List of Sins: A Steamy Romance: Seduced by Lust

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List of Sins: A Steamy Romance: Seduced by Lust Page 12

by Holt, S. w.

  “Yay!!” He chirps as he quickly stows his sand toys in the yellow striped tote bag.

  Walking over to Grant, I have an idea, “Would you and your mother like to join us for dinner at the club? I know it's a little early yet, but we like to go before it gets crowded.”

  He studies me for a brief moment. “Thank you for the invitation but I think my mother would be seriously disappointed if we didn't eat the pot roast she is preparing. Of course, that's if you and Charlie would care to stay?”

  “While I have no doubt that the roast is going to be delicious, I know that Charlie was looking forward to eating and swimming at the club pool, I don’t want to disappoint him.”

  “And you shall not disappoint him,” Maggie says as she joins us. Turning to Grant, “You go and have fun, the roast can keep. Besides, I might find a corner of that enormous sofa to curl up for a bit. I rarely get time to indulge in little naps at home these days.”

  “No I'll stay, I don’t want to leave you. How about a rain check Delaney?” Grant interjects.

  Before I answer... “Don't be silly. Of course you are going. Now don't argue with your mother.” She says while smiling. She continues up the stairs with Charlie following dragging the stuffed tote bag behind him making a thumping noise at each step.

  Hurrying over to relieve the little guy, Grant grabs the bag and follows him up to the deck. I finish picking up our belongings and join them. Once the three of us have spent a great deal of time shaking the sand off our clothes and bodies, Grant leads us over to the secluded outdoor shower. Grabbing the shower wand, he hands it to me and I brace myself for the blast of cold on my legs. Much to my surprise, it isn’t cold at all, but its nice and warm. I turn the water on Charlie rinsing off his legs and feet then I finish myself then hand it to Grant who I could feel has been watching me intently. My face betrays me as I feel a heated blush spread down my chest. In all the years I've known him, I've never reacted to Grant in such a way. Then again, I was supposedly happily married so I wouldn’t have given him another thought because of my marital status. Even before that when we shared a brief kiss outside the restaurant of where our rehearsal dinner was held. I didn’t have the weakness in my knees and the warming sensation in my core just from the way he looks at me then as I do now. One little moment of cold feet shunned me into denying the feelings I had for Grant. From that moment forward, I never looked back nor did I allow myself to feel an attraction to him, until now.

  Leading the way inside the house, Grant shows us to the nearest bathroom for us to get out of our beach clothes.

  As we change in the guest bathroom inside after we had dried ourselves off on the deck, I can think of nothing but Grant and how all of my senses have awakened. I guess that I shouldn't be having these thoughts just now. My divorce is imminent, but I'm not a free woman just yet. I have a son that I ought to be concerned with not my attraction for this enigmatic man.

  As we walk through the house to the front door, I take notice that the floors in the home are glimmering white. I suspect a single drop of sand can be seen from across the room. This is most certainly a bachelor pad if I ever saw one. Its sleek ultra-modern furnishings and surfaces all in white and silver, are cold and austere. However, knowing it's Grant's, the home manages to have a warmth that reflects him correctly.

  On the way to the club, Charlie sings his favorite Carrie Underwood songs and chatters away happily while looking out the window, watching the world pass by in a blur. I watch the rear view mirror as Grant follows us in his sleek convertible. I giggle as we drive by crowds where people peer into the car assessing whether he is someone famous or just another Hollywood Mogul. In truth, I guess he is famous and a mogul of sorts. But if you suggested that to him, he would deny every bit of it. He loves his job and doesn’t see himself as anything other than an Irish import who has done well with grasping the American dream. For that, I certainly cannot disagree. His way of being humble to a fault has always been a trait that I admired in Grant, I often wished that he could impart a little bit of that humility onto Marcus. My soon to be former husband was and still is certainly full of himself. I often overlooked that flaw because in the past, his good points far outweighed the less than savory attributes. Until now.

  Pulling into my parking spot, I notice Marcus's car parked a few rows over. It's not hard to miss because he always takes up two parking spots...the jerk. He didn’t begin that most annoying habit until he bought himself that cliché symbol of a mid-life crisis. That, and leaving his wife for her best friend. I shake myself out of my thoughts when I realize that his car being here means we are most likely to run into him. I can only hope that he sticks to the courts and leaves the patio dining and swimming pool alone. With my nerves starting to bunch up in my stomach, I calm myself by the realization that since he doesn’t have Charlie with him, he'd have no reason to dine poolside. With my stomach calming down, I touch up my gloss and quickly spritz a little citrus scented body spray on my neck and wrists hoping Charlie doesn’t take notice of my primping. All of his attention is on the mini robot in his small hand which seems to be his one and only prized possession as of late.

  “Ah, there you two are. I had to park in the far lot.” Grant catches up to us as we are heading toward the door to wait for him.

  “I noticed it's packed today. This unseasonably warm weather has everyone out of their caves.” I say smiling while taking a moment to appreciate how handsome Grant looks in a light chambray blue short sleeved shirt, with white snug fitting chinos and dark blue suede derby shoes, no socks. He looks like he just bounced off the front cover of GQ magazine.

  “Yes, I believe that to be the case. Say isn’t that Marcus's new wheels?” He points to the offending vehicle.

  “It sure looks to be his car. How did you know that is his?” I play naive.

  “Oh well the vanity plate, MRKUS1 was a dead giveaway. Besides, I still have allies in his office, but don't tell him that. He likes to think he was the staff's favorite.” He winks.

  I respond by laughing because as it turns out, we both know the truth to that delusion.

  As we make our way through the club, I barely make it to the locker room with Charlie without having to say hello to a dozen people I know. The worst part is the ones who feel compelled to make mention of my impending divorce.

  When we have finally made it out to the pool, much to my relief, I find Grant seated at the far end away from the bulk of the hustle and bustle of people coming and going. It is not secluded, but it might as well be considering it's away from the other tables under a generous blue palapa.

  He stands as he sees us approaching.

  “I hope this suits you? I thought it might be nice since it's away from the crowd but also we can keep an eye on Charlie this way.”

  “Yes, it's absolutely perfect. It does give us a panoramic view of the pools. Charlie, let me put some more sunscreen on you then you may go play for a while in the water. Do you want me to order your usual?”

  “Uh huh.” Is his brief response, followed by a quick hug and off he goes, straight toward the water slide.

  I take my seat next to Grant so I may watch Charlie. I notice that despite the fact that we are away from the bulk of the crowds, we are still surrounded by people. Thankfully most of which I don't know, but, unfortunately, there are a few I do know, I silently cross my fingers that none comes over right now.

  After we place our food orders, I sip gratefully at the one and only margarita that I plan on indulging in tonight. Looking over at Grant, he seems to be taken with watching the typical pool scene before us. A look of amusement spread across his face, he turns to me and grins.

  “I could people watch all day. Speaking of which, I can't help but to notice how beautiful you look in that dress. I think emerald green suits you.” His gaze resting on my lips, I find my body temperature rising. I worried that wearing a strapless sundress would be too much but apparently it earned his admiration.

  “Thank you fo
r the compliment. I like this color too. As for people watching, I know, I could watch them all day as well. It's so entertaining to observe people completely unaware of their mannerisms and habits.” I say laughing. “I feel bad leaving your mom behind and for declining her lovely roast.”

  Waving his hand, “Nonsense, she was fine with it, besides in case you have forgotten, you are to come back for dinner this week, and you promised her.” He chides.

  “I most certainly haven’t forgotten, I'd be pleased to taste any food she cooks. I really enjoyed meeting your mother, she is quite lovely.”

  “I'll toast to that.” He says as he raises his glass then takes a hardy swig of his whiskey. As he tilts his head back, a strand of dark hair breaks away from the rest of his hair falling across his forehead.

  I try not to stare, but now that I find myself free to look at men again, I'm enjoying the man sitting no more than two feet away.

  His dark hair and tanned skin a sharp contrast against the crisp chambray shirt. I realize that I am literally sizing him up from behind my aviator shades, so I decide to strike up a conversation that just might get me into some trouble, or open a door.

  “So tell me, why haven’t you married? I'm sure you mother would love some grandchildren. I mean you are a successful and attractive man, so either you are gay or you are afraid of commitment, which is it Grant?” I tease.

  He makes a choking noise then looks at me with mirth in his eyes. “Neither. I'm afraid you haven’t considered a third option, maybe I just haven’t found someone worth bringing home to mother...yet.” On that last word, he holds my gaze for an extra beat then as he looks away, I watch his eyes fix on something, or rather, someone.

  “Brace yourself, here comes Mr. Happy himself and his home-wrecking sidekick.” He groans.

  If I didn’t know any better, I would say the next few minutes were choreographed. Just as Marcus and Amelia reach our table, Charlie comes scurrying into his chair, grabbing at his chicken sandwich sliders like a savage beast.

  “I'm starved!” He blurts then looks up at Marcus, “Oh hi Daddy, why are you here?”

  Marcus looks from Amelia back to Charlie then clears his throat, “I might ask the same thing of your mother and Grant. Just what brings the two of you here with my son today?”

  Charlie interrupts, “You first daddy, I thought you were too busy today.”

  Marcus looks to be speechless for a moment, however, brief it may have been, it was amusing to see such a windbag rendered without a quip prepared.

  Clearing his throat, “I had a change of plans little man. But don't forget, I'm making it up to you!”

  Charlie nods then proceeds to begin to cough. I pat him lightly on the back. As his coughing continues, I reach for his bag the same time as Marcus. Angrily, I snatch the bag away from his grasp and open up the front pocket then hand Charlie his inhaler. After he takes a couple puffs, his breathing is restored.

  “Are his attacks increasing?” Amelia addresses me who is standing behind Marcus.

  “It's none of your concern.” I snap.

  Charlie's head whips to look at me as I'm sure he's not accustomed to me being anything but polite. I pat him on the arm then look up at Marcus, “Is there something you wanted, if not, I would like to eat my meal in peace with my companions.”

  The look on his face is that of a volcano about to erupt, “Yes, I would like to know why you are here exposing my son to that letch? Is this your way of getting back at me? I'll bet you have spent endless nights plotting and planning a way to suck all the money out of my bank account. Then to finish me off, here you are parading around with my ex-business partner in such a public manner?” He snarls at me.

  I stand up, leaning into the table and speak in a low, quiet voice. “If I weren’t so mortified that Charlie heard you just now, I would be laughing hysterically because of how ridiculous you sound. This is neither the time...certainly not the place to discuss this. But let me just set the record straight, I never agreed with how you handled your dispute with Grant. The way you acted was childish and spiteful. And let me just remind you that whom I spend my time with is no more your concern than it is my concern that you parade all around town flaunting your affair with my ex-best friend.” I flash her a scorning scowl as she persists in standing behind Marcus as if he is her shield.

  He leans in toward me, “That is where you are wrong Delaney, it is my concern with whom you expose my son. I denounced that fraud as my business partner and banned him from access to my family.” He looks away with his jaw flinching, surveying the scene around us as if he were making sure we were in fact being observed.

  Grabbing Marcus by the upper arm, I pull him even closer to me, “I've had enough of whatever it is you are trying to do here. Don't for one minute think you have the control of the game here, don't underestimate what cards I hold in my hand Marcus.”

  Snatching his arm from my grasp, he laughs in my face, “I suspect you are bluffing Delaney, you don't play games very well but nice try none the less. While you may prove to be fun to spar with, in the end, your inexperienced poker face and lack of skills will be the root of your demise.”

  Grant moves around the table swiftly forcing himself between me and Marcus. “Okay, that is more than enough man! You ought to be ashamed of yourself causing a scene here in front of Charlie.” He waves his arm toward the club, “Now either you find another part of this club to slither off to or I'll help you leave.”

  Flinching at his last words, I brace myself waiting for Marcus to respond in a most inappropriate manner. Much to my shock, he doesn’t take a swing or get physical. Instead, he steps back with nostrils flaring and jaw flexing, he growls, “You had better hope we don’t run into each other again, next time I'll level you. I meant what I said, stay away from my business and my family. Otherwise, I will get a restraining order.”

  Instead of keeping my mouth shut, I blurt, “We're not your family anymore. Now leave.”

  With his mouth agape, the man who is never silent seems to have been stopped in his tracks. Just as he looks to be ready to snipe a response, Charlie stands up.

  “Mommy, I want to go home. This isn’t fun anymore.” He addresses me with words but speaks to Marcus with his eyes. For a little boy, he is mature beyond his years.

  The realization that I have allowed my son to witness all of this ugliness sickens me. Shame on me and more importantly shame on them!

  Quickly I gather our things and sign our check while Grant and Marcus continue to cock block. Each ready to spring into action if the other shows a millisecond of weakness.

  Rolling my eyes to myself more than anything, I look around the crowd nervous that we had been observed but to my relief, we appear to be flying under the radar. As the server returns with our food in to-go containers, Marcus and Amelia are still standing at our table.

  “Is there some reason you are still here?” I snip.

  The look of arrogance spreading across his face is making me insane. I want to wipe that look right off his face, oh hell who am I kidding? I'd like to smack his face from here to next week. It's hardly the correct way to behave but for Charlie standing two feet away, I might have taken a swing.

  “I'd like a moment alone with my son.” He demands.

  Charlie steps forward, “What is it daddy? I'm ready to go home.”

  “I'm sorry your mommy and I argued. Let me make it up to you tonight, why don’t you come back with daddy?”

  Charlie's face lights up, “Really? I thought you had other plans?”

  “Yeah, I thought you had other plans Marcus.” Amelia gives him a sharp look.

  “I made a mistake, those plans can wait, Charlie is more important. Don't you agree?” He returns her sharp look with raised brows questioning her resolve.

  She clears her throat, “I suppose we can change things around.” She is speaking quietly so I have to strain to hear.

  While they are sorting out the details, I fight with my inner demons. I
want so badly to give it to Amelia, the bitch stole my husband and is now an influence on my son no longer as his godmother but as my husband's girlfriend. The entire situation is a jacked up mess. If we were not in public and Charlie were not in ear shot, I would speak my mind. I will bite my tongue for this moment, but the time will come where I will put the home wrecker in her place.

  Grant is by my side now, “Is it okay with you that he just takes Charlie after all this?” he says in a confidential tone.

  I nod, “If I told Charlie no, it would cause more of a scene and I don’t want to disappoint him. Never mind how I actually feel about it.” I whisper back.

  “Mommy? Is it okay? Can I go with Daddy? He said we can go out for pancakes in the morning!”

  I tweak him on the nose, “Of course sweet bear, you can go.” Leaning down I hug him and handing his backpack to Marcus, “All of his meds are in the front zippered pocket. He's been having a couple coughing episodes a day so keep an ear out for him because you need to help administer the breather.”


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