Love Undercover_A Romance Compilation

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Love Undercover_A Romance Compilation Page 19

by Amy Brent

  “You really don’t look well,” my mom said as I sat down, compressing her pink lips into a disapproving line.

  “I’m not well,” I said, “but can I at least get a glass of water before I start weeping to you about it?”

  Hearing the sharp edge in my tone, my mom simply nodded, holding out her own glass of water out to me. Grudgingly, I grabbed it and took a big gulp.


  As a quick-footed waitress hurried toward us, my mom gave her a curt wave away. Then she turned her concerned face to mine.

  “Tell me what’s wrong, Eric.”

  As she took both of my hands and gazed at me the way only she could with her understanding blue eyes, I caved.

  “Where to start?” I said, my gaze wilting, “You know that girl you thought I was seeing, Kathryn? She was actually a woman I found through an online ad and hired to be my mistress. I was tired of all the drama of one-night stands and flings.”

  In my grasp, I could feel my mom’s bony hands tighten.

  “Go on,” she said in a brittle voice.

  “Anyway, here is where the story gets even weirder,” I said quickly. Part of me sensed that if I stopped now, if I paused to gauge my mom’s reaction, I might not be able to go on and tell her the rest. Another part of me sensed that I simply had to.

  “Turns out she was an undercover cop investigating me to see if a tip that I’d been embezzling money from Virus Killer was true.”

  “What?” my mom asked, letting go of my hands entirely.

  I grabbed her water and flung the rest in my mouth, swishing it around. I held up a hand.

  “And that’s still not all.”

  “What?!” my mom said, so loud that a woman with a big sun hat at the next table turned around with an appalled look.

  Lowering my voice, I said, “She broke the news to me last Thursday, and then I got called into the police station on Friday for her to debrief me. Turns out it was all caused by that crazy woman I told you about, Trisha Nichols. She made the anonymous claims that I’d been stealing money a year ago, and the police had been trying to find evidence against me but couldn’t. So, they sent in Kathryn, who actually cleared me. Anyway, I could hardly believe it, but then, yesterday, she told me something else.”

  “Yes?” my mom asked anxiously, her hand reaching for mine again.

  I let her take it and squeeze it with both her hands.

  “She said she was pregnant.”

  A horrible silence settled over the table. It suddenly seemed like we were both in the center and at the edge of the universe all at once. All the flowers beside us bent over to listen; all the people in nearby tables seemed to be stoically avoiding looking our way.

  “She says it’s mine.”

  My mom’s eyes closed. When they opened, there was a look in them I couldn’t quite place.

  “Is she going to keep it?”

  I shook my head. “I don’t know. I don’t know what to do.”

  My mom was the one shaking her head now. She lifted her free hand to tuck a blond strand of hair behind her ear. It was her usual thoughtful gesture, and I could tell she was thinking like a maniac.

  Her eyes met mine.

  “And you say that now you two aren’t together?”

  I ripped my hand away.

  “What kind of question is that? Of course we’re not together. Mom, the woman lied to me from the very beginning. She pretended to be some writer who was just interested in being a mistress for the thrill. She was investigating me to the whole time, lying to my face the whole time.”

  My mother clasped her hands and tilted her head to the side. One blonde brow of hers rose obnoxiously.

  “The whole time?”

  I grabbed the water glass in front of me and shoved it up to my lips, gulping down air before I remembered it was empty. Slamming it back down on the table, I threw up my hands.

  “I don’t know, okay? Apparently she was telling the truth about her name and age and probably all the little stories she told me so we could bond, but the basic premise was always a lie. The whole framework of our relationship was a lie.”

  “You did fail to mention to your father and I that the girl you brought to meet us was your mistress,” my mom pointed out drily.

  My tensed fist on the table sagged.

  “Okay,” I said reasonably, “but I didn’t lie to you for weeks and months on end. I didn’t lie to you about caring about her.”

  “And do you know if that part of it was all a lie? That she didn’t care for you at all?” My mom looked straight at me, her calm blue gaze piercing into me. “I don’t know, Eric. I’m just your mom, and I don’t really know the girl that well. We only met twice. But you two seemed good together. Right. Maybe it was all an act on her part, but I wouldn’t write her off completely until you get her side of the story. Pretending to care for someone you don’t isn’t easy. Pretending to truly care—that kind of acting is hard to fake, don’t you think?”

  Although my angry gaze was fixed on my distended reflection on a piece of silverware, I could feel her eyes on me once more. I refused to respond in any way. I knew what she was getting at. She was talking about the one time she and my dad had set me up with this girl Martha a few years back. I had played along for a good month or so until the girl herself had dumped me, citing an obvious lack of feeling on my part. I’d been bad at the whole charade of pretending to care about her, even for the sake of my parents. This was different, though. I’d come to see that Kathryn was a seasoned liar.

  “Eric,” my mom said gently, “you said you two aren’t together now, but do you want to be?”

  It seemed there was no way to escape my mom’s question, or that expectant gaze of hers. I grabbed my water glass, set it back down furiously, and then grabbed my phone. I scrolled through a few funny texts Mark had sent and stopped on the conversation with Kathryn.

  “You need to call her now, honey?” my mom asked in a knowing voice.

  I stood up.

  “Do you mind if I go?” I told her.

  She smiled sanguinely. “You do what you have to,” she said.

  I gave her a quick hug before I strode off.

  It seemed I was barely off the patio when Kathryn picked up.

  “Eric. Hi,” she said in a guarded tone.

  “Everything that’s happened has been messing with my head,” I said. “Could you come over to my place? I know it’s the middle of the workday, but I need to talk to you now.”

  A pause, then: “I’ll be right there.”


  As soon as she walked through the doorway of my house, all my resolve to harshly interrogate her sagged.

  She was wearing the dress she’d had on for our first date, the satin paneled fuck-me of a dress.

  My gaze went to her frightened face with the despondent lower lip, and I knew immediately.

  “You weren’t pretending to have feelings for me, were you?” I asked in a low voice.

  Her lower lip trembling, Kathryn only shook her head.

  Her answer sent a jolt of electricity through me. Before I knew what I was doing, my lips had found hers. It felt as though they’d never left. Our hands and lips floated over each other easily, delighting in the well-known parts.

  Picking her up, I carried her to my bedroom. I placed her gently on the bed, careful to ensure that she was on her back. She was carrying my child after all.

  As I coated her body with kisses, our clothes slipped off like afterthoughts. Heedlessly, my lips flowed every which way over her. I wanted to taste every scrap of skin on her body. I wanted to lick her from head to toe. I want to fall on my knees and let my oral adoration worship her. Down between her legs, she was already wonderfully wet.

  Sliding a finger in her pussy, I enjoyed a self-satisfied smile.

  “Looks like someone missed me almost as much as I missed her.”

  A half-devilish, half-feverish smile flickered over Kathryn’s face. She was on the edge of the
bed now with her legs spread, and my mouth lowered onto her. Her pussy tasted deliciously sweet. I started off by kissing every inch between her legs. I nibbled at the crease where her upper thigh met her pussy, and she squealed. I licked and used my mouth for suction to tug at her pussy lips. More groans tumbled out. I smiled. God was she sexy.

  All the while, as I lazily slipped my finger inside her, stroking her depths, she was getting wetter by the second, and I hadn’t even found my final destination. When they finally kissed their way onto the soft bundle of nerves, a groan rumbled out deep from within her, as if it had been hiding in her clit all along.

  I lashed my tongue against it and she shivered. As I began sucking, I gradually built pleasure. Another finger joined the one stroking her pussy. My tongue and lips worked in tandem, a bit slower, a bit faster, a bit harder.

  Kathryn’s body was already twisting with my motions, twisting with joyful agony.

  On I went, stroking and licking and sucking and stroking some more until my finger and tongue were fused as one tool expressly for Kathryn’s pleasure. I stroked her oncoming orgasm until she was bloated with it, gasping with it, and, finally, delivered of it.

  As she came, her body shook so much, she nearly fell off the bed, but I caught her flailing form just in time.

  I placed her gently back on the bed. Afterward, she fluttered open her drowsy eyes. The expression in them reminded me of a baby cow I had seen somewhere. Some school trip or something years and years ago. It was a strange thing to be reminded of, but there it was: adorable. I had a sudden urge to kiss her. When I did, she grabbed me and shoved me over beside her on the bed.

  Now, she was the one clambering over me. Her pendulous breasts dragged over my face. I tried suctioning my mouth on them in vain. Kathryn was in motion, and she wasn’t going to be dissuaded from it. She dragged the huge mounds all the way down me, onto my raging boner. She gathered them around it, encircled it. I groaned. My dick was being suffocated by the softest pillows imaginable. I could have died happy right now.

  Then she finally lowered her lips onto my aching cock. The first touch got a gasp out of me. All the way to the base she sucked it, so far that it mashed against her throat, shaking both of us well and good. Even as she ascended it, she kept that same hyper-suction, and it felt like my dick was being enveloped by a suction machine. Yes, a machine. Kathryn was as good as one, better. Good enough to have been made expressly for my dick alone.

  She sucked my balls with just the right level of softness. She dragged her pointed tongue with just the right amount of hardness over them. She rubbed her face, her lips, and her cheeks over my dick with just the right amount of force.

  By the time she finally returned those lips of hers to my waiting dick, I was almost ready to come. As if sensing this, she sucked me long and slow. They were painfully savoring sucks, the kind that enveloped me fully, slurped and gulped me entirely. They were the kind that made the tip of my dick drag against every part of her mouth, the side of her cheek, the underside of her tongue. It felt like I was being slurped and coddled by desire itself.

  When my hand gave her head a harried pat, she knew what to do. Her eyes snapping open, she smiled devilishly. Then, she began. Her earlier sucks had just been teasing foreplay compared to what she unleashed on me now. A back-and-forth, up-and-down, side-to-side extravaganza of head. Her hand joined in as she slurped up and around my cock every which way, fast and faster, ramming my frenulum with her talented tongue over and over and over again. She beat the release out of me, going in a figure eight on the head. We were locked in one inevitable rise toward the finish.

  When she started groaning and I reached down to see that she was wet too, I lost it.

  As she sucked me with a final frenzy, I pumped my liquid into her, over and over and over again. Afterward, she gave my dick one last suck and a kiss on the tip.

  She wiped both of us off with the good old towel she found on my bedside table.

  “Eric,” she said, “I have a question.”

  Seeing the intent look on Kathryn’s face, I gulped.

  Chapter 29


  “Sucking you got me all wet,” I said, a bit embarrassed. “Do you think you could fuck me some more?”

  My words replaced Eric’s worried pout with a hungry smirk.

  Instead of answering me, he took me by the legs and dragged me to him. Then, he carefully climbed on top of me, slipped himself in me, and got to work.

  Inside me, I could feel he was semi-hard already. It was surprising, considering he’d come only a few minutes ago. But there he was, showing how horny my statement had made him and hardening by the second.

  As turned on as I already was, his thrusts stoked the fire I already had burning in me. Damn, it felt good. As I swiveled my hips back and forth, it occurred to me that his child was growing inside me. I hastily pushed the thought away.

  I could think about that later. Right now, I simply had to release what was all coiled up inside me. Eric rubbed his dick in me to perfection. Right now, every one of his insertions was something of a miracle in itself.

  We’d fucked tons of times before, sure, but there was something about this time. Maybe it was because I’d longed for him so much these past few days, but it felt like he was reaching crevices in me that he never had before—secret crevices of pleasure I hadn’t known were even there.

  And Eric was showing no signs of stopping. Above me, his gaze was fixed in avid concentration on the task at hand.

  When it settled on my floundering breasts, his lower lip dropped in pleasure. He dipped his head down to suckle one. A new flurry of desire broke out in me. I squeezed my breasts together over his eager face, and he nuzzled himself deep in them. All the while, he continued his unceasing thrusting.

  “Don’t stop,” I begged him. “Please don’t stop.”

  Enjoying just how desperate he was making me, he slowed for a minute.

  “And what will you do in exchange?”

  “Anything,” I groaned. “Please, anything.”

  I felt his dick twitch with satisfaction at that.

  Tired of waiting, I yanked myself free and sat myself backward on his dick. Now I was riding him, reverse cowgirl.

  Eric slapped my ass but didn’t move.

  “Bad girl.”

  I started my jerking in response. Grinding out just how much I needed this, I set a harried pace. Side to side, up and down, I ground my hips into him. It lit up my clit and pussy at once. Oh yes. This was going to be an orgasm to end all orgasms.

  As I began my final flailing, Eric spanked me on.

  Slap. “Fuck yes!”

  Slap. “I’m coming!”

  Slap. “Whhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”

  And then I collapsed onto him. For a few minutes, we lay like that. There was something perfect about still having his dick in me. Then my phone rang.

  “Hello?” I said groggily, picking up when I saw it was Sadie.

  “Kathryn, I need you here. Now.”

  She sounded miserable, like she’d been crying for the past day and a half and had to force herself to speak.

  “Of course,” I said. “What is it?”

  “It’s Marlow,” Sadie said in a violent whisper. “It’s that bastard Marlow.”

  “Of course. I’ll come right away,” I told her and hung up. Unwinding myself from Eric, I reached over for the towel and wiped us both up.

  “You have to go?” Eric said, making no effort to hide his disappointment.

  I nodded sadly myself.

  “I’m really sorry. That was Sadie. I think maybe she and her boyfriend broke up. She needs me.”

  Eric accepted this all with a silent pout. Finally, he nodded again.

  “Of course. You have to be there for your friend,” he said to himself mechanically, as if in saying the words he could make himself accept them.

  I turned to him with a big kiss on the lips.

  “I’m really sorry again, but I meant what I to
ld you at the door. While this started out as just a job for me, after only a few times seeing you, as much as I wanted to deny it myself, it became a lot more for me. My feelings for you were real. They are real.”

  Eric nodded, smiling shyly.

  “Good.” He nodded again. “We’ll talk later.”

  He walked me to the door, where he gave me a final spank.

  “I’ll see you soon, right?” he said before I was all the way out the door.

  On his top step, I turned to give him a smiling nod.

  “Of course.”

  As I reached my car, it occurred to me that Eric hadn’t specified when. And whenever soon turned out to be, it wasn’t soon enough for me.

  Chapter 30


  I woke up to cold. There was an emptiness beside me, a bareness. It took a moment of awkward arm shuffling before I remembered. Kathryn had left last night. She’d had to. Her friend had needed her.

  Propping myself up on one arm, I tried to make sense of what I felt. It was like swimming upstream in a downward surge of events and feelings. Last night, nothing had gotten solved. Sure, Kathryn had admitted that she did have feelings for me, but what difference did that make when we hadn’t established what it meant for our relationship? We were having a baby together, for god’s sake.

  A glance at my phone and I found she hadn’t called or left me any good-night messages. Momentarily, I considered calling her before thinking better of it. She was at work probably, where I should have been as well.

  But as I lay half propped up in my bed, the idea of going into work seemed as appetizing as jumping out the window.

  If all I was feeling right now was any indication, then I was better off staying at home. No point in wasting a perfectly good work day with my mind a raging typhoon of uncertainty and tension.

  Downstairs, all I could muster for breakfast was a pile of bacon thrown in the microwave. When was it my cook, Sandy, was coming back again?

  Focusing my brain on the task at hand didn’t produce the wanted results. Instead, I daydreamed about what Kathryn and I would be doing if she had stayed. A reluctant smile crossed my face. We probably wouldn’t have made it out of bed yet.


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