Will of Fate (Dual Court Kiss Book 1)

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Will of Fate (Dual Court Kiss Book 1) Page 24

by Samantha Britt

  “Of course, Your Majesty,” Lord Leo bowed.

  Unable to keep his attention from Gwen, Kalan continued to observe as she socialized with the fae around her. When one male stepped forward as the orchestra began a new song, Kalan had to fight the urge to leap from the stage and steal her from the fae as he led her to dance. He hated seeing Gwen look so happy in another’s arms.

  Thankfully, Kalan was distracted from his melancholy thoughts at the approach of Winter nobles.

  “Lady Suisan. Lord Malt,” Kalan greeted his friend and her father. He stepped down from the platform to bow and kiss Lady Suisan’s hand. “Might I request this dance, Lady Suisan?”

  If Lord Malt was taken aback from the prince’s abrupt manners, he hid it well. With a nod and bow, Lord Malt relinquished his hold on his daughter and Kalan promptly led her to the dance floor.

  “You must have been eager to dance,” Lady Suisan commented, amusement glittering in her eyes. “Are things not as diverting on the dais?”

  Kalan grinned as he positioned his hold around her. “You know I am not one to revel in attention. I would much rather be down here enjoying the ball as everyone else.”

  His partner chuckled. “I regret to inform you, but you have not escaped receiving attention from simply joining the crowd. Have you not noticed how everyone parted as we walked to the dance floor?”

  Kalan shrugged. He had noticed, but chose to ignore the admiring Winter Fae as well as the curious glances of the Summer Fae.

  Lady Suisan smiled knowingly as the pair joined the movements of the other couples.

  Kalan attempted to maintain polite conversation with his friend, all the while searching the floor for Gwen. He silently cursed the numerous fae hiding her from view.

  “… and then I stripped down and jumped into the frozen pond in nothing but my undergarments.”

  Kalan jolted, wide eyes meeting Lady Suisan’s playfully annoyed ones.

  “Really, Prince Kalan. What has you so distracted?”

  “I’m sorry,” he apologized, knowing that his behavior could easily be construed as a slight for his friend. “I am trying to find Lady Gwenevere.”

  She gave him a forgiving smile. “Ah, yes. It seems every time I see you, you are looking for Lady Gwenevere. I had the opportunity to meet the lady just yesterday. She is very charming.”

  Kalan’s smile grew on its own accord. “Indeed.”

  “Do you know what she is wearing? Perhaps I can help.”

  Kalan grinned and relayed Gwen’s attire. The pair continued the lively dance while both scanning for a beauty in lavender.

  “I see her!” Lady Suisan exclaimed excitedly. “Just over to our left.” She was right. Gwen was about twenty feet from them, being twirled about my some lesser noble who’s name Kalan could not recall. He was riveted, as any male in Gwen’s presence was sure to be. She looked even lovelier upon closer observation.

  “Perhaps we should make our way in that direction?” Lady Suisan suggested. “You can claim her next dance.”

  Kalan nodded eagerly, greatly anticipating having Gwen in his arms. He missed her immensely the previous day, and longed to be in her presence again.

  Kalan could tell the orchestra was preparing to end the song; he skillfully guided Lady Suisan to where he last saw Gwen before she disappeared in an array of skirts and tuxedos. He caught a glimpse of her gown as the song ended. The prince bowed appropriately to Lady Suisan, taking her arm in his. With a knowing glance, his friend gestured for him to lead her in the direction of Gwen.

  Kalan’s strides were quick and purposeful as he made his way to the other side of the dance floor, bypassing those couples who began moving to the new number. He could not wait to get his arms around Gwen.

  That’s why it was with a disappointed frown that Kalan watched as Gwen was escorted to the dance floor by a different fae. She was positioned a good distance away, too far for him to reach before she began the new dance.

  Lady Suisan’s smile was sympathetic. “Perhaps we should mingle about, Your Highness? Until Lady Gwenevere becomes available?” The lady was very kind.

  Figuring that course of action would be more successful than returning to the dais to observe the ball from afar, Kalan nodded and proceeded to escort his friend through the room, greeting and speaking with Winter and Summer nobles alike. Though for all intents and purposes he appeared engaged, his mind was continuously focused on the beautiful fae who eluded his company.

  Chapter 28

  Gwen was surprisingly successful in avoiding Kalan. She came close to facing him during his first dance with Lady Suisan, which only brought a mild pang of jealousy, before she was luckily approached by another gentleman for a dance.

  That was how most of her night was going, Winter noble after Winter noble approached and led her through intricate dance movements Ronan successfully prepared her for in the preceding weeks. She did manage a small break in which her “uncle” gave her a refreshing beverage in the company of several Winter Fae. Gwen did not doubt it was only the presence of the other fae which kept Ronan from questioning her obvious avoidance of Kalan. The guard was too watchful to have missed Gwen’s purposeful steps away from areas the prince was located.

  It was during one of her numerous dances that a movement in Gwen’s peripheral vision caught her eye. Glancing over her shoulder, Gwen nearly stumbled upon seeing a form which looked eerily like Ian’s walk behind one of the ballroom’s decorated screens lining the edges of the room.

  Gwen was practically fidgeting in her eagerness to end the dance and make her way over to the fae. She willed herself to remain where she was to avoid calling unwanted attention to herself and the figure who reminded her of Ian.

  Thankfully, the song ended and Gwen quickly approached the area. She nearly squealed in excitement upon looking behind the screen and seeing none other than Ian standing there. He was dressed the nicest Gwen had ever seen him, if she did not count the photograph in her mother’s locket. His black tuxedo matched the darker toned suits of most Summer Fae in the room. Gwen figured it was their attempt to pay homage to the Winter Court, while Winter Fae dressed in lighter colors for the same purpose. She mentally shook her head of the distracting thoughts and ran into Ian’s waiting arms. He hugged her closely before promptly putting space between them.

  “What are you doing here?” She whispered, glad for his company, but worried about being seen.

  “I couldn’t sit in the apartment knowing you were putting yourself in such a precarious situation. I decided I would attend the event to make sure you are okay.”

  She smiled lovingly at her protector. “Thank you. It is a relief to know you’re here looking out for me.” Gwen chose to not dwell on the logistics Ian must have had to overcome to gain admittance to a ball where he was not expected to attend.

  Ian returned smile. “You look lovely, Gwennie,” he complimented, eyeing her from head to toe. “The spitting image of your mother.”

  “Perhaps that is not the best thing to be given the present company.” Gwen anxiously glanced around them, remembering that such closeness between Summer and Winter Fae was not common.

  “There is so much going on tonight, no one would think twice about you. Not that you are not noticeable, of course.”

  Gwen grinned at his attempt to not insult her. Ian should know her well enough to know she was not easily offended.

  “Is that why you are out in the open?” She asked. “You’re hoping no one will notice the presence of a Summer noble who has been absent for twenty plus years?”

  “Precisely,” Ian said with mischief. “And if I am seen, I am hoping to simply be mistaken for my twin.”

  “It would seem that might be an ill-advised plan,” a familiar voice behind the screen interjected. “Especially since there is no way I would ever mistake you for myself.”

  Duke Aeron stepped around the end of the barrier. Ian instinctively stepped between his twin and Gwen, shielding her from view. Gwen knew it
was too late. The expression on Duke Aeron’s face revealed he was not at all surprised to see the two together.

  “It seems I was right in my suspicions,” Duke Aeron said, thankfully in a low voice. The hum of the crowd around them prevented the words from being overheard.

  Ian took an aggressive step forward in response.

  Duke Aeron raised his hands while simultaneously stepping back. “I mean the girl no harm, Eilian.”

  “What do you want, then?”

  “To speak with you about this situation. Is this really Wendy’s daughter?”

  “You seem to believe she is.”

  “What in the hell is she doing here, Eilian?” The duke asked in a surprisingly harsh voice. “If I can recognize her then others sure as hell can.”

  Gwen stepped forward, disliking being discussed as if not there. “I wanted to come. It would have raised suspicion should I have been absent after being a guest at the Winter Palace.”

  The duke barely spared her a glance. “That brings me to another question; what in the Fates is she doing at Winter Court in the first place? Don’t tell me I wasted securing the defalutar potion for you, Eilian.”

  “Gwen ran into Prince Kalan in the human realm. He saw her as a Winter Fae and we could not prevent his interest.” Ian explained reluctantly, knowing there would be no way around hiding anything from his twin at this point.

  Duke Aeron scoffed. “Yes. It is clear the prince has not been hiding his interest.”

  Gwen chose to ignore the duke’s implication. “You said your suspicions were right. Why wait to confront me about it now? At the most significant event in recent Fae history.”

  “Because I was unsure. Last I knew, Wendy’s child was blonde. Apparently I was incorrect.”

  Gwen smirked, and only offered two words. “Hair dye.”

  “For the sake of Fate!” Duke Aeron threw his hands above his head in exasperation. “Hair dye? That’s all you two are relying on to conceal your identity? And here I thought it wise to leave Wendy’s daughter in your care, Eilian. Clearly, you are not her father.”

  Gwen saw the barely perceivable slump in her best friend’s shoulder. Anger rose to the surface. Though she thought of Ian in a brotherly way, she knew his perspective was closer to paternal. It hurt Ian to be reminded of their lack of blood, especially since he would have wanted nothing more with his life-long love.

  “How dare you,” Gwen moved forward and poked Aeron in the chest in defense of her friend. “Ian has done everything for me. Literally everything. You have no right to criticize him, or me, or us together. We’ve got it handled so stand down.”

  She was so preoccupied with her rant, that Gwen did not notice the change in Aeron’s demeanor the moment she touched him. His face went from stern to thoughtful during her speech, his expression catching her off guard when she finally observed it.

  Gwen was even more surprised when Aeron gently took hold of her poking hand, stopping her aggressive gesture. He smiled; it was not derisive or antagonistic. The duke’s smile contained a small amount of longing that Gwen could not ignore. In fact, she found herself captivated by it.

  “You look so much like your mother,” he whispered, holding her in his gaze. “Beautiful…”

  Gwen was unsure if she imagined the last word, it was spoken so softly. Before she could contemplate further, Ian took her elbow and gently pulled her back behind him, breaking the spell.

  “We should disperse,” Ian commented, bringing Gwen out of her haze. “We draw too much attention to ourselves.”

  “Not ‘we’ brother,” Duke Aeron commented slyly. “You forget, Lady Gwen and I have been formally introduced. It would not be odd for us to be seen conversing. You, however, would raise quite a few questions.”

  Gwen watched Ian grimace, realizing his brother’s words were right.

  “In fact,” the duke continued, “I believe it would be a great diplomatic gesture for Gwen and me to share a dance. What do you say?” He held his hand out to her expectantly.

  Ian swatted it away. “Are you insane? First you are concerned that she will be recognized here, and then you offer to be the first inter-court fae to share a dance tonight? If you want to keep her out of notice that is not the way to do it.”

  Gwen knew Ian had a point, and figured so would the duke. She was stunned when he merely shrugged, brushing off his brother’s concern. “It is too late now that she has made an appearance in the Fae Realm. As an ambassador employed to motivate peace between the courts, I cannot pass up this opportunity to show unity between Summer and Winter Fae.

  “Besides,” he continued, eyeing his brother with concern. “It will give you an opportunity to disappear out of sight. Our parents are here and they would be heartbroken to see you here without having prior knowledge of your attendance. I ask that you do not put our mother through that.”

  Ian visibly struggled with his twin’s words. Although Gwen never heard her friend speak of his family beyond Aeron, she knew they had to mean something to him. Circumstances just happened to be such that he needed to leave them behind that fateful time twenty five years ago.

  “She will be safe,” Duke Aeron assured his brother. “I was wrong to worry. She looks completely like a Winter Fae.”

  After a few heavy moments, Ian reluctantly allowed Gwen to take his brother’s hand. “Be careful,” he murmured, his expression indicating he would be keeping an eye on her, despite his twin’s recommendation to leave.

  “Promise.” Gwen could feel her friend’s eyes on her back as she allowed the duke to lead her around the screen.

  Gwen gulped as she took in the crowd. No one was looking their direction yet, but she knew it was just a matter of time.

  “I don’t think this is a good idea,” she admitted as they wound through the standing Fae. “You made the connection to my mother. What makes you think others won’t?”

  The duke met her hesitant expression with a reassuring one. “I have to admit I believe I overreacted. I would say no one but your grandparents, Eilian, and I knew your mother well enough to recognize her in you. I will be sure to keep you far enough away from Their Majesties for recognition to be near impossible.”

  Gwen nodded, glad to know the duke actually thought some of their current action through. Distractedly, she turned her attention to the flower and vine decorated dais, not for the first time in the evening. The Summer King and Queen stood elegantly, gazing out at the sea of fae when not conversing with a nearby subject. Gwen admired their dark green and gold clothing and their regal personas, but most of all she admired the way her grandparents interacted. When one moved, the other seemed to unconsciously mimic the action, giving the impression the two were completely in sync. More notable, however, were the loving and adoring glances the king and queen exchanged when the opportunity presented itself.

  King Cai looked at his wife like she was responsible for every good and beautiful thing in the world; like there was no one as magnificent as she. Queen Orla returned his affection, her lovely eyes admiring her husband with every glance, speaking silently of her love for him.

  Gwen was in the middle of appreciating her grandparents’ attractive looks, a concept which was still weird for her to grasp despite knowing Fae did not age as humans, when the words Duke Aeron spoke registered.

  “My grandparents, Ian, and you?” She questioned in disbelief, returning her attention to her dance partner. “Are you saying you and my mother were close friends, Duke Aeron?”

  “Aeron, please,” he corrected her. “And while no one could hold a candle to her friendship with my brother, yes. I would say we were friends.” The wistful tone hinted to Gwen that the duke might have wanted to be more than her mother’s friend. It seemed Princess Gwendolyn had her fair share of admirers.

  “As I was saying,” Aeron continued, seeming embarrassed by his recent statement. “While you might appear familiar to some, no one would intuitively leap to the true conclusion like those I mentioned before, and i
t would even be unlikely for them. You will be safe while you help me advance my position at Summer Court.”

  Gwen couldn’t help it. She rolled her eyes. “Glad to be of service, Aeron.”

  Instead of an arrogant, politician-like response, the duke gave her a genuine grin. It surprised Gwen, just as his smile behind the screen had. While she knew Ian was attractive, Gwen always thought of him as a brother, never permitting those thoughts to rise to the surface. But with this virtual stranger sharing the same green eyes, lean build, and light hair, Gwen could not deny his good looks, especially when Aeron smiled.

  “You’re staring, Lady Gwenevere,” Aeron informed her, amusement brightening his smile.

  Shaking her head, Gwen returned her focus in front of her, watching as the surrounding Fae slowly began to take notice of the Summer and Winter Fae walking arm in arm.

  “This was a bad idea,” Gwen muttered, embarrassed with the lingering stares as Aeron gathered her gracefully in his arms to join the current dance number. “Everyone is looking.”

  “That is just because I am dancing with the most beautiful fae in the room. They are staring out of envy or jealousy, depending on their sex’s viewpoint.” The humorous glint in his eyes let Gwen know Aeron was sincerely trying to alleviate her worry. She was grateful for it.

  She gave him a playfully flirtatious look, batting her eyelashes in the process. “You are too kind, Duke Aeron.”

  Instead of amusement, Gwen saw heat gather in Aeron’s eyes. The hand on her waist tightened, bringing her an inch closer to his body. “Please,” his deep voice vibrated against her body, “Call me Aeron.”

  Gwen gave him a small smile, but kept her mouth shut. She thought to play games, but realized she knew next to nothing about the duke. It was unwise of her to tease him and expect a response Ian would give. Aeron was not Ian.

  The duke kept them in perfect time, dipping, twirling, and stepping gracefully with Gwen throughout the entire song. The conversation between them turned courteous and reserved, though Aeron did not lessen his hold to allow Gwen the original extra inch of space between them.


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