How to Claim a Human Mate (Monstery Yours #6)

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How to Claim a Human Mate (Monstery Yours #6) Page 10

by S. J. Sanders

  My heart racing, I look around the room. Kassie sits in a chair beside the bed, her face pinched with tension. Seeing that I’m awake, she stands and moves closer to the bed to take my hand in hers.

  “Hey,” she whispers. “How are you feeling?”

  I lick my lips, grimacing at the taste of bile in my mouth. My tongue and throat feel dry and faintly sticky. My muscles also strangely ache as if I’ve been in bed with the flu.

  “Like hell,” I croak. “How long have I been out?”

  She brushes back the hair sticking to my face, making me aware of the sticky film of dry sweat covering my body. “All night. Bodi hasn’t left your side other than to argue with the healer.”

  She casts a wry look to a point beyond my field of vision and the growling conversation halts. Two heavy sets of footsteps approach, and Bodi and another heavily tattooed male who I don’t recognize come into view. Lines of stress are evident on Bodi’s face as he gazes down at me, his eyes filled with noticeable relief.

  “Good, you are awake,” the other male sighs with a pleased sigh. “I’m glad to see that I got the dosage right.” His gaze shines with interest. “I have never treated a human before and so it was a lot of estimated guesswork, especially since your human physiology apparently has such an unusually strong reaction to the asharval mushrooms.”

  “Asharval mushrooms?” I whisper, my brow furrowing. “I didn’t eat any mushrooms.”

  A surprisingly gentle smile creases the male’s broad face. “It is likely whoever prepared it handled the mushrooms and there was some cross-contamination. Not enough to affect an orc worse than an upset stomach, but it seems it was enough to make you extremely ill.”

  Bodi turns a wary scowl on him. “Are you certain, Healer Narik?”

  Ah, a healer. That makes sense. The tattoos covering half of his face and disappearing into his tunic only to emerge again on his arm are surprising compared to the facial tattoos I’ve seen on some of the orcs, but maybe they have to do with his station.

  The healer nods and rolls his shoulders in a lazy stretch. “That would be my best guess. No one else got sick, but she was also the only human other than her friend who was competing.” His eyes crinkle with amusement. “That alone is impressive considering you were going against orcs.”

  I shrug and give him a weak smile. “Neither of us had any hope of winning. We were just there for the pie experience.”

  He chuckles and lightly takes my wrist in his hand, checking my pulse. After a minute, he nods and carefully releases me.

  “I suppose I can understand that,” he agrees pleasantly.

  “I could smell the taint,” Bodi argues. “How did this get by unnoticed?”

  “All of the pies were likely cross-contaminated, just not enough to affect any of the orcs present. It is possible that the others did not notice the subtle scent. You have dealt with various toxins as a warrior in your time, but not everyone in the clans have the knowledge to recognize what they’re smelling. It is also possible that the toxins did not distribute evenly among the individual pies, and she was just unlucky enough to get a slightly larger dose. It’s a shame there are no remaining pies to take samples from.” He sighs. “Thankfully, since no other humans ate the pie, we mercifully avoided a mass illness among them.”

  Bodi grunts but still doesn’t look entirely convinced. The explanation makes sense to me though. There’s no telling just how many differences there are between our bodies, especially with orcs being overall larger and sturdier. It would make sense that they’re resistant to certain things that would make a human sick.

  “Well, that sucks for me, but I’m glad that no one else got sick.” I laugh weakly. “I guess someone better pass the message along so that you don’t run into that problem again.”

  The healer nods. “I will be making a report to the chieftain about it. It is something that must be considered in the future, that we need to take extra care with any foods that humans are going to consume because of your… ah, sensitivities.”

  “I will discuss it with him as well, rest assured,” Bodi growls. He gives the healer an impatient look. “Is she well enough to assist back to her cottage?”

  The male nods. “I would suggest that she spend the day resting as much as possible, but I do not see any reason for her not to return home.” The look he gives me is apologetic. “I’m afraid you’re going to feel pretty weak and uncomfortable for the next twenty-four hours.”

  “I will see to it that she is taken care of. I’ve already informed the chieftain that I will be indisposed until she makes a full recovery.”

  I look over at Bodi in surprise, but Kassie squeezes my hand and mouths, “I told you so.”

  My tummy flips in a not altogether unpleasant way at the thought of having Bodi tending to my needs. That immediately takes my brain in some smutty directions that it shouldn’t be going right now. I’m not in any shape to even pretend to enjoy them.

  I groan as the full weight of the healer’s instructions crashes down on me. A day in bed? What the hell am I going to do from there?

  “Fuck, I’m sorry, Kassie. We only have a few days left here and I go and get sick.” I wince. It would naturally have to be my dumb luck to ruin our trip this way. “I guess it’s a good thing that things worked out the way they did. If Bodi hadn’t pissed me off, you might have eaten it too.”

  Kassie pales and shivers, her hand protectively cupping her belly. “I was just about to, too. I got a bit distracted by everything that I didn’t even notice we had started until you had already taken a few bites. I was just about to take my first bite when everything happened.”

  Healer Narik frowns over at us. “That is very fortunate. There is no telling what the contamination would have done to your offspring.”

  “But it didn’t,” I remind Kassie, whose lip begins to tremble. “So it doesn’t bear thinking about. I may be out of commission today, but you can still explore and find something fun to do. We still have time.”

  Blinking rapidly to chase back tears, Kassie gives me a watery smile and nods.

  “I think that is an excellent idea,” Narik approves. “The fair is still ongoing tonight. Stick to the goblin made treats as they don’t use the mushrooms and focus on enjoying yourself.”

  Kassie gives me a skeptical look. “I don’t want to just abandon you at the cottage, are you sure you won’t mind?”

  I wave off her objection. “Don’t be silly. I’m not going to be great company tonight, and I’ll have Bodi mother-henning over me.”

  “It’s a specialty of mine,” Bodi assures her, with a wink, once again earning my gratitude. His green eyes look down at me and soften as leans down and scoops me up into his arms. “Now let’s get you home and into bed.”

  As he tucks me in against the warm, broad expanse of his muscular chest, I tip my head back and bite back my laughter.

  “Just so you know, that sounds really dirty.”

  He grins down at me, more than a little flirtatious. “And that just gives you something to look forward to then, should you be interested.”

  A weak laugh bursts from me, and I almost choke on it, giving him a glare as my aching stomach protests. I thump his chest with one hand, having little doubt that he barely felt the tap with all that thick muscle.

  “No making me laugh. It hurts.”

  Kassie snickers at his side as we leave the healer and step out in the early morning light. We are met with a few curious looks from those who are setting up shop, but no one approaches us until we are nearly out of the square.

  We are nearly at the entrance when the blacksmith emerges from his shop, his tail flicking against his hindquarters. His expression is grim as he looks me over.

  “I heard that you were ill,” he greets me, his sharp gaze narrowing on me as if ascertaining for himself that I’m okay. He grunts and nods. “I am glad to see that you are recovering.”

  “Thank you, uh…” I flush with embarrassment. “I’m sorry, I ne
ver got your name.”

  “Merik,” he supplies, the corner of one mouth lifting just enough to crease his cheek with a faint dimple.

  “Thank you, Merik. I’m feeling like hell but definitely better than I was,” I assure him. “Bodi is just taking me home now.”

  The centaur nods. “I figured as much. I suppose you will not be offering coffees today.” A look of disappointment flashes across his face before he catches himself and his expression turns apologetic. “Not that you should when you have been ill,” he amends quickly.

  “Don’t worry, I will be back to it soon,” I assure him.

  Merik’s tail flicks again, his expression verging on uncomfortable. “Forgive me if this is rude, but I have heard rumors that you are settling here to sell your coffees. Is this true?”

  I nod happily. “Yes. I think that things are going well enough that I’d like to move forward with that plan.”

  A look of relief crosses his face very briefly before his expression settles back into polite stoicism.

  “I will leave you to your recovery then. I’m pleased that you will be joining the village and look forward to many more coffees in the future,” he says as he backs away to return to his work, his hand raising in farewell. “I will see you later in regards to your order, Bodi!” he calls out over his shoulder.

  Bodi grunts in agreement. “I will speak to you tomorrow,” he replies as he carries me past the smithy and out of the square.

  Chapter 14


  Sitting in the chair opposite my mate, I quietly scrutinize her, assuring myself once again that she is indeed beginning to feel better. As the day wears on from early morning to midday, I can see signs of her humor beginning to return. I am pleased to see it, even, if she has been pleasant enough company. The idea of my mate being sick is far too distressing regardless of how well she handles it.

  While Lynn is not exactly sweet while she is ill, she could be considered close to it when compared to orcs I’ve had little choice but to tend to in the past. Of course, it could just be the fact that I am caring for my female that colors my impression, but I am fairly certain that my mate doesn’t have the capability of being as foul tempered as an orc.

  In any case, I am enjoying our quiet time alone. Kassie was kind enough to look after her while I returned to the keep to fetch Haith. Although he has stable attendants who would have continued to care for him there, I had wanted to return to my cottage to wash myself and put on clean clothing before returning to Lynn so that she wouldn’t be surrounded by evidence of her sickness.

  Not that I enjoy the smell of vomit, but I have smelled worse things by far over the years. Foremost in my mind is my concern for her. That my best suit is waiting to be disposed of since nothing will remove those unholy stains is a small matter in the scheme of things. The most important thing right now is that my Lynn is comfortable and not besieged with bad feelings. Except for guilt, it seems. For whatever reason, my female is distressed by the idea of not accompanying her friend to the festivities.

  “Maybe I should come with,” Lynn murmurs for the third time from where she sits, her fingers twitching on the quilt lying over her lap.

  I frown down at the blonde hair on her head in disapproval. “You are not to move,” I growl. “The healer was clear with his instructions.”

  She shoots me an irritated scowl, but I don’t give quarter. When it comes to her health and welfare, I can be more stubborn that she can even comprehend.

  “It’s okay,” Kassie says, tugging her hair out from beneath the collar of her coat. “I’m just going on a cart ride with a bunch of other tourists to get a look at some of the territory. We’ll be stopping at a cider house to enjoy hot drinks and see some of the wildlife around here.”

  Lynn’s eyebrows fly up. “That doesn’t sound too strenuous. Maybe I can…”

  “No,” I interrupt. “Resting and recovering is what you’ll be doing. And that is all you’ll be doing.”

  If looks could kill I would be, at minimum, severely maimed. Luckily, I’ve been maimed to one degree or another many times and so I’m not the least bit cowed by her ferocity. I return her glare with a hard, uncompromising look of my own until she relents.

  “What a colossal dick,” she fumes.

  Taken off-guard by the sudden shift in conversation, I look down at the front of my breeches speculatively. I have always been generously endowed, but I don’t understand why this suddenly displeases her or what it has to do with the conversation at hand, so I just shrug. “Thank you?”

  Promptly, she swipes a hand over her face and groans. “Oh my god.”

  Kassie’s grin widens at my female’s sound of exaggerated distress. It is only because it is obviously exaggerated that I don’t immediately attempt to shield Lynn from her friend’s amusement. I think I may even hear a hint of laughter in those three little words, and that just confuses me more than ever.

  Human females are strange. It’s rather refreshing. No wonder Orgath enjoys his mate so.

  “Bodi is right,” Kassie finally says, surprising me all over again. “You really should remain here and rest.” A self-conscious look crosses her face. “I don’t mind staying behind, though. We can have a quiet girls’ night at home.”

  My female grimaces and shakes her head, waving her off. “No, go on ahead. It’s bad enough one of us is going to be stuck here. I don’t want you to be as well. I’ll have Bodi to order around if I need anything. You’ll just have to tell me all about it when you get back.”

  Her friend’s lips quirk. “Well, I can do better than that. I have an old-fashioned camera and plenty of film. I have taken a few photos around here when I’ve been unable to sleep but didn’t want to haul it along while we’ve been working, shopping, or really anything where I would have to lug it around,” she laughs.

  Lynn raises her eyebrows. “Film? Really?”

  Kassie nods. “Yep. I didn’t have to hunt very hard to acquire them. Film cameras have made a huge comeback since the portals have opened up and digital cameras don’t work here. Anyway, I’ll take lots of pictures so you don’t feel like you’ll miss out much.”

  Lynn makes a small click in the back of her throat but, after a moment, begrudgingly sighs. “Oh, okay. I will put myself at this orc’s mercy then while you’re gone. But expect plenty of pictures out of it.”

  Kassie, hauling a small bag over her shoulder, raises her hand, flicking her fingers from her brow in a cocky salute. “I better get going so I’m not late meeting the group in the square. I will be back later this evening. I believe there are plans to watch the sunset from Stronghold hill where we can get a bird’s eye view of the territory and do some star gazing!” She bounces a bit in place, barely able to curtail her excitement before hurrying to the door. “I hear the night skies are incredible here. I can’t wait to see.”

  “Okay, but pictures!” Lynn shouts after her as the small female makes her escape. Lynn settles back into her chair with a grumble as the door slams. “Don’t mind me while I just sit here and die from boredom.”

  I grin down at her and make a mental note to take her to Stronghold Hill in the future. I can’t think of anything I would like more than sharing that moment with her… alone. Right now, we can just enjoy a cozy evening here. As if it will be boring. Not at all! At least not for me. Finally, we are alone! I only wish that she was feeling better so I could take better advantage of my good fortune. I will not seduce my mate when she is sick.

  Easing closer to her, I set a hand on the back of the chair. “Is there anything that you need.”

  Lynn gives me a cryptic look and suddenly throws back the blanket and stands. Instinctively, I step forward, blocking her path.

  “Where do you think you’re going?”

  I don’t mean to growl, but the protective dip in my voice almost sounds like a snarl, making her narrow her eyes at me.

  “If you really need to know, nosy, I’m going to go pee. And then I’m going to look and s
ee what I can make to eat.” Her expression turns speculative. “Unless you know how to cook?”

  I clear my throat, suddenly uncomfortable as heat rises in my neck, ears, and lastly my cheeks. “Ah. Cooking…” I leave the sentence unfinished, unsure of how exactly to admit my utter lack of skill or any capability.

  “Let me guess, not in your repertoire.” The look she gives me is one of amused exasperation as she shakes her head and ducks by me. “Of course not. Why should I have expected someone who volunteered to be my shadow and take care of me to know how to prepare food?” she teases mercilessly as she walks to the back of the cottage where the toilet closet is hidden away.

  I frown after her and then turn to scowl at the cooking area. She is not wrong. I didn’t think this part through. Maybe I can find something suitable in the cellar’s icebox that won’t be too difficult to work with. The cottages are kept stocked with thick blocks of ice that are refreshed every week to keep our butchered meats cold. I am certain that I can at least find that much. Maybe I can char a bit of meat for her like I would normally do for myself at my own cottage. Not exactly a balanced diet, but that’s why I take my midday meal in the village, regardless of whether I am on duty or not.

  I turn toward the entrance, determined to provide for my female one way or another when I’m startled by someone banging on the door.

  “Is that you banging around out there, Bodi?” Lynn calls out, her voice muffled.

  “It’s the door!” I shout back. “I will see to it.”

  Her muffled agreement is adorable. It’s like she believes she has a choice in this. I certainly wouldn’t have been able to allow her to place herself bodily between me and whoever is on the other side of the door. Every instinct within me would have forbidden it in a desperate need to protect my mate.


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