List of Sins: A Steamy Romance: Seduced by Lust

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List of Sins: A Steamy Romance: Seduced by Lust Page 15

by Holt, S. w.

  “Uh, sure...okay for a few minutes though...I have plans.”

  His eyes widen as he looks me up and down, “Oh right, hey you look beautiful. Are you going on a date? I can come back later.”

  “No, its okay, I don’t have to leave for a half hour. Come on in.” I say while moving aside for him to pass. I look outside and see his sports car parked in the drive.

  Shutting the door behind him and locking the bolts, I turn to him, “What's up?”

  “I'm a mess. That's what's up.” He blurts.

  “Come on, you look like you could use a drink.”

  He chuckles, “You got that right.”

  I serve him a drink of Irish whiskey then pouring myself a glass of sparkling water, I motion for him to sit with me in the family room.

  He eyes me up and down again, “You really do look great...who's the lucky guy?”

  I smirk, “What makes you think there's a guy?”

  “I know that glow, it's a woman in love. So I'll ask again, who is the lucky man?” He takes a healthy swig of the generous pour I gave him.

  “Well first of all, it's not the next great love affair. I'm just having fun for now.” I hear my phone has received another text message. I have probably missed at least a few dozen responses to my group text. It will be fun to read through them later.

  “That's not a good enough answer, is it someone I know? Or is this new blood?”

  “Uh, you do know him but I don’t want to ruin what has only just started so I don’t want to tell you who it is just yet.”

  “Oh come on, my ex is marrying your ex and having a love child with him that I highly suspect is not in fact Marcus's but mine.”

  I about spring off the sofa.

  “What makes you say that? I mean that's a pretty major do you know about the pregnancy anyway?”

  “I didn’t learn of it until I paid Amelia a visit at the clinic the other day. She came out of the office, and it was pretty damned obvious. When I asked her about it, she said it was Marcus's, and they were getting married soon. I tried to press her for more information, but she asked me to leave in front of a room of people so I could hardly press her for more.”

  “Okay...” I pause, “But that doesn’t explain why you think the baby is yours.”

  “Uh-uh, first you tell me who your mystery man is then I will give you the rest of the story.”

  “Blackmail is against the law you know.”

  “So report me.” He snaps back.

  “Fine, it's a small world so you'll find out soon enough. I'm casually seeing Grant Rupert.” I wince as he practically spits out the sip of his drink he just took.

  “Are you kidding me?” I shake my head no, “That's freaking fantastic! I mean what a clever maneuver to date his ex-partner. I'll bet he's going ape shit over that one!”

  “I didn’t start dating Grant to get back at Marcus.” I insist, “It just sort of happened. One day he was in the neighborhood then the next thing that I know, we started seeing each other. It hasn’t been very long so do me a favor and don’t go around blabbing to anyone.”

  He clicks his tongue, “Do you mind a word of unsolicited advice?”

  I shake my head with a lot of hesitation.

  “Be careful with that one. I have heard....things.” He says in a confidential tone.

  “What do you mean you've heard things?”

  He shrugs, “Well like any man in Southern California, he enjoys the lovely scenery and does seem to get his share of Hollywood hopefuls.”

  “Why don't you simply come out with what it is you are trying to say? Marcus already called him a womanizer, is that your opinion too?”

  He laughs, “Isn't that just like Marcus to point his finger at someone else for doing the same exact thing that he's guilty. He's really a piece of work. Good riddance Laney, honestly, I think you married beneath you. He never deserved you.”

  I feel my face warming from his assessment of me. “That's sweet of you Ryan, but I don’t know that I deserve your vote of confidence, I'm not the saint you paint me out to be. Okay so enough about me and my divorce. What makes you say that you believe the baby Amelia is carrying is yours?”

  “Well for one, if she was telling me the truth and she is due the end of July that would coincide with the trip we took to Cancun. When I left the clinic, I felt like I had more questions than answers so I called her two days later. That was when she told me about her due date. I quickly did the math and as soon as I called her out on it, she hung up on me and hasn’t taken my calls since. So you tell me. Wouldn’t you think if she were a woman who knew definitively who the father was, she wouldn’t have any problem telling me where to stick my theory?”

  I pause for a moment to process this new revelation.

  “That sure changes things a lot if it's true that she is pregnant with your baby. You do you realize that they have been cheating on us before since before Marcus's birthday! It honestly could be his baby.” I sigh, realizing just how much of a mess this situation is turning into, “What do you plan to do?”

  “Actually that's why I'm here, I was hoping you could help me by planting the seed of doubt with Marcus? I know that he will be the first to demand a paternity test if there's any doubt that the baby is his. And I know that she would accommodate him, not me. When I learned that they had been together early on, I knew that a paternity test is the only way to know for certain. That's why I need your help.”

  “I don’t think I should get involved Ryan. Besides, what exactly would I say to him without being obvious? Can't you just demand a test yourself?”

  “Oh right, I'll just call her up or email her my list of demands.” He says sardonically. “You see Marcus regularly so I thought the next time you see him, you could say something about the timing. If you do the math, the conception should have been right when we were in Cancun. So unless he was hiding under our bed, the baby can't be his.”

  “So much has happened in the last eight months that I vaguely remember that time period. How long were you guys in Cancun?”

  “Well let me think, we went at the end of October around the 27th and we returned on Veteran's Day so....November 10th was when we came home. That makes it exactly fourteen days.”

  “Hmm, that's a really long vacation, what the hell did you guys do?”

  He raises his eyebrows then smirks, “What do you think we did? We went at it a couple times a day wherever we could get away with it.” His smile sleazy then he tilts his head. “Come to think of it, she said she had forgotten to pack her diaphragm and I told her to not worry about it, we would just let fate take the driver's seat. I think that was a turn on for her because from that point forward, it seemed to me that we had even more sex.”

  Looking to be deep in thought, I let him have his moment while sneaking a peak at the clock. I jump up when I notice that I'm going to be late if I don't leave in the next few minutes. I certainly don’t want to keep Grant waiting.

  “I'm sorry to interrupt your walk down memory lane but I need to get going. I'll think about whether I want to involve myself with this or not. In case I didn’t mention it earlier, my divorce is official today. So, aside from us sharing Charlie, I haven’t anything else that is going to force me to interact with that man any more than I have to from here on out.”

  “Well as long as you'll give it some serious consideration, I would be very thankful. And...congratulations on your new freedom. It's odd how we are sort of in this together isn't it?” He turns away for a minute then with his eyes downcast, “You know it's too bad we don't have a connection, which would have been the ultimate irony wouldn’t it?”

  I laugh more inward that outwardly, if he only knew how disconnected I feel toward him. He's simply not my type.

  “You are a great guy Ryan, you'll find someone who will jump at the chance to not only wear your ring but fully commit to you, not just the bling.”

  He laughs, “I hope you are right. I feel like a complete
fool. I just spent the last eight years chasing after a woman who never wanted me to catch her.”

  “As trite as it sounds, she never deserved you either. Marcus and Amelia are cut from the same cloth and will most likely betray each other before you know it. And when that happens, please do me a huge favor and don't forgive her and take her back. You will only be accepting a misery equivalent to purgatory.

  “Oh yeah, how do you figure?” He chuckles.

  “She already strung you along for literally years only to sneak behind your back and screw around with your married best friend. She has wrecked my home and though I'm one to forgive and forget, I don’t know when I will arrive at that place of peace. I don’t want anything to do with those two and trust me if it weren’t for Charlie, I would never speak to Marcus again.”

  He nods and steps out onto the front steps.

  “Listen, don’t carry around too much of a grudge. I know I have my moments where I want to rearrange Marcus's face. I also wouldn't mind calling Amelia a slut in front of all who know her, but I'll bet the both of them would just laugh back in mine. Just so you know, I don’t want Amelia back even if she crawled to my feet on her hands and knees begging me for my forgiveness, I wouldn’t take her. She's far beyond damaged goods to me now. But, if that baby girl turns out to be mine, I will fight tooth and nail to claim her.”

  “I must admit it’s refreshing and a bit odd to hear a single man whose girlfriend betrayed him be so adamant about standing up for his paternity. Anyway, hang in there and let's keep in touch.”

  He gives me a quick hug, “If you can find it in your heart to help me out, well, I'd be in your debt. Now go have fun with your Irishman!” He teases.

  “Okay, talk soon.” I shut the door behind him then locking it, I feel heavy. Like I'm carrying the weight of the world on not just my shoulders but, on the top of my head. Now I'm going to be late to Grant's. Oh well, how could I have turned away a friend in need?

  Chapter Fifteen

  Arriving at Grant's only a few minutes late, I park my car in his driveway then briskly walk up to the massive set of glass front doors. Taped to the outside is a handwritten note that reads:


  Let yourself in, I'm on the main level deck.


  As instructed, I walk through the doors as the bell chimes seven on the mirrored grandfather clock in the massive foyer. Slipping off my shoes at the door, I wander through the house to the deck. All of the sliding doors are open allowing the salty breeze to enter blowing the skirt of my dress around my thighs.

  Grant looks up at me from his seat that is facing the water.

  “Aren't you are a sight for sore eyes! I feel like it's been weeks.” He stands up and surveys me from head to toe with a mischievous twinkle in his Irish eyes. “You look ravishing tonight. I wonder though, is there a color that doesn’t appear lovelier when you wear it?” His tone is overtly sexual.

  “This old thing?” I laugh, “Thank you for the compliment and may I say that you look pretty good yourself?”

  I say noticing how the tight fitting shirt he's wearing hugs his biceps and chest nicely while the white linen shorts allow for well-defined and lightly tanned legs to be admired. As I smell his spicy scent that makes me salivate, he stands wrapping his arms around me in a tight embrace. I feel so safe and at ease in his arms that it takes me a moment to notice his hands are no longer at my back but rather traveling to my butt. After giving it a quick squeeze, he puts his hands on my face and presses his lips to mine in an intimate showing of his affection for me. As he presses against me, I discover further evidence that he is happy that I'm there.

  Feeling instantly aroused by his sensual kiss, I put my arms up over my head as his hands slide under my dress pushing it up my body then taking it off. I stand on his deck as the sun is setting in nothing but my pale pink strapless bra and matching bikini panties with lace.

  He stops for a moment while taking a deep breath then he proceeds with taking his shirt off while my hands are working on the fly of his shorts.

  In no time, we are both standing naked on his deck with nothing but lust in our hearts and sexual gratification on our minds.

  Shyly I whisper, “Are we....out here?”

  He lets out a soft chuckle, “Don't worry, it's a perk of being on a private beach and who is going to see us here anyway?”

  I have no urge to argue the point and if he's not worried then I shouldn't be either.

  Guiding me toward the pergola with billowing white shears he pushes me back onto the outdoor sofa cushions. He pulls me toward him lining my hips up with the edge while yanking my panties down, urging me onto my back. At once, he's on his knees taking his fingers and exploring my sex. Inserting two fingers in me while he nibbles on my clit, I buck my hips uncontrollably at the searing pleasure he is giving. He stops for a moment and waits for me to lower my hips again. Resuming his oral assault on my body, he ravages every crevice with his tongue and fingers while I dig my fingernails into the soft cushions. The need to release is building, but I fight the overwhelming urge to let myself climax.

  Sensing my restraint he murmurs, “Let go.”

  “No.” I breathe, “I want you...”

  I hear a sharp intake of his breath then he briskly comes to standing before me. Removing his trunks as he moves between my legs then he pushes himself into me with a swift, practiced movement. Moving in and out of me at a methodical pace, he laces his fingers with mine, kissing my neck, my ear, making his way along my jaw to my lips. His sweet, luscious lips pressing against mine, his tongue seeking mine, he awakens every nerve in my body. I push my hips against his, meeting every thrust with my own, allowing our bodies to unify. My head presses far back in the pillows, his lips still pressed against my own, and his hands melding with mine.

  Pushing up he looks me in the eyes and holding my gaze, he begins his descent.

  His release triggers my own as he collapses on me burying his face next to mine while he exhales my name.

  “Oh God Delaney!” He breathes, “Love me...”

  The next few moments will forever be etched as the best climax I've ever had. Every nerve leading to my core is exploding under his touch, wrapping my body around his, I just can't wait to love this man. He wants me to love him? Damn right that's exactly what I intend to do with all my being.

  The last wave of pleasure resonates aftershocks in my core while Grant is still in me. He feels the end of the quakes and moans, “Do you need more?”

  “No. Not yet.” I breathe.

  He moves off of me and covers us both with a soft throw blanket. Moving to the crook of his arm, I feel overwhelmed with his confession in the moments of passion. I wonder if I should bring it up or simply let it be a moment that will be preserved as an intimate confession from the heat of passion.

  The next thing he says surprises the hell out of me.

  “You have every right to distrust me after all that has happened since we've known each other. But I know how I feel about you and the fondness I have always felt is growing into so much more. I meant what I said a few minutes ago...let yourself go. Someday, I want you to love me.”

  I don't hesitate giving my response as my heart pounds through my chest, “My God Grant, I think I could love you. Can that be possible? Is it too soon?”

  He moves quickly to sitting upright inadvertently letting my head flop back on the pillows.

  “Do you think it's too soon?” He questions.

  “ I don't have a clue what the rules are Grant. I loved Marcus with everything I had and now....well I don't want this to be my rebound. I don’t want us to be a mistake. So many things have gone wrong and I deserve happiness. But so do you.” I hesitate, then go for it and ask the real question, “Do you love me?” I say as I suck in my breath.

  He looks away then stands up while wrapping a beach towel around his midsection. As he starts to walk away toward the shower, he says over his shoulder, “I think that I've love
d you since the first time I met you Delaney.”

  My heart feels like it has literally stopped then it starts beating so fast that it seems to be fluttering, about to take flight, or erupt. I let out the breath I had been holding in one swift release.

  “You have?” I say in a quiet voice.

  “Yes. You asked me why I never married and I told you I haven’t found the right woman. Thing is, all women I've dated have not been able to hold my attention, not like you.” He says so matter of fact like it should somehow just make sense.

  “But, you hardly know me Grant, we've never dated or been in a relationship. How could you compare anyone else to me?”

  He turns the shower on then looks back at me while dropping his towel. The serious yet seductive look on his face causes me to hold my breath again, “You are wrong, of course I know you. I've been in your life for over eight years. And having never dated, well that's a bonus. I know you from perspectives that dating hardly allows and sex has a tendency to convolute everything anyhow.”


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