shock, she realized that the fae could not be him. Although the differences between the men were slight, they still existed. For instance, the Summer Fae who led his associates into the room did so with an arrogant saunter that she did not think her friend would have been able to emulate. Even if it were simply for show.

  No. Gwen knew that this fae was not Ian. And after a few moments, she deduced that he must be none other than her friend’s infamous twin brother. She knew very little of him, but what she did know caused her to stay out of his sight. He knew her mother, which meant Gwen needed to keep as far from him as possible to avoid recognition.

  Ronan did not miss her odd behavior. She dismissed his worries with a smile, not wanting to reveal her concerns where she might be overheard.

  So, here she was, unable to consume her food as her mind was filled with ways to avoid the Summer Fae’s presence during his stay at Winter Court. She learned from the populated room that his name was Duke Aeron, and he was the ambassador sent by the Summer King and Queen.

  My grandparents, she thought, briefly fantasizing at what it would be like to have such relations in her life. She was in the middle of her fantasy when a loud clanking broke her from the thoughts.

  Gwen turned her eyes to the source of the noise and witnessed the Winter King rise, holding a crystal goblet in his large grasp. He raised the drink in the air.

  “Distinguished guests. I thank you for joining Queen Tanya, Prince Kalan, and me for dinner this evening.” Kalan rose following the mention of his name.

  “It is our pleasure to highlight this affair with the introduction of our esteemed visitor from the Summer Court, Duke Aeron of Summertide, Ambassador of Their Majesties King Cai and Queen Orla.” Gwen watched as the Summer Fae stood, joining the father and son. Ronan shot her a worried look, clearly making the connection as he both saw and heard the duke and his name.

  “I would like propose a toast to Duke Aeron and, also, to our impending diplomatic discussions that are the reason for his presence here today. May they be productive and beneficial to both of our Courts.” King Kheelen raised his goblet. “To Duke Aeron.”

  All the fae dining lifted their drinks and repeated the sentiment before taking a sip.

  Duke Aeron cleared his throat. “Thank you, Your Majesty. Your words are kind and give me hope that our Court relations are on the path to mending.” His voice was slick with political ease.

  “I would also like to thank your Court,” the Summer Fae said, turning his eyes to scan the numerous fae lining the table in front of him, bestowing upon them a charismatic smile. “The welcome I have received this evening went beyond all expectations, and it shall not be forgotten by me or my companions. You are all fae of honor and grace.”

  Gwen had been so distr
acted by the proceedings that she forgot her plan to stay out of Aeron’s sight. She remembered when the Summer Fae’s eyes locked on hers, bringing forth a surge of panic. It looked as if his eyes widened slightly upon seeing her.

  Thankfully, Duke Aeron’s gaze did not linger. Within a second, the fae’s eyes continued on their path around the table, drawing out a sigh of relief from Gwen.

  “So let us drink to Your Highnesses and Your Lords and Ladies,” Duke Aeron continued, raising his arm. “To Winter Court.”

  Gwen raised her shaky glass in time with the fae surrounding her, hoping she had not just made a huge mistake.


  The dinner ended and Gwen found herself alone with Ronan, both viewing the crowd of fae in front of them. Following his speech, it appeared Duke Aeron won over most of the nobles. He was currently surrounded by his newly acquired acquaintances, giving Gwen the opportunity to observe him without notice.

  The fae was handsome which was not surprising given that he shared Ian’s genetics. He had a nice smile and did not hesitate in displaying it to any and everyone. Gwen noticed that a large number of the fae seeking his attention were females, and Duke Aeron seemed especially inclined to interact with them. Gwen shook her head in disbelief. You would think that given the ban on inter-court relations, as well as the current war occurring between courts, Winter ladies might resist flirting with the Summer Court Ambassador. Apparently not.

  Caught up in her musing, Gwen did not feel Ronan’s questioning gaze. He gained her attention when he cleared his throat.

  “Everything alright?” He asked with concern.

  Gwen’s eyes trailed from him, to the ambassador, and back again. “Did you know Duke Aeron was the ambassador?”

  “Not until this evening.”

  “You know he is Ian’s brother, right?”


  “Does Ian know?” Gwen couldn’t believe that he did. He would have mentioned it.

  Ronan confirmed her suspicions. “No.”

  Gwen’s neck tingled. Turning slightly, she met Kalan’s gaze from across the room. He was speaking with a small, pretty fae; the girl barely reached his shoulders. He offered her a charming smile before returning his attention to his partner. Gwen fought down the dread that threatened to rise from Duke Aeron’s presence at Winter Court.


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