Love Undercover_A Romance Compilation

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Love Undercover_A Romance Compilation Page 4

by Amy Brent

  “Tomorrow would work,” her agreeable voice said.

  “Excellent,” I told her. “I’m looking forward to it. And, Kathryn, one more thing.”


  “Wear something sexy like last time,” I said. “And prepare to get your brains fucked out again.”

  I heard her aroused exhale on the line as I hung up.

  Chapter 5


  “You are basically insane.”

  I smirked. This coming from my best friend, Sadie Patterson, was really something. Sadie had jet-black hair and was covered with colorful tattoos in a variety of designs, most of which had been done on impulse. More than that, Sadie was an adrenaline junkie, one who bounced around men and apartments almost constantly. And she was calling me insane?

  “Just chill,” I told her, lifting my Stila liquid eyeliner to my lower lid. “I have things under control.”

  Sadie made an unconvinced noise.

  “So under control that you basically came with him three times and haven’t been able to stop talking about him ever since.”

  “It was cute the way he got me that bowl of gummy bears, you have to admit,” I said, defensively.

  Right now, Sadie was annoying me. I hadn’t driven all the way to her workplace and chosen to do my makeup in her bathroom on her break just to get chastised like I was talking to Grandma Eleanor. Sadie was supposed to be the wild one and encourage me.

  “I’ve just never heard you talk about a guy like this,” Sadie said.

  “Probably because I’ve never had sex with a guy like this,” I admitted. “It’s so violent and sensual and encompassing all at once.”

  “See!” Sadie exclaimed, slapping her open palm down on the stone counter. “You’ve literally never spoken about a guy like that, and I’ve known you since we were ten.”

  “Because I had so many crushes and experiences when I was ten,” I said with a snort.

  Sadie raised one black tattooed brow, and I said nothing. Admittedly, when I was ten, she and I played out encounters with our preferred Backstreet Boy of choice, using our Barbie dolls to demonstrate them ravishing us with abandonment. But still, that was nothing like this.

  “Just be careful,” Sadie said. “A playboy billionaire like that—falling head over heels in love with him would be disastrous.”

  “More than disastrous,” I told her. “It would be deadly.”

  I didn’t give her the full details as to why. After all, this case was classified. But still, I’d had to tell Sadie I was seeing someone when I couldn’t hang out last Wednesday night and couldn’t give her a good reason why.

  “Anyway,” I said, “I’ll be careful. Not that there’s any real chance of that happening. If you saw how our bodies do more of the talking when Eric and I hang out, then you’d understand.”

  “Believe me,” Sadie said, swiping a hand through her dark mod bangs, “that is one thing I do not want to see.”

  I giggled.

  “You and me both.”

  Sadie’s phone timer pinged.

  She cursed.

  “That’s me. Goddamn fifteen-minute breaks. You’d think after working here for a few years I’d be able to put two breaks together when I feel like it, but nooo.”

  I gave her a supportive pat on her koi-fish-tattooed arm. I knew all too well how much of a dick her boss, John, was. After all, his bald, scowling face had angrily wondered what I was even doing there today.

  “Thanks anyway for talking while I got ready,” I said, glancing at her as I concentrated on the mirror and smacked my red lips. “And for letting me borrow your good Revlon lipstick.”

  “Of course,” Sadie said, throwing her arms around me in a hug. She drew back with a knowing smile. “After all, you’re going to need that to stay on with all of the kissing you’re going to be doing tonight.”

  We giggled, and I waved as she left. Now in the tattoo parlor bathroom by myself, I cast a nervous look at my reflection. The hastily applied eyeliner and red lips combo looked hopelessly amateur. Last time, my cheap sex-store dress had impressed Eric, so why wouldn’t my two-piece, slightly see-through skirt and top combo work now? Truthfully, I had to go out and buy new clothes for these occasions. It was not like I normally dressed like a hooker, albeit a classy one.

  Anyway, I didn’t have time to ponder my choice of outfit. I had a dinner to get to.

  It took me a while to weave my way through the restaurant. This one was even more beautiful than the last. The decorations were almost in the same style as Eric’s bedroom, all dark wood and ambient lighting, like a boudoir. Except this place had walls lined with paintings that looked vaguely familiar, ballerinas by Edgar Degas, I thought.

  As Eric’s text had informed me, he was in a booth at the back.

  I paused at the edge of the table when I saw him.

  “You don’t mind that I didn’t come to the front of the restaurant to greet you this time?” he asked with a slight smile. “I wanted to order us drinks first.”

  He indicated a bottle of red wine that was already down to three quarters full since there were two glasses filled beside it. As I went to sit down, he stopped me, patting the space beside him.

  Unable to keep my smile off my face, I slipped in beside him.

  “Thank you,” I told him. “This is really nice.”

  “You haven’t even tried the wine yet,” Eric said, “or seen what I ordered us for dinner.”

  “More red gummy bears?” I asked, smirking.

  He grinned.

  “If you want, I certainly can.”

  I shook my head. “I was only joking, although I never did figure out how you managed to get that restaurant to get them in the first place.”

  Eric shrugged, his gaze floating off into the distance.

  “Let’s just say I have influence at the restaurants I frequent.”

  Seeing a waitress beelining to us, filled plates in hand, I asked, “Like this one?”

  Under the table, Eric’s leg rubbed against mine.

  “Exactly like this one.”

  The meal he chose was a lush salad with roasted cutlets of chicken, clementine oranges, and an assortment of delicious-looking vegetables grilled to perfection.

  “Definitely wouldn’t have expected a salad,” I admitted as I raised a delicious bite to my mouth.

  “I’ll have you know I’m a vegetarian,” Eric declared as he scooped a bite into his mouth.

  We both laughed.

  “My friend actually is though,” he said. “Mark. He’s an oddball. Kind of a dick, yet he likes saving animals. Really surprising guy.”

  “Kinda sounds like you,” I said thoughtlessly.

  As I took a sip of the sweet wine, Eric shot me an insulted look.

  “You think I’m kind of a dick?”

  No, I thought he was kind of a criminal.

  Out loud, I said, “No. Not that part. The surprising part.”

  That seemed to please him. The left corner of his mouth curled into the beginnings of a smile, and he asked, “Oh really?”

  I smiled and lapped at a stray dribble of wine that was making its way down my chin. Eric followed the motion of my tongue with haunted eyes.

  “You’re more playful than I expected,” I admitted.

  “Not more good looking?” he asked while hollowing his cheeks in a model Zoolander expression.

  We both laughed, and Eric raised his almost-finished wine glass. I raised mine as well, and we toasted.

  “To pleasant surprises,” he said, his eyes smoldering, “and to tonight.”

  “To tonight,” I said, lowering my eyes.

  Under the table, Eric’s foot stroked up my leg. Luckily, the booth was fairly secluded and no one could see us, but that didn’t stop the excited thrill of my beating heart. What would tonight bring?

  The rest of the meal was one torturous waiting game. The more wine I drank, the nearer we drew to each other and the more unbearable the wait seemed. Already, I
’d basically forgotten the real reason I was here. All my earlier questions innocently asked about his business and who was in charge of different departments, even hinting at who was in charge of finances, he easily sidestepped. Right now, all I was looking forward to was getting back in bed with him.

  Once dinner was finally done and Eric had paid the check, we walked out, hand in hand.

  “Didn’t you say you didn’t want the tabloids getting ahold of us?” I asked him as we passed by a table full of staring men and women.

  Eric’s face darkened. Then he waved his hand in a dismissive gesture.

  “Better that than the alternative,” he said, “a new story every other week about which woman I’m partying with this time.”

  Now outside, he paused and turned to me.

  “Besides, the other option doesn’t much appeal to me. I’m paying for your time, and I mean to enjoy your company—holding hands and all. Besides,” he said, his gaze tracing my outline admiringly, “any man who wouldn’t be proud to be seen with you would be a fool.”

  A pleased flush went through me as a car pulled up.

  “You ready to go?” Eric said, gesturing to the back door of what I now saw was a limo.

  “We’re going back to your place?” I asked.

  Although this was what I had been secretly hoping for, that it was happening already was a bit startling. What other surprises did tonight have in store for me?

  “Sorry. I must’ve forgotten to mention it,” Eric said.

  His hand slid down to my back, and with his gaze meeting mine, he asked, “Kathryn, would you do me the gracious honor of accompanying me to my humble abode?”

  “Stop it,” I scolded him, whacking him with the back of my hand. “You are paying for my time,” I reminded him.

  “That doesn’t mean I don’t want you to enjoy yourself,” Eric said simply.

  Striding forward, he opened the limo door for me. Once I’d crawled in, he joined me. He slid open a panel to tell the driver we were ready to go. As the limo rolled off, Eric’s gaze swiveled to me.

  “I’ve been waiting all night for this,” he said in a low, throaty voice.

  “It’s pretty nice,” I said, dumbfounded as I scanned the interior of the limo, which was pretty impressive. The seats were all leather while the floor was an expensive-looking, gold-rippled blue.

  “No. Not that,” Eric said. “I’ve been waiting to do this.”

  His suctioning lips on mine provided the end to his sentence. Our tongues rolled together as easily as if they’d been doing it this whole time. Similarly, our bodies picked up where they had left off as well. Eric’s hands went to my tingling breasts while mine were irresistibly drawn to his groin. Partway there, I paused. Eric, however, wasted no time moving his kisses downward.

  Once at the top of my still-covered breasts, I stopped him with the palm of my hand.

  “What about the driver?”

  Eric tipped his head up to smile at me.

  “What do you think that dark glass is for?”

  His gaze flicked to the dark opaque glass, like the windows all around, that separated us from the driver. The slat Eric had slid open earlier was also closed. A swirl of apprehension went through me. My last line of defense was gone. As Eric unveiled my strapless bra, I surveyed his lowered head with interest. How many other women had enjoyed an exciting encounter like this with him in his personal limo?

  The next second, the thought was sucked out of me. Eric yanked down my strapless bra and plastered his lips where it had been. He started by painstakingly circling my nipple in diminishing circles until he finally attached his talented lips to my aching nub.

  A helpless cry escaped me. Eric paused to grin.

  “See? I knew what you wanted the moment you arrived at the booth.”

  My fingers clenched in slight defiance. Eric Black thought he knew me so well. What if he knew the truth about why I was here doing this with him? I had to be careful though. It felt so—

  Another groan fell from my mouth as Eric transferred his lips to my other breast. So fucking good.

  As his tongue continued flicking and sucking, my lips tugged at the tight skin of his neck. A breathless groan rumbled out of his throat as I repeated the motion.

  “Damn do you know what you’re doing, girl.” He peered into my face, then paused.

  “Actually, I’m just doing what feels right. I’m really not that experienced,” I admitted.

  He stared at me for a minute, as if his gaze could penetrate the layers of my skin and see directly into my brain for the answer to whatever he was about to ask me.

  “Why did you sign up for this then? The money?”

  I paused, troubled under his look. Although this seemed like an obvious question I should have been prepared for, I was not. I had pegged Eric Black as such a pompous jerk that he would take it for granted that any woman would jump at the chance to be his mistress.

  “I wanted to try it,” I said simply.

  Apparently satisfied, Eric’s hands continued stroking where his mouth had been. My gaze went to the dark window, where what looked to be a park rolled on by. Maybe Eric had accepted my haphazard answer because it was actually true. As soon as I’d seen his mistress ad, I’d wanted to see if I could really pull it off. If I could try it, so to speak.

  “Well, for a beginner, you’re natural,” he declared, his hand rolling around my knee now. I stared at his hand in slight fascination as it rubbed rising circles on me. I knew where the hand was going; it was where I wanted it to go.

  Then why did I instinctively feel like I needed to stop him? Eric’s hand slipped under my dress at the same moment the car stopped.

  Immediately, Eric lunged for the partition, opened it a bit, and then told the driver, “Thanks, Randolph. That will be all.”

  He closed the slat and then rounded on me.

  “Now,” he said, his whole face alight with excitement, “we can do exactly what we want.”

  He wasted no time slipping his hand back under my dress. His fingers found the waistband of my panties and snapped them. I gripped his dick through his pants eagerly.

  “Don’t have any of my toys here. It’s a pity,” Eric said, his gaze burning into mine. “Guess we’ll just have to fuck each other senseless without them.”

  His hand dipped into my quivering depths. Already, my body was buzzing from his touch. As his finger twirled in me, his lips on mine, his tongue thrust into my mouth, foreshadowing what was to come.

  This time, I was the one who undid Eric’s trousers. Underneath, his briefs were slick and shiny, and the bulge of his raging boner was prominent. I ran the front and back of my hand up and down, my pussy already aching for him.

  Eric pulled away from me, looking intently into my face.

  “Something bothering you?” he asked me with a cocky, knowing smile. “What is it you want, Kathryn?”

  “This,” I said, throwing my hand underneath his briefs and grasping his bare dick.

  I enjoyed the way that cocky smirk was wiped clean off his face as his lips form an “o” with his groan. Leaning forward so that my forehead was touching his hands and my gaze drilled into his blue-green irises, I said, “Give it to me. Give it to me now.”

  What followed was a scrambling out of clothes and a heaving of bodies together. Pants half off, Eric threw himself onto and in me. The second his dick slipped into me, both our bodies shook tremendously.

  “Oh yes,” I moaned, enjoying the taste of the words on my lips.

  This was going to be good, really fucking good. I could tell.

  On top of me, Eric thrust himself in deeper. Once he was in all the way, looking down on me, Eric kissed his fingertips and pressed the kiss onto my lips. When I started to kiss his lips back, he peeled them away.

  “None of that now,” he said, ramming himself into me again. “Right now, I’m fucking you until you scream.”

  With that steadfast proclamation, he started taking me shallow and fas
t. My pussy met every thrust, caught up in this electric-fast rhythm. Already, my orgasm was beckoning. When Eric paused the intense thrusts of his dick, my pussy clasped it back in desperation, my body bucking against him.

  “Please,” I implored him in a strained voice. “Please, Eric.”

  Slowly but surely, his dick started picking up the pace again. As he plowed me, Eric took my chin in his hands so I was looking him in the eye.

  “Who owns your pussy?” he asked through gritted teeth.

  As he accelerated the pace of his dick, he fucked the answer out of me.

  “You do.”

  His grasp on my chin tightened, but I barely noticed. With every inward thrust of his dick, my pleasure ricocheted up to unheard of levels. Coming was too tame a word for what I was feeling and doing. It was the absolute pinnacle of pleasure, how my body didn’t even feel like mine but some fantastical breathtaking wonder I didn’t even know was possible.

  And yet, Eric’s dick didn’t let up, even as I screamed. He slapped me, and my eyes fluttered open to see his, which were brutally triumphant.

  “Who owns you, huh?” he growled.

  As my body flailed for the last time, I spit out an answer,

  “You do.”

  Those two words lit him on fire and sent him over the edge as I started to slump into blurriness.

  Locked in a rhythmic spasm, his dick stabbed into me over and over and over again. Faster and harder, even more mercilessly than before. It struck my body back into a beautiful bright awareness and another ecstatic, thrumming release. Together, we came, him flowing into me and I on him. Then together, our bodies collapsed onto the cool leather seats.

  I was the first one to speak.

  “That was—”

  “Life-changing,” Eric declared in a raspy voice.

  In the dark, I was glad he couldn’t see my smile. Life-changing was a pretty intense adjective to describe what our bodies had just done.

  A shiver went through me. Who was I kidding? I hadn’t even known sex like that was possible, let alone that I could have it. This job was turning out to be a whole lot more than I had bargained for.


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