World At War

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World At War Page 8

by Dave Willmarth

  Alexander laughed. “Here you go, you big pig.” He tossed the apple core to Bacon, who caught it in his snout and made it disappear without even chewing. The pig started moving in Alexander’s direction, hoping for more. But he held up his hands. “Oh no, you don’t. We’re out of here.” He laid his hand on Silverbeard’s shoulder and the two of them disappeared.

  Their first stop was the garrison tower up on the plateau. Alexander could almost teleport them straight from the keep to the first of the villages, but his range hadn’t increased quite that far. So, after a quick hello to Bodine and Regina, and Jake and Bobby - who chittered and made rude gestures at him when he denied having any fruit for them - they moved on to the first of the villages north of the river.

  This one was inhabited mainly by orcs. There were a few minotaurs walking around, but the orcs outnumbered them twenty to one. Alexander and Silverbeard took a few minutes to speak with them, making sure they had what they needed. The orcs seemed reluctant to speak with the elf and the dwarf. Nervous, even. Alexander decided not to push them, and teleported Silverbeard and himself to the northernmost village.

  There he found Molgo and Dawn. They had taken up residence in the largest of the single homes. Molgo was holding a meeting out in front, where they had placed a dozen or so sections of logs as seats in a half circle. He saw the two approaching and raised a hand in greeting. “Alexander! Silverbeard! It is good to see you. We were just talking about you.”

  He grunted something and a young minotaur grabbed a crude wooden bench and set it next to Molgo. “Please, sit. These are the elders of my clan. They have questions about being Elysians.”

  Alexander looked to each of them in turn as he moved to the bench. Silverbeard plopped himself down first without ceremony. As Alexander sat, he said, “Of course. I’m happy to answer questions.”

  The first of the elders, the one seated on the other side of Molgo, spoke first. “We will not be slaves.”

  Alexander nodded his head. “Not exactly a question, but I understand. No, you will not be slaves. You will be free citizens. You must take an oath of loyalty to remain here. But that only binds you if you attempt to betray the kingdom. Otherwise, you are free to go where you please. You can live here, or in another of the villages, or at one of the towers. Even the keep. Though we don’t have much room there just now. You can craft, or farm, or be employed as a soldier of the realm.”

  Another spoke up. “When we hunt, you will take some of the food?”

  Alexander said, “No, not now. For one year, you will pay no taxes. This is meant to allow you to use all the resources you gather to strengthen your people and your village. After one year, ten percent of all that you gather from hunts, farming, mining or other activities will be owed to Elysia as a tax. This will go to help build the whole kingdom. The rest you keep for yourselves.”

  Another elder asked, “The ones you accept as soldiers. They will be front-line troops, yes? First into the fight?”

  Alexander considered his answer. “Very likely, yes. Your warriors are strong and experienced. Good shock troops. There will be situations where I ask them to go first into battle to scatter and frighten the enemy.”

  The elders all raised a fist and roared. The one who had asked the question nodded. “Good. You grant us honor and glory. As it should be.”

  The next elder, a giant of a minotaur with silver fur, stood up. Pointing to the two new longhouses, he said, “You give us strong shelter. Easy access to water and food. Do you think we are weaklings?” His eyes were full of challenge.

  Alexander stood as well, shaking his head. “I saw the trail of orc bodies from the army you drove into my forest. I know you can more than take care of yourselves.” He motioned to the village around them. “This village was already here. With no one to occupy it. Yes, I added the longhouses. For two reasons. I was unsure of how many of your people would come. And because we do not yet know what dangerous beasts might roam these woods. Molgo told you about the demon army?”

  The elder nodded with a grunt. Alexander went on. “More demons could come at any time. Or drow. Or the monsters that serve them. The longhouses allow you to gather your people in a defensible position and hold out until help arrives. If you will follow me, I’ll show you.”

  He walked toward the nearest longhouse, which happened to be the single-story version. He motioned for the others to follow him inside. As they did, he used his earth sense to find the stairway to the underground room. Once he located it, he said, “Each of the longhouses has a fallback position.” Using his earth magic, he separated the stone that covered the stair, then levitated it up and over to one side. Setting it down, he cast a light globe down into the stair. “Go ahead, see for yourself.”

  Molgo went first, stepping down the wide stairway. When he reached the bottom and found the large circular room, he grunted in surprise. The others had similar reactions. Alexander and Silverbeard brought up the rear. Stepping into the room, he pointed to the back. “There are bathrooms back there. And a water supply. If you stock this place with provisions, you could survive down here for a very long time. I can send you dwarves to make it so that the doorway to these stairs is very hard to find once closed.”

  He stepped aside and let the minotaurs speak amongst themselves. After about five minutes, Molgo stepped forward. “We have all agreed. We will take the oath and become Elysians."

  Alexander held out a hand and Molgo grasped his forearm. “Thank you. And welcome to Elysia. I’ll come back soon with Prince Kai, who will accept your oath. It will be magically binding, so make sure your people know this. Those who do not wish to take it will not be harmed, but they will not be allowed to remain here.” Molgo nodded in understanding.

  Silverbeard spoke up. “What about the orcs?”

  Dawn shook her head. “They are concerned. They too have questions. And the answers you have provided us may help. But they are also afraid. Most lost family in the battles against us. My people and yours. The warlord forced them into what amounted to slavery. Providing their males for the army, giving up their food to feed the army. They are hesitant to place themselves under any ruler again.”

  Alexander asked, “Can you help me speak to their leaders? And who are their leaders now? Do they go by strongest? Or do they honor their elders as you do?”

  Dawn and Molgo both agreed. Dawn said, “They have a council of elders, just as we do.”

  Alexander was about to teleport them all when Silverbeard held up a hand. Looking to the elders, he asked, “What d’ye need? Have ye enough food?”

  The silver-haired elder nodded. “We do. The forest provides plentiful game, as well as fruits and berries. We have already begun to plant crops. And we have brought our harvest from the fields the warlord did not destroy. There are fish in the river. We will thrive here.”

  Silverbeard added, “Ye have enough tools? I hear the forge workin’.” He grinned at them.

  “We have all that we need. Thank you, Master Silverbeard.”

  The elder dwarf nodded, then looked to Alexander. He teleported the four of them back to the orc village. Molgo and Dawn entered first, with Alexander and Silverbeard following. Dawn grabbed a female orc child who ran past and told her to fetch the elders. The four of them waited near the center of the village. There was a simple fountain with a short wall around it. The water bubbled up clear and cool into a pool from which water could be drawn. Alexander took a seat and reached a hand in to taste the water. He made a mental note to see about adding plumbing to the single homes. The longhouses already had it.

  After a time, six orcs approached and were greeted by Dawn. There were three males and three females. Two of the males were battle-scarred. Obvious veterans who had earned much honor. The third was smaller by comparison, though still taller and bulkier than Alexander. He carried a staff and looked to be a shaman of some kind. The females were all tough-looking, with weathered skin and calloused hands.

  Dawn introduced Alexander an
d Silverbeard, then named each of the elders. Alexander was busy watching their faces and did not catch all of their names. When none of them spoke, he started things off.

  “I would like to begin by saying we regret having to kill so many of your warriors. Our lands were invaded and we had to defend ourselves. We too lost loved ones in that fight. We spared as many of yours as possible, and they will be returned to you after they serve their time at Broken Mountain. They are being treated well and no harm will come to them.” Silverbeard nodded in confirmation.

  “Next, I know that your people have lived in relative peace with the minotaurs for generations. And that the warlord pushed you into a war that most of you did not want. I hold no ill will against your people for his actions. As I mentioned, we have lost people in recent weeks. In both the battle with your warlord and defending against an invading demon army. Elysia is a large kingdom with a small population. I’m sure you saw that this village was empty when you arrived. I seek honorable people willing to work hard to help me build my kingdom into something great. I hope your people will join me.”

  He sat down on the ground with his back to the fountain wall. The others all joined him. Molgo shot him a wink and Dawn smiled. She began to speak. “Alexander speaks the truth. We witnessed the last battle with the demons. He and his people fought bravely. And he treats his people equally. All his people. Elves, humans, dwarves, gnomes, duergar, gryphons, dragons, even a tiny goblin. They have welcomed us and provided for us just as they have for you. Molgo’s tribe has agreed this morning to become citizens of Elysia.” Molgo nodded his head once to confirm.

  The orcs whispered among themselves. One of the scarred males said, “We found a mine nearby. We have been pulling iron from it for two days.” He pointed to a hut near the outer edge of the village. “The iron is there if you wish to take it.”

  Alexander shook his head. “No. It is yours to use if you need it. Or we will purchase it from you. The terms we offer you are as follows. For one year from today, the resources you gather are for you to use to build your village. Whether it be iron, or even gold, from the mine, meat or lumber from the forest, or stone from the earth. At the end of the year, you will begin to pay ten percent of the resources you gather or items you craft to Elysia. To help the rest of the kingdom grow. We will employ some of you as soldiers to help us defend ourselves or our allies. We’ll offer you protection and assistance when needed.”

  The orc nodded, seeming satisfied. Another spoke up. One of the females. “You will take our young females for your pleasure?”

  Silverbeard laughed and answered before Alexander could. “Alexander has his queen. She be a feisty one, too. If’n he were to lay hands on one o’ yer lasses, the queen would stab him with her pretty daggers!” It was Alexander’s turn to nod in agreement and blush slightly as the orcs laughed along with the dwarf.

  The female nodded her head. “I would like to meet this queen.”

  Alexander sent a quick message in officer chat. “Jules, you awake yet?”

  “Pancakes. Leave me alone.”

  “No can do. Need your help. The orcs want to meet their potential queen. Be there in a second.” He thought for a second, then added, “Kai, can you join us? The minotaurs are ready to take the oath, and the orcs might be as well. If Jules isn’t too sleepy to charm them.”

  He looked at the orc. “I can fetch her right now. Will you wait a few moments?” When she nodded, he disappeared. He stopped briefly at the garrison tower, then popped into the keep. Walking from the teleport zone to the dining area, he saw that Kai had already joined Jules, who was shoveling pancakes into her delicate mouth like she was in an eating contest.

  Kai grinned at Alexander. “Is Jules expecting? I’ve only ever seen a female eat that way when Lia was first fertilized.”

  Jules coughed and spit out a mouthful of pancakes as Alexander guffawed. “Nobody has impregnated anybody here, you big dragon oaf!” she growled at him.

  Kai simply raised an eyebrow. “Testy, too. Just as Lia was.”

  Alexander got himself under control and said, “We really need to go. Are you two ready?” When they both stood and moved closer, Kai took the liberty of transporting them. His range was more than enough to take them straight to the orc village. They walked back to the fountain and Alexander introduced them.

  “This is Prince Kaibonostrum of the dragon kingdom. He will be the one to administer your oaths should you decide to join us. We have a treaty with the dragon kingdom, the elven kingdom, and two human kingdoms, as well as the dwarves at Broken Mountain.” Kai nodded to the gathered elders and smiled reassuringly. The orcs were a bit taken aback to suddenly have a dragon in their midst.

  “And the most dangerous of your guests today is Lady Jules, my beloved, and queen of Elysia.” Jules smiled prettily and waved at Dawn. She looked impressive in her head-to-toe black leather armor and emerald choker. Daggers were strapped to each thigh and throwing knives lined a thin bandolier across her chest.

  “Good morning to all of you,” she said.

  Alexander indicated the female who had asked the question. “The elders wished to meet you. They had a concern about me taking their young females for my amusement.”

  Jules snorted. “Don’t worry about your young ladies. If I even catch him looking at them, I’ll cut off parts of him that he’d rather keep.” To which the females grinned and grunted their approval. Jules shot him a dirty look as if she thought he was already guilty. One hand fingered the hilt of a dagger. This earned more laughter from the female orcs. She turned so that only he could see her face and gave him a wink.

  “Yes, well. Now you’ve met my queen. Who scares me more than a little most of the time. Any other questions?”

  Another female stood up. “Borag forced us to breed quickly. To make more warriors for his army.”

  Jules growled and actually drew a dagger. She waved it around as she spoke. “There will be none of that here. Ever. You will have as many or as few children as you wish. If Borag were not already dead, I’d slit his throat for you. Let me be clear. You are free. Free to do as you choose, when you choose. You may become citizens and remain here. Or you may reject our offer and leave in peace. Go back to the plains. If you choose to stay with us and take the oath, you will be subject to our laws. Thieves will be jailed. Murderers will be executed. I’m afraid I do not know the laws of your people, but I imagine ours are much the same.”

  Alexander added, “We will not force anyone to fight. Those warriors who wish it can join our army. Or, some of them can. They will be paid, and housed, and fed. The rest of you can farm, or mine, or hunt and fish, or craft. You can teach others. We have a desperate need for farmers and crafters, and yes, warriors. But it will be up to you which path you choose.”

  The smaller of the males, the shaman, asked, “We will have to worship your god?”

  Silverbeard took that one. “We do no’ worship any one god. Each of us be free to worship who we choose. I be a paladin o’ Durin. Alexander there be a Champion O’ Light, favored by Odin and the god’s o’light. There be a wee goblin at the keep who be a chosen o’ Hermes, god o’ thieves ‘n travelers. We have a dragon forge created by Prince Kai here that were blessed by many gods. And there be a temple with a priest o’ Asclepius the healer god.”

  The shaman nodded. “And if our god is a dark god?”

  Alexander thought for a moment. “Do you all worship the same god? And who would that be?”

  One of the females cut off the shaman before he answered. “Some of us worship more fervently than others. Grang there is a shaman of Gromish, God of War. I worship Laktar, Goddess of the Hearth and Protector of Children.”

  Alexander looked to Kai. The dragon said, “They are indeed dark gods. But not evil. And not tied to the drow wizards that I’m aware of.”

  Alexander looked back to the shaman. “Does Gromish require you to sacrifice people?”

  The shaman spat on the ground at the idea. “Gromish req
uires an honorable death in battle. He is a god of war, not blood. We rejected the blood god long ago.”

  “Then I see no problem with you worshipping your dark gods. As long as they do not require you to break any of our laws. If you like, we will even help you construct a temple. You can request the blessings of your gods and they may provide boons to your village. We have done the same at our keep and a village called Whitehall. Crops grow faster, people heal faster. Though I don’t know if the dark gods would be so beneficent.”

  Alexander waited for more questions, but no one else spoke. The elders whispered among themselves. With their elven and dragon hearing, Alexander, Jules, and Kai could hear every word if they chose to. But Alexander let them have their privacy.

  Eventually, they stood and faced Alexander. “We will accept you as our king. And take the oath.” Jules clapped her hands in excitement. Alexander shook hands with each of the elders in turn.

  “Please, call your people together. Make sure they’re all here and we’ll administer the oath.” Several runners were sent off in various directions. “While we wait, I would ask that two of you be designated as representatives of your people on my council.” He looked at Molgo and Dawn. “Will you two be serving as the representatives of the minotaurs?”

  Molgo said, “I am not one for meetings and talking. I know war. So I will not have much to say in your councils.”

  Alexander laughed. “Elysia has been a kingdom only a few weeks and this is one of very few days that we have not been under attack. We’ve had to defend against the drow and their minions, other adventurers, the warlord’s orcs, the undead army, and the demon army. We fought battles in Stormforge and Antalia. And we’re part of an alliance that’s at war with the drow wizards. I think your expertise in war will be much needed.”

  Molgo and Dawn, along with several of the orc elders, grinned at this. Dawn said, “Maybe we should reconsider becoming Elysians. It seems to be dangerous to be near you.”


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