How to Claim a Human Mate (Monstery Yours #6)

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How to Claim a Human Mate (Monstery Yours #6) Page 12

by S. J. Sanders

  “Damn,” a voice whispers off to my side. “I’ll do him if she doesn’t.”

  “Shhh!” another hisses.

  My face heats, and I step back away from him. I can’t believe I’m standing here making a spectacle of myself for the amusement of other tourists.

  Surprisingly, his expression sobers in the face of my embarrassment, and he straightens to place himself protectively in front of me.

  “There is nothing to be ashamed of, lanara,” he says quietly. “My desire and my body are yours. I like it when you look at me and desire me. I like knowing that anyone else’s desires are inconsequential because this is all to entice you alone.”

  I take a shuddering breath, my skin prickling with desire as something warms deep in my chest and spreads throughout me from that apex.

  “I have a hard time believing that when you were dressing like that when we met. Everything about you is designed to be deliberately ostentatious.”

  “Only in the hopes that it might eventually draw my mate to me,” he murmurs.

  “And gold tusk rings are supposed to do it too?” I ask wryly. “That’s kind of outside of human fashion norms.” Not entirely accurate, since there are those who do gold teeth, but the ornate gold bands aren’t really quite like that.

  He gives me a startled look and then chuckles in a way that rasps along my skin and at the same time manages to infuriate me.

  “They are not merely decoration. They signify my rank and accolades as a warrior, my Lynn,” he rumbles, his eyes softening. “The first band is for being an elite warrior, and the second band for being elevated to captain of the guard.”

  And now I feel like an idiot.

  “Oh. Well, crap,” I mutter.

  From the front of the group, the guide clears his throat loudly, a disgruntled expression creasing his weathered face. An elderly orc with hair swan-wing white, he has both incredible knowledge and an impressively short fuse. Already multiple times during this tour I’ve seen him growl and snap orders to those stationed around the keep. And now it seems that we are his new favorite target, his blind eye seeming to glare as balefully at us as the functional one.

  “Bodi, are you planning on joining our tour or are you just here to poach from my group?” the orc snarls. “Not everything waits on your pleasure, or that of your female,” he adds, giving me an equally hard look. “If you two do not mind, we are ready to move on.”

  “Looks like we’re in trouble,” I whisper.

  Straightening back to his full height, Bodi smirks and winks at me. The look he gives the guide, though, is one of surprisingly patient amusement despite the male’s sharp words.

  “I would be delighted to accompany you as I finish making rounds,” he agrees.

  The elderly orc squints at him suspiciously but then nods.

  “Good. Keep up then and quit distracting the female. Maybe you will even be fortunate enough to learn something.”

  I stifle a laugh as Bodi raises his eyes in resignation. He doesn’t miss my quiet snicker, however, and flashes me a grin as he clasps his hands behind his back and hovers close by my side as we continue through the gallery. Every now and then, I feel his hot gaze on me, and when we’re ready to depart at the end of the tour, Bodi grabs my hand to keep me for a moment longer at his side.

  My tongue glues to the top of my mouth at the heat rolling through his eyes, and even Kassie excuses herself to catch up with the group as people begin to scatter through the garden that concludes the tour of the keep.

  Only the briefest glance around confirms that we are completely alone, and my lungs squeeze tightly in my chest as he runs his thumb back and forth over my hand.

  “You leave tomorrow?” he whispers.

  I nod. “Just for about a week or so to get everything in order and pack my belongings, then I’ll be back.”

  “With your Casper,” he adds, his lips lifting into a fond smile.

  “Yes, with him,” I agree with a shaky laugh, suddenly nervous some for inexplicable reason.

  He nods, bringing my hand to his lips, the warm brush of them against my skin sending tingles down my arm as his green eyes bore into me with such intensity that for a moment I’m caught in him, my belly heating with a sudden rush of desire. His nostrils flare, scenting the air, and his lips bow as he very gently releases my hand.

  “Then I shall very eagerly await your return so that we can pick up again where we’ve left off.”

  With one last heated look, he turns away to stroll back into the keep, leaving me staring after him. I swallow thickly and hurry to rejoin Kassie, my heart thudding with echoes of passion he rose within me with one growled promise.

  Chapter 16


  Two weeks of getting shit in order and packing. Not one but two. I’m almost at the end of my rope, not only from the stress but also because of a wicked sexual tension that haunts me every night with the most erotic dreams.

  Despite this insanity, I’m actually relieved in some ways. The café sold faster than I would have ever guessed. I suspect it was mostly for development rather than any true interest in the café itself—which made me a little sad to know that my mother’s business would no longer be there when I’m gone—but I’m happy I won’t have to leave the matter in someone else’s hands and hold negotiations by mirror.

  What is occupying my mind, however, is the fact that I have an upcoming appointment to keep. A date that has been in my thoughts a lot, as has been a certain orc. He’s the one who visits me every night. It’s his touch I dream of, his kiss that leaves me sweaty with unfilled need when I wake. A need that coils tighter within me throughout the day until it borders on madness.

  Kassie groans, her hands gripping her hips as she stretches her back. “I do think that is everything,” she proclaims, looking over the reusable wooden crates that we’ve painstakingly nailed shut.

  I’m not taking any plastic over there outside of a few personal belongings, so these work fine for me. When they’ve outlived their usefulness in this form, they will easily turn into kindling for my hearth.

  “I can’t believe we’ve finally finished.” I sigh and look over at her. “Are you sure you don’t want to come with me?”

  Her bottom lip wobbles, and she scrubs her eyes with the back of her sweater’s sleeve, wiping away her tears. She breathes in deep and shakes her head.

  “No. I can’t do that to my kids. Not right now,” she mumbles.

  My heart goes out to her, along with a terrible need to punch that asshole, Jason. Her now ex-husband as of two-weeks. The bastard had divorce papers waiting at home for her the day we returned from Ov’Gorg. Apparently, the surprise he was so excited about was his new pregnant fiancée’s engagement ring.

  He’d traded up for the newer model of wife, just like Andrew, leaving my best friend heartbroken. This entire situation makes me wish I had attempted to talk Bodi into accompanying me back. For a single moment while he held me against him, I had been tempted. Right now, his brawn for carrying crates would have been helpful. As would have his ax for dealing with a certain philanderer.

  Oh, I wouldn’t have asked him to kill Jason. Just neuter him.

  I sigh and rock back onto my heels as I regard her. “You will let me know if you change your mind… right? You will always have a job waiting for you at my café.”

  She gives me a sad smile. “And what would I do there? I don’t want to be your charity case, Lynn.”

  “Charity? Please.” I roll my eyes. “You think I want to cover all the cooking and baking that has to be done? I’m trying to bribe you, woman.”

  Her laughter is painfully quiet. “I will keep that in mind.”

  There is a knock at the door, and despite the fact that I’ve been expecting it, I jerk a little in surprise. Before I can go to the door to open it, Kassie throws her arms around me, hugging me tight. I return the embrace, my eyes wetting. Something about this feels a lot like saying goodbye and letting go despite our intention to
keep in touch by mirror. I promise myself to call her every weekend whether she likes it or not.

  Leaning over, she picks up my duffel bag just behind her and hands it to me. It has a bit of extra weight to it thanks to the magic mirror in there that will help me communicate cross-portal with her. This is followed by the canvas pet carrier that I take in my other hand. From within, I hear Casper’s plaintive mewl and the light scratch of his claws. I know he’ll be like this until he’s settled into our home. Soon his sedatives will kick in for transport, however, and he will sleep for most of it.

  Ignoring his fussing, I reach out and take Kassie’s hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. I bend my head slightly so I’m able to make her meet my eyes and give her a small smile.

  “I will call you on Sunday. Every Sunday,” I clarify with another squeeze. “One week at a time, and things will get better. I’ll be there for you. I promise.”

  She exhales slowly and nods her head. “Yeah. Okay. Every Sunday,” she agrees, a tiny smile pulling at her lips. “Thank you. It will probably be the only thing really keeping me sane.”

  “Then it will benefit us both because I know I’m going to need them,” I tease. “Who am I going to bitch to when something goes wrong or Bodi acts stupid?”

  Her laughter this time is louder and more genuine. “I don’t know, maybe Bodi himself?”

  I give an exaggerated roll of my eyes. “Like that’ll help. He’ll be at the root of at least half of my problems.”

  Kassie finally giggles. “I almost wish I was going to be there just to watch you two circle each other. Him always pursuing, and there’s you, uncertain if you want to be caught or not.”

  I find myself smiling at that observation because it’s entirely wrong. Bodi and I do seem to have this push and pull thing that’s been going on between us since we met. And it all seems to be winding down, creating something entirely new between us.

  “If I’m caught, you’ll be the first one to know,” I promise.

  A fist thumps on my door, and I expel a sharp sigh. “That’ll be the trans-portal porters. I guess that means it’s time to go.” I give her a pinched look. “I’m going to worry about you. Please make sure you won’t be overdoing anything.”

  She gives me an amused look and shakes her head as she follows me. “Nah, I’m on maternity leave until I pop due to all the recent stress.” She grimaces. “Unpaid mostly, of course, but at least I’ll have a bit of alimony from Jason for the next few months.

  I bite back an unnecessary retort about my opinion about that pitiful alimony because that’s the last thing she needs, and I open the door to let in the porters. Two trolls and a particularly large human enter, the massive bodies filling up the room as they look over at me expectantly until I point out my crates to them.

  Without a word, they nod and get to work, carrying the large crates out to the cart waiting outside of my apartment. The two mules that are hitched jerk their heads against their reins, impatient to go. I worried that this would take inordinately long, but to my surprise this highly recommended crew works efficiently in complete silence until nothing remains in the apartment except for us. I sign off on the paperwork that the larger of the two trolls hands me before handing it back to him. Looking over my signature, he nods and lifts his eyes to meet my gaze.

  “We are all set, Lynn Taylor. We need to depart soon.”

  “I’ll be right down,” I assure him with a smile.

  He nods and heads out, leaving Kassie and me alone in the bare room. Fishing the key out of my apartment, I set it on the counter for the landlord and lightly pat the surface as I give the place one final look around.

  I’m not going to miss it all that much. Returning here after spending a week in the comfort of a cottage made me feel entirely out of place. I wonder if Kassie feels that too, but I don’t think she would appreciate me prying further. With another sigh, I turn away, walking toward the door. I am surprised when I’m pulled up short and Kassie’s arms go around me for one last squeeze.

  “Thank you for just being here,” she whispers. She pulls back, tears standing in her eyes despite her smile. “I’m really so happy for you. You’re getting out there and doing something that you want. And I promise I will make sure to be at the mirror every Sunday. In fact, mirror me when you get settled in. I don’t care what time it is.”

  “I will,” I assure her with an answering smile.

  We walk out of the apartment, shutting the door behind us and descending the stairs out to the street. The nip of cold hits me immediately, and I tug my pink coat up higher around me and adjust my scarf. I can see the porters watching me patiently, but I raise an eyebrow at my friend.

  “You’ll think about my offer?”

  She nods, one corner of her mouth inching up a little more. “Yeah, I’ll think about it.”

  I squeeze her shoulder. “Good. Take care of yourself and those babies.”

  “You take care, too,” she whispers as I walk away.

  My heart is in my throat when I climb into the cart and allow myself to be fastened in. I can’t resist looking back to wave to my friend as we pull away. She doesn’t move from that spot in front of my building, waving farewell as she gradually becomes smaller and smaller in the distance. When we round a corner and she disappears completely from sight, I settle back into my seat and rub my arms briskly.

  The troll sitting across from me gives me a sympathetic smile. “It’s cold today. Ov’Gorg won’t be this bitter yet, not around Obrul-tarin. It won’t be long.”

  “Good,” I mumble. “I think I’m ready for it.”

  More than anything, I’m definitely ready to see a certain orc that I hope is waiting for me as he claimed. The need for him has been itching beneath my skin, growing more frantic as the days bled into one another. I need him desperately and hope that he hasn’t already forgotten me.

  Chapter 17


  Every day for a week, I’ve stared out of the keep at various points during my rounds, waiting expectantly for my mate’s return. I am growing nervous, reminding myself that she will return, but as the days have slipped by and one week turned to two—and the Lantern Labyrinth looms ever closer—I feel a certain hopelessness filling me. It has made my temper short, especially with the guards at the portal when each day passes without word from them of her arrival.

  “Do not be so impatient, Bodi. She will arrive,” Orgath rumbles with a touch of exasperation as I once again return to the window at the portal.

  “Something might have delayed her. She could be hurt, or she might have even changed her mind,” I protest, my mind churning frantically. “I knew I should have insisted on accompanying her. If I leave immediately, I can…”

  “Relax, cousin,” he sighs. “Give her a little more time. You will recall that when we brought Sammi here it was no quick or easy thing and there were many of us working together.” He nods thoughtfully. “She won’t remain apart from you long. By now, the bond will be having a similar effect on her, making her need reunion as much as you.”

  “The bloodbond,” I breathe, hope stirring in my chest. I had been refusing to put a name to my intense need for Lynn, not wanting to be disappointed if I were wrong. Telling myself that what I feel for her would be enough regardless, because she is mine. My mate. But I cannot deny that I want that, crave the bloodbond, as much as I have since Orgath found Sammi. “Are you certain?”

  He tilts his head curiously, his yellow gaze fixed intently on me. “Are you not?”

  I notice the direction of his gaze and look down at my hands. They are clenched so tight that the knuckles are white, the claws digging into the meat of my palms. Slowly, I unclench them and shake them loose at my sides. The need to bind my mate to me is growing exponentially. It is all very clear now.

  “Yes,” I growl, flexing my claws.

  He nods. “Then we wait. Until then there are other problems that require our attention.”

  I glance over at him curiously and
force myself from the window to join him. “Problems? Such as what?”

  Orgath folds his hands over his stomach, his brows drawn low in contemplation. “I have been hearing some disturbing rumors of a faction rising up in parts of Ov’Gorg called the Bright Blood. Obsessive purists, the lot of them.” He curls his lip in disgust. “There has been speculation on this movement among the elves, but they are a peculiar species anyway and I wasn’t concerned so long as it didn’t bleed over to our own people.”

  “Does this mean that it now has?” I ask, my body stiffening warily.

  He lifts a hand to apply circular pressure at his temple. “I’ve recently been made aware of rumors of Bright Bloods now spreading among our people here at Obrul-tarin and through some of the minor villages of our clan. They will not target Sammi. She is far too well protected. However, I worry that they may interfere with our clan’s growth and prosperity that has come from aligning ourselves with humans.”

  “You worry of an attack,” I growl, and he nods.

  “It is only a matter of when. We need to make our territory safe.”

  “What do you suggest?”

  Orgath’s hard gaze settles on me. “Increase the patrols and select a small number of males from the guard who don’t patrol the market. I want them trained to infiltrate the Bright Bloods over the next few days. You are to have them posted throughout to follow rumors and report back to you.”

  “Yes, Chieftain.”

  “There is another thing. There won’t be any tourists coming again for some time yet, so we don’t have to worry about stray humans getting hurt, aside from one. I am fully expecting you to do everything in your power to guard your mate. It will take time for her café to be built, but I don’t want her selling her coffees alone on the street, nor do I want her vulnerable in the human housing area that she used when she was visiting. She will be too isolated and alone there.” He leans forward, his jaw clenching. “You will take her into your own cottage. Don’t pressure her into mating—although gods be praised if things move that way naturally in the process—but provide for her a place to sleep and dwell where you will best be able to protect her.”


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