Bloodline: An Alien Vampire Romance (The Dark World Series Book 4)

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Bloodline: An Alien Vampire Romance (The Dark World Series Book 4) Page 12

by T. J. Quinn

  Jared looked uncomfortable and responded, “I’m afraid it took me a long time to see that. I’m glad he didn’t give up on me. I think he genuinely cares for me.”

  There was a commotion in another of the metal buildings, and they found several children who were critically ill and injured. Jared, Senol, Durk, and Marko quickly scooped the children up and rushed them to a nearby hospital. Ariana and Garan stayed behind to ensure the children were not removed. Senol was surprised by how empathetic the men were towards the sick children.

  The one called Durk especially peaked his interest because his nurturing response was totally off the charts. He actually held the child he carried to his chest and rocked the small child while he whispered positive, supportive things in her little ear. Durk interested him most because he was aware that he had initiated a blood bond with his sister, Sharon for a brief moment. The children were treated, and all but the one Durk brought in were released. Durk insisted upon staying with the child.

  By dawn, the police were still cataloging evidence. The orphanage had responded as requested with the paperwork for the children. Jared took the platinum card Dakota had given him, and he and Senol bought breakfast for everyone. They ended up with about six cases of Synth-B and several cases of Blood Bags. Jared threw his father a blood bag and grabbed a Synth-B for himself. Selene and Lona landed again in shuttle crafts and began loading up children. Rebecca was with Selene, and they came immediately to Senol and Jarred. They found a private spot and fed.

  Rebecca immediately slid her arms around Senol’s lower torso and said, “I’m glad you are ok. I was really worried about you being back inside the compound.”

  He pulled her back a fraction, cupped her chin and lifted her face to his and said, “I am fine. Jared and his family had my back, and I had theirs. They are trustworthy. How was your time at the institute?”

  She shook her head and replied, “Selene asked me to stay in her room with her. She is sweet, and everyone there does everything she says. At first, I thought it was because her father and Dakota run the institute but then one of the men was joking that anyone that messes with her gets a tune up from Jared.”

  Senol smiled and said, “That doesn’t surprise me. They are growing into their blood bond.”

  She continued, “It is really nice there. Everything that was hard for us here is easy there. They have a large place to eat they call a cafeteria. It serves human food and vampire food. You don’t even need money. You go in, and they give you whatever you want. They encouraged the kids to go often because they were thin. The scientist encouraged us to try out their designs and then wanted us to tell them what we thought. I think they used our feedback to adjust their designs. It’s like what we said mattered to them.”

  Senol explained, “Jared and his fathers want us to move to the institute. They plan to build housing for us and start a school for the kids. The decision is ours, but if what you say is true maybe it would be a good opportunity for us to be with people who will help us care for the children. Good people who are accepting and supportive of our kind.”

  Rebecca nodded and responded, “I think it would be nice to spend time with Jared and Selene. She is smart and so considerate. She helped me bathe eleven small children last night. Trust me, we were exhausted by the time we made it to bed.”

  He smiled and said, “She sounds like the perfect mate for Jared. After everything he has been through, he deserves an innocent to love him.”

  Rebecca touched his face and said, “Speaking of such. They have doctors there, and when they gave me my physical, I asked for birth control. They gave me a shot that they said was good for six months. He immediately hauled her flush with his body and they both knew that no matter what their first night together would be filled with the one thing that had been denied to them as a couple all the time they had been together.

  After feeding they rejoined the group making ready to leave and noticed that Garan and Lona were kind of stuck together at the mouth. Senol shook his head because it was hard not to sense what they were thinking and it was not for others to know.

  He immediately jumped on the other shuttle craft with Selene and Jared.

  Jared placed a hand on his shoulder and said, “I am more pleased than you know that you have decided to join us. I know you will like it at the institute.”

  “Your people are not only welcome among us but will add a totally new dimension to our life there. I just know we will find good homes for the children. Durk is already asking questions about the possibility of adopting the child he took to the hospital.”

  Senol smiled his approval at that suggestion. Being adopted by a good person with a nice home and an important job was what they had wished for all the kids. Senol had sensed that Durk was a kind, decent person. He might make a good father.

  Senol looked at Rebecca, and she knew that he would want them to get married right away. He wondered what kind of job he could get to support them and immediately thought of taking Garan up on his offer to train as a hunter. Jared’s father had been right about his senses being useful in a hunt.

  Senol sensed something new was going on between Jared and his little love mate. She was looking at him strangely…like she was seeing him for the first time. She walked over and sat next to him. He instinctively put his arm around her, and she snuggled up to his side. Jared was surprised when she slipped her hand inside his shirt and ran it over his chest.

  Senol as amused that they apparently had not kissed or anything…they just had the knowing. The knowing was the unique feeling between a male and female vampire that told them who their bond mate was. He thought to himself that Vampires matured at a slightly younger age when it came to mating and his friend, Jared was about to have his world turned upside down.

  Chapter 20

  Happily Ever Afters

  No sooner had they gotten off the shuttle at the institute than Dakota and Alek came out to greet them. Dakota had cleared out the entire floor of one of the wings to make enough space for Senol, his people, and the orphans. Dakota began creating files on each person so she could track back to verify if they were orphans or if perhaps they had family looking for them. She had assigned children four to a room and a staff to care for them temporarily until child care staff could be hired. She had clothing delivered and extra bedding. Senol was both impressed and grateful.

  He immediately went to her and expressed his gratitude. He could sense that she would have done it even if Jared had not been his best friend but she was more than pleased to have a friend for Jared to spend time with. He sensed that she thought Jared had good taste in friends and he felt unconditional positive regard from her.

  Rebecca had been right that coming here was a good idea for the kids because he didn’t have any hope of being able to care for them all correctly much less find homes for all of them. Sharon came to him, and he held her for a long moment before sensing the confusion from Dakota and Alek.

  Senol introduced Sharon as his older sister. Dakota immediately welcomed her warmly. Senol noticed Selene and Jared come from upstairs and Selene said, ‘We have prepared your room. If you are tired, please feel free to rest. We can take care of the children.”

  Senol nodded, and he and Rebecca followed them up to their room. Once inside he realized that little Selene had created a perfect romantic environment for their first time together. The lights were dimmed, there was music playing softly in the background and scented candles burning around the room. She had made their bed cozy and laid out large thick towels in the en suite bathroom. She even had a stack of clothing laid out for them.

  Rebecca looked at him and smiled. He said, “I know you said she was nice but this is a little over the top.”

  Rebecca smiled and replied, “I think she is probably always just this considerate.”

  They had a quick shower and climbed into the bed. The bed was soft and amazingly comfortable. Rebecca slid up alongside him, and he wrapped her in his loving embrace. They both
knew in their hearts that they would be together always. Making love had always seemed like a far-off dream, but tonight it was a reality.

  As Senol moved his hands across her body, Rebecca realized his ability to sense what other people were thinking gave him a distinct advantage in the bedroom and she understood exactly how lucky she was to be with him.

  Selene and Jared put the last of the kids to bed and finished with story time. As they eased the door shut they had a shared moment of relief. He picked her up and carried her downstairs to the gaming room and dropped her unceremoniously on the sofa. She giggled, and he sat beside her. For once they were not thinking of playing video games. Jared touched the side of her face with one hand, and she sighed as she ran her small hand up his arm.

  He smiled and said, “Who would have thought that you would come into your hormones before me?”

  She giggled and replied, “Girls mature faster than boys.”

  He smiled and said, “Please lead the way madam, you are almost seventeen now. A kiss or two should not be to out of bounds.”

  She gently pulled him to her and kissed him on the forehead, down the side of his head to his cheek and then to his neck before trailing kisses up the other side to his lips. He sighed a contented sigh and thought that he might get used to kissing a pretty girl but taking care of fifty kids, he was not so sure about that.

  Durk was sitting at the hospital with the little girl he rescued. He wondered what was going on with the female, Sharon. His mind drifted over the sensations of having her fangs in his neck. She was sweet and vulnerable. His anger rose momentarily as he remembered Jared and his little friend telling him to stay away from her. What had they said? They said something to the effect that she was not for him. Why had they said that? What made them experts on who should get to know who? He immediately called Dakota and asked to speak to Miss Sharon to give her progress report on the child he was with.

  Dakota immediately called Miss Sharon to the phone. His heart skipped a beat when her uncertain voice came on the line. She said, “Hel…hello.”

  Durk responded, “Miss. Sharon, I wanted to call and let you know the child I took to the hospital is doing well. The doctors have her fresh feeding, and it is greatly expediting her recovery.”

  Sharon didn’t need to be told who the child was fresh feeding from. Full blood vampires like Durk were few on this world, and the doctors would have surely encouraged him to feed the tiny little child. She thought briefly that he was kind and generous to help with the child. She heard herself say, “I can attest to the fact that feeding from you is a potent experience. After I last fed from you, my energy level was the highest I have ever known. The child will no doubt owe her speedy recovery to you.”

  Durk paused for a brief moment and said softly, “I would like to apologize to you for my behavior when we fed together.”

  Her voice sounded relieved as she responded, “There is no need. I’m not sure what I did wrong, but I am certain that was my fault.”

  Durk tried to explain, “I have heard stories that sometimes when vampires meet their soul mate they share images from each other’s lives if they feed from each other at the same time. I have known couples who have done this.”

  She sounded confused and discordant, “We aren’t a couple…what are you saying…that I am your soul mate?”

  He was taken aback that she seemed much less accepting than he had hoped. He quickly said, “Miss. Sharon, I have met hundreds of women looking for my soul mate. I have never felt the things I felt with you with any other person. I am not trying to frighten you, but I would like to get to know you a little better. I promise I will not expect you to feed me and I will not touch you. We can even just talk on the phone if that makes you more comfortable. I find that I just need to hear your voice and have a connection with you.”

  She couldn’t think of anything except the feeling of being in his arms when they last fed together. It was making her body tremble with need. She needed to think about this situation with Durk before she spoke to him about it. She pushed the feelings aside and tried to change the subject. “I have heard that you would like to adopt the child you saved from the science lab. Is that true?”

  Durk confirmed, “Yes, she is small and sweet, and I find that I would like to protect and care for her. I have a home and money. I can give her a very good life. It will give me something to do besides waste my time at bars every night.”

  Sharon said, “My brother thinks you have a lot of love to give.”

  “Who is your brother?”

  “His name is Senol. He is the one who went to the evil one’s compound with Jared.”

  Durk sighed and mentioned, “Jared and Senol told me to stay away from you and that you were not for someone like me.”

  He was surprised to hear her giggling as she replied, “They told me about that. They think that because you pursued Dakota for so long you are attracted to women you can’t have. They told me they stacked the deck in my favor by telling you that I was off limits.”

  Durk smiled to himself but replied gruffly, “I can tell those two are going to be a handful together. Tell them I said there is such a thing as being too smart for your own good.”

  She didn’t say anything immediately, and he stated, “You have a beautiful laugh. I’m glad Dakota kept telling me to find my one. I would not have wanted to miss meeting you.”

  Sharon smiled and said, “I think you are a sweet person and I wouldn’t mind getting to know you a little better. Would you like to bring the child to play with the little one I care for when she gets out of the hospital?”

  He immediately sated, “I must admit I am used to eliciting a much more enthusiastic response from the women I date but I suppose I should be grateful you are giving me a chance. I would love to spend time getting to know you while the children play.”

  Sharon quickly added, “Please don’t mistake my awkwardness as lack of interest. I have spent a lot of time thinking of you Durk. I have decided that you are by far the most attractive man I have ever met. Any woman would be fortunate to have captured your interest. It’s just that I have spent most of my life in seclusion and I’m certain you will find me less attractive and interesting than most of the women you have…umm…dated.”

  That got his attention. Somehow, he knew what she was trying to tell him. His voice was soft and sensual as he replied, “I know you are innocent when it comes to relationships. I do not find that off putting in the least. I am surprised by how precious that makes you to me. Those things never mattered to me before now. If and when the time is right I will teach you all that you might need to know to be my mate. I will be slow and gentle with you if you allow yourself to trust in me.”

  Sharon froze clutching the com to her ear. She realized at some pont she had stopped breathing. The thought of being with Durk in that way was doing things to her body she didn’t understand…things she loved.

  Durk realized he must have shocked her senseless with his words and added, “I guess I should let you go. You have had a long day.”

  She responded, “You have given me quite a bit to think about. Will you hang up first?”

  He said, “OK” but didn’t. He murmured, “You hang up.”

  She whispered, “Come, let’s hang up together. We are acting like love struck teens.”

  He whispered, “I feel like a love struck teen.”

  She said, “So do I…Look I’m ringing off now. Get some sleep.” She hesitated for a moment and hung the phone up.

  Durk sighed and held the phone gently between his two large hands wondering if this is what it felt like to fall in love. If so it was an incredible feeling.

  Durk immediately got onto his com device and pulled up a data stream from a local mall. He browsed the ladies department and shopped for her an entire wardrobe including some very sexy lingerie. He arranged for it to be delivered to the institute tomorrow. As soon as he hit send he began to worry that she would be upset with him. It wasn’t his
business to be purchasing clothing for a woman who had barely agreed one date with him.

  To distract himself he went shopping for the child. He arranged delivery of clothing and toys for tomorrow and more clothing, more toys, bed clothes, kid’s furniture…really, he was having a nice time, then it occurred to him to think that perhaps the child wouldn’t like the things he had chosen for her. He smiled and kept shopping thinking that maybe they would just return what she didn’t want.

  Durk got an e-mail from Dakota with an application from the orphanage. Dakota had already attached three letters of reference from herself, Alek and the congressman he worked for. Durk smiled to himself that the woman really knew how to make things happen. He completed the application, attached the processing fee and expedited the request. He got a return e-mail back almost immediately stating that if he accepted financial responsibility for the child’s medical care and if his home inspection passed he was approved.

  Durk slid his chair closer to the child’s bed and looked down at her little sleeping face. He gently stroked her hair, and the realization hit him that he was a parent. It filled a small little hole in his heart he never knew was there. He was already rolling around plans to look at schools. He wondered what the small child was like. He knew that with everything she had been through there might be some behaviors or night terrors to deal with.

  He immediately wondered what other children she had been friends with and made a mental note to arrange visits. He fell asleep in the chair with her little hand in his. He was waking up the next morning with the delivery he ordered. The nursing staff was a little perturbed with him, and he immediately realized it was because he ordered a little more than he intended. He got the child up, bathed her, dressed her, fed her and brushed her hair.


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