Rule (The Draax Series Book 2)

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Rule (The Draax Series Book 2) Page 8

by Elizabeth Kelly

  I could have cried with relief. My body had finally started the healing process and my immune system had kicked in and killed the infection. Thank God.

  Not your immune system, Evie. You’d be dead now if it wasn’t for the Draax.

  I frowned as hazy memories of the two Draax forcing me to drink something sweet and cold surfaced. I kept my eyes closed and tried to focus. Did they actually give me something or did I only dream it in a fever-induced delirium?

  I thought hard for a few minutes. No, I decided, I hadn’t dreamt it. They’d given me juice. They had come into my room when the little girl was sitting on my lap and I had tried to explain and then they’d…

  I curled into the warm body in front of me, burying my face in hot, hard flesh as I tried to think. The warmth behind me shifted closer, the hand on my breast squeezing and then releasing. My back ached a little from the added pressure, but I didn’t try and squirm away. The heat was nice, and it was worth a little back pain.

  The hand on my ass cupped me a little more firmly, the thigh between mine rested snugly against my sex as he made a low snort. I pressed a kiss against his skin and stroked his lower back. He gave my ass another squeeze in response before his big body relaxed.

  What did the two Draax do when they’d come into my room and seen me with Bella? Why was it so hard to remember?

  They gave you juice, Evie.

  They did. They had to have. The way I was feeling better, the memories of drinking that sweet, strawberry like juice… it had to be real.

  My mouth watered at just the thought of the gallberry juice. I’d never had it until yesterday and barely remembered drinking it, but my craving for it was almost painfully intense. I hoped the Draax would give me more. The way I was feeling, I would go mad if they didn’t.

  Ask them for more.

  I couldn’t do that. I hadn’t opened my eyes yet to check the time, but it felt early to me. They were most likely still sleeping. Maybe I could sneak to the kitchen and drink some before they woke.

  Hey, idiot? There’s a Draax in the bed with you.

  I scoffed at my inner voice, pushed my face away from the warmth I had buried it against, and opened my eyes.

  There was not a Draax in the… holy crap, there was a Draax in the bed with me.

  I stared wide-eyed at Court’s face. He was sleeping soundly, the little lines around his eyes softened, his firm lips parted just the tiniest bit. My face was only inches from his on the pillow and feeling a little panicky about what he might do to me if he woke up and found me in the bed beside him, I eased my head back.

  I froze immediately when a second face buried into my hair and the hand cupping my breast squeezed tight.

  What in the holy hell was happening?

  My inner voice made a gleeful giggle when my confused mind finally figured it out.

  I was in bed with two large and powerful Draax aliens. I had one hand cupping my breast, one hand cupping my ass, and – oh crap times a thousand – one hard cock pressing against my ass and one hard cock pressing against my lower belly.

  I tried to sit up and both Draax immediately tightened their grips, preventing me from moving. Bran slipped his hand under the neckline of my tank top and cupped my bare breast, running his thumb over my nipple until it hardened into a tight bud. Court’s hand was busy sliding under the waistband of my shorts and – shit – the waistband of my panties. He stroked the curve of one ass cheek and then squeezed my ass possessively.

  Heat was rising in my belly and my pussy was tingling and, please, dear God, tell me I was not getting turned on by this?

  Bran moved a little closer, his dick pressing even tighter against my ass. I arched my back, making my ass rub against his dick and giving him more of my breast to squeeze. He made a low moan of approval and his fingers pinched my nipple.

  My soft sound was more need than surprise.

  Crap. I was getting turned on by this.

  * * *


  The little female lying against me was soft and warm. The ass cheek in my hand was not as full as I preferred but – I gave it another hard squeeze – still wonderfully firm.

  Still groggy from my dream, I tried to remember when Bran and I had made the trip to Earth. I couldn’t even remember seducing the little human. Perhaps I’d had a couple of the ethanol-based liquid drinks the humans so enjoyed drinking. It wasn’t to my taste and I rarely drank the liquid. It made my head hurt, my memory fuzzy, and my tongue feel like it was coated in duthen moss, but sometimes human females became angry if you didn’t drink with them.

  I could feel Bran’s hand moving against my chest and I knew he was touching her tits. Not surprising. I’d always had a fondness for asses, but Bran loved breasts. He could spend hours sucking and licking our female’s nipples until she was moaning and begging for us to make her cum.

  I bent my head and opened my eyes, staring directly at the human’s chest. Bran’s hand was inside her shirt – why was she even wearing a shirt? – and I could see his fingers moving against the fabric as he plucked at her nipple.

  I leaned back a little, wiggled my free hand out from under the pillow and grasped the neckline of her shirt, pulling the stretchy material down until her breasts were bared to my greedy gaze.

  Krono, I could see why Bran was so fond of her breasts. They were beautiful with pale white skin and perfectly shaped nipples. Her nipples were the colour of the pink roses that grew on Earth, and I watched as Bran pulled at one.

  The human gasped, her back arching, and I reached out and played with her other nipple, enjoying the contrast of her pale skin against my green skin. Her hand dug into my back and she moaned softly when I ran the fingers of my other hand along her ass cheek. I scowled when I felt her panties rubbing against my knuckles. Why in Krono’s name was the little human not naked?

  More importantly, who was the female we had seduced? Blinking the sleep from my eyes, denying my impulse to just tear her clothes free and sink my aching dick into her pussy, I glanced up at her.

  I stared directly into Evelyn’s light green eyes. She was biting her lip, moaning quietly as Bran and I teased her nipples, and her pale skin was flushed pink with need. My hand clutched her ass compulsively as I realized what we were doing. She made a soft sound of pain before I released her and yanked my right hand away from her breast and my left hand out of her panties and shorts.

  I pushed back in the bed and stared in silent shock at her.

  “I’m so sorry,” she said. The sudden look of terror on her face made my stomach twist. “I didn’t mean to make you angry. I’m sorry.”

  My gaze dropped to her tits where Bran was still plucking and pulling at her nipples.

  “Bran!” I grabbed his wrist and yanked his hand away from her. Evelyn pulled her shirt up as I jumped out of the damn bed and stalked around to the other side. Bran was giving me a bleary look of confusion. I threw back the covers, grabbed his arm, and hauled him out of the bed.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked. “What’s…”

  He glanced at Evelyn, his body going still, before he stared down at his cock. Even through his briefs, his erection was noticeable, as was mine, and I watched the little human’s face flush a bright red as she stared at our crotches.

  “We are sorry,” I said, and practically dragged Bran to the door. I pulled him out into the hallway and shut the door before leaning against it.

  “Shit.” The human’s curse word fell easily from my mouth. “We fucked up, Bran.”

  When he didn’t answer, I glanced over at him. He was still staring at his damn erection like he’d never seen his own cock before.

  “Bran!” I snapped. “Did you hear me? We just attempted to mate with our future queen!”

  “I was sleeping… dreaming,” Bran said. He finally tore his gaze from his dick.

  I glared at him. “As was I. Do you think the king will care when she tells him we touched her without her permission? He will kill us both the moment she
tells him what we did.”

  Bran’s skin turned a pale green and he rubbed compulsively at his throat before staring at Bella’s room. “Bella would be an orphan.”

  “Yes,” I said as my stomach twisted and turned.

  “We have to convince her not to say anything, tell her it was an accident,” Bran replied.

  “We do. But not now.” I glanced at the door to my bedroom. “Bella will be awake soon. You take care of her and I will start breakfast while we give the human time alone. After breakfast, we will speak to the human together.”

  Bran nodded just as Bella called for him.

  “Be right there, meena,” he called back. He hurried to his bedroom and I took a deep breath and walked to the laundry room to grab a spare pair of pants. Everything would be fine. We would explain to the little human that we had only meant to help keep her warm and she would believe us.

  Chapter Eight


  I hadn’t intended to go downstairs during breakfast. Nope, my plan was to stay in my room for the next oh… month, give or take a couple of days… and not even worry about eating. I could drink water from the sink in the bathroom and I had some extra meat on my bones, right? I could probably go for a month without eating. No problem. Who needed food… not me. Not when it meant facing two Draax who were probably pissed off that I had tried to seduce them.

  You didn’t mean to do it and besides, they were touching you.

  True, but it wasn’t like I’d exactly pushed them away. Being in the bed with them had been both oddly comforting and more than a little erotic. The way they’d touched me at the same time…

  Fresh pleasure speared into my belly. Maybe Candy was right about the two Draax being better than one. I stopped in the hallway outside my room, tempted for a moment to go back in, lie on the bed and masturbate.

  Are you nuts, Evie? They’ll hear you!

  Shit. They probably would. The house was big, but I still didn’t want to risk it. Besides, my urge to masturbate had already disappeared and been replaced by the real reason I was joining them for breakfast.

  I hadn’t realized my craving for the stupid gallberry juice would grow steadily worse. It was easy enough to ignore as I’d scurried from the bedroom that was most definitely not mine and down the hallway to my own.

  It wasn’t as easy to ignore as I brushed my teeth and had a shower. The realization that even though my shoulder was still bruised, I could actually lift my arm above my head had pushed the craving back for a moment, but it crept back in as I was washing my hair.

  By the time I’d dried off and gotten dressed – hallelujah, I could put my damn bra on – it was impossible to ignore. My body wanted it and there wasn’t enough willpower in the world to resist its demand.

  It’s not like I would be wasting it if I asked for more, right? I was still injured. There was no blood in my urine this morning, but my back and side were aching, and the black and purple mottling that had spread across my pale skin was rather gruesome looking. If they refused to give me the juice, I would just show them the bruising, that would change their minds.

  I walked down the hallway to the kitchen and, taking a deep breath, stepped into the room. Bella was sitting at the table, a bowl of faven already in front of her along with a cup of gallberry juice. She was studying her father and Court who were standing at the counter with their backs to us. They were talking in low voices and I stared again at Bella’s juice, my stomach cramping with need. If I moved silently enough, I could take her juice and drink it before they even realized I was in the room.

  Evelyn! What is wrong with you?

  I slumped against the door jamb, rubbing my fingers across my forehead as the need for the gallberry juice thumped and thudded in my veins. I’d been about to steal juice from a little girl… I was losing my damn mind.

  “Hi, girl!”

  I smiled at Bella. “Hi, Bella.”

  Both Draax whipped around, giving me identical shocked looks. It would almost have been amusing to me if I hadn’t caught sight of the jug sitting on the counter and forgot completely about the Draax. The jug was filled with gallberry juice, I knew it was, and my mouth watered with an intensity I’d never experienced.

  Another painful cramp of need went through my belly and I stumbled into the kitchen, almost falling into the chair as I stared wordlessly at the jug of gallberry juice. I needed to apologize, needed to say something, but I couldn’t think past the need.

  To my immense relief, Court grabbed a glass and filled it to the brim with gallberry juice before setting it in front of me. I was shaking so much I had to lift the glass to my mouth using both hands.

  I drank.

  The cold liquid slid down my throat and a rush of pleasure went through me like a heroin addict getting their first hit of the day. Not caring that I looked ridiculous, I drank the entire glass of juice in noisy, large gulps. I put the glass down and wiped my mouth with the heel of my hand.

  Without speaking, Court refilled the glass. I drank it just as quickly as the first and could have wept with happiness when Court gave me a third glass.

  The craving had subsided enough that I could drink this one almost normally. God, it was so good. I could live off of it. Who needed food when you had gallberry juice? I took another couple of swallows and set the half-full glass down.

  Bran and Court were both staring at me and my cheeks flushed bright red. Oh shit, why had I come down to breakfast? This was obviously a mistake, but I’d needed the gallberry juice.

  Now that my craving was satisfied and I could think normally again, the mortification about my behaviour this morning was overwhelming. What was I thinking? I was about to become queen and I’d had no problem letting two Draax I didn’t even know touch me so intimately. If the king found out…

  My face blanched. If the king found out, he’d kill me. I stared wide-eyed at Court and Bran. If they told the king what I did this morning, I was dead or worse… I would be sent back to my stepbrother.

  “Human, are you all right?” Court made a motion to the glass in front of me. “Drink more juice.”

  My hands shaking again – this time from fear – I drank a bit more juice. I needed to ask them not to say anything to the king. Hell, I would get down on my knees and beg them if I had to.

  “Girl likes juice,” Bella said.

  “Yes, meena.” Bran was setting bowls of faven on the table. “Eat your breakfast.”

  Court was refilling my glass even though it wasn’t empty, and I gave Bella’s cup a guilty look. What if I was taking the juice she needed? I was a terrible person.

  “I don’t need anymore,” I said. “Um, but thank you.”

  Court frowned at me as Bran sat next to Bella and pushed her bowl of food a little closer. Bella had faven all over her face and he wiped it off gently.

  “You need more juice,” Court said to me. “You are not fully healed.”

  “I don’t want to take, uh, your daughter’s juice from her,” I said. “On Earth, it’s hard to get and -”

  “This is not Earth,” Bran said. He wouldn’t look at me, instead studying a spot on the wall just to my left. “There is plenty of gallberry juice. Drink.”

  I flushed with embarrassment. Of course, there would be plenty, they were gallberry plant farmers for God’s sake.

  I drank a bit more and then smiled at Court when he pushed a bowl of faven in front of me. “Thank you.”

  I stirred it as Court sat down next to Bran and ate a few bites. I needed to eat, but it would be impossible to swallow any food past the lump of fear in my throat. What if they told the king? What if they told him I was a whore who would make a terrible queen and it would be best if he sent me back to Earth? Alex would beat me so badly, the pain from this one would feel like kisses.

  “Eat, human,” Court said.

  I had to say something, had to convince them that they couldn’t tell the king what happened. I could do this. Staying calm and not freaking out would be the b
est way to convince them. I just needed to be composed and speak slowly and confidently.

  “Human, you must eat.” Court gave me an irritable look.

  Okay, I could do this.

  “Please don’t tell the king that I’m a whore,” I said. “I’m not a whore, I swear. I didn’t mean to do what I did in the bed this morning. I was half asleep and I didn’t realize that… I mean, I would never have… please don’t tell the king what I did. Please. I’ll do anything you ask. I swear. Just don’t tell the king I’m a whore.”

  Nice work, Evie. You sound completely calm and rational.

  Bran and Court were staring at me, the looks of shock plastered back on their faces. I made a horrified noise when Bella banged her spoon on the table and sang, “Whore, whore, whore.”

  Bran’s green skin darkened, and he put his hand on Bella’s hand. “Hush, Bella.”

  His look toward me was tinged with frustration. “Bella will mimic words. You must watch your tongue around her.”

  “I’m so sorry,” I whispered. “I forgot, that is, I haven’t been around a lot of children and I… I’m sorry.”

  “Whore, Papa,” Bella said cheerfully.

  Bran rubbed the smooth patch of skin between his eyebrows. “Eat your faven, meena.” Another dark look of disapproval passed over his face. “Make no reaction when she says it, human. It will only encourage her to keep saying it.”

  “A-all right,” I said.

  Bran elbowed Court who shoved his bowl of faven to the side. “Human, what happened this morning was our fault. Not yours. We,” he took a quick sidelong glance at Bran, “did not mean for it to happen, it will never happen again, and we certainly will not share the details with the king. In fact, we were going to ask you not to tell the king.”

  His gaze flickered to Bella and it was easy to see the fear that crossed his face. “If the king believes we tried to seduce his queen, we would be imprisoned or executed, and Bella would be alone.”

  I shook my head, horrified at the thought of the little girl growing up without her father like I did. “No, no, I would never tell the king. Ever. I promise.”


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