How to Claim a Human Mate (Monstery Yours #6)

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How to Claim a Human Mate (Monstery Yours #6) Page 6

by S. J. Sanders

  Despite the noise in the front part of the tavern, our meal ends up being surprisingly enjoyable. As they eat, the females chat, discussing all manner of plans for the possible future café and their strategy for working the market this week. I listen attentively so that I can arrange for their table to be placed correctly even as I make a mental note to bring Haith to haul her supplies rather than leaving him in the keep stables. Knowing the lazy delfass, he will be content to doze in the sun while the females ply their coffees on passersby.

  The only disruption is when a goblin is thrown halfway across the room by one of my kinsmen. A snarl and growled rebuke are all the warning the poor male got before the ill-tempered orc tossed him through the air for the insult of bumping into the larger male and spilling his lager all over him. I wince in sympathy when the goblin’s body strikes the table beside ours, sending broken dishes and cutlery scattering, but that doesn’t stop me from leaping to my feet.

  I eye the crowd, my arms extended out from my side as I brace for any potential attack whether accidental or intentional. Eyes turn toward me as I suddenly gain everyone’s attention. It surprises me for all until I realize that I’m growling, and the sound is loud and quite hostile in the silence now filling the tavern. Gavith steps out from the kitchen, his arms crossing over his chest as he eyes the situation. I quiet when his scrutiny turns my way, and I let out a polite cough as I glance back over at my companions. They are both watching with wide-eyed stares that I’m not able to successfully interpret. Subtly sniffing the air, I don’t detect any sign of genuine fear, though I don’t care for the wary way they study me either.

  In attempt to defuse the situation, I give them my most charming smile. “Is there anything else you would like, or are you ready to set out into the market?”

  As one, they nod and scramble to their feet. I am relieved. The last thing I want is for either of them to be accidentally injured by someone being careless of the smaller human females. Those humans who remain in the tavern are clustered into groups farther away from everyone else, watching everything with the wide-eyed interest and laughable superiority of spectators.

  I’m not sure I like it, or the way some of the human men look at me as I escort my charges out the door. One male in particular with light brown hair and the scruff of a new beard on his jaw frowns at me and begins to rise, as if he suspects me of some wrongdoing. Insulted, I bare my teeth at him as we pass. I’m gratified when he recoils and, upon noting the lack of support from his fellows who busy themselves with their food and drinks, immediately deflates and sits back down.

  It seems that courting my female has challenges that I had not considered. I’ve never seen any of our human visitors trouble Orgath over his mate, but then again, the chieftain keeps careful guard over Sammi. When he has her outside of the keep while outsiders are present, he keeps no less than two guards with them. A show of force must be enough to deter them, whereas a lone male they consider an easy target. That is a mistake any male who dares to attack me will not make twice.

  My protective instincts roused, I hover over Lynn and her friend as they make their way through the market. Truthfully, I enjoy shopping on most occasions and even possess a talent for haggling, but I find that I’m feeling irrationally territorial, especially after the unpleasantness at the tavern. I don’t like how exposed my female is, or her friend. In the harvest festival market, I’m all too aware that danger can come from any angle, made worse by the knowledge that while I’m able to guard her and warn off rivals, I have no true permanent mate claim. The combined stress is making me guard more aggressively, and I want nothing more than to get my female back to a defensible position.

  Unfortunately, our progress is excruciatingly slow. They insist on stopping at every vendor to admire the items displayed, though they purchase very little. Some fruit is bought, some parcels of various foodstuffs that appeals to them. Kassie seems eager to try every sample that is offered, and Lynn is happy to oblige her. Understanding that this is the way of whelping females, I keep my frustration to myself.

  There is some relief as my anxiety gradually eases and drains away when no further threat comes. That said, the afternoon seems to drag on a great length of time as they coo and examine everything in a way that is beyond anything I have ever witnessed. They seem to need to touch everything and show each other everything as if they are drawing out every minute they spend at each stall, yet despite their preoccupation, I note the way their eyes slide over to me when they think I’m not paying attention.

  I don’t think anything of it at first, but as the afternoon wears on and our progress through the market has not improved, once I begin to regain my calm, I start to notice those furtive looks more and more. They especially come whenever they appear to be admiring the items in their hands the most. My lips quirk at this odd behavior.

  Do they truly imagine that I do not notice?

  I hold back an amused rumble of laughter and continue to watch them with curiosity.

  It occurs to me that this whole venture is taking a suspiciously long time.

  My eyes narrow on the females as they head toward a cluster of stalls laden with tables piled high with clothes of all colors imaginable from bright to dull. This whole section of the market is for the various clothiers who’ve brought their wares. Orcs, trolls, and goblins are foremost among the vendors, each jockeying for position as they attempt to nudge the other out of the way, lifting one item after another for Lynn and Kassie to inspect. They select the finest materials and most beautiful colors, varying from pale pinks to brilliant roses, violets, azures, golds, and emeralds, and everything in between to set before the females.

  I watch Lynn inspect a pale rose-colored tunic elegantly embroidered with rose gold thread, privately hoping that she purchases it. She is awash in golds and browns, which suit her coloring just fine, but pale next to the vibrant spark of her personality. She is far too bold for the earth tones, her spirit thirsting for more.

  To my pleasure, Lynn begins to accumulate a number of articles in varieties of vibrant pinks and blues, with a bit of royal purple and shimmering greens added to her selection. She even adds a dusky rose woolen coat to her pile and several knit scarves in a rainbow of hues. Whereas she picked over other things in the market with little true interest despite the way she dawdled, here she is voracious in her selections, but no quicker. In fact, every time she begins to add to her pile, I watch in fascination as she seems to hold herself back and slowly peruse other items, as if forcing herself to slow down. I struggle not to grin outright when she glances covertly my way while lingering over another particularly well-embroidered tunic. I see how slowly her fingers trace over the knotwork design and nearly bark with laughter.

  Now I understand perfectly. She thinks this shopping of hers will dissuade me.

  Snorting with amusement, I settle against a post and watch with a lazy smile, captivated by my female’s antics. In fact, now that I’m no longer suffering paranoia that males are going to come rushing at me, I find myself enjoying it more and more. I make a game of watching for those cunning little glances, and find myself simply enjoying her interest in everything. I especially love the way she entrusts her packages to my care, and I lovingly carry them as I continue to follow her about.

  By the time the midday comes and the market prepares to close, I can see that while she is satisfied with her purchases, she is less than pleased with my cheerfulness. She scowls at me mightily the entire way back to her cottage as she cuts now frustrated looks my way. Each glower makes my smile widen because she is so adorable, and it makes me all the more certain that she was playing games with me. She is about to see that I enjoy games too, and there is no way she is going to get rid of me. Especially not when Orgath himself has trusted them to my care.

  She doesn’t deign to speak to me other than a curt “thank you” when I set her packages down inside. She sinks sullenly into a chair as if she’s exhausted but appears determined to ignore me. I glance
around the comfortable interior of the guest cottage. It is the first time I’ve been inside one since they were built.

  The design is typical of our homes, although a bit more compact, the large hearth dominating the main room as is proper. The pair of chairs sitting in front of the hearth are generously cushioned as they should be and dyed a deep wine red that is pleasing to the eye. There are a few more cushions stacked near a wall at a safe distance from the fire that match the chairs, ready for anyone who might want to pull one out to laze in front of the fire. Overall, it is… nice. Everything is clean, the gray stone walls whitewashed and clear of dust, and it still has that new feeling to it, but it is sparse. I can’t help but to think that Lynn would look far more comfortable in my home. The one thing that it has that my own home lacks is the delicious lingering aroma of coffee in the air, mingling with a hint of chocolate.

  “Are you planning to attend any of the events tonight?” I inquire gently, reluctant to part company with them despite my responsibilities waiting for me.

  She shakes her head and Kassie groans as she too sinks into a chair.

  “No, I think we’re both ready just to call it a day,” the other female says, her smile wan. “I’m sure this must have been very tedious for you,” she adds.

  I press my lips together to keep them from tipping and shake my head. “Not at all. I found it quite enjoyable. I look forward to our day together tomorrow.”

  To my amusement, my comments don’t inspire any reaction, and I believe that they will not give the game away at all until, as I’m walking out the door, I hear Kassie whisper.

  “I guess that didn’t work.”

  “Fuck.” Lynn’s growled reply is an absolute delight.

  When I’m far enough away not to upset my sweet female, I let the laughter roll out as I walk back to the keep. I still have duties to see to, but this shall keep me amused throughout the remainder of my day. I can’t wait to see what the next day brings.

  Chapter 8


  Fuck. Me. There’s more to this orc than I had expected. How the hell am I going to resist a male who takes everything I throw at him with good grace and amusement, and who shows some humility and kindness in the face of his error as he had when he realized that Kassie is pregnant? I’m not sure how that escaped his notice, but his shock had been real and his apology genuine. I don’t know how to feel about this. It was easier to keep my distance before I got these insights into the male beneath the polished image.

  A shiver skates over my skin as I recall the way he protected us when the tavern turned unruly. Add the indulgent way he smiled while I was picking out clothes. For fuck’s sake, I’ve never seen a man look less than slightly annoyed when I want to stop and look at things. Despite his agitation at the start of the shopping venture—which I suspect was largely due to him being wound up by what happened in the tavern—he was surprisingly a good sport and pleasant company.

  Despite being aggravating as hell and gaudy as a Vegas headliner, I’m actually starting to… like… him.


  Physical attraction is bad enough, but starting to like him spells my doom. Which is why I’m sitting here clutching my coffee as I await his appearance at my door as if I were waiting for the arrival of the Grim Reaper himself.

  Kassie glances over at me, her lips curling in amusement as she cradles her mug of cocoa. “You don’t have to look like your getting ready to be marched to your death,” she teases. “So your plan didn’t work out. He wasn’t so bad. Besides, it’s only for a week. You never know, this could work out.”

  I grunt into my cup, my eyes narrowing on my best friend suspiciously. “Work out how exactly?”

  She shrugs, not the least put off by my surly, still-on-my-first-cup attitude, and smooths the blanket lying on her lap. “I would be a terrible BFF if I didn’t at least hope you might find someone nice, especially since you will be moving here all alone.”

  Slowly lowering my mug, I raise an eyebrow. “Are you seriously contemplating me and that… that…”

  “Sweetheart?” she provides, ignoring my snort. “Yes. I can tell that you like him, and anyone with eyes can see that he really likes you.”

  “So he wins stalker of the year. That makes him boyfriend material?”

  She snickers and lobs a marshmallow at me from the bag tucked into the chair beside her hip.

  I snatch it out of the air before it can pelt me in the forehead and scowl down at the fluff-puffed bit of gooey sweetness in my hand.

  “I don’t think he quite qualifies as a stalker,” she objects, her lips twitching in an obvious attempt to hold in another giggle. “But I do like the fact that, just by watching the way he is around you, this guy will treat you the way you deserve.”

  “Gods forbid someone treat me like I deserve. That could be a punishment, for all you know!” I laugh, lobbing the marshmallow back at her.

  Her eyes dance with laughter as the marshmallow plops harmlessly on her harvest orange sweater, but she purses her lips, declining to comment as she takes another sip of her cocoa.

  I down the last of the contents of my mug and stand up, making my way to the little kitchen at the rear of the cottage to pour another, when I hear a thump at my door. I start to turn, but Kassie pushes herself up from her chair and waves me back.

  “I got it. Get that second cup in you before I have to worry about you murdering anyone,” she says brightly.

  Leaning against the long table that serves as a counter in here, I turn and watch the door open as I pour more coffee into my mug. As expected, Bodi stands in the doorway. His hair is pulled back into a single thick braid, and he wears a fine vest, dyed a dark autumnal gold, over a deep burgundy tunic with gold embroidery at the neck and sleeves. His brown pants are as fitted as ever, revealing the long, sculpted contours of his legs. The heavy muscles of his thighs, from what little I can see, are enough to make a grown woman beg. To my relief, the cut of his tunic is longer and loose so that, even when belted, it hangs about mid-thigh.

  “Hi, Bodi,” Kassie greets him as she steps back to give him enough room to enter.

  “Morning,” he rumbles pleasantly with a nod and steps inside. His eyes fall on me, and his smile widens and his green eyes heat as he looks me over. “Good morning, Lynn. You are looking particularly lovely this morning.”

  I can feel the flush spreading up my cheeks despite my best abilities to control it. The soft rose pink knit tunic that I’m wearing is something that my ex would have called out as too childish-looking seconds before he demanded that I change. That Bodi is admiring my appearance sends delight shooting through me like a drug, even as it manages to completely disarm me in a way that scares me. The last thing I want, however, is for him to know that, so when I reply, my words and smile are sharp.

  “Good morning. Glad to see you’re fully dressed today.”

  His warm chuckle invades my senses, wrapping around me. “I was wearing one of my more stylish tunics for the start of the harvest festivities, but seeing how you didn’t seem to like it much, I decided to tone it down a mite today.” He breathes deep, and the rumbly sound of pleasure he makes is practically a purr—and godsdamn does it affect me. I could nearly cum from that delicious sound. “Is that coffee you have there?”

  I blink down at the pot in my hand and set what is left on the table. “Yeah, you might as well help yourself if you like. Since you are going to be following us around and helping out, the least I can do is supply you with a cup,” I grumble as I turn to the cupboard to fetch a spare mug.

  His smile widens as he accepts it, revealing the full length of the gold bands around his tusks. It seems he’s still clinging to that ostentatious bit of bling even if he has dialed back his style some.

  “It is much appreciated,” he rumbles.

  “Sugar, creamer?”

  “And ruin this perfect brew? Not at all.”

  His comment does a funny thing to my heart as it feels like it turns sentimentally
in my chest in the face of his obvious appreciation. As he leans down to pick up the pot, I can see Kassie over his shoulder miming fanning herself as she mouths the words, “He’s hot!”

  I wrinkle my nose at her, but fuck is she ever right. No doubt she’s getting a good look at his ass too the way he’s bent forward. Lucky bitch. I consider shifting a bit to see if I can get a look, but he straightens again and sighs happily as he breathes in the steam rising from his cup.

  My eyebrows rise at the look of bliss on his face.

  “Like coffee, do you?”

  “A true elixir of the gods,” he agrees. “It is the one thing I’ve truly missed from your world.”

  “You’ve been to the human world? I didn’t think many orcs made their way over there.”

  He shakes his head and gives me a sad look. “Humans fear orcs too much for us to be wandering about in your world. We are much larger than your kind and look fearsome. I’m honestly surprised that there are even humans who wish to come here.”

  I wrinkle my nose a bit again. “To be honest with you, I think that is largely because they hope to catch sight of other beings.”

  His green eyes crinkle with amusement and he nods, taking a long, happy sip. “I’ll give you that. Humans have not been the least bit shy conveying that to us. But this is only our second year opening our portal to your people. Perhaps that will turn around too.”

  I give him a skeptical look, but we fall silent as we sip from our cups, enjoying the life-giving substance that is coffee. Kassie keeps looking at me with meaningful little glances as she tips her head to Bodi. I give her a tiny frown and a subtle shake of my head. My friend rolls her eyes and redirects her attention fully to our orc companion.

  “So, Bodi, I’m guessing you have a plan on how to get our supplies down to the square?” Kassie asks sweetly.


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