Going Deep Boxed Set (Books 1-4)

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Going Deep Boxed Set (Books 1-4) Page 60

by DePaul, Virna

  He had Zoe to thank for all of it.

  She was his athletic muse and his escape from the stress of football all at the same time. It was Zoe he couldn’t stop thinking of, Zoe whose image was at the forefront of his mind when barreling into the end zone, Zoe he was trying to impress on some level, whether or not she was there to watch him play. Zoe, front and center in his one-track mind.

  When Murph asked how things were going with Zoe, he told her things were great, never bringing up the fact that he’d held her in his arms when he’d danced with her, and then just two days later after she’d taken that phone call in the garden. Some things were better off kept to himself, memories nobody had to know, like a great band you discover before the rest of the world finds out how amazing they are.

  Even though they stayed true to what they’d agreed on and kept things completely professional between them, even over protein breakfasts, listening to her tell stories about high school, he’d imagine her in the school locker room. All roads—as they say—led to Rome. Every fucking thing she did was sexy, from the way she talked to the way she stood, one hand on her hip while he did his sets, to the way her fingers touched his body lightly during reps. All the while, he marveled at her incredible beauty. She was the sexiest goddamn woman he’d ever known.

  But she was also keeping a secret.

  That thing that had made her sad enough that she’d asked him to hold her? It still seemed to affect her periodically, and even though Gabe would gently try to get her to talk to him about it, she never did. It made him realize that while Zoe might see him as a friend now, it was a limited friendship, and he had to remember that.

  They’d have their time together, her as his trainer, as casual friends, but that was all. He wasn’t going to breach the walls she’d erected or get to the tender heart of her, so he’d have to enjoy whatever she was willing to give him for as long as she was willing to give it.

  The fact was, though, as much as they spent time together, he still missed her when they were apart. Today was a rare day—it was both their days off, and they’d skipped the workout this morning. Gabe had spent the day going over game film, Murph was out yet again—hell, he rarely saw her and he was going to have to talk to his sister soon and find out exactly where she’d been staying, or rather with who— and Zoe had been in and out, finally stopping by an hour ago to tell him she was heading to Iron Maiden to do some paperwork.

  Right now, he should be chilling—he could read a book, go for a swim, watch a movie. Instead of relaxing however, he was missing Zoe. He felt downright needy. And restless.

  Maybe he’d head over to Iron Maiden and do a workout. It would give him a chance to see her, and as pathetic as that was, seeing Zoe was starting to become as vital to him as air.

  * * *

  When Zoe entered Iron Maiden to finally catch up on the paperwork she’d been putting off, the gym was empty save for the one trainer on duty. She talked every day with Kevin and trusted him when he said things were running smoothly, but the truth was most of the day-to-day clients had already abandoned ship, opting for better facilities down the road at her competitor. She couldn’t blame them, but hopefully some would return once she fixed the place up. Right now, however, that wasn’t her priority.

  With the money she’d already earned working with Gabe the past month, she’d paid her father’s care home bill, and in a couple of weeks, she’d be able to pay her past due rent on Iron Maiden. She’d called her landlord to ask for another extension, but hadn’t heard back from him yet. If Gabe kept her on after their agreed-upon six weeks, well maybe then she’d be able to purchase three new machines. With a new coat of paint and new carpeting, she could have the place looking semi-new by March or April.

  Zoe was headed to her office when Shannon, the trainer, rushed up to her.

  “Zoe, I’m so glad you’re here. I know we’re open for another hour, but I just got a call from my babysitter that Angie’s not feeling well and is upset and asking for me. Any chance…”

  Angie was Shannon’s four-year-old daughter and Shannon rarely asked for time off so Zoe had no problem saying, “Go, Shannon. No one’s here anyway, and I can help anyone who might show up.”

  Relief flooded Shannon’s features. “Thanks, Zoe. You’re the best.”

  Zoe headed to the office and took a seat at her desk, where she’d still be able to see anyone come in. The space felt foreign and alien after spending so much time at Gabe’s house. The room was musty and old, with a water stain on the drop ceiling and walls filled with scratch marks and chair dings. After spending time in a luxury house decked out with brand new floors, designer lighting, and ultra modern kitchen, Iron Maiden felt more like a dump than ever before.

  After closing time had come and gone, the cleaning crew arrived right on time. Zoe waved to them then waved again when they left an hour later.

  She was almost done with the paperwork she’d been working on when the bell on the front door jingled and she looked up to see Tony Spratford, her landlord, walk into the gym as if she’d conjured him with her earlier thoughts. He spotted her, headed for her office, then stepped inside uninvited. He wasn’t the politest person in the world; in fact, he was downright brash, something he confirmed when the first thing he said was, “You need to pay your rent, Reynolds.”

  Zoe stood and held out her hand, which Tony reluctantly shook, although she noticed he squeezed rather hard for a friendly handshake. “I left you a message, Tony. I’m so sorry for the late rent but I can have it for you in two weeks along with—”

  Spratford harrumphed. “Two weeks isn’t good enough. I need the rent now. You’ve taken advantage of my good nature long enough.”

  Zoe pressed her lips together, trying to get hold of her emotions. She hated the fact she was late with her rent, but she certainly wasn’t taking advantage of him. She told him she’d pay late fees, and was doing the best she could. She had to admit, though, that she hadn’t offered an explanation for why she was late. Heart trembling inside her chest, she thought maybe it was time to explain the situation about her father. “Tony, I haven’t told you what’s going on with my father…”

  Sensing an excuse coming, Tony rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. “Whatever it is, you still need to pay rent, Zoe.”

  “Yes, I know, but understand that my father…” She hesitated, taking a deep breath just to be able to finish her sentence. “Well, he hasn’t been doing too well.”

  “What’s wrong with him?” He eyed her suspiciously.

  “He’s suffering. He’s been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, and well…my brother and I have had significantly higher expenses. See, we have him at a memory care center, and—”

  “Zoe, that sucks, don’t get me wrong, but I promised my wife a trip to Europe and I can’t disappoint her, know what I mean?”

  She did—she knew what he meant. And she understood. Her problems weren’t his. But she couldn’t produce money out of thin air. “I understand, and like I said, I’ll have it for you in two weeks. If you could just give me time—”

  “Hey, you have a fancy new boyfriend now…new dude from the Chicago team…what’s his name again?”

  Zoe instinctively took several steps back. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Yeah, you do. Murphy, the wide receiver. Your brother Pete was trying to reassure me you’d have the rent soon. Told me you’re training him and I saw you guys walking into Patricia’s together a couple of weeks ago, all dolled up. He makes good money. Why don’t you get him to pay your rent? I’m sure it’d be no big deal for a guy like him.”

  Zoe sucked in a stream of air through her nostrils and did her best not to let Tony’s comment bother her. “I don’t have a boyfriend, Tony. I don’t know what made you think that.”

  “Really? I could’ve sworn you two were together. Heard you were living with him and everything.”

  Had Pete told him that too? Granted, it wasn’t exactly a secret, but she was going
to have to talk to her brother about keeping private information private. “I was hired to be his athletic trainer, but I’m no more his girlfriend than a personal chef would be.” That wasn’t exactly true—at the very least, she and Gabe were friends—but of course it was none of Tony’s business. “Have a nice night, Tony.”

  He opened his mouth to say something else, but she walked to the door and held it open, her gaze steady on his. Finally, he left, and she shut the door after him, slumping against it in combined mortification and relief.

  Almost immediately, Tony knocked on the door and she groaned. She straightened and turned. “Look, Tony, I—”

  Her words cut off when she saw Gabe’s broad shoulders, wide chest, and shaped calves, his hands lifting the visor of his baseball cap off his forehead and turning it around. She opened the door.

  “Hey,” Gabe said. “Since you said you were going to be here, I thought I’d grab a workout, do some shadowboxing or sparring with a trainer, and maybe we could catch dinner afterward.”

  He wanted to work out on his one day off? Did he not listen at all when she told him he needed to give his body some time to rest? Or was that just an excuse to see her? Because he could certainly work out at home.

  The idea that he’d missed her when he’d just seen her yesterday filled her with pleasure. “Um…we just closed and I was just finishing up my paperwork…”

  “Oh jeez, I didn’t even think about checking your hours.” He shook his head and held up a hand. “No worries. I’ll just get out of your hair—”

  “No, wait!” She looked over at the the paperwork she’d been reviewing on her desk, all bills that she couldn’t afford to pay, and then back at Gabe. “You know what, let me just lock up and put up the Closed sign, then I’ll join you.” She’d go out there and work on a little sparring with Gabe. Get her mind off things.

  “Really? Because I don’t want to interfere with your plans. You work hard enough with me during the week. You deserve your own time.”

  “It’s no problem, Gabe. Promise.”

  “Okay,” he said, but he didn’t look convinced.

  “What is it?”

  “It’s just…I saw the guy leaving your office before I got here. Things looked a little tense. And to be honest, you just look like a truck ran over your cat. Twice.”

  Just tell him. Tell him about your financial problems. Tell him about Dad, her mind coaxed.

  This would all be much easier if she just let the secrets out, talked to someone about her struggles. She was sure she would feel much better, but it felt like such a betrayal to her father’s legacy. She also felt the need to keep up appearances. She couldn’t play the part of successful business owner and trainer elite if he saw her real woes.

  “I’d rather not talk about it,” she said instead, feeling disappointment deep inside. She wasn’t ready. Besides, when she was, she’d have to have a glass of wine and a box of tissues at the ready, because she knew the waterworks would come. “Let’s do what you came here to do.”

  She locked up then they got geared up and hit the mats. When he was ready, she got into position, hugging the bag as he hit it, focusing his punches primarily with his left arm. “Don’t overdo the left. Give me some right jabs, too,” she told him.

  He immediately switched to his right. She loved that he took her opinion into account without arguing, took it as a sign that she’d earned his respect.

  Gabe bobbed and weaved and hit, bobbed and weaved and hit. Zoe watched him, mesmerized but his contracting muscles and the weight and sway of the bag pressed against her own body. As time progressed, the incident with her landlord faded, not completely disappearing but giving room to images of Gabe working her every bit as hard as he was working the bag. Every hit to the bag reverberated through her, emphasizing the hollow feeling between her thighs. And as Gabe grew slicker with sweat, Zoe grew slicker with her desire for him.

  After thirty minutes of nonstop sparring, he collapsed against the bag, hugging it hard, massive arms resting on hers. Zoe’s heartbeat spiked feeling the contact of his sweaty, hot skin on hers and she couldn’t help wondering how salty he would taste if she allowed herself to give into temptation and kiss him.

  “Thanks, that felt good.” He pushed off the bag, reached around her for a towel against the wall, and stopped inches from her body. Her eyes were level with his chest which was covered in rivers of sweat. He smelled dank, on the verge of offensive without crossing over, but she also picked up notes of soap and deodorant leftover from this morning.

  He paused there, pressing the clean towel to his face, looking down at her.


  The way he was looking at her, she knew he could see how much she wanted him. Plus they were so close, she could feel how much he wanted her pressed against her hip. All she had to do was let fate do its job and she’d find out the answer to every question about his sexual preferences she’d wondered about over the last month. Whether he’d pound her good and hard, or whether he’d prefer slow and steady. Whether he’d take the lead or let her do as she pleased. What he would sound like when coming.

  She could have the answers if she wanted them.

  Gabe was obviously willing and ready. His eyes bore into hers, sending silent messages that she didn’t need to hear because she already knew. He wanted her just as much as she wanted him. All she had to do was let him in.

  “I think you need to go shower,” she whispered.

  He nodded without a word, clearly disappointed that once again, she’d denied him, and herself. “I’ll hurry.”

  As she watched, he walked toward the locker rooms, giving her one last look over his shoulder before peeling off his sweaty shirt and heading for the showers. He was the sexiest client she’d ever had, and though she’d been doing her best to deny their incredible chemistry, Zoe officially surrendered.

  From everything they’d talked about over the past few weeks, Gabe wasn’t looking for a serious commitment. He just wanted to focus on his training and football. She could help him with his goals whether they were sleeping together or not. But even more than that, she remembered her phone call with Pete, and how he’d urged her to take something for herself for once. Did everything have to be work, work, work? Be there for Dad, be there for Pete, be there for Gabe. What about her? What about Zoe? When did Zoe get to have some fun? No, the situation wasn’t perfect.

  But bottom line, she needed Gabe.

  He was worth the risk.

  Taking a cleansing deep breath, she set down her purse, locked the gym doors, and headed for the steamy showers, peeling layers of clothes off as she went.

  Chapter 14

  Zoe had stepped into the men’s locker room before to check for lost bags, forgotten shoes, or tossed towels previous to leaving for the night, but tonight, she was on a different mission. Thankfully, the cleaners had already given the showers a scrub down, but even if they hadn’t, she wasn’t sure she’d be able to resist doing what she was doing.

  She followed the sound of running water and entered the showers completely naked.

  Gabe faced the blue-tiled wall, a single light shining from above, spotlighting the most perfect creature she’d ever seen. From head to toe, Gabe was a sculpted masterpiece covered in soapy water. Rivulets streamed down his back, between his ass cheeks, down his perfect legs. He hadn’t noticed her yet, so she took a moment to admire his physique. After a few seconds, he paused, having sensed her.

  He turned, soap in hand.

  Their eyes connected.

  Narrowing his, he gazed at her through the steam, as if trying to figure out if she was real or not. The front of his exquisite body was even more chiseled and defined than the back, but she had seen his chest and tribal tattoo a million times. What she hadn’t seen, only imagined nights on end, was his cock, now filling, engorging, rising as much as a heavy, thick cock could rise upon seeing her standing there.

  It’s more like a trunk, she thought, a smile coming to her lip

  She strode towards him without a word, entered his foggy space, and laced her arms up around his neck. He fell into her embrace, circling those massive arms around her back and waist, immediately opening his full, delicious mouth to take her in. It was like coming home to a place she’d never been before. Filled with pent-up energy, he grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her up against the tiled wall, hovering over her as he pinned Zoe’s arms up over her head.

  He kissed her hard, licked and nipped at her arms, pressed his palms into her underarms and slid them up to feel the smoothness. If she felt strong and independent before, she suddenly became a delicate flower beside Gabe. He towered over her, pressing his carefully trained muscles into her, all two-hundred-and-sixty pounds of sheer power pushing up against her smaller frame, urgently expressing its need. One of her legs wrapped around his waist, as they kissed, explored, and devoured each other without rhyme, reason, or order of any kind.

  Simple, unbridled urges led the way. Even though they’d kissed once before, it had been nothing like this. This was more raw, with no reservations. She’d strolled into the showers with one thing on her mind, and there was no denying he was up for the offering—or the challenge.

  “What do you need?” she breathed into his mouth.

  “You. Since day one.”

  His kisses were rough, teeth grazing her lips and biting into her tongue at moments. She could’ve bled and wouldn’t have cared. She wanted him to consume her completely, make her feel something besides misery. Take her away from all the sadness—her father, the failing gym, her uncertainty about the future. She felt like she was falling down a rabbit hole as warning signs dropped past her without a care.


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