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Will of Fate (Dual Court Kiss Book 1)

Page 29

by Samantha Britt

  Flashes of moments and feelings for Kalan threatened to completely overwhelm her. Ian’s embrace was the only thing keeping her from completely falling apart.

  Gwen was not sure when, but sometime during her breakdown, the king made his exit. Leaving her alone with Ian, the lifelong friends began trying to piece her heart back together.

  Jagged piece by shattered piece.


  Gwen sat at a table in the Barnes and Nobles coffee shop by the apartment, sorting through her school email. She was trying to give her life some sense of normalcy and direction following the chaos of the past couple weeks.

  After King Kheelen’s second visit with the potion, Gwen stayed in San Antonio with Ian. Following her crying fest the night of the ball, her best friend tried talking about what happened and what it meant for Gwen. She refused to comment. Gwen just wanted to move on.

  The smell of roasting coffee permeated the air, doing its best to warm Gwen despite the constant chill that seemed to surround her. She felt his presence before Gwen turned and saw Kalan standing by the shop’s entrance.

  The Winter Prince’s appearance was not its normal level of pristine. His hair was ruffled, a thick shadow of black stubble covering the lower portion of his face, trailing down to cover the underside of his jaw and neck. Even from her distance and the dim lighting, Gwen swore she could see his bright, blue eyes drilling into her own.

  Gwen saw his throat bob in a gulp before he moved towards her, his steps determined. He stopped in front of her table, behind the chair opposite hers.

  “Gwen,” his thick voice spoke, sending a familiar warmth through her blood. She had not heard him speak since the night that changed everything.


  The prince closed his eyes and winced as if in pain. He jerked the light chair back, sitting down in front of her quickly. Too quickly.

  “Kalan,” Gwen hissed, glancing around to see if anyone noticed his freaky-fast act. “Be careful.”

  He didn’t seem to hear her, keeping his eyes closed, inhaling slowly. “We need to talk.”

  “Alright,” she nodded. “But not here. Why don’t we go to the apartment?” She moved to gather her laptop when Kalan’s touch stopped her.

  Gwen gasped and withdrew her arm as a stinging cold sensation radiated through her hand and up her arm.

  “What was that for?” She asked, irritated that he would use his ability on her.

  He grimaced. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do that. Weird flare-ups of our powers were common whenever we touched.”

  “Yeah, but you were usually able to control it,” she pointed out, still thinking he did it on purpose. Unless experiencing Wrath…

  “Things are different now,” he murmured, staring intently into her eyes, as if drinking her in.

  Gwen shifted in her chair, uncomfortable with his scrutiny. “What do you mean?”

  “Because we vowed to bond,” he stated the words matter-of-factly, causing Gwen’s stomach to plummet.

  “Well,” she began softly. “That’s obviously impossible now.” Gwen watched as her words caused him to grind his teeth.

  “Regardless,” he continued his explanation. “The vow of a bond has meaning in the Fae Realm. We will now be drawn to each other even more than we already were, given our status as lifemates.”

  Gwen held up her hand to stop him, bile rising in her throat. “Kalan. Don’t.”

  Kalan growled, grabbing her hand and lowering it to the table. Gwen was surprised that his hold was only firm, not painful. He seemed to reign in his powers while still looking to be at his wits end.

  “We are lifemates, Gwen. I know it.”

  “Kalan, we’re siblings. I don’t know everything about Fae society, and I even acknowledge that they are sometimes backwards in their thinking, but I am confident that Fae view incestuous relationships as horrifying as humans.” Gwen fought to keep her voice low, having zero desire for the cracked conversation to be overheard by anyone nearby.

  “Half-siblings.” He clarified.

  “In the Human Realm, not even first cousins can marry.” Gwen snapped, feeling crazy for engaging him.

  “They can in the Fae Realm.”

  Gwen leaned away in disgust at his callous argument, pulling out of his grasp. Looking closer, she could see the turmoil brewing in his eyes, undermining his unaffected facade. Why was he trying to act so nonchalant about their terrible situation? She voiced the question to him.

  “Because despite our unfortunate family connection, you are still my lifemate, Gwen. Nothing else makes sense. Believe me, I have tried to find an alternative, tried to find any other explanation for my feelings for you, but all I’ve accomplished is mental fatigue and agony over thinking I have lost you.”

  “Kalan, please,” she felt her eyes moisten at the heart wrenching words. “It’s impossible.”

  “It’s not,” Kalan slammed his hands on the table, sloshing her iced coffee. His eyes hardened.

  “Everything King Cai and Queen Orla described, Gwen, literally everything, explains our relationship. Every pull, fit of rage, longing for touch, magnification of each other’s power, points to us being prophesized lifemates. That is not something we can run from. Not something we deny.”

  “We have to,” Gwen whispered, her soul crying out as she registered the truth of Kalan’s words. She didn’t know what sick game Fate was playing, but she vowed to never trust such a cruel entity. “It’s not right.”

  “But it is right,” he pleaded for her understanding. His certainty of the correctness of their relationship touched her, but she could not reciprocate it. No matter if part of her wanted to.

  “I have to go.” She stood, hastily grabbing her belongings before racing out the door.

  She thought Kalan decided to let her leave in peace until she found him waiting by her Elantra. She cursed internally, knowing he would have had to faze in public to reach the car so fast.

  Bracing herself for the impending argument, Gwen took a deep breath. “Listen Kalan,” she continued walking to her vehicle. “This is hard as it is. We don’t need to make it any harder by entertaining the thought that–”

  The moment Gwen was in arm’s length, Kalan reached out and pulled her against his body. Gwen whimpered, helpless, as the prince took possession of her mouth. Every moment of yearning, love, and devotion was poured from his lips into hers.

  Gwen couldn’t help but mold into him, unable to deny how good it felt to be in his arms again. She’s missed him fiercely the past weeks, but knew she had to get over it. They could never be together.

  Perhaps that’s why Gwen did not fight his kiss. Perhaps sharing one last moment in each other’s embrace would be a better way to end their star-crossed romance. At least, that is what Gwen told herself when she replayed the situation to herself later.

  For now, she was mindlessly enjoying the moment, pressing against Kalan’s well-built form, wanting every inch of them to be in contact. Kalan cupped her head, worshipping her with his mouth, nibbling and caressing her swollen lips with his teeth. Gwen gripped his shoulders, digging her nails into the strong muscles.

  Kalan’s hands moved down, taking her firm flesh in his hands and picking her up so her legs wrapped around his waist. The move was sexy, kicking Gwen’s desire into overdrive as she took control of the kissing from her heightened position. Her tongue began doing figure eights with his own. Kalan’s hands squeezed her behind.

  A car horn and male catcalls broke the spell.

  Gasping, Gwen leaned back, locking eyes with the male below her. His expression was fire and ice. Fire for the heat and passion still lingering over his features. Ice in cold calculation, his mind working on how to arrange for this to not be the last of their impassioned encounters. Gwen wanted to cry when she saw the strength of his determination. He was not going to make this easy.

  Wiggling down and out of his arms, Gwen nudged his shoulder to move him away from her door. Kalan complied with
little force.

  She flung herself into the car, fumbling to find the ignition key. A knock on her window caused her to jump in her seat. Gwen cracked it an inch.

  “Yes?” Her pulse was racing, adrenaline pumping through her blood stream.

  His small, confident smile was nearly her undoing. “Drive safe.

  “And,” he continued, his gaze penetrating and passionate. “We will be together, Gwen. Eventually.”

  Gwen revved the car and sped off.

  Tears streamed down her face at his choice of words, her soul mourning as she replayed the promises made to one another only moments before their worlds were turned upside down.


  By the time Gwen arrived home, the evidence of her encounter with Kalan was gone. She stepped out of her Elantra and jerked in surprise at the figure standing beside her door.

  “Aeron,” she greeted in a high voice. “What are you doing here?”

  “Retrieving you.”


  “King Cai and Queen Orla have been apprised of the situation. You are to report to Summer Court, immediately. I have already informed Eilian.”

  Gwen shook her head adamantly. “No. I’m staying here. School starts again in a month.”

  “I’m afraid that’s not happening.” His voice was authoritative, but Gwen refused to heed to it.

  “And why the hell not?”

  “Because our spies at Winter Court uncovered an assassination plan that is being put into the works. You are the target.”

  Gwen blanched. “That’s… that’s crazy.”

  “It’s not,” the duke assured her stiffly. “Our spies also revealed that your secret is known by quite a few.”

  “The king?” Gwen could not imagine the fae sharing her secret when he seemed so adamant about keeping her safe. Then again, she hardly knew him.

  “Negative. Sources seem to indicate the leak originated from Lord Leo, King Kheelen’s secretary.”

  She tried to think of any argument. The king promised she could have a normal life. Unless he thought she was in danger…

  Gwen slumped against the car. “Do I have a choice?”

  “I’m sorry, Gwen. You don’t. And I apologize, but we really must leave promptly. It is too dangerous for you to remain.”

  Duke Aeron gripped her wrist before Gwen could say another word. In an instant, she felt the familiar pull of energy surround her as the duke fazed her out of the apartment parking lot.

  Gwen could not fight the transportation no matter how hard she tried, an annoying side effect of taking the defalutar potion again. She cursed the power erasing liquid as she was forced from her home.

  Whether she liked it or not, she was going to the Summer Court.

  Fate only knew what she had in store.

  To be continued.

  Dear Reader,

  I would like to take this chance to tell you how much I appreciate you taking the time to read my debut novel, Will of Fate. I know this story might have left you hanging over the edge, but don’t worry! Work of Fate, the second installment of the Dual Court Kiss series is available now on Amazon.

  Turn the page for a sneak preview of Work of Fate!

  Happy Reading!


  Chapter 1

  “Kalan, may I come in?” Ronan’s hesitant voice barely registered in Kalan’s ears. The prince sat in front of his parlor’s roaring fire. A fur blanket draped over his shoulders and hid the disheveled clothing from his friend’s worried eyes.

  Kalan continued to peer into the red and orange blaze. If the prince did not blink for some time, he imagined he could see Gwen’s face flickering in the flames.

  Two days passed since Kalan approached Gwen in the Human Realm and vowed they would be together. Two days since he held her in his arms, making the pain from the previous weeks all but disappear. The prince’s world came back into focus when he held the beauty in his arms and felt her skin against his own. Nothing ever could, or would, feel as right as Gwen’s lips on his. If only she would let him in her life, he would never again feel the pain of her loss. Kalan let out a shuttering breath as he remembered Gwen’s open reluctance to him.

  The prince understood her unease; he shared it. The knowledge King Kheelen was Gwen’s mysterious Winter Court father was the only reason Kalan felt strong enough to stay away from her as long as he did. Knowing he and Gwen were half-siblings filled Kalan with enough discomfort to try and cease any and all affection, despite the knowledge both felt an undeniable pull to the other.

  If only his resolve lasted more than two weeks… but his heart remained hers.

  From the moment Kalan first saw Gwen at the bar in the Human Realm, he felt a strong and surprising desire for her. At first, he fought the instinct to the best of his abilities. The prince knew he was destined to be with another, and he believed Gwen could not possibly be the one. Regardless, his feelings for her only grew with every encounter until he was too far gone to care about his lifemate prophecy. Kalan wanted to be with Gwen… no matter the cost.

  Kalan’s mind wandered to the night of the Summer Solstice Ball. The few moments after Gwen revealed she was his lifemate were the best of the prince’s life. Until Kalan insisted they tell his father, that is.

  The prince vividly recalled the king’s horrified expression when he heard the news. Kalan remembered how his father jumped up from his chair. King Kheelen wasted no time in revealing his relationship with Princess Gwendolyn to the fae before him. He admitted to an affair with the murdered Summer Court Princess, also known as Gwen’s mother.

  Kalan’s heart stopped when he heard the news. He couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t think. He couldn’t even look at Gwen. Unable to stand in the room with his love and hear information which would prevent them from being together, Kalan swiftly made his exit.

  Only days into their separation did Kalan begin to feel the ever-present pull for Gwen change. What was once only a mild pang of discomfort, along with a simply desire to be near her, was now all out physical pain and intense longing for Gwen’s presence. The prince’s limbs ached; every muscle was taut. His head pounded constantly. His chest stayed in a continual state of constriction.

  The condition kept Kalan in his rooms until he could not take it anymore. The agony was too great. He needed to see Gwen. Without even thinking, Kalan fazed to the Human Realm. He did not need to search for her whereabouts, their connection led him right to the bookshop she sat in.

  The relief and joy his soul sang out at seeing her was indescribable.

  Kalan knew she was his lifemate. Despite every piece of evidence leading to the contrary, the prince knew they were meant to be.

  “Kalan?” Ronan interrupted the emotional fae’s thoughts. Out of his peripheral, Kalan saw the guard move up and stand to his right.

  “What is it, Ronan?” Kalan’s voice sounded foreign to his ears, rough from lack of use.

  “This has to stop. I am worried for you. Everyone is worried for you.”

  Kalan said nothing. The only Winter Fae he’d encountered following the ball were his parents and Ronan. No one else had seen or heard from the prince in days.

  His mother, not knowing what transpired in Eirie, reacted frantically to her son’s despondent state. It was only King Kheelen’s order for her to leave their son alone which prevented the queen from forcibly removing Kalan from his rooms.

  His father, on the other hand, only called on Kalan twice since Eirie. King Kheelen would simply sit with his son, not offering any words of condolence or comfort. He only offered his presence. Kalan made a point to ignore him during the mute encounters.

  “I know about Gwen,” Ronan said after some time. No other word would have caught the prince’s attention like her name.

  Kalan turned his head, locking eyes with his guard. “What about her?”

  “I know she is dual-court.”

  Kalan’s eyes narrowed as his instinct to protect Gwen superseded his trust of Ronan. “H

  “Your father told me.” Ronan stated calmly, meeting his friends suspicious gaze.

  The prince paused and continued to observe Ronan. The information was surprising to say the least. “What else did he tell you?”

  Ronan’s expression turned sympathetic. “I know Gwen, Kalan. I do not believe she is a threat as the prophecy might suggest. I do not think the king does either, or else he would have done more than remove her from Winter Court. I understand why your father insists on separating you two, but I want you to know I do not agree with it. If Gwen is your lifemate, you two should be together.”

  Kalan tried not to show his surprise from the guard’s words. His father revealed much to Ronan. Kalan could only assume it was because the king knew Ronan was his son’s closest companion.

  Of course, Kalan knew the king would not trust Ronan, or anyone for that matter, to reveal the complete truth. No one at Winter Court knew the identity of Gwen’s father except said father and her half-brother.

  “I know you left Winter Court a couple days ago,” Ronan continued. “Did you see Gwen?”

  Kalan hesitated, but nodded. He saw no harm in admitting it.

  “How is she?”

  Kalan could not stop the image of Gwen sitting at the table appearing in his mind’s eye. He pictured the dark circles under her eyes and the hollowness of her cheeks when she looked up at his entrance. It pained Kalan to see Gwen looking ill… even if it indicated she might share in his despair at their separation.

  “She’s been better...” The prince trailed off, unable to think of anything else to say.

  Ronan’s lips thinned. “Simply because she is banned from Winter Court does not mean you cannot see her. We can travel to the Human Realm whenever you like.”

  “It is not that easy.” Kalan appreciated his friend’s eagerness to disobey his king and help him see Gwen. However, without the entire truth, Ronan was unaware of the complications accompanying his offer.

  Before Ronan could argue further, a knock at the main entrance drew both male’s attention. Without hesitation, the door opened and King Kheelen strode into the room.


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