Worth the Wait

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Worth the Wait Page 7

by Rachael Tonks

  A knock on the window startles me. I whip my head, taking in the beauty that is staring back at me.

  “Quinn,” I say with a flash of a smile. My eyes are fixed on her as I watch her skip around the vehicle. Reaching over, I thrust open the passenger door.

  “Hey,” she says in the sweetest voice. “Looks like I’d lost you in thought,” she chuckles, sliding in and pulling the door closed behind her. Every time I see her I feel like I can barely breathe, like she has stolen every breath I have. It’s so sad that she can’t see what an amazing person she is.

  “Just checking I have everything for tonight.” I push my hand towards her, tucking a few loose strands of hair behind her ear.

  “Why?” she quietly gasps. “What’s happening tonight?”

  “Well,” I say, leaning my arm across the back of her seat. “I kinda decided that Thursday nights should be date night. So tonight Quinn, you have a date… with yours truly.”

  Her hand meets the side of my face, cupping it gently. Leaning in, she places a delicate kiss against my lips. I can’t help the nervous swallow which accompanies my thudding heart.

  We hold hands and chat casually about our working days. Quinn tells me all about her plans to find work in school as soon as her degree is complete.

  “I have names and numbers of a few schools that might be willing to employee me. I made quite an impression at the schools where I did some of my training. Edge Hill School was my absolute favorite,” she beams. I snap my eyes at her, my mouth going slack a little.

  “Edge Hill,” I repeat.

  “Yeah, Edge Hill,” she confirms with a smile. “Why?” she asks with a tilt of her head.

  “My mom is the principal.”

  “No way,” she gasps, her hand covering her mouth.

  “Uh-uh,” I nod. “She just got a new position there. I will have to introduce you to her. She’ll love you,” I say, gently squeezing her hand.

  “No. No,” she repeats. “If I get a job, I want it to be on my own merit.”

  “Oh, and it will be. My mom would only employ the best.”

  We drive for another thirty minutes until we finally reach our destination. The drive takes us to one of the highest points in Portland. The drive alone has some amazing views over downtown Portland. We drive steadily for about a mile up a very curvy road.

  “This is so beautiful!” Quinn gasps, her neck craning as she looks at the amazing scenery of Portland. “I didn’t even know this place existed.”

  “Pretty, right?”

  “Uh, uh,” she replies.

  The car jostles from side to side as I take the car off the beaten track.

  “Oh,” she cries, her nails digging into the seat as she tries to steady herself. “Can we drive here?” she asks, and I can hear the panic in the tightness of her voice.

  “It’s my favorite unknown place,” I reassure her, “don’t worry, I’ve been here before.” Finally I stop, parking the car just yards from the cliffside. I look over to Quinn who has her hands over her eyes, and I let a small chuckle escape me. “Keep your hands there,” I suggest, jumping from the car and racing round to her side. “Tightly, no peeking,” I tease, opening her door as I take her arm and help her out. Leading her slowly, I stop at the one spot where I know the views are the best.

  “Okay, you can open now,” I whisper, my hot breath on her ear causes her to shudder. I place one hand over each of hers, slowly removing them.

  “Oh wow!” She gasps. “this is breathtaking. I didn’t even know views like this exist.”

  “It’s stunning, right?”

  “I love it,” she spins on the spot, wrapping her arms around my neck tightly.

  The bright lights of downtown reflect on the water below. The view from this look out is spectacular. The hustle and bustle of downtown can be heard, but not seen from here. The peaceful spot is like heaven. We are secluded by the trees that surround us, and being here, just the two of us in my favorite place feels so special.

  I lean down, placing a gentle kiss on her delicious lips. I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her up from the floor. “Here, sit here.” I place her on the hood of the car.

  “Why?” she asks with a furrow of her brow.

  I tap the side of my nose and she responds with a smirk. I head to the trunk and retrieve the picnic basket and blanket. I use the small space beside us to set out the blanket, placing the picnic basket there before turning my attention back to Quinn. I stop momentarily, sucking in a huge breath as I look at the girl and open my mouth to say something to her. But I can’t. The words catch in my throat as I hesitate.

  “You thought of everything,” she says, clasping her hands together in front of her. “Josh, I love this. I can’t imagine anywhere I’d rather be than here with you!”

  I lean into her, dragging her ass until she’s positioned right in front of me. Seeing her happy makes me feel like I achieved what I set out to do. Her hand caresses my cheek and I seal my lips over hers. I kiss her deeply, covering her body with mine. She tastes good, so damn good. I don’t think I’ll ever tire of kissing this girl.

  “I need you so bad,” I admit against her lips.

  “Josh,” she sighs, but it’s more like a moan.

  “Tell me you want me too, Quinn, tell me you feel the same. I need to hear you say it.” I work my tongue against her, our breathing is rapid and my hands roam everywhere.

  “I’ve ached for your touch since the last time, Josh. I want you, but that scares me. I’m scared about the way you make me feel.”

  “This is new for me too, Quinn.” I grab hold of her hand and place it against my heart that beats so rapidly. “That is what you do to me. You make my heart beat at a pace that I’ve never experienced before. Please stop fighting your feelings for me.”

  I’m startled by the contact of her lips crashing against mine. She kisses me with pure, raw passion, her hands working up and through my hair. I lay her back against the hood of the car, my hand skims over her breast, working lower until I’m tugging at her waistband. I know she wants this. I can tell by the way her breaths have quickened, how her body is reacting to me. Jacking her hips upward, she closes the small space between us.

  Here and now, it’s just the two of us. No words are spoken. We kiss intensely, my body craving to touch her in all the right places.

  She lifts her hips, as if giving me an unspoken instruction. I tug lightly on the band of her jeans. I wiggle them just enough, until they remove freely. She looks directly at me, her pretty green eyes meeting mine. They are full of something, something that tells me she wants this as much as I do. Dropping her jeans and panties to the floor, I swallow so fucking hard as my eyes scrape over this beauty laid on the hood of my car. She is the total vision of perfection. The sort of perfection that makes my dick strain so fucking hard against my pants.

  Every part of my body is aching to touch her. I get a rush of delight as I lower my hand, cupping her sex. I rub slowly, gently pushing in between her folds, flicking and catching her sweet, sensitive spot.

  I skim my thumb over her clit, swirling and teasing before pushing my fingers inside of her. Her hands are sprawled out at the side as she grips onto the shiny paintwork, her back arching as her moans increase.

  “So good. Don’t stop,” she breathes, her words broken and her eyes clamped shut. I watch her face, wanting to savor this moment, this vision of her writhing on my car. I’d waited a lifetime to meet someone this good. Someone that can make me feel.

  I continue to work her into a frenzy. Everything about this turns me on to the point of explosion. I have to get inside her, and fast.

  “I need to feel you,” I breathe. “You sure you want this?”

  “Of course,” she gasps. She pushes herself up until our faces are practically touching, her hand strokes the side of my face. I’m mesmerized by her, my eyes searching her face, waiting for her to break the silence. “I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want you now. Everything about th
is feels right.” I press the palm of my hand against hers, leaning into her touch. Swallowing heavily, she licks her lips. “Make love to me, Josh.”

  My heart beats faster than before, faster than I thought humanly possible. My eyes are glued to hers. I don’t want to break the connection we have in this moment as I reach down, unfastening the button on my jeans. I push them down just enough to free my painfully straining erection. I loop my arm around her back, pulling her gently until her ass rests on the edge of the hood. Grabbing each of her ankles, I place her legs against my shoulders, her pussy in just the right position. I run my cock up and down her folds. She’s so wet for me and I push into her effortlessly. A sexy growl escapes her and as I lean over her, she reaches up, grasping my hair with both of her hands.

  Fuck. I love everything about this.

  I pound into her, building the intensity, my need becoming greedy. Our breathing quickens and becomes heavy. Our chests heaving as we make love. It’s like something inside me has changed in this single moment. A spark has been ignited. A fire burns deep within my chest. It’s borderline painful, but there is one thing I know with absolute certainty. It’s a pleasure I’ve never experienced. A feeling I always knew existed, but never had.

  Until now.

  “Fuck, Quinn,” I growl out as my heart soars to a new level. I look her deeply in the eyes. They’re shiny and somewhat dilated. Our bodies mold together as one in this moment.

  “Mine,” I whisper to her. “Tell me you’re mine.”

  The look in her eyes tells me what I need to know, way before her mouth responds. “Yours Josh, all yours.”

  A bolt of arousal shoots through me as the words leave her mouth. I’m not sure how much longer I can hold on. Quinn pants, her moans intensifying. I pump into her, grabbing a handful of her ass, working her harder onto my cock, my orgasm is close. So fucking close.

  I thrust a little more before I climax, the haze washes over me as feel the deep and intense pleasure race through my body. I slow my pace as my cock pulsates inside of her. I drop my head forward, resting against her forehead.

  “I never want to lose this feeling of being with you,” I whisper, cupping the back of her head with my hand. “I’ve fallen for you, Quinn.” The admission falls loosely from my lips; my insides tighten as I wait anxiously for her response. The few seconds of silence feels like hours and I’m hoping to god I haven’t blown it.

  “I don’t really know how to explain how I feel,” she says with a gently sigh, her shoulders sagging simultaneously. “I feel so crazy right now. Like, I’m not really supposed to feel this way.”

  “What way?

  “Like I’m falling in love with you.”

  “You really like this place, huh?” I ask, breaking the silence, looking deep into her beautiful eyes. Her face lights up a little, her smile reaching to her eyes.

  “This is a pretty awesome make out spot you brought me to,” she quips, a small chuckle escaping her.

  “It wasn’t a make out spot. But now, I kinda guess it is, right?” I ask with a cock of my head.

  We sit on the blanket, a plastic glass of champagne in Quinn’s hand, a Coke in mine. The smell of the fresh grass, the light provided by downtown makes for a pretty special picnic spot. Quinn leans into me, resting her head against my chest.

  “Perfection,” she exhales, “Yeah. That’s how I’d sum up tonight. Utter perfection.”

  “It’s only perfect because you’re here with me,” I reply, stroking the side of her head.

  “I could stay here all night with you,” the words fall like a whisper from her lips, “only tomorrow will still be waiting for me.” The sadness in her tone unsettles me. I lean forward a little, bending my head until I’m in her line of sight.

  “Whatever it is, Quinn, whatever you are dreading, we can do it together, let me help you.”

  “Help me,” she chokes out. “You have no idea what is going on.”

  “Tell me, then. Don’t keep it all bottled up... I can help you.”

  I watch as she swallows heavily. “I’m scared I have too much baggage. That once you know who I really am, that, well, it will scare you off.”

  I look into her eyes, the mist of tears build and I can’t help but worry about what it is she’s hiding. I want to tell her I will be there no matter what, but I have no idea what it is she’s so desperate to keep hidden from me.

  “I’m not going anywhere,” I say, rubbing my finger across her bottom lip. “Just tell me what’s eating you,” I press her further.

  “I will,” she sniffles, “Just not tonight. Tonight, I just want us to make memories.”

  I pull her back into me, nodding against her chest. As she settles into me, it’s like our bodies blend together as one. She is beyond perfect, if only she could see it.


  Holding onto the side of the bathroom counter, I stare at the person looking back at me. Sometimes I have to pinch myself to believe how lucky I am. But that person staring back, well, it’s like she’s trying to haunt me. As if I’m not allowed to forget.

  Despite having Josh and knowing that he rescued me when I was at my lowest, my past is something I just can’t seem to escape. I’m scared to tell him the truth and admit how tainted I really am. I’m scared that telling him my darkest secrets could mean I might lose him forever, and that’s not a risk I ever want to take. I reach and turn the tap, placing my hand under the stream of water. I let my hands fill with just enough before splashing it over my face. I need to focus. Push the bad memories out and look forward to the future. The only way I can do that is to make as much money as I can working at the bar, and to concentrate on finishing my teaching degree. Teaching is the only job I’ve ever wanted. I want to make the difference to the children I teach. I want to inspire, show them learning with kindness and compassion. I want to be the role model I so desperately needed when I was a little girl.

  I grab the towel, dabbing my face, glancing one last time in the mirror. I have to be stronger. I have to make sure that I’m the one who can step up and take care of my sister. I know I can, I’ve been doing it all my life, but financially, I need to get on my feet. Find a place of my own.

  Walking out of the bathroom and across the hallway, I stare down over the bannister to Josh. A small chuckle escapes me as I watch him singing and dancing away in the kitchen. My heart pounds harder and I feel like it’s about to burst out of my chest.

  In the darkness, Josh was my shining light. He saved me. Not just from being homeless, but he saved me from feeling lost. He gave my heart somewhere to belong. I won’t ever forget all he’s done for me. But my heart aches. I want him so badly, every part of him. If only the other part of me, that part that tells me I’m not good enough, if only I could push that feeling away long enough to make this work with him.

  “Hey,” he sings as his smile widens as does his eyes. “Come see what I got for you.”

  I walk over to the kitchen area, and my attention is instantly caught by the smoke pluming from the toaster.

  “Josh!” I yell, pointing to the toaster.

  He spins on the spot, racing over and pressing the button. “Oh shit!” he cries trying to grab the toasted bread, but clearly burning his fingers in the process.

  “Ouch! Shit! Ouch!” he yelps as he juggles the burnt toast in his hands.

  “Here, let me open the balcony door.” I walk over, unlocking it and sliding it open. I watch as he frantically waves a dish towel in an attempt to clear the smoke.

  “Well, shit. There goes my attempt at breakfast,” he jokes, and I can’t help but laugh at the faces he’s pulling. I step closer to him, swaying my hand back and forth as I try and clear the smoke from my sight.

  “I love that you were trying to do this for me,” I say with a huge smile. I slide up onto the worktop, reaching forward and grabbing a handful of his shirt. “You’re all the breakfast I need,” I say before leaning in and kissing him deeply. His arms wrap around me as we intertwine as o

  As he draws back, his thumb rubs back and forth across my cheeks. “This is for keeps, right? You know, the whole you and me thing. We’re actually doing this?”

  “I guess we are,” I say, biting the tip of my tongue. “I’m still going to get my own place, you know, as soon as I can afford to,” I admit. “Besides, you’ll soon get fed up of me and want your man space back.” I reach up, pushing back the strands of hair that have fallen onto his forehead. My eyes drift to his and I can’t help but pull back and study his expression.

  “What’s that look for?”

  “I’m just confused,” he says, shaking his head loosely. He tries to step back, but I tighten my grip, pulling him back into me. “Can I ask you something?” he asks, grabbing a hold of the counter top.

  “Why don’t you want to stay here? With me?”

  “It makes more sense for me to have my own place.”

  “Why does it?” He presses me further.

  I show him a sad smile. “I need to take care of my sister, Josh. She needs me. She deserves something better than my mother. I’ve practically raised her myself and I hate not being with her, taking care of her and knowing she’s okay.”

  “But here,” he says, his eyes roaming the huge apartment. “Why can’t she stay here? With the both of us?”

  “I, I, I, couldn’t possibly expect that.”

  “Why not?”

  “It’s too soon, Josh. What happens if it doesn’t work between us? What would I do then, huh? Where would we go? I couldn’t put her through that. I need to be the one to provide her stability.”

  “I understand,” he sighs just a little, “but know the offer is always open.”

  “I don’t know what I ever did to deserve you.”

  “You deserve to be loved, Quinn, the right way and for all the right reasons. Your smile lights up the whole room and you don’t even realize it.”

  I shake my head a little, “Oh, I’m not sure…” but I’m cut off by his lips against mine, brushing so delicately, causing a shiver to vibrate through my whole body.


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