Roadside Assistance

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Roadside Assistance Page 9

by Marie Harte

  “I know I’m a basket case about my size. It’s just… I can’t help it. This is me. You say you want sex.”

  And back to his favorite subject. His libido quickened. “No question. Do you?”

  “After the last time we were in this kitchen, you have to know I’m attracted to you.”

  He smiled. Wide. “Yeah.”

  “But I’ve never done casual sex. It’s not in me to do that. So if you want to have sex, then we’re kind of going to be dating.” She paused. “As in, we’re monogamous.”

  He thought about what she’d said, and why her laying out rules he normally avoided didn’t scare him in the slightest. “You know how red your face is right now?”

  “Shut up.” She fumed, but he could see her starting to relax. “I didn’t think I wanted commitment. I’m not asking to marry you, or God forbid, get pregnant.”

  He nodded.

  “But I can’t just sleep with you, then have you go sleep with three other women next week. If you’re with me, you’re with me.” Her cheeks had passed pink and rounded into sunburned red. “And not just for sex. We get to talk and go out together too. That’s the deal. If you can’t handle that, we don’t have anything more to say.”

  Chapter 7

  “So you want a boyfriend out of the deal?” Foley had struck gold without realizing how he’d done it.

  She shrugged. “Boyfriend sounds kind of serious. I’d say I wanted a few dates, but that implies a casualness I can’t handle if we’re sleeping together. I can’t randomly bed-hop and feel good about myself. I wish I could,” she mumbled. “So boyfriend fits better than anything, I guess.”

  “Well now, if you’re done?” At her nod, he said, “I like you, Cyn. Even when you flat out told me you didn’t want sex, I had hopes.”

  “I got that.”

  “But I’d never force you to do anything you don’t want.”

  “You were pushy to get me to go out with you.”

  “That’s called persistence.” He smiled, then grew serious. “I’m not kidding about us together. I don’t want any confusion between us. I like you. A lot. You’re pretty and smart, and I’m really, really attracted to you.” Understatement of the year. “I don’t want you smaller or blonder or nicer. I like you the way you are.”

  “Wait. Nicer?”

  “So we can take this as slow or as fast as you want.” He shrugged, hoping his hands in his pockets hid the fact that he had a massive hard-on. “I’m happy to sit around tonight drinking that hot chocolate I was promised. Hint hint.”

  Steam from the kettle soon turned into a whistle, and she fixed them both hot drinks. “Okay.”

  He tried to read her expression and couldn’t. “Okay?”

  “I think dating will work. We’re only seeing each other, right?”

  He nodded and let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. “Yeah. Sounds good to me.”

  He tugged her with him into the living room and sat them on the couch, but he didn’t make a move. Not yet. “So tell me more about the party.”

  “You sure you want to know?”

  “I asked, didn’t I? One thing you’ll learn about me, Cyn. I don’t play games. I say what I mean.”

  She nodded. “The party was good, until my mother once again tried to set me up. It’s like she doesn’t think I can get a man on my own. And then she gave me a pep talk that made me want to shoot myself. Well, more like shoot her, but it’s Christmas, and I’m pretty sure murder’s a crime.”

  “Want me to talk to her?” he asked, only half joking.

  She paused. “Um, no. Frankly, you’d scare her.”

  “With my good looks?” He gave an insincere grin, and she laughed.

  “That or your tattoos. You have that bad-boy vibe all mothers try to steer their daughters away from.” She narrowed her eyes. “Or sons. How do you feel about gay people?”

  Another shift in subject. He needed to think fast to keep up with her. “Ah, do I need to feel one way or the other about them?”

  “Answer the question.”

  He sighed. “This is a test, right? Okay, here goes. I don’t care much about sexual preference, color, religion, or politics. Just don’t talk to me about them. And when I tell a guy no, I mean no.” He smirked at her.

  “Funny.” She seemed relieved. “Sorry. I just don’t want to waste time on you if you’re biased or disagree with my lifestyle choices.”

  He raised a brow. “You’re gay?”

  “Why do you sound intrigued by the thought?”

  He tried to look innocent and took a tentative sip of hot cocoa. It was so much better than the instant crap he had at home. “Well, one fine woman is one thing. But two fine women, together? That’s gold.”

  “Really? Because I don’t imagine you and Sam going at it to be sexy.”

  He nearly choked and saw her smirk. “You’re evil. No wonder I can’t stop thinking about you.” Shit. He hadn’t meant to admit that, but the shy smile that came after had him working hard to control the burst of feeling for her growing inside.

  “Well, if it makes you feel better, the entire time Al and Tony were talking to me, I kept comparing them to you.”

  He sat straight. “Al and Tony, huh?”

  “Tony’s the son of one of my dad’s friends. Al is his business partner. Though the way they worded a few things, I got the impression they might be a little closer than associates.”

  “Yeah?” Good. Gay guys weren’t a threat. Sophisticated business types were.

  “I could have been wrong, but…” She leaned closer and whispered, “I think I was invited into a threesome tonight.”

  “No shit?”

  “The body language and a few things they said, it was weird.” She blinked.

  “Just weird? Not a little turn-on?”

  “Foley.” But that look on her face…

  He chuckled. “Nice. So, my mean girlfriend is kinky. I like.”

  “Would you stop?”

  “Hey, I’ve fantasized about doing two chicks at once. Never done it. Not sober, at least, not that I can remember.”


  “I’m kidding.” He put the mug down and scooted closer to her on the couch. The hunted look in her deep brown eyes gratified him. Good to know she took him seriously. “I can’t promise you a threesome. Just one of me. Sorry, I don’t share.”

  “Neither do I,” she said plainly. “So if you think you can sleep with me, then sleep around with anyone else, just don’t.” She leaned closer and poked him in the chest. “I’m taking a chance on you, going against my dream to be the neighborhood cat lady. Giving up celibacy for—”

  He couldn’t help it. He cut her off with a kiss and pulled her into his lap, cradling her into his body. The damn woman fit like she belonged there.

  The passionate kiss increased his need for more of her, but he forced himself to go slow. No sense in showing her how little control he had when with her. He’d have to keep his pants on so as not to come in three seconds. He wanted to impress her with his staying power…if he could find any in his overcharged body.

  Fuck, but she felt amazing against him. Tasting like chocolate, with full lips that parted and eased under his. He swept his tongue through her mouth, taking, insisting, and groaning when she squirmed over his lap.

  He eased back and threaded his fingers in her soft hair. “No bullshit between us, okay?”

  She was panting as loudly as he was and nodded.

  “No games. I want you. You have to know that.” He nudged her with his erection, and her eyes grew rounder. “You okay wanting me back?”

  She stared at him, and he had a feeling he’d moved too fast.


  Thank you, Jesus. “We’ll go slow, baby. And yeah, I know your name is Cyn.”

nbsp; She grinned, her expression so sweet yet naughty. He felt something stretching, deep inside, something that had nothing to do with sex and everything to do with affection.

  “Baby, huh? What should I call you?”

  “Call me ‘big boy.’ It’s honest, and it’s something every guy likes to hear. I promise not to get pissy about it either.”

  “You’re an ass, you know that?” She smiled, her fingers playing with the hair at his nape and turning him hotter and harder than he could handle with her right on top of him.

  “Your ass, you mean.” He moved her to straddle his waist, putting her chest flat against his. “I belong to you now.” He groaned when she palmed his chest. “Feel my heart? It ain’t the only thing pounding for you.”

  “I want to see your tattoos,” she confessed. “I want to trace them with my fingers.”

  “So much for wanting to go slow. Shit. Take off my shirt.”

  She pulled the long-sleeved T-shirt off him and blinked. “You’re huge.”

  “Touch me,” he ordered, his voice hoarse.

  She ran her hands over his pecs and abs, up to his shoulders and around his thick neck. “Wow. Your tattoos cover your upper body all over.”

  Cyn had such an animated face. She obviously liked the look of him, and he’d never been so thankful for good genetics and his gym membership than right now. He settled his hands on her waist while she dragged her nails over his tats, finding sensitive spots he hadn’t realized were erogenous zones. But hell, everywhere she touched him, he went up in flames.

  “Some kind of hot rod, skulls and dragons, tribal designs, but no naked women, hmm?” she teased as she watched the path of her nails. “You must work out a lot.”

  “Yeah.” He wanted to be inside her. To touch that most intimate part of her.

  “So strong.” She glanced up and stared into his eyes.

  Like a moment out of time, they connected. He stared into her eyes, saw the need she had, for more than sex, but to be cared for, protected. Foley had been born to take care of others, and in Cyn, he saw a woman of incredible beauty and strength, but possessing a vulnerability that could crush her were she not cared for.

  “I’d never do anything to hurt you, Cyn,” he promised. “Nothing but pleasure for you, my red-haired bruja.” He smiled. “Lou called you a witch.”

  “Not nice.” She frowned.

  “Nah, it fits. You put a spell on me. Now let’s find the bedroom so I can give you what you need.”

  She kissed him, a slow, deep caress that shook him to the quick. He felt more for this woman than for anyone he’d ever been with.

  She slowly rose from his lap and tugged him with her down the hallway. “Follow me.”

  Anywhere, he pledged, half in love with her already.

  * * *

  This felt different. Cyn couldn’t explain it, but looking into Foley’s eyes, she saw the promise of so much more than fulfilled desire.

  The man had depths she was only coming to understand. He followed with silent obedience, his footsteps soft on the hardwood floor. She heard only her own heartbeat pounding like a drum.

  Despite planning to delve into a celibate lifestyle, to finally be free from the drama that came with relationships, she couldn’t deny how much she wanted Foley. Even after hearing her rules, he hadn’t balked, hadn’t denied that tonight would be more than a quick roll in the hay. Granted, he could be agreeing to anything just to get between her legs, but she didn’t think so.

  Once in her bedroom, he stopped her. He pulled her to him and caged her in his strong arms. Shirtless, covered in tattoos and muscle-bound, he could have been the poster boy for the male form. So beautiful, so strong. His power was a huge turn-on.

  “If I’m a witch, what are you?” she asked, breathless.

  “Probably a troll.” He quirked a grin, then lost it when his gaze focused on her mouth. “I want you so bad. But we’re gonna go slow. Even if it kills me.”

  “Safe sex, right? Condoms?” she had to say.

  “Until you get to know me, I’ll raincoat it. But I’ll be dreaming about coming deep inside you at some point.”

  She’d never thought that a sexy thing, but having a naked Foley inside her thrilled her on another level. “Maybe.”

  “No maybe about it. I want you—just the way you are…flannel pants and all.”

  She laughed and flushed. “Okay, not my sexiest clothes.”

  “Doesn’t matter what you’re wearing.” He put her hand between them, right over the huge bulge between his legs. “Proof. You can’t ever doubt this.”

  “No,” she agreed.

  He took her hand away. “You let me be in charge this first time, okay? I want to last with you, but I’m afraid I’ll come too soon if you play around.” He sounded gruff, lusty, dominant.

  Cyn knew she’d never forget tonight. Not as long as she lived.

  “Okay. You’re in charge.” She bit her lower lip.

  “Take off your shirt.”

  The moment of truth. Would he see her body and turn away? It was all well and good to touch her and—

  “Now. Stop thinking so much.” He gripped her ass and squeezed. Hard.

  She tried to move back, but he wouldn’t give her space. So she unbuttoned her shirt, her hands brushing against his bare chest as she moved. He felt like a furnace, so hot to the touch.

  Once she’d unbuttoned her shirt, the sides fell apart, revealing her bra and belly.

  Foley glanced down and stared. “Take off the bra but leave on the shirt.”

  “I can’t—”

  “Do it.”

  She frowned but did as he asked. She had to take off the blouse to get rid of her bra, but he helped her put the shirt back on, framing her torso while leaving her obviously naked breasts bare.

  “Oh Christ. I’m not gonna last long at all.” Foley bent his head and took one nipple in his mouth.

  She moaned his name and clutched his head to her, amazed at how he could get to her with a simple kiss.

  He caressed her, his hands all over her belly and breasts while he teased first one nipple, then the other with his mouth. The smooth glide of fabric over her back and arms increased sensation, and she loved how he continued to fondle her with both his hands and his mouth.

  She squirmed, wanting more of him.

  Then he pushed the shirt off, so that it fell over her forearms. He leaned back to stare at her. “I love your tits. They’re so big. Look at how red your nipples are.” He groaned and kissed her breasts again, aggressive then gentle.

  “Faster,” she urged when he continued to play.

  It was as if he’d deliberately slowed to a crawl, laving her with slow licks and kisses. He was driving her insane.

  Foley tugged the shirt down, her wrists pulled behind her. He kept her hands bound by the material. When he jerked her arms together, the action thrust her breasts forward.

  “Oh yeah. That’s what I like.” He lifted his gaze to hers and stepped closer, so his chest pressed hers once more. Then he moved, a slow glide that raked her taut nipples over his flesh.

  “Foley,” she moaned, astounded at how he made her feel. Hot and melty and needy.

  “Yeah, baby. That’s it. So good.” He closed in for a kiss, continuing to slide his body against hers.

  The kiss came slowly, deepening as she writhed against him. Being powerless to do more than follow his movements aroused her to such an extent that she couldn’t think. She obeyed on instinct, doing whatever he wanted.

  He finally tugged the shirt free of her wrists. She immediately circled his neck, tugging him closer while she toyed with his hair.

  He moaned into her mouth, and she realized the firm pressure against her belly was the ridge of his erection as he ground against her.

  “Come on, big boy,” she teased
and ran her lips down his throat. “Get naked.”

  “You first,” he growled and walked her back, then gave a quick shove.

  She landed on her bed with a startled oomph. Before she could move, Foley followed her and kissed his way down her belly. He knelt on the floor, his hands on her waist as he journeyed toward the waistline of her pants. He tugged them down, and she hoped he wouldn’t think badly that she wore—

  “No underwear? Shit, Cyn. You’re killing me.” Foley didn’t waste any time. He yanked her pants away, then her socks, and spread her thighs with those large, callused hands. Without missing a beat, he dove between her legs.

  He sucked, kissed, and licked her into a frenzy. She gripped his head and rocked into his mouth, unable to stop. “Please,” she kept moaning. She wanted him with her this time.

  Sadly, she couldn’t wait. “Foley, I’m coming.”

  “Yeah. Give it to me,” he rumbled and sucked harder, shoving a finger inside her.

  She cried out as ecstasy overwhelmed her. Her lover continued to kiss her while he thrust that finger in and out, until she had to stop him.

  Breathing hard, she tugged him away by the hair. “Oh my God. Foley…” She wanted him closer. “Come here.”

  The bright gray of his eyes burned as he slid up her body, his rock-hard, and gave her the kiss she wanted. She tasted herself on his mouth, and she liked knowing he’d wanted to please her. That he belonged to her, at least for tonight.

  “Don’t you want to come?” she asked and nibbled at his throat.

  She felt him swallow. “Fuck, yeah. Almost did licking you up. You taste good.”

  He sounded like a wolf, all growly and fierce. The raw strength of muscle over her did nothing but make her want him even more.

  “So take off those pants. Let me see you.”

  “You sure you’re ready?”


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