List of Sins: A Steamy Romance: Seduced by Lust

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List of Sins: A Steamy Romance: Seduced by Lust Page 10

by Holt, S. w.

I'll not agree to that. Charlie has been upset enough.

  As I hit send, a chill runs down my spine knowing full well how Marcus will likely react to that message. I have to thicken my skin if I'm to come out of this with my dignity in check. He's already stripped so much of that from me just by being unfaithful and with whom he is shacking up with. It's so textbook and has happened to millions of women but since it's happening to me, it feels like I'm the only one.

  Placing Melissa's mug in the sink I look over and notice the beautiful bouquet that Ryan sent me include Stargazer Lilies, my favorite. I lean over and take a deep whiff of the fragrant white flowers. The smell always transports me to simpler days when Marcus and I had first started dating. I was still in college and he being the older more experienced budding lawyer. He used to send me bouquets of these flowers, enough to cover every available surface in my apartment. It was a good thing my roommates didn’t have an aversion to them as some people do.

  Picking up my phone, I see a text has come from Marcus. Bracing myself, I open it to see how he responded.

  'You will reconsider. I am his father and I know what's best for him. You would do good to remember that you aren’t his only parent.'

  My hands start to feel clammy as does the rest of my body. I fumble with my initial reaction. It's so unlike him to be so...nasty. Though the truth is, I've only ever known him as my partner. I've never been his opponent...until now.

  Not sure how I want to respond, I decide to text Ryan in the meantime.

  I write;

  Thank you so much for the flowers. It was very thoughtful.

  Almost as soon as I hit send, he is already responding.

  You're welcome. Would you be free to meet for coffee soon?

  I wonder why he would want to meet, to talk about Amelia and Marcus no doubt. I just don’t know if I'm ready to do that. That said, I do have some questions I'd like answered and he would be just the person to ask.

  Sure. Do you want to meet in the morning? I'm free after I take Charlie to school.

  I notice that it's time to meet the bus so I put on a pair of slip-on sneakers by the door and grab an umbrella as it's slightly drizzling outside. As I wander down the drive, my phone chimes a couple of times indicating new messages.

  Yes, let's meet at the coffee place near the club. 9?

  I respond;

  Perfect, see you then.

  When I scroll down I see yet another message from Marcus.

  Sorry about the earlier text. Let's talk in person about this. How about dinner with you and Charlie Friday? We can talk afterward before I take him home with me for the weekend.

  Sighing to myself just as the bus pulls up. I quickly text him back.

  Yes, be here at 5:30. I'll order in.

  I shove the phone in my pocket just as my jubilant little boy bounds out of the bus. Leaping over a small puddle, he loses his footing and comes flying toward me. Just then, a pair of arms reach out and catch him. With it happening so fast, I don’t know where this guy came from.

  Charlie instantly straightens himself then yanks himself out of the guy's hands wrapping himself around my legs. Laughing I look up into the face of someone I used to know. With my heart working double time, I take a moment to regain my composure.

  “Grant Rupert, is that you?” My voice sounds calmer than I feel.

  He chuckles, “Yes Delaney Lancaster, tis I!” He tips his head to me.

  I laugh, “You always did have a flair for the dramatic. What are you doing here?”

  “Believe it or not, I was in the neighborhood.” He looks at me with a wide grin.

  I study him for a moment to judge whether he is trying to pull one over or not.

  I've always been taken by his gleaming white teeth against the contrast of hair that is so dark it reminds me of a panther. He moves like one too, stealth and on the prowl.

  He winks one of his Irish green eyes at me. “You remember that I'm friends with the Marshalls down the street right?”

  “Oh yeah, that's right. Is that why you’re here?” I ask suspecting that's not really why.

  He looks down at Charlie then rubs his head with his hand. “No. Actually I'm in town for a conference and I must confess that I heard scuttle at the office so I wanted to check in on you. That, and I wanted to see my godson.”

  Charlie looks up at Grant and squints.

  “Oh yeah. I know you, you’re the guy daddy argued with and said you can't come here ever again!”

  Grant chuckles, “Right you are little man.” Then he pats his jacket pocket, slipping his hand inside then pulling it out quickly, “What's this? I think I must have something for you. Hold out your hand and close your eyes.”

  Looking at me for approval first I nod at Charlie then he closes his eyes and holds out his little hands. Grant places a small robot kind of toy in his palms. Charlie's eyes open and he squeals.

  “Thank you, thank you! All the kids at school have one of these mini robots! How do I start it?”

  “It's solar powered so all you need is to give the little guy a few minutes to charge its battery from being in my pocket. To speed the process go put it under a light then off he'll go.”

  “Awesome! Thanks!” He says as he runs up the steps and through the open front door. I thought he was heading off to test out his new toy but then he peeks his head out, “Hey, why do you talk so funny?” Charlie directs his question to Grant.

  Being good humored, Grant lets out a deep chuckle then he looks at Charlie with eyes sparkling, “Lad, don't you recognize an Irish accent when you hear one?”

  “No, I don’t. “He responds honestly then he shrugs and disappears back through the heavy wooden Spanish door.

  Smiling, I turn to Grant, “Would you like to come in? I'd like you to tell me just what kind of scuttle that you've heard.”

  He looks around, “If the scuttle is correct, then I suppose I can come in without fear of Marcus throwing me out on my ear?”

  I sigh, “Yeah, Marcus won't be coming home.”

  “Well then, lead the way.” His deep voice seems to purr as I feel a little chill tingling at the back of my neck.

  Once inside, he removes his black motorcycle style jacket. After hanging it on the coat tree, he follows me into the kitchen where I pull out two glasses and some whiskey.

  “That had better be Irish whiskey you’re pouring me.”

  “Would you think me so crass as to serve you anything else?” I jab back.

  He chuckles then without taking his eyes off me, he throws back the glass emptying the contents in one smooth movement. Slamming the glass down on the counter, he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand then gives me his award winning smile. The one that has graced the pages of many magazines over the years. Like Marcus, he used to be in the entertainment industry as a model and actor. He tired of being passed over for roles because of his heavy accent.

  He went into management instead. In fact, he and Marcus were business partners who had a falling out almost two years ago. We've only seen Grant once in the last two years which was just after we moved into this house. He did actually know our neighbors and did just so happen to be in the neighborhood that day when he stopped by to say hello, Marcus threw him out.

  The problem isn’t just that they were business partners, but that Grant is Charlie's godfather. It has been next to impossible to include him in our life since they had the fight that eventually dissolved the business partnership. Marcus is a good entertainment lawyer but Grant is a damned good talent manager and it has always bothered Marcus that he got more of the credit.

  Their undoing was derived from an argument that was literally over one of the talent they represented. He thanked Grant for everything he had done for him in his acceptance speech at the Grammys but never mentioned Marcus. So naturally, Marcus was livid and accused Grant of coaching the talent on who to thank and what to say. Naturally, the bad blood that had formed between them necessitated Grant moving his portion of the busines
s to his house in the Colony in Malibu. There was no way they would have been able to separate the business without an embattlement that would have probably taken years to resolve. Neither one of them wanted to lose any clients over this so they quietly re-routed the business and Marcus kept the firm in tact in North Hollywood.

  So, the fact that Grant is here in my house draining my bottle of Irish whiskey has me more than just a little bit curious.

  “Aren't you going to join me?” He pushes a glass toward me on the counter.

  I start to shake my head but he ignores me filling it a quarter of the way, then he tops his off. Lifting his glass in the air, I grab mine matching his gesture. He smiles and nods.

  “Good now let's toast to scuttle...and friendships revived.”

  “I'll drink to that,” I say cheerfully before throwing my head back and draining my glass. I cough involuntarily as the liquid leaves a searing trail down my throat.

  Laughing, “Oh come on! You used to be able to down several shots without as much as a peep. What has Marcus done to you?” He looks around the room then back to me, “He's domesticated you...I detect no more wild streak. Am I right?” He raises one of his dark brows with a wicked smirk parked at the corner of his face.

  “No, I still have a wild streak in me. It's just not something I indulge in being a mother and all that.”

  I look over at the reason I'm a mom and my heart melts as he sits at the table playing with his new little treasure munching on the apple slices I had prepared for him earlier.

  Looking back at Grant he's looking at me with his smoldering eyes. The ones that almost got me in trouble all those years ago. Or should I say the ones that almost caused me to not marry Marcus.

  “So why don't you tell me what's going on with you and that husband of yours?”

  “I thought you already knew?”

  “Wouldn’t you rather tell me your version?” He coaxes.

  “I want to know what is being said Grant. It's important because we had agreed to keep things quiet. Especially since we haven’t made any decisions about our future yet.”

  He tilts his head, “Funny, that's not exactly what I heard.” He takes my hand then in almost a whisper, “I heard that you are getting divorced and one of the guys at the firm is handling it.”

  I straighten my back then look over at my son who is still enthralled with his new toy. “Charlie, why don't you go to the rec room and play some Xbox?”

  He jumps down from his seat, “Really Mom? Alright!” He exclaims as he runs out of the room.

  Grant is laughing and I must admit it was a cute reaction, “I rarely allow him to play that thing. It's mostly Marcus who indulges him.”

  “I could tell by his reaction that it's a treat. So what I was saying is that the rumors flying through the company is that divorce papers are being drawn up. I see by the look on your face that you had a different impression.”

  I look away, “You could say that. So why did you really come all the way over here after almost a year out of touch...why now?”

  He swallows the last of his drink then setting it down he looks at me with his simmering eyes, “When I heard the news, I was instantly worried about you and Charlie. I've never lost my....affection for you and the boy. There are times that I wonder...”

  “Well, that ship sailed a long time ago Grant. A lot has happened not to mention time that has passed. I don’t have the energy to dredge up the past today.”

  Setting his glass in the sink, “I understand. Look, I need to get back to work. I'm in the middle of negotiating a big movie deal for a new talent so I had better get back to it. That, and I'm due to speak at this lame conference tonight. You know how to reach me if you need anything, correct?”

  I laugh, “You sure know how to tell me a whole lot of nothing. Have you taken lessons from Marcus?”

  He looks surprised, “What are you getting at?”

  “You haven’t told me what is being said other than we are getting divorced. Surely there is rumors about the reason why? And, who exactly did you hear it from? I can't imagine you don’t have the time to tell me that much at least.”

  “I heard all of this from Alan, who as you know is now a junior partner. He said that he heard there was a nasty fight between you and that Marcus is shacking up with his mistress.” He opens the front door and pauses, “Oh and he said that he was asked to draw up the divorce papers.”

  My breath catches for a moment I feel unable to exhale. He turns to look at me with sympathy replacing the usual smoke in his eyes.

  “I'm sorry Delaney. I didn’t really want to be the one to tell you that your marriage is over. Although something tells me that you already knew that.”

  “I knew we were over the instant that I discovered his affair. I've just been trying to sort out how things went wrong. I mean how was it that I had happy marriage one day and the next I wake up where I am now. But really my concern isn’t at all how I feel, but preserving Charlie's feelings and innocence.” I sigh, “Usually I'm one to forgive, but I am nowhere near that yet and frankly I don’t want anything to do with Marcus or Amelia.”

  The look on Grants face tells me that not all the dirty details have made it to the office gossip circuit.

  “Amelia is the other woman? Well, no wonder everyone is tiptoeing around the subject. I had no idea, but that explains a lot.” He shakes his head loosening a lock of hair that has now fallen across his forehead. “I'm sorry Delaney. I'll be in touch.”

  He leans over and kisses me quickly on the cheek. I watch as he walks briskly down the drive, he turns and looks at me over the shoulder, “Tell Charlie I'll take him to see a Lakers game real soon!”

  “He would love that.” I yell to him, “Thanks for stopping by.”

  I watch as he disappears around the hedge then the sound of a car door followed by a revving engine. I know the man likes fast women and even faster cars. He probably has a Ferrari or something equally ridiculous. He's never been one to do anything modest.

  To confirm my suspicion, I hop down the stairs toward the driveway to catch a glimpse of his car. I only see the back end of it as it's pulling away. I'm not surprised to see that it's a sexy sports car but that it's a white convertible Alpha Romeo Spider. I know the car well as my husband was debating between that and the Porsche he ended up buying. When he was pouring over car brochures and consumer statements, I never dreamed he would just go buy one without consulting with me first. Of course as it turns out, there's probably a lot about my husband that I wasn’t aware that he would do behind my back.

  Chapter Ten

  After learning that my husband was in fact drawing up divorce papers, I realized that I've been a fool. I took him at his word that he was going to make sure I was taken care of no matter what. Now, it seems I need to take things to another level. I have the name of a good divorce attorney that Melissa's husband Stan plays golf with every Saturday. They both belong to the Beverly Hills Country Club so I assume he is making bank. Which would mean he can't be anything other than damned good at what he does to be able to afford that membership!

  When I called to make an appointment with him, I managed to get one for the following week. They just happen to have had a cancellation so they squeezed me in. Though I have a feeling since Stan called and put in a good word for me, a sudden opening was created.

  Marcus won't see this coming. He has been playing me for a long time I suspect. He must think I'm a total idiot. I now wonder how much more of my marriage was a sham than I realized. I'm curious as to why he stay married to me for so long if all he wanted was out.

  We have a prenuptial agreement in place so it's not like I will get much beyond the confines of the contract. It would have made sense to dump the marriage sooner according to the agreement. The longer we are married and whether we have kids, entitles me to more money. Whether I am employed or not also has bearing on how much I will receive. Since I am marginally making money right now, he will be responsible for more
spousal support. Which explains why recently he's been encouraging me to get my resume updated and start looking for a means to support myself. My blog hasn’t been a big money earner but then again, I haven’t needed to monetize until now.

  The more events I go to and blog about, the more invitations I have been receiving. While it started off as a fashion based blog, I have found that when I write about the events, it's much more than the fashion. It's been fun to also write about the people who attend, the food and drink, the entertainment and venue. The attention I've been receiving has resulted in even more paid articles. Most recently though I received a request to appear on a local news station for a weekly lifestyle report. It's a segment that will feature the week's events in review. The job came as welcome surprise though it doesn’t pay much, it will gain me some much needed exposure.


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