Seven Days - The Beginning (Jess & Liam's Story, #1)

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Seven Days - The Beginning (Jess & Liam's Story, #1) Page 10

by Fanny Lee Savage


  “My poor, little Jess,” Liam says, but I can hear the smile in his voice. “What a good girl wanting to please me. I’ll make it feel better.” His mouth touches to the patch of hair and I groan. “Does that help?”

  Fuck this is dirty. I forget to answer and his fingers land in a gentle slap on my clit. “Ah!”

  “Do you want me to make it feel better?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good girl,” he says and his lips brush against me. Colors explode behind my eyes. His hot tongue glides over me and dips just inside the slit. Every single muscle tightens, but he has my thighs gripped so tight I can’t move. He flicks his moist tongue over me, again and again. I let go of the bed and grasp his hair. His tongue slides faster, swirling in delicate hot circles over my nub. Deep in my belly, tension builds. I’m so close. So close.

  “Oh God,” I moan. He slides a finger over my opening and I scream his name, the world falling to black and shattering outward, inward, clenching my thighs to his head and tugging at his hair.

  My heavy breathing is the only sound in the room. Outside the door, someone laughs and I’m jarred back into reality. I squeeze my eyes shut, my cheeks already turning red.

  “I like you screaming my name,” he says and presses his mouth to my throbbing lips. All air leaves me when he blows a warm breath out over me. I open my eyes, he’s kneeling between my legs his dick sticking up and out from his shorts. “I like it so much, we’re going to do that again.”

  Again? Fuck yes.

  He dips his head down between my legs and kisses my folds. I groan, closing my eyes, still holding his hair.

  “But.” My eyes pop open. Liam moves up, sliding his chest over my body until he’s back up with me, looking in my eyes. He brushes his lips to mine. I taste salt and musk and sweetness. Me. My desire and greedy need all over him. “First I have a request.”

  His words shoot straight between my legs. Never would I have thought such a simple phrase could carry so much meaning. My hands fall and rest on his shoulders. I slide my fingers over his warm skin and he lets me. Liam kisses my mouth, and my head spins. My heart slams against my ribs, so hard I know he can feel it. I drag my nails over his back, scraping lightly at his skin. I’ve done enough to know what men like. They deny the tenderness but crave it as much as we do.

  “On your knees.” His tenderness leaves and he’s back to being Sir. Liam stands and pulls me from the bed. I’m completely naked and suddenly shy. I move to cover myself, but he grunts and I freeze. “Knees.”

  I drop down, hoping my sudden modesty didn’t upset him. He just had his face between my legs.

  “Pull my boxers down.”

  I grip the band and slowly slide them down. His dick springs out and I suck in air. It’s bigger than I thought it was. By a lot and my breaths hitch as my hands start to tingle. My gut twists uncomfortable and I glance up. A slight grin plays over Sir’s lips. He steps from his shorts and stands before me like a God, running his hand over the top of my head. One of his eyebrows rises up. “Do you want to touch me?”

  I hesitate a millisecond. “Yes, Sir.”


  Why? I don’t know. Because I do. I want to hear him moan, pant for me, gasp and say my name. “I want to please you.”


  I glance up again, my eyes drawn back to his dick and see his bronzed eyes darken. My stomach dips, but I lean forward and grip him in my hand. The skin is hot. So much warmer than the rest of him. I slide my hand over the soft skin on his hard dick, gripping him firmly. A silky bead forms and I lean in, still holding his eyes and lick the tip, letting my tongue press hard into the slit of the head. He’s salty and warm, his scent like hot leather and need. Liam’s brows knit and he inhales sharply. I hold my lips together tightly and press his tip to my mouth, letting him slide in through the tight opening. He groans and grips my head. I don’t stop until he reaches the back of my throat and then use my tongue to suck lightly as I pull away. He pops out of my mouth and I do it again.

  “Fuck, Jess,” Liam hisses between clenched teeth. Pleased by his response I keep him in my mouth, sucking lightly on his soft head each time I reach the end and rubbing my tongue over the tip. Loving how he grips my hair and he doesn’t move his eyes away. How he grows even harder inside my mouth. I keep going slowly, so he’s forced to be patient, even when his hips thrust forward and he tries to rush. I’m in control of this. I’m pleasing him.

  And, he’s letting me.

  “I’m going to come,” he breathes. His brows knit like he’s in exquisite pain. “I’m going to come.”

  I nod, sucking harder and moving faster, urging him to fall over the edge.

  “Jess,” he groans, and I realize he’s asking. I nod again, not wanting to break the friction and grab his ass, taking him as deep as I can. He hits my throat and my eyes water. Liam moans, all of him growing tense, then salty warmth hits the back of my mouth and I swallow it down. He thrusts, hitting it again, his hands in my hair tightening, and then slowly stills as his climax fades. He pulls away and falls to his knees. Liam’s mouth molds to mine perfectly. I’m pushed back down to the floor, his hot lips skimming over my chest and breasts, moving down over all of me. Only stopping when he’s reached his destination and my legs are pulled open.

  My God.

  We’re doing this again.

  Chapter 12

  I don’t know how long we lay here and just talk. Liam brushing his fingers over my back, my head in the crook of his arm, inhaling his clean scent and keeping my eyes closed. We’re both still naked, sated and calm. He brushes soft kisses over my brow like if he can give me enough the bruises will disappear.

  He likes chocolate and chick flicks—though he said he’d spank me good if I ever tell anyone. Liam’s love of architecture came after his father sent him to boarding school in France and he visited the Louvre. He likes peas and hummus, not together, he eats cucumbers with the hummus. His favorite color is gray, go figure, and he designed the building his company is in and does all the decorating. Another secret I’ll be spanked for if I reveal.

  We’ve been in this room for hours and the rest of the world has sort of fallen away, leaving us in this little bubble of pretend. I know he’s telling me all this stuff to try to make me feel more comfortable. Keeping me close and petting my head. It feels good, and he’s doing an excellent job. I don’t want to leave, forever ignore Chuck, my mom, and the trailer park.

  “Tell me why you scare so easy,” Liam says and turns, propping his head in his hand. I turn onto my back. It no longer matters I’m naked. He’s been all over me. His mouth kissing my most sensitive parts, several times. My virginal glow, still there but stained from him.


  He sighs and pulls me to his chest. “I don’t have the energy to fight you, Jess. Just listen.”


  His eyes darken. “You think because I gave you three orgasms, you can talk back?”


  His brows furrow.

  “I don’t like talking about it, Liam.”

  Liam sits up and forces me upright. The black sheets are rumpled, I think I’m rumpled, my hair every which way and he looks a bit out of sorts, himself. Liam yawns and I laugh. He’s gorgeous. And it’s not because he just licked me everywhere, or that he came in my mouth then all over my chest, twice, in the last few hours.

  “You have to let me in, Jess,” he says. “We can’t form trust until you let me in.”

  “I think we have a pretty good start,” I grin, and lean in to kiss him, but he backs away.

  “Incorrect.” His tone is firm, cutting through our warm bubble. “Get in position.”

  I blink and my brows knit.

  Liam grips my chin and looks me in the eye. “In position.”

  My mouth falls open. Slowly, I slide back, not sure why he’s angry. Is it because I don’t want to talk? Did I cross some line? I stand and move to the cent
er of the room and lower my head.

  “Incorrect.” His voice is gruff and I raise my eyes to look at him, moving up past his dick to see his face. The muscles in his jaw tighten and he looks back with cold eyes. “Hands.”

  Jesus. I forgot. I clasp my hands behind my back and lower my head again.


  I relax, but only a bit. He changed so quickly and with no warning, from sexy, sultry Liam to cold and stern Sir so fast, I’m still reeling.

  “Tell me why you startle so easily.”

  “You can’t force me to talk.”

  “This is going to be impossible,” he says. I can’t help it and look at his dick, I’ve become obsessed with it, and he’s growing harder the more irritated he gets. “You can’t even pretend to listen, Jess.”

  “I can take orders just fine,” I tell him and look up in his eyes. “But this is something I’m not talking about.”

  Liam nods and his stern face falls away, revealing the tender Liam I caught a glimpse of earlier. “Come here.” He weaves his fingers into my hair and pulls me toward him. “I don’t want you here.”

  “We talked about this,” I say. “There is no other choice. If he’s using me for money, who’s to say, he won’t use other girls in here. He’s obviously got something over Madam’s head.”

  Liam sighs as he brushes my hair over my shoulder. “We have two hours before we should head downstairs.” He presses his lips to my eye. “Run and find Tiffany and I’ll send Cara to do your makeup. She’ll be able to cover this.”


  “It's a weekend so Madam will have a public scene for the crowd,” Liam says and pulls me into his chest, his thick cock hitting my belly. “I’m not sure what it is going to be.” He nips my bottom lip and my knees get weak. “After we watch the scene, I’m taking you out of here for the night and you can call whomever to let them know you are not coming home.”

  “Where am I going?”

  “To my house.”

  I take a breath. “We agreed this wasn’t a good idea.”

  “No, we decided to spread the word I needed you full time. I’m down to four days and I have to get you ready for Friday,” Liam smiles. “I’m not spending the night here. You’re coming to my house to continue our pretend training.”

  “Pretend nothing,” I say. “I need to know something convincing. Like that crop thing.”

  “God,” he groans and grips my ass. “I can hardly wait.”


  “You haven’t eaten all day, Jess.” Cara tries to hand me a sandwich that a huge man with meaty hands and arms brought in. She leans into Tiffany and mumbles something. I have a feeling it’s about the fact I’ve been in the room with Liam for almost five hours and even my shower couldn’t wash away the over-sexed, well, over oral-sexed glow. “Liam had this brought in for you, Jess. He wants you to eat. He’ll get pissed if you don’t.”

  I glance down at the Styrofoam box and grimace. There is no way I can eat the rabbit food he’s had brought in. “I’m too nervous.”

  Cara makes wide eyes at Tiffany and drops the box on the table. She returns to fiddling with her makeup box and dabbing eye shadow on me. I have to hand it to her, Cara has managed to cover the bruise pretty good though I have a feeling it’s going to take a spoon to get the layers of makeup off.

  A knock at the door and it opens. Liam comes in and I think the three of us women stop breathing, then release a collective sigh. He’s wearing all black—slacks, button up shirt, and dress shoes. He’s shaved and his hair is combed back showing his strong jaw and that chiseled by an artist nose. He glides up to me, but first he kisses the side of Cara’s head, pressing his lips to her temple. She gets a warm fuzzy look.

  I die a little inside as I realize she was one of his subs, as in freshly trained how to fuck in the kinkiest possible way. No wonder she was so snarky with me. Madam kept mentioning she knew exactly which one of her Four would like me and Cara must have known too. I’m guessing she's not good at listening either since that’s all I can see we have in common.

  Liam dismisses her the second his eyes land on me and I’d feel guilty if she hadn’t been so unlikable the other day. His eyes move on the untouched food and his face hardens. Fuck. She was right. He does look pissed. “Not hungry?”

  I shake my head and he leans in—the scent warm leather invading my senses, and I smile like a fool as he brushes his lips to mine. From the corner of my eye, I see the two women exchange looks. “I’m nervous about going downstairs,” I tell him.

  “Don’t be, sweets,” Liam says and turns my face to inspect my eye. He glances at Cara, “You are very talented, love.”

  She smiles, looking down to her feet.

  “We’ll get you something to eat when we leave here,” Liam says and pulls me from the chair. He holds my arm up and I spin, showing off the red dress with a high neck and teardrop back, and the red strappy heels Tiffany helped me pick out yesterday. I stop and he pulls me to him, sliding his hand over my cheek. “You are beautiful, sweet girl.”

  My cheeks heat, feeling the eyes of the two other women on my back. Liam pulls me towards the door and I glance back to tell them thank you when I see them exchanging a ‘what the fuck was that’ look, leaving me wondering the same thing. Were the slack jaws over his kiss or Liam not being angry over my refusing to eat?

  In the hall, Liam pushes me back against the wall and slides in close. He presses his chest to mine, cupping my face and nips at my bottom lip. “I missed you.”

  My knees turn wobbly. He missed me for all of an hour and half. This sexy God has missed me.

  “Don’t be nervous, sweets.” Liam pulls away and holds me at arm’s length. “When we go down there, just do as I instruct. I won’t leave your side.”

  “Okay.” He raises his eyebrows and I roll my eyes. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good girl.” Liam straightens my dress and brushes my hair back from my shoulders. “A few quick rules. Stay away from everyone. Don’t talk to anyone unless they approach you. Only say hello and then follow my lead. Tonight is about Madam’s show and we will leave.”

  I nod, feeling like I’m getting a stranger danger prep talk.

  “Did you hint I needed more time with you outside the club?”

  Jeez, I don’t think I needed to, but then again, he may just treat all his students or whatever we are, this way. My stomach plummets to my feet. What if this is just part of weaseling his way in so I trust him enough to let him smack my ass with that crop thing?


  I glance back up. “I did,” I lie. Really I didn’t have much time.

  “Alright,” Liam says. “Downstairs you only refer to me as Sir. Everyone here takes their roles seriously. This place is about being who you can’t be in the outside world.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  As we descend the stairs and move through the hallway lined with sex rooms, my heart skips a beat as we pass by the place I met him in only two days ago. I hear a hum of voices and quiet music coming from the other side of the door leading into the club. My stomach cramps and Liam squeezes my hand like he can sense how freaked out I am.

  He opens the door to the club and the music gets louder. Red beams shine from the ceilings, and the entire room has a slight haze to it. Hot skin, leather and the musky scent of sex fill the air. Onstage, a massive wooden X stands in the center of the stage, leather straps at the bottoms and towards the top, but attached to gleaming chains. I glance to Liam and he grins at my expression. We walk to the bar and he motions to the leather clad pants-less woman behind it. A minute later a small glass is placed in my hands.

  Liam leans in brushing his lips against my ear. “Sip it, I don’t want you drunk, you haven’t eaten.”

  I mouth Yes, Sir and sip my drink. It’s surprising they allow alcohol in the place, seems like a recipe for disaster.

  Liam, slash Sir guides me to a small red lounge and deposits me on it. He runs a hand over my head and then sits
next to me. A tall man with dark skin and shaved head sits down next to Liam. The man leans in and says something in his ear and Liam chuckles in response, and rests his hand possessively on my knee.

  The man looks to me and grins. He has a few freckles dotting his cheeks; his eyes are a pale blue, an exotic contrast to his dark skin. “So you’re pretty little, Jess,” he says like he’s heard of me. There is a faint hint of a Louisiana accent, but he’s almost ironed it out. “Liam treating you well?”

  I almost faint, when his face registers. He is Cameron Ellis—the ‘E’ in F.E.A.R. Enterprises.

  “Your Dom here, tends to be too nice. Don’t take advantage.” Cam stands and leaves.

  The music quiets and a large man takes the stage. The entire club hushes as he walks to the center. He says a few things, but I’m not paying attention, I’m too busy watching his stealth almost lethal movements. The guy is average height with broad shoulders and dark golden skin. He wears only black pants and he is cut, like ‘fine as a sculpture’ cut. The stage lights create deep shadows over his abdomen, the red-tinged lights highlighting every muscle. Jet-black hair is tied up in a loose bun showing off his face and a thin beard. He’s fucking hot as hell. Like straight outta the Middle East should be dripping in gold chains and silk fabrics, Persian God.


  Holy fuck.

  I breathe deeply, leaning into Liam. “Is that who I think it is?”

  He grins, “A friend of mine, Evren.”

  Evren Rockwell, the ‘R’ in the F.E.A.R. I wonder if the ‘A’ which stands for Kye Adams happens to be the final Dom I have yet to see. I tear my eyes from the sex machine on stage and look to Liam, who is watching me. “Is he one of you guys?”

  Liam nods. “He is, also a very close friend and not someone who would deal well with you.”

  I turn my attention back to the stage. Evren walks around with fluid, yet precise movements. With the black pants and bun, he looks like an exotic dancer preparing to dazzle his audience. I guess he is. It’s obvious he’s the ‘in control of every damn aspect of life’ type, but hell, he’s so freaking hot, I’d hand myself over on a platter. My thoughts must be visible in my face because Liam brushes my arm drawing my attention back to him.


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