Gates Of Dilemma: Paranormal Romance (Princess Anastasia's Tales Book 2)

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Gates Of Dilemma: Paranormal Romance (Princess Anastasia's Tales Book 2) Page 5

by Martha Woods

  “Anastasia, that is ridiculous. Even as a vampire, if your soul never returns, what will that make you then?” Marcus remarks as he stares down at me. I can’t help but smile as I think about it for a moment.

  “That would make me a zombie, Marcus. The world’s first zombie.” My words cause everyone to chuckle, relieving an ounce of the tension in the room. “Now hand me the token. I’m ready to get started.” Out of the corner of my eye, I watch as Aaron moves to the counter and returns with a small wooden box. He places it in my hands and I slowly lift the lid to reveal a small silver coin. It’s hard to imagine that something so small could be so dangerous. I take a deep breath and look away as I pick up the coin and grip it firmly between my fingers.

  Time seems to stop as I struggle to breath. A large weight has been placed on my body but as I look down, I don’t see anything. I gaze around and see the expressions of those around me go blank, as though they no longer see me. I wonder if Mich has drugged me as I fight against the sleepiness that has taken over my body and the strange sensation that I have just been thrown under water. My eyes roll back into my skull and I lose all consciousness.


  “What happened to your clothes?” I hear a female voice ask as I open my eyes to the same bright light that shines down on me from the ceiling. For a moment, I wonder if the token trap didn’t work when I sit up and see the same room I had left. I look down at my body and see that all the monitor patches and IV line are gone, leaving me only in my uniform bottoms and bra. But I feel nothing as I imagine how cold I would normally feel without my top on. I think for a moment and imagine myself dressed in a long black t-shirt and jeans to match. Thankfully, my thought sticks as I stand from the table, now properly dressed. I keep reminding myself that we are only in my mind and I can escape back to reality if I wanted too.

  “Now that looks much better,” the voice says again. I turn about the room and try to find who is speaking, but nothing has appeared to me yet.

  “Show yourself, demon. I have a deal to make with you,” I say as I continue to slowly turn.

  “I am not a demon,” the voice says again, louder as the creature finally appears to me. “I am a spirit.” As her image materializes, I’m caught off guard by her close likeness to the spirit I had encountered in my first token trap. I remind myself that I don’t have much time as I compose myself and straighten my posture.

  “And so am I,” I respond. Her face softens as a small smile crosses her face. She seems delighted by my words, which only concerns me more.

  “You are smart for someone your age and kind. I will entertain what you have to say, child,” she says as she approaches me. I can see through her translucent form and see the doorway to the room. I begin focusing on the door and imagine it is our way to the supernatural realm.

  “I can easily destroy you and this trap, freeing myself from my mind. I’ve done it twice before and I won’t hesitate to do it again,” I begin as I bring my powers into my hands and display the blue flames. The spirit immediately starts focusing on the color of the flames and I can tell she recognizes me for who I truly am. “But I seek passage to the supernatural realm. If you lead me, I’ll grant your freedom and release you from this token and my mind.”

  I can see the anger beyond the spirit’s eyes as she begins to hover in the air over me. “And what makes you think I’d aid you in invading my land and destroying my people,” she hisses at me as the lights flicker overhead. I remain calm as I focus my eyes on her and grow the flames in my hands till I can see easily through the darkness.

  “I wish to destroy the gates and seal the supernatural realm from mine. I seek an end to this war,” I yell back, showing my full power as my body is consumed by the blue flame and the medical bed beside me quickly catches on fire. For a moment, the spirit’s eyes shift to the small room that will soon catch on fire. “You can either lead me there or die!”

  “Fine... fine,” she says as she returns to the ground. I take a few deep breaths to calm the flame and extinguish the room of my fire. “I doubt one warrior could do much damage in my world.” She shrugs her shoulders as she motions towards the door and extends her arm towards me. I take her hand in mind, slightly disturbed by my inability to feel her hand in mine. “Now I want you to imagine us traveling through a gate, much like your people have done countless times before, and I will guide us through to the spot you keep in your mind.”

  I look towards the door and imagine the forest Aaron had pointed to on the map. I imagine us walking through the medical room door and stepping into a thick forest on the outskirts of a town, surrounding gate five. As I keep my focus, the spirit pushes open the door and shoves me through before I can find my footing, causing me to stumble and fall into a thicket of trees. I quickly stand and untangle myself from the little, thorny trees and step into a small clearing where the spirit appears again to me.

  “Welcome to my land, Princess,” she remarks as I gaze around my new surroundings. We are encircled by tall trees whose tops I can’t quite see. The trunks seem to stretch towards the sky forever, but they all have thick, long branches that intertwin together. I look back down and notice that the spirit is gone, but I can still hear her voice in the distance. I try to follow the sound of her voice as I wave around large tree trunks and thick foliage, making it hard to move. But eventually, I make my way to a well-traveled path that seems to cut straight through the forest area and towards a small-town I can see in the distance.

  I marvel at the color of the sky, no longer concerned about the whereabouts of the spirit, as I stare into a greenish, purple haze that dominates the sky, hiding whatever light source that hangs in the sky and illuminates this place. The foliage is a dark green that almost looks rotten, but the leaves remain intact as I push my way towards the road. I observe the area and think how an entire army could appear here and use the main road to invade the town and take control of the gate. The area will need to be cleared as the army passes through, but I’m confident our hell fire can burn away the foliage and make a clear path to the road.

  I hear a rustling in the thick bushes around me, as I quickly step away from the road and plan to retreat to the area I had first appeared. I imagine that I am invisible, but it seems my thoughts don’t have an effect on my appearance outside of my mind.

  “What kind of spirit do we have here?” a loud, male voice yells as a small group of creatures quickly surrounds me. Clearly outnumbered, I refuse to look up and reveal my identity as I instead kneel and turn towards the voice. I can see the different colored skin tones of the creatures’ feet as I guess that this small group are all demons.

  “My master was killed and I was released from the pits. I’m making my way home,” I speak slowly, trying to sound small and afraid. I don’t want to show them my strength or they may become hostile and violent. I didn’t want anyone finding out that I’m a warrior or how I had gotten here.

  “That’s a hard story to believe, spirit. No one comes to this forest unless they have a reason to hide,” the same loud voice says again. I dare not look up at the booming voice, but a part of me is curious to see the details of the creatures before me.

  “My sight is not reliable, but I gave my master visions of possible futures. Lead me to town and I promise to give each of you a reliable fortune,” I suggest, hoping to appear convincing. A moment of silence passes as I watch them shift their weight from one foot to the next. I could only assume that they were thinking about the idea.

  “Or I could return you to the pits and sell you for a high profit. You are obviously a valuable and obedient slave,” the voice suggests as he steps forward and reaches down to grip my arm and pull me to my feet. I keep my eyes on the ground as I try to keep calm and think of what would be the most suitable method to escape. I could try to run and make it to a gate, but there was no way I was going to get through an entire town without being first killed on site. For now, I would have to play along till I either found a sa
fe way out, or Gabriella is able to call me back.

  I don’t say another word or try to resists as I am pulled onto someone’s back, followed by the terrain being rushed past us. I finally glance up, causing my form to completely tense up when I realize the creatures have used their wings to take to the air. I can see the town below with the large red gate resting on the edge of what appears to be land and sea. The sea is completely black and I wonder if that is the border between this realm and mine. As I turn my gaze to the distance in front of me, I can see the other red gates that stretch tall into the sky, almost as tall as the trees of the forest that is quickly disappearing behind us. To the north, I can see a gleaming gold light that seems to shine continuously no matter how far we have traveled. I divert my eyes from the gleaming light, and begin to analyze the creatures I am traveling with. They remind me of griffins, with their long wings, varies colored furred skins, and long tails like a lion. But their faces are humanoid, besides their pointed furred ears.

  I glance down as the creatures begin to descend. As I quickly scan the area, I can see a large crater in the ground with metal staircases leading down into the depths of it. As we come closer to the ground, I can hear the sound of pounding dirt and clashing metal. I feel we have arrived to a dig site as the noise increases, making it hard to hear anything else.

  Once I’m put on my feet again, I keep my eyes focused on the ground as the creature that bore me on his back leads me through a crowd towards the edge of the crater. As we near, I’m able to glance over the edge and see an endless field of varying creatures working the ground. Whatever material they are collecting is then sent down a shoot that dumps into vats that glow red. I want to see what they are making, but I’m pulled along and finally taken into a small, dark building that helps to keep the noise out.

  “What do you have for me today, Jarvus?” an older voice asks as I’m pushed to the front of the room and towards a wooden table.

  “A fortune spirit whose master has recently died. I bring her here for sale,” the loud male voice rages again, as though it is unable to speak in a soft voice.

  “I’m surprised you don’t keep her for yourself,” the older voice says as the creature stands and rounds the table. I can feel their eyes on me as I close mine and try to relax. I imagine myself as a simple and tired spirit who simply wants to move on with what is going to happen next.

  “I don’t keep slaves. I just make them,” Jarvus replies simply. I can hear a creature sit in the chair across the table and I can only guess my analyzation is over. I part my eyelids slightly so I can keep my balance and remain up right.

  “Go seek Marchielle for your payment,” the creature at the table responds. The room seems to empty with those words as the group that had captured me swiftly leaves. When the door closes, an eerie silence fills the room. I try to clear my mind and remain calm as I wait for my next command. “I will now present you to your new master, spirit. I assume with your experience and disability, you won’t cause me much trouble if I don’t shackle you.”

  I nod my head in agreement as the creature scribbles something on a piece of paper and then rounds the table once more. I can see its hands on me as it grips my arm and leads me back out of the building. The sound of the workers fills my ears once again as we press through the crowd, different textures brushing up against my body as my mind races to determine what type of creatures are around me, and eventually we enter another building.

  “As agreed, I present you with a spirit that will aid you in building a new gate,” the creature holding me announces as I am forced to the floor. I want to keep my eyes shut, but I open them and immediately notice the plush carpet I am on. I steady my breathing as I see a scaled tale moves around me. I see clawed feet approach me as I assume my new ‘master’ now stands before me.

  “And how can this lame spirit help me, Revus?” a cracking voice speaks. It sounded like the creature was having trouble speaking. I wondered if the creature had matching teeth to go with those claws and scaled body.

  “Though it may not see, the fortune spirit can envision your future. She will guide you to success and allow you to beat the others in creating a new gate first,” Revus says as he waits for a response, closer to the door we had passed through than where I am kneeling now. I hear a hiss above me but I don’t look up as the scaled creature nears me. I can feel it breathing on me as its head nears mine, but I keep myself steady, unflinching, and calm.

  “Your debt is fulfilled, Revus. Now leave us,” it barks as the creature behind me stumbles and quickly leaves. I can tell the other creature fears the one that is now circling me, but I refuse to lose my composure now. I’ve traveled to far to lose. “You have two options, spirit. You can either prove your worth, or I can eat you.” A deep rumble escapes the creature and for a moment I wonder if it’s laughing.

  “Where do you plan to build your gate?” I say softly as the creature finally stops circling me and appears to lay down beside me, filling up the majority of the room. It’s tale slides around me, giving me something to comfortably lean upon. I try to appear cooperative, much like Eliana the muse acted for her demon.

  “The three other houses are planning to build their gates in the north, somewhere near the palace so it’s easier for the armies to pass through to destroy the ratcheted warriors. But as I’m sure you already know, I am not one to follow along. I create my own path through,” the creature responds, his voice growing closer as it struggles to say each word.

  “You’ll find success by building your gate in the forest in the west. The tall trees will hide your progress, allowing you to present your work before the other three houses,” I say softly, trying to say things that will appeal to the creature and hopefully allow me the chance to make it back to the forest to find a way home.

  I hear the creature growl as it’s tale brings me closer to its body. Even as I keep my focus on the ground below my knees, I can clearly see the scales of the creature and can only imagine how large the monster really is.

  “I like this idea, spirit. Let us take a journey to this forest so you can tell me where I should start building,” the creature decides as it releases me and starts moving towards the door. I stand slowly and turn towards the creature, and once it has left through the door, I follow closely behind. Like the last winged creature, I am quickly scooped up by my master’s tail and set on its back. Moments later, we are sent rocketing into the sky where my instincts take over and I grip fiercely on to the scales of the beast. I am thankful for my inability to feel anything as I finally look up at the creature to take in all of its horror. I’m surprised how accurate my imagination was as I look at the silver dragon before me. His tail is long behind us and his wings stretch forth on either side of me. I adjust my grip to its wings and analyze its long neck, leading to a large head adorned with teeth and horns.

  “If you fly to the forest, the others will see you. Land in the town and conduct business as usual. Then we can make it to the forest without being watched,” I shout into the wind. I look down at my hands as the dragon’s neck turns, forcing its head to look back at me. A moment later we are quickly descending and soon land between a bunch of buildings. I hear something scream as those around us quickly make room for the large creature.

  “Stay close to me, spirit. I don’t want you getting lost in a place like this. Let us collect a few more debts,” the dragon responds as it scuttles forward between the narrow alley ways. I glance around me and notice the towering red gate not far away. As the dragon moves forward, I side step down a different alley and start making my way to the gate before the creature can notice I’m gone. But my escape plan is quickly interrupted as I run into the same group of griffin like creatures from earlier.

  “How’d you….” the one begins to say as I finally look up and meet the eyes of my kidnappers. Recognition crosses their face a moment to late as I sprint down another path, hoping to cross back towards the gate. I use every ounce of strength I ha
ve in my body, allowing my powers to unleash, and hell fire to burn around me. Chaos erupts as shouts and screams fill the air and black flames shoot into the sky. I can easily assume those flames are from the dragon I just pissed off as I make a quick turn and finally make it to the opening of the gate, a space that has been avoided by the creatures.

  Before I pass through, I turn and face the crowd of creatures that have spilled into the little clearing. I can see my hell fire burning nearby buildings, detailing the path I just took. I hope the damage is significant enough to cause issues for this place, as I place my hand on the gate and let my fire eat at the material. When I’m confident it will grow, I lean back into the gate and allow my spirit to pass through.

  Chapter Six

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  Opening my eyes to the bright shining light above my head first brought me a feeling of relief knowing I had made it back into my body, till all sensations returned to my body and mind, and just like Mich had warned, I had the immediate instinct to rip every tube off of my skin.

  “Just focus on breathing, Princess,” Mich says in a rush as he comes into view and begins tugging at a tube that has been placed down my throat. “Easy now. This isn’t going to feel good.” With a quick motion, he pulls the long tube out of my mouth and I try severely not to gag. I can fell varies pricks on my body as monitor patches are removed and another tube is removed from my noise.

  I look around the room as my eyes finally adjust. I can spot Gabriella, Aaron, and Marcus standing in the hallway through the glass windows. I see them talking to my mother, but I have to blink several times that I’m seeing reality as I notice my father standing beside her. “When did he get here?” I ask in a rough voice that burns my throat as I try to speak.

  Marcus returns to my side with a glass of water and uniform top as he raises the back of the bed so I can sit up. I drain the glass and hand it back to Marcus as he helps me put my top back on. Once properly dressed, he then he grabs my wrist and starts counting my heart beats. “Just this morning. It seems your travels were both successful and noticeable by every creature in the supernatural realm.” I nod my head softly as I keep my eyes on the group outside. They all look concerned and I am dying to know what they are talking about. “But how are you feeling? You were away for four days and I’m guessing Gabriella’s spell failed?”


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