How to Claim a Human Mate (Monstery Yours #6)

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How to Claim a Human Mate (Monstery Yours #6) Page 8

by S. J. Sanders

  I suck in my lips, fighting a smile. She’s not wrong. I know it’s ridiculous to make a huge career plan on a single day, but I’m excited in a way that I haven’t been while struggling to get by with bills mounting up. What’s more, despite the hurdles of not having things like electricity, there are gas lamps and piped running water. I’m really enjoying the vibe of the orc village… especially since it’s full of orcs who are now developing a taste for my coffee. Worst case scenario, if things change and I don’t make it, I can always go back home. The tidy sum still left in my bank account, and whatever I make from selling mom’s shop will be there to help me figure something out.

  “Okay,” I say slowly. “If I stay… why not?”

  His answering smile is slow and wide, his sparkling green eyes crinkling at the corners. He looks so pleased that I feel a tickle of happiness inside me. It’s absurd that his delight should inspire such a feeling.

  Chapter 10


  I don’t think I have ever realized just how isolated and empty my cottage feels until right then as I’m standing in the central room, with no sweet feminine scent surrounding me. With my cottage so far outside of the village, I have always found it peaceful, but now I just feel the distance that separates me from Lynn, and I don’t like it.

  My brother, Garval, eyes me from where he sits on one of the larger chairs, his gaze speculative. Two massive elbows are propped on the armrests, one hand brushing his lap while the other props up his chin.

  “You appear… not yourself, brother,” he remarks bluntly.

  Swiping a hand through my hair, I give him a pinched smile and a humorless chuckle. “You think so? I can’t imagine why not? Perhaps it’s because my body aches for a female who fills my mind at all moments. A female who isn’t the least bit interested in me.”

  His eyebrow raises. “I seem to recall scenting the opposite.”

  I wave my hand dismissively. “That matters less for humans than it does for us. While we are perfectly capable of controlling our instincts, they have mastered a talent for outright ignoring theirs. The reaction of her body is a good sign, but it means little.”

  A grin cracks Garval’s solemn face. “I never figured that you would have any trouble when it came to mating. Even when you nearly got yourself killed for courting high ranking daughters in other clans, it was mostly the objections of their fathers you had to worry about.”

  Dropping onto the soft cushions of the high-backed bench, I scowl at him. “I’m so glad that you are enjoying this. It’s not like you have ever lacked female company should you have wanted it.”

  He shrugs, his smile still in place. “There has never been a female who interested me enough to try—until now.”

  My stomach drops, and my lips pinch with a grimace at the reminder. “About that…”

  Garval’s brows draw together, his brown gaze focused on me with a keen intensity. I’m just grateful that my brother is the mellowest of males in our clan. It means that I’m not going to risk being maimed or beaten for what I’m about to tell him.

  “What?” he rumbles, the sound deep, almost verging on aggressive.

  “You can’t court her,” I say quickly.

  He draws back as if I had drawn my claws across his face, his gaze accusing. “Why not?” he snarls. “What did you tell her that she doesn’t want me courting her?”

  I shake my head, my hands coming up in a soothing gesture. “It’s not like that,” I assure him. “She is just not available. She is mated. I just discovered this today.”

  His expression goes blank, the intensity in his eyes wavering as he swallows. “Are you sure? Maybe you are mistaken.”

  I shake my head, my arms dropping down to my side in defeat. “I’m certain. Lynn told me this herself. Kassie is mated with two offspring.”

  “I see,” he murmurs, the full weight of his arms dropping onto the armrests as he leans his head back contemplatively.

  “I’m sorry. I had really hoped…” I begin but stop when he rolls his eyes and heaves himself to his feet.

  “Do not waste sympathy on me, brother. It seems that my luck does not run to my own desires. Never has.”

  I sigh as I watch him. I know exactly what he speaks of because I’ve seen the signs of it ever since I became Master of the Guard. In truth, I’ve known it all my life, even though I’ve chosen more often than not to ignore it. Garval is huge, a monster among orcs, the perfect killing machine in battle—and he hates all of it. Even when we were young, Father struggled to get him out onto the training field when my brother was perfectly content spending his time in the kitchen watching our mother work when even Erra fled that task, or stretched out in front of the fire. He is built for battle, but his heart is not that of a warrior.

  “Why don’t you quit?” I ask quietly. “Leave the guard. No one will condemn you for it.”

  “Maybe not overtly, but they will still talk,” he observes with an ill-humored huff. He cuts a hard gaze toward me. “And what would I do? What skill do I have?”

  “You have helped Erra and Gavith a time or two in the tavern.”

  He waves that aside. “They don’t need much help all that often,” he mutters. “Besides I have no passion for the fare that they make there. It is simple and filling, and I enjoy eating it, but cooking it does not make me any happier than what I’m currently doing.”

  He sighs and settles further into the chair, his eyes fixed on some distant place in his mind. He sits there for a time until he finally rouses himself enough to shake his head, his gaze again focusing on me.

  “So how are you planning to proceed with Lynn?” he asks, shifting the conversation away from himself.

  I want to press him to share his feelings, but there is a hard, uncompromising look in his eyes. I know that he won’t welcome any intrusion. Instead, I shrug.

  “I did get her to agree to attend the Lantern Labyrinth with me… if she stays.”

  “Grand,” he drawls. “If she stays. And what are you going to do until then? Sit here by yourself, stewing?”

  I scowl at him, but he is right. Retreating to my cottage isn’t the best way to make use of my time. In fact, hiding out here, indulging in self-pity while I’m racked with uncertainty, is very out of character for me. No wonder my brother showed up on my doorstep.

  Garval pushes up to his feet, his eyes narrowing on me. “Get yourself out there, track your female down. It’s late to return now, but the games are tomorrow. She will be certain to be there. There is no reason you can’t mix work with pleasure when you are out patrolling. My older brother would not be so easily defeated.”

  I take a deep breath and let it out, something of my old self coming back. I give him a lopsided smile. “You know… you’re right.”

  He huffs. “Of course, I am. The female I want may be out of my reach, but I refuse to watch you destroy your opportunity with yours.” He gives me a critical look over his shoulder as he heads toward the door. “A word of advice, try to act normal for once, instead of a lunatic.”

  I just grin and see him out. Already a plan is in motion in my head. I can’t just hope that helping her out will be enough. I need to woo her in truth, and I have the perfect outfit in mind that will undeniably be able to draw her eye. I can’t wait. My sweet Lynn is going to be in for a treat.

  Chapter 11


  For the hundredth time today, I turn a disbelieving eye on the orc casually leaning against the pole.

  “What the hell is he wearing?” I whisper to Kassie.

  My friend’s lips suck in like she’s trying to hold back her laughter, and she shakes her head. “It… it is, uh, very eye-catching,” she replies.

  “Eye-catching isn’t the word. That outfit is so tight it looks like it belongs on a professional ballet dancer!” I hiss. “You can see everything.”

  Quite literally.

  And fuck, what a sight it is. I thought his pants were tight before. These appear almost sculpted to hi
m, the bulge of his cock beautifully defined in the deep lavender-gray fabric. The tunic isn’t much better. A bold salmon pink, the tunic clings like a second skin to every bulging muscle, and possesses a shorter cut, terminating at his hip line so there’s nothing at all to even partially hide the outline of his dick or the incredible curve of his ass.

  It is both impressive and horrific. Horrific because I can’t seem to keep from looking at him and because I know I’m not the only one who’s impressed. More than one female, whether human, orc, or other, has lingered to admire him. And time and time again, I’m forced to watch it. I grit my teeth as one female—a nymph I believe—smiles, her eyes skimming over him with heated interest. I’m certain that she’s about to proposition him, but I’m surprise when she suddenly glances at me in a knowing fashion and winks before continuing on her way.

  Worse, Bodi seems completely clueless. His eyes, when not scanning the crowd for possible threats, are always on me. It’s like he’s watching for a reaction, and that’s even more maddening. What? Does he want to see me freak out on some innocent female who’s looking at exactly what he’s putting on display? I feel like I’m being toyed with and just want to stab him with something. Not to hurt him, but rather to tear numerous tiny holes into those clothes to vent my frustration.

  Thank the gods that the market is over and I can pack my shit up before I end up exploding. Whether that is exploding in lust or just maddening fury I can’t quite decide. I debate the matter as I put away the last of the cups.

  A couple of women pause, one fanning herself, as they watch him pick up an enormous crate of supplies, their eyes skimming over every inch of corded strength, giggling between themselves.

  “Can they be any more obvious?” Kassie whispers. “I mean, yeah, okay, they’re on vacation, but come on. Someone needs to mop up their drool. Everyone’s going to think earth girls are easy.”

  My lips quirk at her observation. “And we aren’t? I think someone tried to prove that in a movie once,” I manage to tease.

  Kassie suddenly laughs, her expression incredulous. “Are you really trying to use that movie as a reference for human behavior?”

  I shrug and grin, relaxing into our familiar banter. “Hey, if can happen with aliens, why not with fae?” I reply, my eyebrows rising in challenge. “You’re also forgetting how popular monster erotica and romances are. But you of all people should be familiar with that one. I’ve seen your bookshelf.”

  She groans, her face turning as red as a tomato. “Jeez, you just had to bring that up. Okay, guilty as charged. You know I love those romances, but that doesn’t make me ready to… oh my gods.” She gapes

  My mouth drops open as well and I inwardly seethe when one of the women begins to reach for Bodi’s ass as he bends. Thankfully her friend stops her before she can make contact, grabbing ahold of her hand and yanking it away with a nervous giggle.

  “Holy shit. Please tell me I didn’t just see that.”

  “Oh, you saw it all right,” I mutter with a shake of my head. “Reminds me of all the badly behaving women who try to see up kilts during Ren Faires. They would be pissed if guys were doing that to them, but somehow this strikes them as okay because his pants are molded to his ass.”

  “More like painted on,” Kassie whispers with a gurgle of laughter and a flash of amusement cutting through my anger. She tilts her head. “I wonder if they’re drunk.”

  “Who fucking cares?” I grumble, my amusement crumbling to ash as I place the last mug in its crate. “We’re done. Let’s get the fuck out of here.” Raising my voice, I shout over to Bodi. “I’m done! Let’s get going.”

  He nods and quickly strides over to scoop up Kassie, lifting her effortlessly into the back of the cart. He looks over at me, but I set my jaw, refusing to give him the pleasure of a reaction as I walk stiffly up to the front of the cart. Haith’s neck curves as he looks back at me, and I give his shoulder a pat and break out into a smile when his large head presses against my chest with the weight of a boulder. I scritch behind his dark ears while Bodi loads the last of the stuff. With the last item packed away into the cart, he gives me a triumphant grin and heads toward me at an easy lope.

  I swear that I hear someone sigh, and my jaw clenches so hard that it’s a miracle I don’t crack any teeth.

  I don’t want to look over at him when he hauls himself into the cart, but I can’t seem to help that my eyes are drawn to him.

  “Seems that you did another good day of business,” he says, a proud smile spreading over his face as he gives Haith the command to go.

  I swallow and nod, pushing my frustration to the back of my mind. I know I’m overreacting and acting crazy. He’s always so sweet to me. Maybe that’s why I’m feeling so insanely jealous. I’ve been enjoying that attention. Still, my sudden territoriality surprises me.

  “Yeah, it was pretty good. Even better than yesterday,” I admit, a reluctant smile pulling at my lips. I can feel the tension starting to drain from me as we put distance between ourselves and the market. And those women. “Things got off to a really good start today and kept going strong with few lulls.”

  He nods, slanting me a quick, admiring look that completely disarms me. “I noticed. And so did Orgath. You were too busy, so you probably didn’t see him, but he came through the market with a few of the guard and passed by. He appeared to be quite impressed,” he confided, his smile broadening.

  My heart stutters before a sense of triumph spreads through my veins like the blissful warmth from a long sip of fine wine. If the rest of the week goes like this, getting approval for my café should be a piece of cake.

  Fudgy cake. Damn, I miss cake already. I either need to kidnap a baker or figure out how to make a few things myself. I make a mental note to grab some supplies to try my hand at a few simple recipes that I might be able to teach someone in a pinch if I manage to hire anybody else. Cakes, donuts, and pastries are going to be a must!

  Bodi makes a few more amusing observations regarding the crowd we had during the short drive back to the cottage, and by the time we arrive, most of my irritation has fled. That is, until he jumps out of the cart to help us down and I get another eyeful of what he’s going to be wearing for the rest of the day while he’s working.

  I bite my tongue and give him what I hope to be a convincingly sweet smile before looping my arm with Kassie’s and half-dragging her up the short walkway to the door. I can feel Bodi’s eyes tracking me and try not to duck my head in complete humiliation as I attempt to regulate my speed so it doesn’t seem like I’m running from him. I’m still walking fast enough though, however, that she’s nearly breathless with laughter by the time we get inside and the door is shut securely behind us.

  I lean against the door, my ears straining as I listen, making sure that he’s not going to trail after to us to the door. I’m strangely disappointed when I hear the cart pull away. Straightening, I walk away from the door, pulling off my coat.

  “You have one hour to get changed into something fresh and fun, and then we’re going back,” Kassie sings as she waddles over to her room.

  “I hope it’s better than the dancing we did last night!” I shout back over at her.

  She pokes her head back through her doorway. “Oh, come on, that was fun! How often do you get to say that you had the opportunity to learn traditional harvest festival dances from orcs?”

  “I can count on one hand how often anything of the like has ever come up in conversation,” I reply, starting for the stairs. “Between getting my toes stepped on by the guy I was paired with and an embarrassing lack of muscle to pull off some of the moves those females can, I think I can safely say I will never be putting that lesson to use.”

  “It was still fun,” Kassie sings after me.

  It would have been more fun if Bodi had been there, I silently admit. Goofy and infuriating as he is, I know that he wouldn’t have made me feel self-conscious. I bet with the graceful, feline way that he moves, he’s a great

  Stripping off my clothes, I wash up a bit with some cool water and a rag before pulling on a clean blue wool skirt and a tunic a couple of shades lighter. I run a brush through my short hair and debate putting some product in it to style it before settling on just leaving it alone in its shaggy, flyaway look it’s adopted.

  Maybe I will grow it out. Another departure from my old life where the pixie cut emphasized my slim frame and the line of my neck… or so I had been told by the stylist. The thought of growing it back out so that I can put it up into a messy bun again like I did in college, or a half-assed braid, makes me smile.

  With one last inspection in the mirror, I skip back down the stairs about the same time Kassie comes out of her room clad a bright orange skirt and a fuchsia sweater. I blink at her, surprised that the combo works on her and doesn’t clash with her auburn hair, the curls tied back with an orange scarf that matches her skirt. It’s a bit bright, but there is no denying that it’s certainly festive.

  “So are we going for It’s the Great Pumpkin, or Happy Valentine’s Day, Charlie Brown?” I tease, throwing one arm around her.

  She sticks her tongue out at me. “Hush, this is one of my favorite nicer outfits… one that still fits,” she adds, her hand smoothing over her rounded belly.

  “I’m just teasing. You look beautiful.”

  “You do too. I always knew you clean up nice, but that is so much better than anything I’ve seen you in,” she says, her smile wide.

  “Well, since we’re both looking fine as hell, let’s get out to the party. I can’t believe that they went through all the work of pulling down the market just to put a fair up tonight.” I shake my head in mild disbelief of all the work and effort that must have taken.

  Whatever amount of work, the results are incredible. When we enter the square, all traces of the busy marketplace are gone, replaced with a jubilant festive atmosphere. There’s a kennel with strangely horrifying reptilian canines yipping and hissing excitedly as a troll stands guard over them. Their bodies wriggle just like puppies despite their sharp faces, red and black scale coloring, and the monstrous teeth already evident in their long, narrow, too-small muzzles. They look like adorable versions of something straight out of Hellraiser. Long whip-like tails wag as they scramble over each other, making them appear almost comical rather than frightening.


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