Going Deep Boxed Set (Books 1-4)

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Going Deep Boxed Set (Books 1-4) Page 44

by DePaul, Virna

  “My mom. She wants to meet you when I drive up to see her this Saturday. Want to come with me?”

  “Saturday, as in three days from now? But we’re getting ready for the Sports Armour meeting.”

  “That’s not till Monday. Come on, Red. A drive to Charleston, just you and me in the car. I’ll even steal a Ferrari for the joyride. It’ll be fun.”

  Though she knew he was joking, she couldn’t help but imagine themselves riding along the highway, stuck in a car for hours, talking about life and maybe getting a little sexy along the way. The idea of a trip appealed to her, but to meet his mom? Already? “Alec, are you sure it’s a good idea? What if your mom doesn’t approve of me?”

  “What if my mom totally loves you like she already does?”

  What was he talking about? He sounded like a kid who’d gotten his Christmas presents a little early this year.

  “Trust me on this, Red. She already knows about you, and she’s thrilled. I’ll pick you up early around eight. Sound good?”

  Words tried to come out of her mouth, but suddenly, her stomach ached. Everything was changing so fast, Ruby wasn’t used to it. Things rarely changed in her world, and when they did, they took a long time. But all of that changed when she said yes to Alec that fateful day.

  And nothing had been the same since.

  “Super cute.” Ruby smiled.

  When Alec’s car pulled up to the charming but modest two-story home in Charleston, South Carolina, Ruby couldn’t help but wonder why Alec hadn’t bought his mother a bigger house. Most of her famous clients did once they had big money. It wasn’t like Alec couldn’t afford it. Then again, maybe his mother hadn’t wanted a new house. From everything he’d told her about his mother, Carolyn, on the drive up, she wouldn’t be surprised if Mrs. LeBrun had refused any kind of charity from her famous son altogether.

  Butterflies fluttered in her stomach, as they got out of the car, pulled out their bags, and walked up to the front door. “Ma!” Alec knocked three times. “That’s how she knows it’s me,” he whispered to Ruby.

  “Ah. Not because of the crazy man screaming at the front door?” Ruby winked, and Alec bumped his side against her. They’d been having fun the whole trip from Savannah, and Ruby gathered it was because he was helping her feel at ease, knowing she’d be nervous about meeting his mother.

  A small woman with short, neatly coifed hair opened the door. “There he is! My boy!”

  Alec dwarfed his mother with an enormous hug, even lifted her off the ground while she shrieked, then set her back down again.

  “And you must be Miss O’Brien.”

  “Oh, call me Ruby, Mrs. LeBrun. Please.”

  “Then you must call me Carolyn.” The woman spoke in a Southern accent thick as Georgia molasses. “Come in, come in, before the bugs eat you alive. The mosquitoes have been slow to leave this year.”

  Ruby couldn’t help but smile at the woman’s Southern hospitality. “Thank you. You have a lovely home.” She really did. Inside was immaculate with humble, beautiful furniture and framed photos of Alec when he was little.

  He saw her noticing the photos and blocked them with his wide shoulders, eyeing her. “Do not look at the kid pictures.”

  Ruby laughed and whispered, as Carolyn led them through the living room. “I’ll look at them when you’re not looking.”

  Carolyn spoke over her shoulder. “I’ve lived here since Alec came up to my knee. A long time ago, as you can imagine. Did you want me to make you sandwiches?”

  “Oh, no, Mama. We already ate on the way up,” Alec said, and Ruby noticed he had a different way of talking to his mother than he did with…pretty much anyone else. Not only was he respectful, but it seemed to Ruby he turned into a shy ten-year-old around his mother.

  “That’s a shame,” Carolyn said, entering the kitchen. “Then, you’ll have some sweet tea I brewed especially for y’all?”

  Ruby wasn’t a huge fan of sweet tea, but if Alec’s mama made it, then she would try some. “Oh, yes. That sounds nice. Thank you.”

  Carolyn showed them to the kitchen table where they sat by a window. A small but colorful garden was just outside that made Ruby smile.

  “So, my son tells me you’re working to get him back in line?” she asked, pouring the tea into three glasses. “Has he behaved himself so far?”

  Ruby almost laughed at the sight of Alec’s wide eyeballs upon hearing his mother’s comment. “Oh, yeah. He’s been great,” she replied, her voice almost a wheeze. “One of my best clients.”

  Obviously, his mom knew he was more to her than that, but it wasn’t like she could say he was the best lover she’d ever had. Alec’s eyes gleamed as he looked at her from across the room. “Ruby’s been working hard, Mama. I made a real mess of things, you know.”

  “I do know, just like when you were a little boy. Always getting into people’s gardens and stealing flowers to bring home.” She smiled at the memory. “Did he tell you about Sonia?”

  “Mama, not now,” Alec warned.

  “Who’s Sonia? Should I be worried?” Ruby smiled and exchanged winks with Carolyn. She loved this woman already and immediately felt at ease.

  “Oh, honey, why not? It’s the sweetest story,” his mother said. After passing out the sweet teas, Carolyn sat at the table and lifted the lid on a lovely small lemon cake. Presumably homemade as well. “Fine, I’ll tell her some other time. Then again, Alec always brought me a bouquet, so I couldn’t get too mad at him.”

  Alec rolled his eyes as they exchanged memories.

  Ruby listened intently as the conversation continued. It was obvious that Carolyn and Alec were devoted to each other, and Ruby couldn’t help but envy him. She loved her father, of course, and he loved her, but Carolyn supported her son through thick and thin. Whereas Dad was critical unless she did things his way.

  “So, Ruby…Alec tells me you’re absolutely perfect in every way.”

  “Mama!” Alec LeBrun, tight end of the Savannah Bootleggers, actually blushed.

  “What? For goodness’ sake, Alec, that’s exactly what you said to me the other day,” Carolyn said, shaking her head and turning to Ruby, as if only Ruby and Ruby’s opinions would be heard from now on. “Does he take care of you? Because if he doesn’t take care of you, I will see to it that he’s cut off from the homemade goodies I send him.”

  “No! Not the homemade goodies. Come on, Ma!” Alec pretended to be woefully offended and winked at Ruby. “Anything but the homemade goodies ban.”

  Ruby laughed softly to herself, hand over mouth, and turned to Carolyn. “He’s great. He treats me really well. So far.”

  Alec shook his head then laid it on the table over his folded arms. “I knew this wasn’t a good idea to bring you here.”

  Ruby laughed so hard with Carolyn that she had to admit, she was having a great time. This could work to her advantage. There was nothing to make a man straighten out better than his mama. “Hey, you wanted me to come. Now, here I am.” Ruby reached out and tousled Alec’s hair, which made Carolyn blink lovingly behind her knowing smile.

  They talked all afternoon, and Ruby had never felt so comfortable with any boyfriend’s mother before. She could see this woman as her best friend, especially when they both ganged up on Alec, making him shake his head or leave the room in mock protest.

  After dinner, cleanup, and some time by a small fireplace, Carolyn turned to Alec. “You’re not playing tomorrow, are you?”

  “No, it’s a bye-week. So I’m yours, whatever you need me for.”

  “Great. Well, I’ll see you in the morning then. You two can have the guest room upstairs.”

  From Alec’s shocked look, Ruby gathered that was a big deal to be allowed to sleep together in the same house. “Don’t you want me sleeping on the couch downstairs, Mama?”

  “Oh, heavens, no. Ruby can’t exactly keep an eye on you if you’re not with her, can you, Ruby?” Carolyn paused at the stairs, pushing her reading glasses down to see
Ruby’s face.

  “No, ma’am. Whatever you deem right, Carolyn.”

  “Sleep together.” His mother waved the issue away with her hand. “We’re liberated women, aren’t we, Ruby?”

  Ruby nearly coughed up a lung. “Yes, ma’am. Have a good night.”

  Once she was gone, Alec and Ruby looked at each other, both relieved to let their guards down.

  “Whoa, that was stressful,” Alec exclaimed then led Ruby outside to give her a tour of the neighborhood. Although the house was small, it had been well-maintained, and Carolyn’s garden in the backyard was more beautiful than through the window. Ruby admired the roses situated behind the house, and she bent to smell a large red one.

  “Your mom seems like an amazing lady,” Ruby said as they strolled the street. Fireflies were beginning to emerge from the grasses, blinking lazily as the sun went down.

  “She is. You remind me of her in a way. Hardworking, respectable.” Alec put his hands in his pockets as they walked, as Ruby wondered. Did she want to be known only as hardworking and respectable? She’d seen the kind of women Alec used to date in the past, and they’d been sexy, hot women. She wanted to be sexy and hot for Alec, too. “I didn’t know how hard she worked when I was a kid,” Alec continued, this time taking Ruby’s hand. “I mean, I knew she worked a lot, but I didn’t know she did it all so I could play football.”

  “Wow, that’s really admirable.”

  “Thanks. Yeah, she worked herself to the bone for me because she always believed in me.” He shook his head. “I owe her everything.”

  “I’m surprised you didn’t buy her a big, flashy house, knowing you.”

  He laughed. “Hey, what do you mean, knowing me? I’m not too flashy. And I tried. But she said she was going to die in this house that she worked so hard to buy, and I didn’t have the heart to press the issue. I did buy her a brand-new car, though.”

  “And she never has to work another day in her life again,” Ruby added.

  “That’s true. I don’t ever want to see her struggle again. Worked my ass off to make sure I changed that.” They fell into silence as they meandered. Ruby took in the neighborhood, enjoying seeing people rocking chairs on their porches or taking evening strolls. It was a serene neighborhood in Charleston, and she could understand why Carolyn hadn’t wanted to leave it.

  “You know why I really wanted to play football?” Alec said with a sad smile.


  “Not even close.” Alec’s whole demeanor changed. Serious, unloading truth. “When I was a kid, I hoped to get into the NFL so when I got on TV, my dad would see me and regret that he’d walked away in the first place.”

  Ruby stopped mid-stride and touched Alec’s cheek. Her heart ached for him. “That’s so sad, Alec. I’m sorry to hear that.” It was such a touching story, one that would have benefited him to use for PR purposes. Not Alec, though. He wanted to keep his personal life, especially his mother, out of the public eye, and she respected him all the more for it.

  She’d worked with a lot of famous people, most of whom wouldn’t think twice about using their families for a great story to enhance their personal image. Yet as she walked alongside Alec, and they began to return to Carolyn’s house, she couldn’t help but admire his integrity. He would protect his mother to his last breath, leaving her out of the picture, the media, everything, and even though he could easily persuade her to do an interview that would easily gain him sympathy, he refused even to consider it. He’d rather have a tarnished image—and career—than potentially damage his relationship with the person he probably loved most in this world.

  Her heart twisted at that thought. What would it be like to be loved by a man like that? A man who would do anything to protect her? It was a dangerous thought, one she wanted to push far away. After all, she’d decided to just have fun for now, not think about things too seriously with Alec. But it hung about her throughout the rest of the evening as she did some work on her laptop, as Alec puttered around the house, helping to fix his mother’s porch screen, tighten a faucet, and other things she needed help with. This man was a do-er. He hadn’t just landed a position on an NFL team. He’d earned it through hard work and dedication, and she respected him all the more for it.

  At one moment, watching him fix a molding that had popped out of place, seeing his muscles ripple and his beads of sweat from his exertion, she knew this was the kind of man she wanted. A man who loved his mother would love her the same way. No, she wasn’t just open to dating Alec LeBrun—she was falling in love with him.


  Despite her plan to wait for further information.

  For a moment, she couldn’t breathe. It was like all of the oxygen had been sucked from the room. The truth hit her hard, and when it did, she couldn’t focus on her work anymore. She had to take this man—this beautiful, sweet man—upstairs right now, right this second, and make love to him.

  Chapter 14

  He wasn’t sure what made Ruby walk over to him, pull the caulking gun out of his hand, and set it down on the counter, but the look in her eyes told him he was about to find out.

  “What’s happening?” he asked with a laugh.

  Ruby looked like there were countless things she wanted to say, but her eyes did most of the talking. “We can finish this tomorrow. Take your woman to bed, Alec.”

  The words stiffened him immediately.

  Ruby pulled his face down and kissed him, hard and with urgency, like she’d just been filled with something deep and powerful for Alec. He knew where she was coming from. Being here in his mom’s house with Ruby was another step in a new direction. Clearly, his mother loved Ruby, and they were about to sleep the whole night together in a bed. Not just any bed, but in the very room that used to be his.

  He’d come home. And he’d brought his new love with him.

  She took his hand and led him upstairs. They skipped a few steps, just trying to get there as quickly as possible. His mother’s door was closed, thankfully, and from the quiet glow of the TV plus the soft snoring, he knew his mother was out like a light.

  Ruby took Alec into his room and closed the door.

  Suddenly, things exploded between them. He couldn’t kiss her, couldn’t touch her, or undress her fast enough. Alec hauled Ruby onto the bed, slid her leggings off, then spread her legs apart so he could push his way up to her panties. Gripping her under her knees, he yanked her until her hot, wet center pressed against his cock. They both moaned at the contact.

  When she sat up to kiss him deeply, Alec sifted his fingers through her long hair and pulled it free of its tight bun. Pins pinged as they hit the table. “I need you, Ruby,” he muttered as he pulled her blouse apart. Buttons popped, but even Ruby was so far gone that she didn’t yell at him for it. She wanted him as much as he wanted her, and she moaned when he sucked her nipples through her lacy bra, but he needed her to be bare. When he freed her breasts, throwing her bra against the football lamp that used to be his as a small child, he palmed one rounded tit and suckled at the other.

  She squirmed against him, sifting her fingers through his hair.

  “You’re so wet, Ruby.” Alec pulled aside the silky fabric to reach her pussy, slicking his fingers through her folds, loving the way her head tilted back in sweet agony when he did.

  “You make me this wet,” she said, pulling her panties to one side, offering her gift to him. She watched him play with her pussy, which only made Alec harder, as he strained against his pants. He felt her get wetter and wetter until she practically soaked his palm with her juices. He wasn’t sure how she’d take it, but he had to taste her. Bringing his fingers to his mouth, he licked them clean.

  Ruby’s mouth fell open, then she wrapped her hand behind his neck and pulled him in for a deep kiss to taste herself.

  A flush crawled up her chest, and with a noise in her throat, she reached for his pants’ buttons. Within seconds, she’d freed his cock, which was almost painfully hard, an
d began to stroke him. Now it was his turn to tip his head back and moan. Her fingers pulled and gripped him, and when she cradled his balls in her other hand, he had to push her hands away to keep himself from coming all over her pretty fingers.

  But Ruby had other ideas, and he couldn’t fault her for where that little wicked mind of hers was going. “I want to taste you, too,” she said. She spread her legs apart at the edge of the bed, super fucking sexy, and took him into her mouth.

  Alec swooned.

  Raking his fingers through the gentle cascade of her hair, he watched, as she wrapped her lips around the head of his cock and slowly pulled it out until it popped from her cheek. She smiled then pushed the whole goddamn thing back in. He felt it reach the back of her throat and thought he was going to explode, but he kept his eyes shut and looked up, thanking the universe for this incredible woman.

  Ruby pulled him out then plunged his cock back into her mouth again, building a rhythm all while she held his balls with her other hand.

  “Holy shit, babe. You’re killing me.”

  “You want to see how wet I get from this?” she asked, taking his hand and leading it to her soaking wet panties. Damn, she really did love having his cock in her mouth, and she was beyond ready for a good fucking—she was ludicrously horny for it.

  Something unleashed from inside of Ruby’s soul. In a matter of seconds, he watched this woman who he’d seen from afar be professional and restrained to now being completely unhinged. She sucked and sucked on his cock, guiding it into her mouth and pulling it out with such lustful abandon, Alec knew he wasn’t going to last long.

  “That’s enough.” His voice was like gravel, low and almost hoarse with desire. When he pulled away to collect himself, he was astonished to realize his hands trembled ever so slightly. He just managed to pull off her panties and step out of the rest of his clothes without fumbling before leaning down to kiss Ruby. “That…was insanely sexy.”

  Then, spreading her legs apart and looking down at his woman, his prize, that beautifully trimmed pussy aching for him, he entered her with a delicious slowness. Although it hadn’t been that long since their last encounter, it felt like ages ago. A thousand years. He wanted her every day. For the rest of his life, if she’d let him. Slowly, making sure it all fit, he pushed his cock to the hilt inside of her.


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