The Watson Brothers

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The Watson Brothers Page 25

by Lori Foster

  “Naw. I borrowed from Gil.” Pete flashed her a grin.

  “Then it’s all settled,” her mother said before Cassidy could reply. Behind Pete’s back, Gina gave Cassidy the thumbs-up. “We can see ourselves out. Have a nice night, kids.”

  Her family managed a mass exodus in record time, leaving a heavy silence behind.

  Pete zeroed in on Cassidy. “About that dress.”

  He looked so intent, she started to fidget. “Horrible, huh?”

  “Let’s get it off you.”

  So he wanted to head straight to bed? Did he intend to just skip past everything else that had been said? Would he now ignore his statement about adoring her? “In a hurry, are you?”

  Pete nodded. “If you strip, I can, too.”

  Relief sent a grin across her face. Slowly, she pulled the knot from his tie and opened the top button of his dress shirt. “Poor baby. You’re really uncomfortable in this suit.” Almost as uncomfortable as she was in the dress. Of course, Pete looked delicious, while she didn’t.

  “Yeah, but for the right incentive I can suffer through anything.” The way he said that left no confusion: he considered her the right incentive.

  Using the tie like a leash, Cassidy led him down the hall to her bedroom. Her heart beat fast in anticipation. “Then by all means, let’s get you out of it.”

  He followed along willingly enough, but as Cassidy closed her bedroom door, he said, “About those changes I mentioned…”

  Did he have to keep harping on that? To distract him she pushed the coat off his shoulders and finished unbuttoning his shirt. “Let’s get this off you.”

  “But I wanted to talk.”

  “We’ll talk in bed.” She reached for his belt, and Pete gave up with a groan. The dress pants came off easier than his stiff jeans, and in no time, Cassidy had him buck naked. He looked so gorgeous, and for the moment, he was hers.

  Remembering how he’d teased her earlier, chasing her and wrestling with her, Cassidy decided to get back a little of her own. She picked up the length of black tie and beckoned Pete into bed.

  His dark eyes glittered. “What are you going to do?”

  “Just have a little fun.” She patted the mattress. “Put your sexy self right here while I lose my dress.”

  “Now, there’s an idea.” With no sign of modesty, Pete stretched out on her bed, his arms folded behind his head, one leg bent. “Go ahead. I’m ready.”

  Man, he looked good on her sheets. Sighing, Cassidy said, “No you aren’t. Not yet.” She went to the bed and looped the tie once, twice around his erection. “Leave that right there for a moment.”

  Eyes wide, Pete stared down at his decorated penis. “Uh, Cass…”

  After kicking off her pumps, she reached beneath her dress and stripped off the strangling pantyhose. Forgetting the tie, Pete gave her his undivided attention.

  Cassidy smiled, pulled her dress up, over her head, and tossed it aside. Now that it was gone, she felt better. She’d burn that thing before she wore it again. Now she stood in front of Pete in her new underwear, and judging by his expression, he liked what he saw.

  Striking a pose, Cassidy asked, “Is this the kind of change you mean?”

  Pete’s gaze was glued to her belly. “What?”

  “You want me to change. Does the sexier underwear help?”

  As if someone had doused him in ice water, Pete shot upright on the bed. Furious, he growled, “I do not want you to change!” Then almost as an afterthought, he said with less heat, “I like the panties, though.”

  Cassidy propped her hands on her hips. “You said I could change a few things.”

  He groused and grumbled his way out of the bed to tower over her. The tie remained looped around his penis, the long ends dangling down. Cassidy pursed her mouth to keep from snickering.

  Pete didn’t even seem to notice. “Not your hair or your clothes.” His vehemence made the tie shiver. “Not anything that’s you.”

  Cassidy stepped closer and smiled up at him. “That doesn’t make any sense, Pete.”

  He ran a hand over his head, drew a huge breath, and blurted, “I love you, Cassidy McClannahan.”

  That statement, sort of falling out of nowhere, rendered them both mute. Pete scrutinized her, waiting. All Cassidy could do was stare. She tried to reply, but nothing would come out of her throat. He loved her. Tears threatened.

  Seeing that, Pete groaned. “Ah, damn it, Cass, please don’t cry.”

  No, she wouldn’t. She sniffed, took several necessary breaths, and licked her very dry lips. “So…you love me?”

  “I do.”

  He sounded almost wrecked about it. Here he was, the most gorgeous, wonderful, impossible man she knew, in her bedroom, wearing a most unconventional black tie, declaring himself and looking morose about it. Cassidy covered her mouth but she couldn’t stifle her euphoric giggle.

  Pete’s eyes narrowed. “You aren’t going to cry now?”

  She shook her head. “No.” And she smiled.

  Clearing his throat, Pete said, “Good.” He propped his hands on his hips and took an arrogant stance as if he didn’t have a black tie embracing his manhood. “So do you think you could change your mind about wanting a guy in a suit?”

  She wanted him. “Maybe. What do you have in mind?”

  Pete rubbed the back of his neck. “I did some thinking today. I’m going to get my teaching degree. I only need a few credits—”

  Excitement shot through her and Cassidy threw herself into his arms. “Pete! That’s wonderful. I’ve always known you’d make a great teacher.”

  Pete held her away. “A gym teacher, Cass. No suits.”

  “Yeah, so?”

  Exasperated, Pete shook her. “You want a black tie kinda guy. You told me so, remember?”

  Feeling very impish, Cassidy pointed out, “You’re wearing a black tie right now.”

  His expression was comical. He looked down and said, “Damn. I forgot.” He reached for the tie but Cassidy caught his hands.

  “I love you, too, Pete. Just the way you are. I can be myself with you. If you were a guy like my dad, then I’d need to be a woman like my mom, and I’m not.”

  “You’re beautiful.”

  Oh, see, how could she not love him? Ready to swoon, she said, “I’m glad you think so.”

  Pete bent his head and kissed her, long, deep, and the next thing Cassidy knew, they were on the bed. With a little maneuvering, Pete got between her thighs and then she felt the head of his erection pressing in. “I need you, Cass.”


  He pushed her hair away from her face. “I don’t have anything with me.”

  “Will you marry me?”

  He grinned. “That was my next question to you.”


  “Good.” He pressed in, the friction incredible, the pleasure complete. They both groaned. “Do you want a big wedding?”

  “My mother will insist.”

  Pete quickened his strokes. “All right.” His arms tightened, holding her closer. “I guess I can borrow Gil’s tux again.”


  “You want kids?”

  “Sure.” She barely knew what she was saying, but she knew she loved him and didn’t want him to pull away. Not now. Not ever.

  “Me, too.”



  She wrapped her legs around him and arched her back. On a gasp, she said, “Shut up.”

  “Yeah.” Pete slid his hands down her back to her hips and lifted. The position pressed his chest closer to her breasts, abrading her already stiffened nipples. Cassidy cried out at the onset of release.

  “I love you,” Pete told her again, and that did it. She came, squeezing him tight, moaning and shivering. And just as the wild contractions ended, Pete went taut over her, grinding out his own orgasm. Cassidy knew she could end up pregnant, but it didn’t worry her. She was twenty-seven, on track with her career, and
now ahead of the game with love.

  Pete slumped against her, boneless and breathing fast and hard, giving her all his weight. But she didn’t mind. Not at all. In fact…“Pete?”

  He grunted.

  Hugging him, Cassidy said, “I love you in your jeans. And you’re pretty loveable naked.”

  He puckered up enough to press a kiss to her shoulder, then went limp again.

  Cassidy caressed the long length of his strong back. “But Pete,” she whispered, still a little in awe and more than willing to tease, “the way you wear a black tie is phenomenal.”

  Two seconds passed before Pete stiffened and shoved himself off her. “Oh, hell.” He stared down at his lap where the mangled black tie was crushed. “I think it’s ruined.”

  Cassidy started laughing and couldn’t stop. “You think?”

  He tugged it loose and dropped it over the side of the bed. “I’m going to have to buy Gil a new one.”

  “Maybe we’ll buy ten.”

  “Ten? Why?”

  So happy she was ready to burst with it, Cassidy said, “I’ve decided I like the effect black ties have on you.”

  Slowly, Pete grinned. “Fine by me. As long as I don’t have to wear the suit with it.”

  Read on for a taste of Lori Foster’s


  coming this August!

  Noah Harper stood frozen in the carpeted hallway of his fiancée’s house while his skin prickled with some vague, unsettling emotion. It wasn’t really anger or grief. It sure as hell wasn’t jealousy.

  If Noah hadn’t known better, he might have sworn it was . . . relief. He shook his head at the thought. No, he’d wanted to marry Kara. He’d accepted it as his fate and even viewed it as part of a grand plan for the future. Not really his grand plan, but then, he didn’t think in grand terms. His grandmother did.

  Noah liked Kara, respected her and her parents, and his grandmother adored her. Almost from the time he’d met Kara, everyone had assumed they’d eventually marry. In one month, they would have.

  But now . . .

  Without a conscious decision, Noah moved toward the obvious sounds of soft moans, low encouragement, and rustling sheets. He wasn’t in any particular hurry, because he already knew what he’d find.

  He was wrong. Very, very wrong.

  Oh, Kara was in bed all right, doing exactly what he’d suspected she was doing: having very passionate sex, when all he ever got from her was perfunctory attendance. It was her partner who was so unexpected.

  Not that it really mattered.

  Noah’s eyes narrowed as Kara gave a particularly ardent moan and bowed her slender body in a violent climax. He watched, unmoved.

  Faced with such a bizarre circumstance, Noah pondered what to do, and settled on propping one shoulder on the door frame, crossing his arms, and waiting. Surely he’d be noticed soon enough, and at the moment, his territorial nature rejected the idea of offering them privacy. After all, Kara was his fiancée—or rather, she had been.

  That had all changed now.

  Her skin dewy from exertion, her eyes dazed and soft in a way Noah had never experienced, Kara leaned back and sighed. “Oh God, that was incredible.”

  “Mmm,” came the husky, satisfied reply. “I can give you more.”

  Looking scandalized and anxious, Kara purred, “Yes?” and came up on one elbow to smile at her lover.

  That’s when she noticed Noah.

  Kara’s beautiful face paled and her kiss-swollen lips opened in a shocked, horrified oh. Her lover, with his dark eyes glittering and bold, lounged back in antagonistic silence.

  Amazingly enough, Kara snatched up the sheet to conceal her body . . . from Noah.

  Noah shook his head in disgust—most of it selfdirected. He’d been a royal fool. He’d treated her gently, with deference, with patience. And she’d cheated on him.

  “Don’t faint, Kara. I’m not going to cause a scene.” Noah didn’t even bother to glance at the other man—there was no challenge there.

  Instead, Noah lent all his attention to the woman he’d expected to be his wife. “Under the circumstances, I’m sure you’ll agree the wedding is off.”

  Kara gasped in panic. Having said his piece, Noah turned on his heel to stalk away. He was aware of the race of his pulse, the pounding of determination that surged in his blood. It wouldn’t be pleasant, ending elaborate plans already in progress. The upper society of Gillespe, Ken tucky, was about to be rocked by a bit of a surprise.

  Kara’s parents, Hillary and Jorge, had gone all out on preparations for the celebration. They’d rented an enormous hall and purchased a wedding gown that had cost more than many houses. Guests were invited from around the country, and all of Gillespe was aware of the impending nuptials.

  His grandmother . . . God, Noah didn’t even want to think about Agatha’s reaction. She fancied herself a leader of the community, and she was tight with Hillary and Jorge, treating them like relatives as well as her dearest friends. In many ways, she already thought of Kara as her own.

  Noah bounded down the spiraling carpeted stairs two at a time, anxious to get away from the house so his mind could quit churning and settle on a course of action. He’d learned at an early age, while being shuffled from one foster home to another, to make cool, calculated decisions and then to analyze the repercussions so that nothing could ever again take him by surprise.

  This time, he had few choices, so his decisions were easy. He wouldn’t marry Kara now, but at the same time, he hated to disappoint his grandmother.

  He’d just started to pull the front door open when a small hand grabbed his upper arm. “Noah!”

  Damn. He’d really hoped to avoid this confrontation. He sighed and turned.

  Kara stared up at him with wet eyes and a trembling mouth. Her fair skin blanched whiter than usual, with none of the rosy glow he’d grown used to. She wore only a hastily tied robe that emphasized the swells and hollows of her body—a body he’d once thought very sexy. Her short golden brown hair was becomingly tousled and as Noah watched, she released him and ran a shaking hand over her forehead, pushing her wispy bangs aside.

  Her shoulders slumped and she looked down at her bare feet. “I’m sorry.”

  A cynical smile curled Noah’s mouth. He could just imagine how sorry Kara felt right now. How could he ever have considered making her his wife? “Sorry you were caught?”

  She clasped her hands together. “There’s more than just our wedding at stake, Noah, you know that. My parents . . .” She shuddered. “Oh God, I can’t imag ine how they’ll react. Everyone has been plan ning for us to marry for so long.”

  Noah snorted. “Your folks accepted me, Kara, mostly out of respect for my grandmother. I doubt they’ll be brokenhearted not to have me in the family. There’re plenty of other guys they’d rather you marry and we both know it.”

  “They love Agatha.” Kara looked at him, her expression fierce. “I love Agatha.”

  At least that much was true, Noah decided. “Yeah, my grandmother loves you, too.” Much more than she’ll ever care about me. “You’re the daughter she never had, the granddaughter she wants, the female relative to fill all the slots. She dotes on you, and I doubt that’ll change.”

  Kara swallowed hard. “This will kill her.”

  The laugh took him by surprise. “Kill Agatha? She’ll outlive us all.”

  “Noah, please, don’t do this.”


  Big tears ran down her cheeks and she quivered all over, truly beside herself, pleading. Why the hell did women always resort to tears to get their way?

  “Please don’t ruin me. Don’t ruin my family. I can’t bear the thought of everyone—”

  Realization dawned, and with it, a heavy dose of disgust. Didn’t Kara know him at all?

  Noah looked at her sad, panicked eyes and accepted that no, she didn’t. She’d have married him, but she didn’t really know him.

  Just as she’d never
really wanted him.

  He said, “Hey,” very softly, and watched her try to gather herself. Any second now he’d have a hysterical woman on his hands.

  Looking at it from her perspective, now knowing what she expected of him, Noah could understand why.

  Feeling a surge of compassion, Noah took her delicate hands in his. “Listen to me, Kara. The wedding is off; there’s no changing that. But why we ended it is no one’s business but our own, all right?”

  Her mouth opened and she gulped air. She wiped her eyes on her shoulder, sniffed loudly. “You mean that? You really mean that?”

  Hell, he was used to worse hardships than censure. Kara had led a pampered life protected from ugliness, never forced to face the harsh realities life often dealt.

  Noah had learned to survive almost as a toddler. He could shoulder the heat much more easily than she. “Yeah, why not?” Then he added, “I’ll break the news to everyone if you want.”

  She pulled her hands free and searched in her pocket for a tissue. “I don’t believe you.” A shaky laugh trickled out. “You’re too damn good, Noah Harper.”

  Now there was a joke. “No, I just don’t relish being humiliated either.”

  Rather than make her laugh, she covered her face and sobbed. “I’m so, so sorry. I didn’t mean for this to happen.”

  “We were obviously never meant to marry, babe, you know that.” It was Noah’s turn to glance up the stairs, but her lover wisely stayed out of his sight. Noah shook his head, still bemused by her choice. “Your secret is safe with me.”

  She threw herself into his arms, leaving him to awkwardly deal with her gratitude. Noah wanted only to escape. Even at the best of times, he’d never totally felt at ease with Kara. She was too refined, too polished and proper—the opposite of him.

  Noah set her aside and said, “Maybe you should think about a quick trip, until you have time to figure out what you want to say. I’ll wait to tell Agatha until tomorrow, to give you time to get away.”

  She managed a pathetic smile. “Thank you, Noah. Really.”

  Kara had just saved him from making a horrible mistake. Though he felt like thanking her right back, Noah merely nodded and walked out. For more than the obvious reason waiting upstairs, tying himself to Kara would have been a disaster.


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