Bloodline: An Alien Vampire Romance (The Dark World Series Book 4)

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Bloodline: An Alien Vampire Romance (The Dark World Series Book 4) Page 10

by T. J. Quinn

  Dakota giggled and said, “A bit of an overreaction for one rather foolish drug lord.”

  Jared chimed in, “So, you figured that out, did you. Where are you located right now, mother? I want you out of there as soon as possible.”

  Dakota’s voice changed, turning dark and foreboding. She responded, “I am in the basement in his main house, and I’m not leaving unless we take every single child with us and there appear to be around fifty of them. He is actually using them for drug experiments. You know I have a strange feeling that your snake of a foster father is not going to make it out of this house alive today Jared. Accidents happen in situations like this you know.”

  Garan interjected, “Jared and I have determined that our preference is for him to be some large inmates chew toy for the remainder of his life. Get on board with that plan Dakota. Trust me it is better for everyone.”

  Dakota voice was taunt and strained, “Fine, I will spare his life if I can. He could not possibly be running an operation like this on his own. He is just not smart enough. He would need the support of local law enforcement and someone to mastermind the operation. Drop one shuttle down on the property and confront him about my whereabouts and see if he calls in the local law enforcement. If he does, we will know.

  Meanwhile, contact Agent Marlan from the FBI and tell him what I have told you about the local police. Tell him I’m investigating a case related to human trafficking of children. Trust me he will be all over it with a vengeance.”

  Alek asked, “Has he harmed you?”

  Dakota laughed and replied, “He bitch slapped me a few times, and I acted like I was terrified. I could tell he bought it because he is used to intimidating children. Honestly, I took more of a beating the last time I sparred with Alek. Don’t worry about me. I took a couple of laser pistols and if things get bad…well, let’s just say I won’t be keeping my promise to Jared.”

  Garan smiled and shrugged to Jared.

  Dakota said, “He thinks I am subdued because he placed chains on my feet and wrists.”

  Alek began to panic, and she clarified, “Chains with about three or four foot of slack.”

  Garan tilted his head to the side and stated, “That was a rather stupid mistake to make. With that much slack, you can pretty much move freely.”

  Dakota clarified, “He stripped me down to my lingerie and has me making coffee and food for him. I guess he normally only traffics in children. Apparently having what he considers a female slave is a new experience for him. I didn’t get here until half way through the night last night, so I guess he will consider play time with me this evening’s entertainment. Make the most of your day gentlemen because I promise you, he will find me a lethal play partner this evening.”

  Alek replied, “Roger that dear.”

  Arianna got onto another com and raised the FBI agent who was extremely interested in Dakota’s human trafficking case involving children. He arranged for a team to respond immediately with an ETA of three hours. Alek asked the second shuttle to land out of view of the compound, and he landed his shuttle right in front of the house, and the man came out to meet him.

  He asked in a very matter of fact voice, “So Mr. Sharden, what do you want? Did you finally tire of my irritating son? If you came to return him, I guess I would still take him back.”

  Alek replied, “Don’t play games. I know you have Dakota here and I want her back right now.”

  The man rubbed his chin and responded, “You know I think the pretty little human does not care for vampires much because she seems happy as can be staying with me. She likes to wear her sexy lingerie for me and carry my coffee. She is a beautiful woman, and I suspect that after tonight she will be less inclined than ever to leave my arms. I don’t think you are married to her. If she would like to stay with me, that’s no concern of yours. Perhaps her son would like to join us.”

  Alek asked, “Why don’t you bring her out and we will ask her?”

  The man responded, “Well she told me she really didn’t want to see you. What pray tell did you do to make her so angry with you.”

  Alek could barely keep the smile from his face. This man was childish and transparent…used to manipulating children no doubt. Suddenly a shuttle belonging to local law enforcement landed and two officers got out. One of the officers approached the man and Alek.

  Alek explained said, “This individual has taken my mate, and I would like her back.

  The officer immediately stated, “That is simply not the case. Mr. Abrams would never hold anyone against their will. I’m afraid I will have to ask you to leave.”

  Alek looked at the officer strangely and stated, “I know that law enforcement is barely competent these days but if I am reporting a crime to you. Are you not obligated to at least investigate my complaint?” The officer’s head shot up, and Alek continued, “It just seems strange that you would discount such a serious accusation without even looking into the situation.”

  The officer asked, “Where do you suggest we begin looking?”

  Alek immediately replied, “The basement of this house would be a good place to start.”

  Mr. Abrams seemed very taken aback and began to stammer that searching his basement was not necessary. Even the law enforcement officer looked at him strangely.

  The man glanced up to Alek’s shuttle craft, saw Jared standing in the doorway and said, “If I can speak to Jared this whole situation can be resolved immediately.”

  Alek replied, “He is standing right there, talk to him.”

  The man clarified, “Alone, I want to talk to him alone.”

  Garan stepped out of the vehicle and said, “You can speak to my son, however, I will be present, and the conversation will take place outside.”

  The man thought it over and agreed. They stepped away from the shuttle craft about thirty yards, and he looked from Jared to Garan.

  He cleared his throat and explained, “I do have your mother. I don’t know how you found us, this property is not even in my name. Know this if you don’t give me what I am looking for I will kill her.”

  Jared noticed Garan’s jaw tighten. Jared looked at the man for a brief moment and asked, “What is it you want?”

  He replied, “I want you to stay here and ‘be my son again,’ we both know what that entails. You will assist me in finding the albino. You know all his hiding places.”

  Jared smiled and responded, “I think not. You have no cards to play. You have no leverage to bend me to your will. I now understand you are a criminal and apparently a coward to hide behind a woman. I have no respect for you nor will I assist you in your search for my vampire brother.”

  The man took a menacing step toward Jared and before Garan could react Jared laid him out on his ass with one swift punch. Jared bent down and said, “Hear me fake father. I give you just one opportunity to release my mother. If you do not then know I will be forced to take action against you. I cannot promise you will survive it.”

  The man looked shocked and said, “You used to cower at my words.” Jared grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him to his feet saying, “Well, now that I am a man, I cower at no man’s words. Yours least of all because I know what kind of person you are. Take heed of my warning.”

  Jared slowly backed away from the man and returned to the shuttle with Garan keeping an eye on the man.

  Mr. Abrams walked back over to Alek and said, “My son was not very cooperative so I’m afraid you will need a search warrant to search my home and I do not believe you have any actual evidence that the person you seek is on my property. In any event, it will take days to procure such an order in this town, and by then…let’s just say it will be a moot issue.”

  Alek looked at the law enforcement officer who said, “I think you should go.”

  Alek got back onto his shuttle craft, and Jared took the helm. Garan and Alek came and sat near him. Garan asked, “Who is ‘the albino’ the crazy man spoke of?”

  Jared replied, “He is an o
lder male who was raised in his compound. They tried many of their drugs on him…he is now different. I will take you to him. He has a home not far from here where he shelters those of our kind who have escaped the compound. I helped him build his sanctuary. He is important to the operation of the labs, I’m not sure how. He may have more information about this situation.”

  They skimmed into the mouth of a cave about fifteen minutes later, and Jared exited the shuttle with Garan and Alek. The others followed.

  Chapter 17


  Jared led them through a narrow corridor and into a large chamber. The chamber was furnished similarly to a great room. There was comfortable seating and a large fire pit in the middle of the room. There were several tables set up with complicated table top games typically only played by vampires. Seated on one of the sofas feeding from a young adult female was a vampire with white hair. Jared held up one hand, and everyone stopped at the doorway.

  He said, “We don’t interrupt feeding, and we wait to be invited.”

  Several adolescents came and stood in front of the white haired one while he continued feeding, blocking their view.

  Garan took a step toward him, and Jared whispered, “There is no reason to be concerned. They are used to me not doing my stepfather’s bidding, but they are still protective of the albino.”

  After about twenty minutes the male with white hair stepped forward to see what the commotion was about. He had his female hidden behind him.

  He smiled when he saw Jared and stepped forward saying, “Jared it has been too long. You are welcome, my brother. Please come in, your males are welcome to feed freely. What little I have, I share with you and yours with an open heart.”

  Jared stepped forward and clasped arms with the man saying, “Senol, it has indeed been too long. I am pleased to see your people clean and healthy. You have swelled your ranks, and your women are indeed beautiful. Rebecca, it is nice to see you healthy and happy. I also am glad to see you are sheltering the young as well.”

  Senol nodded and motioned for them to sit. Several females approached, cleansed their wrists in one of several fountains and sat beside them presenting their wrists.

  Jared immediately drank a couple of mouthfuls from the woman who approached him and then placed his thumb over the spot to stem the blood. He thanked her, and she smiled and moved away.

  Alek and Garan noticed the situation seemed very formal and they quickly realized it would be socially inappropriate not to feed. They followed Jared’s example, and a few of the men offered their wrists in return.

  Senol asked, “What brings you to my home with so many warriors today my brother. I know you well enough to believe you are no longer doing the evil one’s bidding. I was relieved to discover that you managed to escape his compound. What brings you back to a forgotten place like this?”

  Jared replied, “Our fake father has abducted my mother. She is a great hunter and is in no danger from him however I will have her back. More importantly, we want to ensure he no longer operates his business and that the children he has enslaved are set free. This is a common purpose you and I share. I have warriors and weapons enough to make that happen today without asking you to risk yourself or your people. I am here because when I came for my mother, the evil one told he would set her free if I came back and he wants me to assist him in hunting you. Do you know why he wants us back? I am keen only on getting information.”

  Senol motioned for a small female child to come forward. The little girl had long blond hair and was very shy. She came reluctantly and sat near Senol.

  Senol asked, “Little princess, you were last among our people to live at the compound. Can you tell us what the evil one was doing when you last saw him?”

  The little girls spoke quietly, “I worked at his house, cleaning and saw and heard much. I think he can no longer make drugs so now he thinks to begin making and selling people. He sold several small children before I left for a lot of money. One was sold to a man in a police uniform. That is what made me run away. I was afraid of being sold.”

  Jared looked at the little girl and asked, “What frightened you so about the possibility of being sold. Did you not think you might end up in a better place?”

  Tears sprang into the child’s eyes as she replied, “I was worried because the police officer came back a week or two later and said he broke the little girl he bought and wanted a replacement. The evil one told him he would have to pay again and they argued. The police man was given another little girl but told there would be no more replacements.”

  Jared cursed under his breath and shook his head.

  Senol looked furious and offered, “I have no idea how you and I are important to this plan, but I say we give ourselves over to him and let us see. I for one, am no longer the frightened child he remembers and I can see that neither are you. If you want to close down his operation, I will help you. It was always just you and I against the evil one. Let it be once more my brother.”

  Rebecca placed a hand on his arm and said, “Senol, no. We have great need of you.”

  Senol glanced sideways to her hand and replied, “So do the children still trapped in that compound. I say we just go in and then figure out a way back out again. I won’t risk even one of my people, but I will risk myself to save the small ones.”

  Garan spoke for the first time, “How many do you have here?”

  Senol asked, “Who are you?”

  Jared replied for him, “He is my real father. He is a strong hunter and a good person. You can trust him.”

  Senol said, “I have twenty-eight souls who depend upon me, and the evil one had upwards of 50 at his compound.”

  Garan said, “twenty-eight souls would fetch a good price for an evil man who is bent on making a name for himself in such a way. I think your people are in grave danger being in such close proximity to the evil one especially because you have so few weapons for defense. We have a large estate. It is a non-profit institute of learning…a place where young people come to learn to be hunters. There are no children there right now. Let us take your people to a place of safety until this whole thing is done.”

  Senol looked at Jared and Jared spoke, “I am not sure that is quite necessary, but I would not want to chance them finding this place. If they did, he might sell off someone before we could stop him. Please consider my father’s generous offer. I know I would not be able to concentrate on the fight at hand unless I knew my own love mate was safe.”

  Senol looked up at his female and said, “So be it.”

  Alek immediately got onto a com device and asked Miss. Lona to bring two ships. He gave coordinates and said, “Please ask your people to be ready. Two shuttles will be here to get them in about 2 hours.”

  Jared spoke, “Senol my mother must have heard something about the evil one selling people because we spoke to her earlier today and she had us call one of her contacts at the FBI and tell him to open a case on human trafficking. They will be ready shortly after our shuttle crafts come for your people. We will meet with them and come up with a plan. Perhaps you and I can go in wearing a recording device.”

  Senol agreed and then excused himself to spend time with his mate before her leaving and him going on his dangerous mission.

  Once Senol was alone with his love mate he took her into his arms, and she said, “I wish you would reconsider going with Jared. I know you feel great solidarity with him because of what you suffered through as children and that you are grateful to him for helping free me, but you are critical to our survival. I don’t know how we would get along if anything happened to you…I don’t know that I could go on without you at my side.”

  He immediately brought up two fingers to her lips and soothed her. “Trust me I will be fine. You know that with my particular skills nothing surprises me. Honestly, Jared needs me to be safe on the inside. I can protect him. My risk is small, and his is great. I can sense his love for his mother, and I would not leave her in danger. Do
not ask me to be other than what I am, Rebecca.”

  She touched his cheek and sifted her fingers through his long white hair before saying, “Always so noble, that’s what you are my love. How did that horrible place ever make the likes of you and Jared? It is a mystery I will never understand.”

  Senol rubbed his face against the palm of her hand and whispered, “Trust me, it is no great mystery. In adversity men find themselves. I feel like my personality was forged in a crucible of pain and misery. In an environment where evil is so obvious, it became easy to take the other path.”

  Rebecca gently kissed her way up his neck and to his lips before saying, “Please know, I will love you always and forever. You have a pure heart. No other male will ever touch my heart the way you have.”

  Senol responded, “I sense that these people are good like Jared and myself. Perhaps we will find support among them.”

  She pulled them to their makeshift bed and loved him with her hands and lips as they shared each other’s blood. Senol thought to himself that he would give all for his people to have normal lives. For the small children to find parents, who could really love and care for them. His mind and his body were overwhelmed with the love his mate gave to him. He was always amazed that two virgins could share so much pleasure without actually having sex. He would never take a chance on making a child while they lived in such primitive conditions. Sexing was a faraway dream for another period in their lives.

  Back in the main room several people and children were milling around including the female who fed Durk. He noticed she was quite attractive in an unusual sort of way. She had light brown hair and beautiful facial features but looked thin and under fed. She had a mixed heritage child clinging to her. He motioned her, and she cleaned her wrist first obviously thinking he wanted to feed again.

  He waved her wrist away and said, “I am curious about your life here. Will you speak with me?”

  The woman sat across from him and pulled the child who looked to be about two onto her lap. She replied, “My name is Sharon. What would you like to know?”


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