Her New Boss: A Hotwife Novel

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Her New Boss: A Hotwife Novel Page 2

by Lexi Archer

  She came home and complained about how the guys reacted to her sexy outfit.

  “Derek!” she said. “The old pervert had his eyes all over me, and he refused to leave my cubicle!”

  “Well maybe he had some work to do and he needed to talk to you?”

  Kristi rolled her eyes. “Not unless that work involved trying to catch a glimpse down my skirt or staring at my legs.”

  “You think he was trying to get a free show?” I asked.

  “There’s no doubt in my mind,” Kristi said.

  “What an asshole!” I said.

  I always went along with her complaints. That was a part of the ritual. I figured I should probably play the role of the jealous husband. That’s what I was supposed to be. Jealous, angry, pissed off that some guy was daring to try and catch a glimpse of my wife and her gorgeous body.

  I turned back to the vegetables I was cutting and leaned against the counter so she wouldn’t see my raging hard. That hard on both ashamed and scared me. I was ashamed because I didn’t know what kind of freak got turned on by the idea of another guy checking out his wife. It terrified me because I was worried Kristi might see that hard on and wonder where it came from. Why I was so turned on.

  The last thing I wanted was for her to learn about my secret.

  Well, no, scratch that. I would very much like for her to learn about my secret. The only problem was I was terrified of her reaction. Terrified she’d think I was some sort of sick pervert for getting off on what I got off on. Visions of divorce danced in my head every time I thought about her discovering how turned on I got hearing her talk about the guys at her work staring at her. Granted usually it wasn’t her creepy old boss, but I was ashamed to admit that even that got me a little worked up even as it pissed her off.

  No. Better to stay quiet, play the game, enjoy her stories, and jerk off furiously later thinking about those stories while we were having sex.

  “Were you leaning back in your chair again?”

  Kristi came up beside me and looked at the vegetables I was cutting. I leaned forward a little more so there was absolutely no chance of her noticing my cock. God she felt so amazing right next to me.

  And having her next to me in that outfit just got me to thinking about the guys she worked with standing next to her in that outfit. What they must have been thinking about when they saw her low cut top and her perfect ass in that tight fitting outfit. My wife was a hottie, and thinking about other men wanting to fuck her just turned me on even more.

  Damn it. If I kept thinking these things then I was going to blow a load right against the sink. I needed to calm down. Needed to think of other things. Think of anything but guys thinking about my gorgeous wife.

  “Yeah, I was,” she said.

  I turned to look at her, schooled my face to look concerned. “You know that just invites them to swing by your cube when you do that.”

  She sighed. “I know, but I shouldn’t have to watch myself just because I work with a bunch of perverts!”

  I turned back to the vegetables and tried to make my voice sound as a casual as possible. Tried not to sound like I needed to hear the next part of her story like a man walking through a desert needed to find an oasis. “So what happened?”

  Kristi leaned against the counter next to me and rolled her eyes. The combination of her story and her body so close to me, her skirt giving me an idea of exactly what that asshole from her work was looking at, was sending me into overdrive. I could have won an Oscar for the acting job I did standing there acting like I was interested in nothing other than getting dinner ready.

  “Well I was leaning back in my chair with my legs up on my cube desk. I had the keyboard in my lap like usual. I didn’t even think about it, I just do it without thinking. And then he was in my cube and I saw him looking up my skirt. I saw him staring in between my legs.”

  I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply as I imagined her boss standing at the entrance to her cubicle staring up her skirt. I could only imagine the thoughts running through his imagination as he looked at that forbidden spot in between my wife’s legs. As he stared up at her beautiful thighs and panties revealed to him by the particular way she liked to kick back when working.

  “Do you think he saw your underwear?”

  She rolled her eyes again. “There’s no doubt.”

  “What a prick,” I said.

  And the entire time I was secretly thinking how hot it was knowing another guy had been checking out my wife. I didn’t know what was wrong with me. I wished I could make those feelings go away, and yet at the same time I couldn’t deny them. Thinking about how wrong it was just made them that much more intense.

  “Are you sure you want to keep at this baby?”

  Kristi fixed me with a stern look. It was a look I was more than familiar with at this point. As soon as she fixed me with that look I held my hands up in a defensive gesture.

  “You don’t have to look at me like that babe,” I said. “Just letting you know that you have options.”

  Kristi smiled and leaned up to kiss me. “I know. That’s part of the reason I keep going back. Plus I keep hoping that now that Johnson is out of the way starting tomorrow I might actually be able to get some of the changes done I’d hoped for when I started that position.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Fat chance.”

  Kristi crossed my arms under her breasts and fixed me with a glare again, only it was ridiculously hard for me to focus on that glare with the hypnotic way her chest was rising and falling being pushed up by her arms like that. It also didn’t help that I was thinking of the guys at her work staring at her chest in much the same way.

  “Why would you say that?” she asked.

  I sighed. I really didn’t want to go over this right now. It would just piss her off. But it was too late to back out now, and I’d never shied away from being completely honest with my wife.

  Except when it came to that damned fantasy.

  “Remember it was the company that made you all those promises about automating and digitizing and wanting to come into the twenty-first century, not old man Johnson. And they never lifted a finger to make sure it actually happened after they hired you. If they lied then what’s going to stop them from a keeping right on lying now?”

  I looked for some sign of an explosion, but all I saw there was resignation. Somehow that felt worse than the anger I’d expected. I knew how much that job meant to her even if she didn’t really need it.

  3: Corporate Ennui

  I sighed. Derek had a point. A damn good point. Ever since graduating with my master’s a year ago idealistic and ready to take on the world I’d gotten caught up in the inertia of working for a major corporation. I’d learned that corporate inertia could be a powerful thing. Far more powerful than a single young idealistic person trying to make changes to the system from the inside.

  And now for the first time I wondered if I was being ridiculous. Some people got passionate about art, like Derek for example, and some people were passionate about charity work, once again like Derek for example and all the work he was doing for the Midnight Marathon, but I was the only person I knew who got excited and passionate about business. Well I guess Derek was passionate about business in his own way, but I was the only person I knew who got worked up over things like human resources. It was ridiculous, but it was what I loved. And that’s perhaps the reason why I stuck with it. Why I continued to fight against that corporate inertia.

  Whatever. Right now the last thing I wanted to think about was work. As I looked Derek up and down in his tight fitting white T-shirt that was covered in splatters of paint from his work I suddenly thought of other things that we could be doing. Of other fun we could be having that we didn’t get to enjoy nearly enough since I worked so many late nights.

  Derek saw the look in my face and he looked me up and down as well. “Something on your mind babe?”

  I let out a noise that was halfway between a purr and a gro
wl as I advanced on him. I loved the way my heels clicked against the floor as I moved towards him. His eyes opened in mock worry as he took a step back, as his hands moved up in that defensive gesture again, though this time there was a twinkle in his eye and a smile on his face. I glanced down and my eyes went wide as I saw his cock tenting out. Someone was very happy to see me!

  “I just got out of the studio,” he said. “You’re going to get paint on your work clothes.”

  “Fuck it,” I growled. “We can buy new clothes!”

  I pressed myself against Derek’s deliciously muscular body and inhaled. I loved the scent of him. It was a mixture of paint and a smell that was uniquely him. A smell I’d fallen in love with years ago when I first met him at one of his student exhibitions. Back when I’d fallen in love with my starving artist.

  There had been a few surprises since then that revised my understanding of the whole starving artist image Derek liked to project, but they were all good surprises to be sure.

  I looked up into his eyes and had just a moment to enjoy the look of his strong jaw line, his stubble, before his mouth descended on mine and I opened mine to him as we hungrily devoured one another. Damn was he turned on! I wonder what I’d done to get him so worked up? I know I was worked up just from looking at him! We’d been married for four years now and I still never got tired of his taste, of the feel of his muscular arms wrapping around me.

  What can I say? After four years of marriage and a few years of dating in college I was still an addict. My husband was still my addiction.

  Right now I was in the throes of that addiction as his muscular arms wrapped around me, hard as steel, and he lifted me up. Almost on instinct I wrapped my legs around him and wrapped my arms around his neck as we continued kissing. His hands moved around to my ass and gave a squeeze which caused me to moan into his mouth. I loved the way he was able to lift me with such ease. There was something about being manhandled by a strong powerful man like this that just got me going every time.

  Derek carried me over to the kitchen counter and sat me down on top of it. He spread my legs as he moved forward and pressed his rock hard cock, just as hard as his muscular body, against my panties which were more or less exposed to him as he pulled my work skirt up.

  It always amazed me how quickly a skirt that strictly conformed to the dress code guidelines at the office could be turned into a piece of sexy rule-breaking by just lifting it up a little bit. Of course that thought naturally led to Johnson and how he was probably staring at my skirt thinking very similar thoughts. That distracted me for just a moment, but a moment’s distraction was all that was needed for Derek to notice.

  He pulled away from the kiss and looked me in the eyes, his own eyes moving back and forth as though he was searching for the problem. As though he could figure out exactly what was going wrong based solely on looking at me. I always thought it was ridiculous when he did that, but at the same time it was endearing that he thought he could solve all of my problems even as it was annoyingly frustrating when he thought he could solve all of my problems.

  “Okay spill,” he said.

  Only I was more concerned with the feeling of his cock rubbing against my pussy. Getting home early enough to have a little fun with my husband for a change had me in one hell of a mood, and I didn’t want to ruin the mood by talking about what happened at work today. Only at the same time I knew there wasn’t a chance we were going to continue with the festivities until he heard exactly what it was that was bothering me.

  “I was just thinking about what happened with Johnson at work,” I said.

  “Oh really?” he purred into my ear.

  He started grinding against me once more. I almost rolled my eyes and sighed, but didn’t. I should’ve known I’d get this reaction out of him by mentioning a guy hitting on me at work. He never came out and said something outright, but I could tell there was something up. There was something that got him worked up when I talked about guys hitting on me. It’d taken me awhile to notice, but there was a correlation between me mentioning getting checked out during the day and Derek getting hotter than Phoenix in the middle of July.

  “Yeah really. He pissed me off the way he propositioned me like that,” I said, suddenly taken out of the sexy moment that had been building.”

  To his credit Derek was immediately serious once he realized that I was completely serious. “You want me to come to work and beat the shit out of that asshole for you? It sounds like I could totally take the old geezer.”

  I giggled. Derek was muscular enough that he could probably take most of the guys I worked with no trouble. Only him showing up at Johnson’s retirement party and beating the crap out of the guy was the last thing I needed.

  "No, there's no need for that. I took care of it," I said.

  "Did you take care of it? Or is that just what you're telling me because you know that's what I want to hear?"

  I scowled at him. I was annoyed, though I was annoyed at myself as much as I was annoyed with him. He was right. It would be just like me to tell him exactly what he wanted to hear to make him happy and then suffer in silence with the situation at work.

  Only it also annoyed me that he was pointing that out, that he was making me aware of that, on the day I'd finally stood up for myself for real. So I reached out and smacked him playfully on the chest.

  "I took care of it, trust me," I said. "I threatened to turn him into his bosses and ruin his pension, get him fired the day before he gets his retirement."

  Derek arched an eyebrow at that. "Really?"

  I decided I wasn't going to hide my annoyance at the way he sounded so incredulous that I’d do something like that. That I’d stand up for myself like that. As far as I was concerned, after that little altercation with Johnson today I was a new woman. I wasn't going to put up with crap anymore, that was for sure.

  Including crap from my husband!

  "Yes, really," I said. "I even told him where he could take all his paperwork and shove it. Well I didn't say exactly that, but it was close enough. That's why I'm home early today."

  "Well I have to say I like this new you if it gets you home in time to have a little fun with me," Derek said.

  He leaned down and pressed his lips against me once more, only I kept my eyes open this time. I tried to act interested. I tried to return the kiss, but all I could think about was that altercation earlier today. All I could think about was the way Derek acted like he didn't think I could stand up for myself. It wasn't entirely his fault, to be sure, but I was distinctly not in the mood now. It might return later, I hoped the mood would return later, but nothing was happening now.

  I reached a hand out and pushed him away. I smiled up at him.

  "How about we just enjoy dinner together?"

  “Oh? No sexy times before dinner?”

  “Maybe after?”

  Disappointment flashed across his face for a moment, but only for a moment. It was quickly replaced by a smile that looked just as forced as the smile plastered on my face, but whatever. He had no way of knowing he was walking into a minefield when he started talking like I couldn’t take care of myself, but at the same time I felt the way I felt and it's not like I could do anything about it.

  "That's fine," he said. "The food was going to get cold if we had a little fun anyways."

  I sighed. He was upset, but there wasn't anything I could do about it. Time to enjoy a strained dinner together, an evening sitting on the couch watching TV, and then off to bed.

  At least I’d get to watch TV with him tonight. That was something. Only as the evening wore on I couldn't help but feel a slight feeling of apprehension, of dread, as I thought about tomorrow. I couldn't tell whether that was because I dreaded Johnson trying to take me out on his way out after what I pulled with him today, or because I was worried that after this brief moment of liberation, this brief moment of freedom, I was likely going to be saddled with another executive middle-management type who was being shunte
d off to human resources because that was the safest place to shove somebody who was ineffective to the point that they needed to be removed from any position of power, but not quite to the point that the company wanted to go to the trouble of firing them and pulling the cord on their golden parachute.

  I sighed. Corporate America could really sucks sometimes.

  4: Fantasies Revealed

  Talk about a case of blue balls. I wondered what the hell I said that flipped the switch from wanton seductress to “let’s have dinner” in Kristi, but I knew better than to ask her outright.

  So I tried to concentrate on cooking. Tried to concentrate on enjoying a meal with my wife. Tried to concentrate on the TV we watched after dinner, on a book I was trying to get through.

  Only none of it was any use. The entire time my mind was back at my wife’s cubicle at her office. I kept looking over to her in her skirt and blouse, she never bothered to take it off and change into her pajamas until bedtime, and immediately I was transported to that forbidden and oh so sexy place I wanted to deny, and yet couldn’t.

  It was too much for me. I’d had a raging hard on ever since she started telling me about what happened at the office today, and I couldn’t hold it in any longer. I must’ve been pretty obvious, because she looked over at me, smiled an inviting smile that told me it might be game on now, and arched an eyebrow.

  “What’s on your mind?” she asked.

  I was pretty damn obvious in looking her up and down. In checking her out. Looking at her on a night when she told me about those office perverts always made me look at my wife in a whole new light. The curve of her ass, her incredible tits jutting out. I always thought my wife was a gorgeous woman, but there was something about the stories she told me about the guys at her office that made me see her with the same eyes they did. I saw my wife, but I also saw the hottie at the office that no one could have.


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