Her New Boss: A Hotwife Novel

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Her New Boss: A Hotwife Novel Page 13

by Lexi Archer

  If that nosy person was still out in the hallway then they were getting an earful. I tried my best to keep my mouth shut, I tried to bite down on my cheek to keep the moans from escaping, but it still would be painfully obvious to anyone standing outside exactly what was going on.

  The feel of his body buried to the hilt against mine, our skin pressed together, my ass against the base of his cock, everything felt fresh and new compared to the familiarity of lovemaking with my husband. That newness coupled with his delicious body pressed against mine exploded into one of the most intense orgasms I'd had in some time. Stars danced in front of my eyes and the room went black around me as blood pumped through my head and I very nearly lost consciousness.

  The profound warmth continued to pulse in my body even as the pulses of pleasure radiating out from my pussy started to ebb. Ryan's cock was still buried inside me, but the twitching subsided. I glanced up to the white wall on either side of the mirror and was surprised to see scratches where my hands had pressed in.

  Damn. Was that all me?

  With a disappointed sigh I felt him withdraw his cock from me, though I suppose it was only a matter of time before it started to lose its hardness anyways. I heard more shuffling behind me as he pulled up his boxers and pants, and his belt buckle jingled as he got everything situated.

  For my part I just sat there resting against the wall, willing my breathing to return to normal, still not quite believing I’d just let another man fuck me despite all the talking Derek and I had done about just this scenario. The aftershocks from that amazing orgasm were so intense that I was still feeling little sparks of pleasure shooting off inside my body.

  I could feel his cum running out into my panties and the lingerie bottoms.

  "Looks like you're going to have to buy that lingerie," Ryan said.

  I stood, reached down, and rearranged my panties and the lingerie over them. Both were thoroughly soaked with a mix of our juices, and there was no doubt in my mind that he was right. I couldn't in good conscience return these to the shelf now.

  I pulled the tag around and my eyes nearly popped out of my head when I saw the price.

  "Holy shit," I said. "Where do they get off charging so much for so little material?"

  Ryan chuckled. "Don't worry, this will be my treat.”

  I rolled my eyes. “That’s very generous of you.”

  He pulled me against him and I closed my eyes at that contact. I wanted nothing more than to have another round, but glancing at my phone it looked like there wasn’t time. We were already going to be late getting back.

  “We’d better hurry though,” I said.

  Ryan glanced over my shoulder at the time on my phone. “Oh yeah. You wouldn’t want to upset your boss by getting back from lunch late.”

  I ignored the bad joke. I was preoccupied with my phone but I wasn’t thinking about the time. I couldn’t wait to hear Derek’s reaction when he finally realized what had happened.

  18: Invitations

  “And then he was slamming me against the mirror with so much intensity that I felt like I was going to go wild,” Kristi said. “His cock was slamming in and out of me over and over again and God it was so intense when I came!”

  I let out a roar and every muscle in my body tensed as I thrust up inside my wife one final time and then I was exploding over and over again. I felt sweat beading on my forehead, I felt my muscles straining, I felt my cock overwhelmed by that incredible heat. I felt lightheaded as though I was about to pass out as I maintained a white knuckled grip on Kristi’s hips.

  I still couldn’t believe I left my phone in the fucking house when she sent those texts earlier! I’d gone crazy all day looking at them. Thinking about them. Thinking about my wife fucking her boss. I’d texted her over and over without any answer. Without any response until she got home.

  I was pounding my cock in and out of her pussy that had been filled by another man’s cock earlier in the day! And it was so fucking intense. It was so much more powerful than anything I’d imagined when I was fantasizing, and I’d fantasized about Kristi some pretty dirty things with other men! I was so turned on that even the fact that he hadn’t used a condom, that he’d blown his load inside my wife, turned me on more than it pissed me off.

  Kristi seemed to be lost in her own world as well. She was screaming my name and his name over and over again in a mix that just served to turn me on even more. Her body was shuddering over me, her back arched as her delicious tits heaved with her gasps. As her nipples strained out. I moved a hand up and ran it along her deliciously erect nipples. God I loved my wife’s tits, and imagining another man playing with them just made me so much hotter!

  Then we were both done. I collapsed back against the bed and she collapsed down on top of me. I ran my hands up and down her back, up and down her smooth skin, as she lay on top of me trying to catch her breath. Fuck that had been intense!

  Finally Kristi seemed to regain enough of her faculties that she was able to roll off of me. She took my hand in hers and smiled at me. I smiled back, drinking in the beauty of her body and imagining him drinking in that beauty. Though I really needed to watch about doing that. The more I thought about this guy taking my wife the more turned on I got.

  “Who would’ve thought me fucking another guy would improve our sex life so much!” Kristi said.

  “Well I could’ve told you that,” I said. “But I was terrified to even mention it for the longest time!”

  She leaned in and pecked me on the lips. “Well I’m glad you did tell me!”

  I laid there in the darkness next to my wife staring at the ceiling and contemplating everything that had happened to us over the past couple of weeks. I’d never imagined that things would go this far, and yet as I was in bed next to her feeling her heat radiating out towards me I realized that they still needed to go further. We were in dangerous waters, but I wanted to navigate right up to a maelstrom that could sink our marriage entirely.

  And yet it was impossible for me to stop. There was no way I was going to stop. I was strangely compelled to navigate my marriage towards those treacherous waters. It was something I had to do. I couldn’t stop myself.

  This had all been so intense, but there was still one place we needed to go. There was still something I desperately needed to see. We needed to take this to its natural conclusion.

  I opened my mouth to say it but I couldn’t get anything out. It was too difficult. But Kristi sensed my movement and turned to look at me. I turned to face her.

  “What is it honey?” she asked.

  “I need to see you with him,” I said.

  She paused for a moment. “Are you sure? Are you sure you’d be able to handle that?”

  It was a fair question. I wasn’t sure that I would be able to handle seeing her with another man. Not for any silly reason like getting upset about the idea. I’d like to think that at this point she’d realize I was fine with that, particularly after the picture she sent me this afternoon. No, I was more worried that seeing her with another man after fantasizing about it for so long, after how worked up I was, after all the boundaries we’d pushed, that it would be too much. I could see myself doing something silly like straight up passing out as soon as he entered her. I didn’t know how I’d react, but I knew I had to put myself in that situation to see how it would play out.

  So I lied. I squeezed her hand. “I’m sure. I need to see this. I need to see you with him.”

  Kristi squeezed my hand and smiled. “If you’re sure.”

  I wasn’t sure, but I wasn’t about to tell her that!

  Kristi moved over to the nightstand and I felt her fumbling in the dark. A moment later her face was lit by the glow of her phone. Her thumbs flew and I tried to glance at the screen, to see what she was texting, but she pulled away and fixed me with a look that brooked absolutely no nonsense. So I leaned back and let her do her thing.

  A moment later she chuckled. I turned to her. “What’s so funn

  “You’ve heard of the Thomas Foundation Midnight Marathon, right honey?”

  I knew she was asking that in a sarcastic voice, but I still couldn’t help but laugh. Of course I knew about the marathon. I’d been helping out with the damned thing for years now, lending my time and resources as well as some of my art for a charity exhibition. That was part of the reason why I’d been spending so much time downtown recently while she was having these forbidden trysts with her boss.

  “I think I might have heard of it,” I said.

  “They’re doing the opening ceremony in our building this year,” Kristi said.

  “I might have heard something about that,” I said. Hell, I was the one who suggested it.

  “Well he’s wondering if we were planning on going,” she said.

  Yeah. There wasn’t a chance I wouldn’t be at that event, and she knew it. Of course it seemed he had no idea that I’d be there or in what capacity I’d be attending. Interesting that he hadn’t made that connection.

  “Yeah, I’ll probably be there,” I said.

  “Well he’s asking if you’d like tickets to the event,” she said. “He claims he has an in with the Thomas family and can get you tickets even though it’s very exclusive and very sold out.”

  “I’m guessing there are a few connections lover boy hasn’t made yet?”

  “Apparently not.”

  “Well let him feel like he’s pulling some strings then. Go ahead and tell him to get me tickets to the opening festivities,” I said.

  Kristi grinned in the light of her phone and then went back to texting. I didn’t know what this guy’s game was, but it was definitely a risky game if he was planning on trying something at those opening ceremonies. The building was going to be packed. At least the first floor in a massive reception area with office windows looking down. The place was going to be packed.

  What was his game?

  19: Two Tomcats

  I smiled as I looked myself up and down in the ridiculously expensive gown. I did a little twirl in the mirror and then turned to where Derek was lying back on the bed in his tux. Seeing him like that reminded me of our wedding night and it made me want to jump him. He looked just as handsome today as he had that night as far as I was concerned. And it was also something of a relief for me to realize my desire for my husband still burned just as brightly today as it had on that day.

  “What do you think babe? Better than mortal man deserve, right?”

  “So are you saying your boss is a demigod or something?”

  I rolled my eyes and moved over to the bed. Though I resisted the urge to throw myself down on the bed next to him. No, one didn’t go throwing oneself around in a gown this expensive until it was close to the end of the day and it didn’t matter if the damn thing got wrinkled. I’d learned that one the hard way at these little soirées before.

  “So are you sure you still want to go through with this honey?” I asked.

  Derek sat up and looked me in the eyes. God his eyes were so gorgeous. I could lose myself in them. He was so sexy that I almost wanted to just spend the night in at this hotel room we’d got just for the occasion of the marathon opening ceremonies. It was a tradition we did every year. We’d learned early on that it was a good thing to get a hotel, particularly when there was so much free booze flowing from the open bar at the opening ceremonies. By the end of the night we weren’t in any condition to drive back to the house in the suburbs anyways and a cab going that far was almost as much as a hotel anyways.

  “Are you sure?” he asked.

  “I am.”

  There was no hesitation this time. I was sure I wanted to go through with this. I wanted him to watch me. I’d already done so much, and this was the last step. It’s not like having my husband watch me having sex with another man was much different from having sex with another man, right?

  Only there was a part of me that said there was a difference. A big difference.

  “If you’re sure then I’m sure,” he said. “Besides, I’ve been fantasizing about this for far too long to back out now if you’re up for it!”

  I grinned and glanced down to the tent in his pants. “Fair enough, though it doesn’t look like I’m the only one up for a little naughty fun right now.”

  I stood and reached out to take Derek’s hand which he held up to me. I pulled him up and then we were making our way to the door.

  “Well, nothing for it but to see where the night leads,” I said.

  Only he stopped me before we reached the door. He pulled me against him and I felt my pulse quicken as his muscular body pressed against my frame. As I felt his muscles press against my breasts which were mashed against his chest. God I loved the feel of that. I loved the feel of him in a tux, something I only got to experience once a year at this event. Only this year I had a feeling he wasn’t the only man I’d feel pressing against me. I had a very good inkling that I’d be feeling the same thing with my boss later in the evening.

  “I love you,” he said.

  “I love you too, and nothing’s going to change that,” I replied.

  I leaned up and kissed him and then we were making our way down to the second floor of the hotel which had a walkway that led over to my building and the massive reception area where they were holding the opening ceremonies for the Midnight Marathon.

  * * *

  No sooner had we come down the escalator from the second floor of the reception area than Ryan seemed to materialize out of the crowd of well-dressed people. I should’ve been surprised, but I wasn’t. Not really. I’m sure he was waiting around the bottom of the escalator for us to appear.

  “Kristi, so good to see you,” he said, all smiles.

  I’m sure he was all smiles thanks to what he thought was going to happen tonight. No, considering what was going to happen tonight. That sent a thrill running up and down my body as I thought of it. As I thought of him leaning over me and pumping in and out. I couldn’t wait to feel that again.

  “And this must be your husband?” Ryan asked.

  Ryan held out a hand as I turned to make an introduction. “Of course. This is Derek.”

  I paused for a moment to watch Ryan’s face closely. I wanted to see if there was any flicker of recognition, but nothing. That was odd. Usually he was more on top of things than that, but whatever. For his part my husband shook Ryan’s hand and smiled.

  “Good to meet you Ryan,” Derek said. “I’ve heard all sorts of things about you.”

  “All good I’m sure,” Ryan replied.

  I realized that both of them were still holding each other’s hands. Both of them were holding one another’s hands in a white knuckled grip, at that. I fought the urge to let out a disgusted sound. Instead I rolled my eyes. Boys. Measuring dicks no matter what!

  “Stop that you two,” I said.

  Ryan released the grip first and held his smile as he held my husband’s gaze. Then he turned to grab a couple of glasses of wine from a server who was passing by. He handed one to me and took a sip from the other, pointedly leaving Derek out. Of course Derek didn’t miss a beat, reaching out and grabbing his own glass and raising it to Ryan.

  Well this was interesting. Ryan knew the score, Derek knew what was going on between us, and yet they were still circling one another with their hackles raised like two tomcats seeing each other for the first time and sizing one another up. Exactly the sort of scene I’d hoped we could avoid, but I guess when I thought about it that was probably ridiculously wishful thinking. In what world would it be possible to avoid a scene like this?

  Ryan took a drink of his own. “So have you ever been to one of these things before? Probably a little different from what you usually get up to with the whole art scene. That’s what you do, right?”

  “Yeah, art is one of the things I do. I’m actually doing a charity show for the marathon,” Derek said.

  Ryan laughed and slapped Derek on the shoulder. “A charity show, eh? Good one. I suppo
se most art shows are charity events for the artist, right?”

  I could tell Derek was annoyed, but he was also keeping it under control. As I watched him standing there obviously gritting his teeth I wondered how much his desire to see this fantasy fulfilled was warring with his desire to reach out and punch Ryan in the teeth. I had to admit that my new boss could be a bit much at times, but normally I was able to forget about all of that because of just how pretty he was. Of course my husband didn’t have anything like that to help him tamp down on the annoyance factor.

  “Ryan!” I snapped.

  He turned and grinned at me like he’d just made the funniest joke in the world. Why was he trying to rip Derek down? What was he up to? At least he didn’t make any more smartass comments about artists or charity events.

  “What about you?” Derek asked. “Is this your first big charity event since you’re just starting out at the company? Or did grandpa insist on driving you to these before he’d give you your allowance when you were growing up? Sorry, do you still get an allowance? Is that how they pay you to exploit a tax loophole or something?”


  A look of momentary irritation flashed across Ryan’s face but then it was gone. Derek turned and grinned at me. It was obvious he’d scored a point, but I needed to get them to stop this crap. Right now. It wouldn’t do to have the entire evening ruined because they couldn’t stop sniping at one another. I wasn’t sure what the problem was anyways. Ryan wanted to fuck me, Derek wanted to watch another guy fuck me, it seems like the two of them should be able to get along famously with no problems at all! Men!

  “It’s okay,” Ryan said. “I’ve been to a few of these over the years, but this is my first time at the Midnight Marathon opening. My dad told me all about it. It’s just an excuse for the Thomas family to get together and listen to old Albert Thomas give a speech about how much this charity means to him or some bullshit like that.”

  He turned and looked at me. “Of course I don’t plan on hearing much of that speech anyways.”


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