Her New Boss: A Hotwife Novel

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Her New Boss: A Hotwife Novel Page 15

by Lexi Archer

  I knew he was doing the same thing inside my wife’s body. He was pumping her full of his seed. He was exploding over and over again inside Kristi’s most sacred treasure, filling her without a condom and breaking rule number one but I didn’t give a fuck because it was so damn hot.

  It was funny. I’d imagined this exact scenario so many times. I’d thought about another man buried in Kristi. I’d imagined what she’d look like, only this was real. This was my wife who I loved, who I’d married, who I’d seen walking down the aisle in her white wedding dress, and she had another man’s cock buried deep inside her exploding over and over again like a complete slut.

  To say that fantasizing had left me completely unprepared for this moment would be putting things lightly. Nothing could have prepared me for the intensity of this moment. Nothing could have prepared me for the delicious sight of my wife’s gorgeous body being filled by her boss.

  Their bodies seemed to stay frozen in that moment forever, but it couldn’t have been too terribly long. And finally a breath I didn’t even realize they were holding was released. They were both gasping as he moved down and kissed her. It was done. He’d filled her completely.

  I rolled back into the cubicle and grabbed a few tissues. I started cleaning myself as I kept one eye on the two of them. My wife was still locked in there, after all, and now that I was feeling that moment of honesty after blowing my load I had to admit I really didn’t like that. I definitely didn’t like the way he’d been acting around us. No, we were going to have to do something about that.

  He was still buried inside her but he pulled out a moment later and I was treated to the impossibly intoxicating sight of another man’s load dripping out of my wife’s pussy. I’m not sure why that sight fascinated me so much, why it made my cock sit up and take notice despite the fact that I’d just blown a load, but there it was. It was a powerful image.

  Kristi looked like she was still trying to catch her breath. Her tits were heaving and her nipples were still straining out for him. He leaned over her, his muscular body looming over her petite frame, and then he looked me in the eyes as he moved down and whispered something in her ear. How I wished I could be in the room to hear whatever the hell it was he was whispering to my wife, but I guess that wasn’t going to happen.

  The next time we did this, assuming there was a next time we did this, I was going to make damn sure that I stipulated if I was going to watch my wife having sex with another man then I was going to be in the same damn room! None of this bullshit watching through a window.

  A frown crossed Kristi’s face. Then that frown turned to anger. And I looked on in surprise as a she reached out and slapped him.

  He pulled back and looked surprised for a moment. I was instantly on my feet and moving to the door. Something was going on in there, something my wife didn’t like. If my wife didn’t like something then I definitely didn’t like it! I’d break down that fucking door if I had to!

  Only Kristi was getting up and repositioning her dress. She stormed over to the door and undid the lock, pulled the door wide open. She looked like she was ready to kill the guy.

  “What happened baby?” I asked.

  “Let’s not talk about it here,” she said.

  “You’re going to regret not taking me up on that offer!” Ryan shouted as she stormed out of the room.

  I paused for a moment at the entrance to his office. I made sure to get in a good glare at him. He glared back, and then he chuckled and let out a derisive snort. “Go on. Take your wife. I got everything I need from her!”

  I shook my head. This guy really was an asshole. And I decided in that moment that no matter what happened, I was going to put rule four into play. I told him there’d be consequences for breaking the rules. He was just going to learn that the hard way. We could have had a good time. He could’ve had more fun with my wife, but he decided to take it too far. I had a pretty good idea of what his offer was.

  That meant I could teach him a lesson with a clear conscience. It was time for the spoiled little rich kid to learn that sometimes you were the big fish in a medium-sized pond, but a whale could come along and crowd you out.

  I moved to catch up with Kristi.

  “So what happened in there?”

  She looked up at me and she was obviously still furious. “What do you think? I knew he was going to do this. He tried to get me to run off with him while you were right there!”

  “I’m moving ahead with rule four,” I said.

  “Fine with me. It’s no less than the asshole deserves!”

  She stormed over to the elevator and smacked the button. Once we were inside she turned and wrapped her arms around me. She smiled up at me and giggled.

  “I wanted to make sure I looked good and pissed off while he still might see me, but damn was that fun!”

  I grinned. Her smile was infectious. And it was a testament to the strength of our relationship that we could be dealing with an emotionally charged situation like that one moment and laughing in one another’s arms the next. God I loved this woman.

  “That was a lot of fun,” she said. “But I think when we do this again we’re going to have to be sure the sex toy we find isn’t quite as volatile as this one.”

  Kristi raised an eyebrow. “The next time? What makes you think there’s going to be a next time after the way this time worked out?”

  I grinned. “I saw how much fun you were having. I’m not the only one who enjoys this fantasy anymore.”

  Kristi stood on her tiptoes and kissed me. A kiss that would have turned into something more, only the doors opened and we had to straighten ourselves up. A few people glanced in our direction, but not many. “Old man” Thomas was in the middle of a giving his usual speech that he read before the marathon launched.

  “You know me too well,” she said.

  “How’s that?” I asked.

  “There’s going to be a next time, you asshole,” she said. “You’ve created a monster.”

  I grinned as I pulled out my phone and started making some calls. “Glad to hear that.”

  The call was a relatively quick one. Considering we were already at this fundraiser where everyone was conveniently gathered it would be easier to do this in person rather than over the phone anyways.

  I was still keyed up with an impossible high from what I saw Kristi doing, and it felt appropriate that I was channeling the high that asshole helped create into teaching him a lesson that I had a feeling he wasn’t going to forget for the rest of his life.

  21: Rule Four

  I was ridiculously nervous as I made my way off the elevator the next Monday morning. I had no idea what Ryan was going to do, but I knew he’d be up to something I slapped him in the face. What guy wouldn’t be pissed off?

  Of course the asshole did deserve it. But that was small comfort if he decided to try something. And I had a pretty good feeling that he was going to try something.

  Of course that wasn’t what was really causing my case of the nerves. No, I was more nervous about the lesson my husband had promised to teach him. I only hoped that it came at the right time to deliver a delicious karmic punch in his face. I mean it was going to be a karmic punch in the face no matter what, but it would be really great if it happened before Ryan had a chance to get in whatever revenge he was plotting against me.

  I hadn’t been at my desk for more than ten minutes when I saw my phone line flash. Ryan’s office. Now that was interesting. That wasn’t a good sign. Usually he stopped by my cubicle He never called me. I picked up the phone.

  “Kristi Thomas’s desk,” I said.

  “Come to my office Kristi,” Ryan said in a curt voice. “Now please.”

  Yeah, if this were any other day I’d definitely be very nervous that I was about to lose my job. Hell, I still could be on the verge of losing my job. Only I didn’t care. All I cared about was that asshole getting what he deserved. This experience was definitely going to make me far more selective,
far more particular, when we did this again. I was going to try and do less decision making while horny.

  We were going to do this again though. Running into one bad apple wasn’t a good reason to stop doing this entirely. It had been pretty damn fun, after all!

  I made the walk over to his office and I was feeling more nervous now than I’d been when we were doing our flirtation. Something told me this was going to be a lot different, that he was going to be a lot less accommodating now. I stepped in and he was sitting with some strange guy I didn’t recognize on one side of the desk and a grim look on his face as he sat back in that ridiculously overpriced chair. He didn’t gesture for me to take a seat, so I just moved over and took my own damn seat next to the new guy. Ryan frowned at that but didn’t say anything.

  “You requested my presence Mr. Arnold?” I said in my best and most syrupy sweet voice.

  “Yes Kristi,” he said. “I wanted to introduce you to Rick,” he said. He nodded towards the gentleman sitting next to me. “He’s going to be handling our transition to a software-based system rather than that archaic paper-based system that you and your previous supervisor insisted on using.”

  My eyes narrowed. Oh. That asshole. His depths of assholery ran far deeper than I could have ever imagined! He was hitting me right where it hurt, the automation system and my attempts to move this damn department into the 21st century, and by the thin smile on his face he knew exactly what he was doing.

  “You’re bringing in somebody new to handle the transition?” I asked.

  This Rick guy had the good grace to look a little nervous as he glanced between us. It would be obvious to anybody in the room that something was going on here. That we weren’t exactly fans of one another. Not anymore at least. He looked like he would’ve rather been anywhere else but where he was. I wondered what Ryan had told him about me.

  “The company feels that it would be best if this was handled by somebody who didn’t have any ties to the previous management considering what they did to this department,” Ryan said.

  “And what about all the work I’ve already done? The transition is mostly complete,” I said. “There’s really no need to pull somebody new in.”

  “Unfortunately after the career limiting move you decided to make at the fundraiser last Friday I’m afraid it is necessary to bring someone in,” Ryan said. “Originally I’d considered putting you in charge, but now I see that’s just not possible given your lack of good judgment.”

  I have to admit that I felt like rising to the bait even though I was doing my best to stay calm and collected. The last thing I needed was for security to escort me out of the building before the fun really started. No matter how much fun it might be to launch myself across his desk and smack that smug look right off of his face. How dare he. Taking what we did and turning it around on me like that! He really was an asshole and a spoiled brat.

  My phone buzzed. Normally I’d leave it alone until my big important meeting was over, but something told me this text call was far more important than my big important meeting so I pulled it out. I also had a moment of satisfaction at the look that crossed Ryan’s face when he realized I was taking my phone out to answer a text when I was supposed to be a getting pissed off at him. Well, if he was looking for a reaction then he sure as hell wasn’t going to get one.


  The buzzing was a message from Derek. “How’s it going?”

  I tapped back at him. Ryan opened his mouth and started to say something, but I held up a finger to forestall him. And to my surprise he actually shut his big mouth and didn’t say anything. Good.

  “Could use a lifeline here,” I said. “It’s happening just like we figured.”

  “Told you so. ;)”

  I rolled my eyes and let out a vexed noise. That was a discussion we had over the weekend. I wasn’t sure if we should go ahead with rule four right away. I’d argued that we should give Ryan one more chance. That he might’ve been caught up in the throes of passion on Friday when he more or less tried to steal me out from under Derek. Admittedly I might’ve been thinking between my legs rather than between my ears when I made that argument, but it still annoyed me to admit I was wrong and Derek was right.

  Derek hadn’t seen it that way at all. As far as he was concerned Ryan had broken the rules we set out for him, very reasonable rules, and that meant he had to pay. And now that I was here in his office listening to his crap I had to admit that Derek had been absolutely right. I would’ve been very annoyed with myself if this was happening Derek’s plan wasn’t ready.

  “Just do it already.”

  Almost immediately the phone on Ryan’s desk started to ring. He looked at it as though it was some sort of snake that had flopped down on his expansive mahogany desk and started hissing at him. And I could understand why he might be a little confused. He was still new enough in the company that not like many people had his phone number. Plus most younger people communicated by email. If somebody was calling it meant one of the executives. I’m sure he was surprised that he was getting a call on a landline and not through his cell phone or however it was he talked to his dear old dad.

  I smiled my sweetest smile at him. “I think that’s for you.”

  He looked at me with a guarded expression. Oh yes, he knew something was up. He knew something was going down there. Only he wasn’t sure what quite yet. So it was with a faltering smile that he reached down and picked up the phone. “Hello?”

  He nodded into the phone a few times. I could hear it buzzing from over here. Whoever was talking with him was talking very loudly. Loud enough that it was overwhelming the noise filters on the receiver.

  He put the phone down and finally there was a real break in his confidence. I smiled even wider.

  “I need to go to a meeting on the top floor,” he said.

  “Is that all?” I asked, still in that sweet voice.

  Once more he looked at me with a guarded expression, though there was far more hostility in it now. Yeah, he was definitely starting to figure out that something was up. Only he couldn’t possibly know exactly what it was. Not yet. I couldn’t wait to see the expression on his face during the big reveal.

  “That’s not all. They want you too.”

  Talk about your all time awkward elevator rides. Definitely not as fun as the last time the two of us were together in an elevator. It was a little ironic that this time we were completely alone in the elevator instead of being crowded in by people going to lunch and yet we weren’t doing anything.

  The awkward silence stretched on. Once upon a time all the executive offices had been just a couple of levels above where human resources was located. That was back before Ryan’s dad took over, and well before I started working here. Someone realized that the real estate on the top levels of the building was far more valuable as real estate than as a place for the executives to work on their putting game with coffee cups and golf balls.

  That changed when Ryan’s dad took over though. I guess he liked the prestige or something, and now that I’d had a good look at the son and how he operated I could definitely imagine his dad pulling a boneheaded move like that.

  Finally the elevator door dinged and we stepped out. Gladys, the senior executive administrative assistant, was waiting for us. She was a matronly woman who always had a smile on her face but you did not want to cross her if you wanted to get anything done. She’d been known to end middle management careers after they thought they could get saucy with her. She waved us into the executive board room.

  I’d only been up to this room once before. Back a couple of months after I started with the company when Johnson wanted to have me there so he could conveniently blame me for a screw up that had been his fault. I hadn’t even realized that was what he was doing until a month later when I had a chance to really dig into some of the crap as part of the investigation that ensued.

  I rolled my eyes as I thought of that. Business as usual in this place. Sometimes it amaz
ed me that the place ever managed to make money, but Derek told me it was actually in pretty good shape financially even after his lawyers had been over it with a fine tooth comb.

  Ryan stopped as soon as we stepped into the board room. He looked around with a rising panic that resembled nothing so much as a tasty little bunny rabbit that had suddenly realized there was a wolf or an owl or some other creature that tended to enjoy eating tasty little bunny rabbits in the room.

  At one end of the board room was none other than grandpa Joe Arnold himself. The man who founded Arnold finance. To one side of him looking as though he’d swallowed a particularly sour pill was Jim Arnold, Ryan’s father. He was a stark contrast to Joe who was still fit and in shape. The middle Arnold was completely different. Bloated, overweight, he looked big enough that I half expected to see one of those scooters you saw people riding on at Walmart parked behind him. It amazed me that the muscular Ryan was even his son, but I could sort of see the family resemblance between the grandfather and the grandson. The grandfather just hadn’t let himself go to through years of excess.

  On the other side of the Joe Arnold was the old man himself, as Ryan had so eloquently put it at the charity opener last Friday. Albert Thomas. Scion of the Thomas family. One of the richest men in the country, and definitely the richest man in this city. Worth billions and able to toss money around like it was candy, but that wasn’t his way. No, he was calm, collected, conservative, and he believed that family was the most important thing in this world. A value he’d instilled in his children. A value he’d instilled in his grandchildren.

  Speaking of. That brought me to the final person sitting in the boardroom, and no doubt the reason why Ryan was suddenly looking a bit like a cornered animal.

  “What’s he doing here?” Ryan asked.

  All eyes in the room turned to Derek who smiled. A confident smile. He looked so different in the tailored Armani suit that was a stark contrast to the tight fitting white T-shirts he usually wore in the studio.


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