All Fear the Pharaoh

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All Fear the Pharaoh Page 4

by Neo Edmund

  It took Trini the better part of an hour to climb all the way up. Her hands trembled with fatigue as she reached back to lock the climbing cable to secure her position. With her hands free, she reached up for the pink urn. It took every bit of her concentration to avoid getting snagged on the thorny tree roots. When she finally got a grip on the urn, the thing wouldn’t budge an inch. Even after ripping away some of the roots, she still couldn’t pull it free.

  “Alpha 5, the urn is jammed in tight,” Trini said. “Do you have any ideas how I can get it loose?”

  “I think I know what the problem is, and it’s very bad,” said Alpha 5.

  Trini then saw what Alpha 5 was so worried about. The pink urn was locked in the pincer of a huge scorpion. The beast measured over twelve feet long and probably weighed hundreds of pounds. It took every bit of courage Trini had not to cry out in fear.

  “Aye-yi-yi, Trini, you need to get out of there right away,” said Alpha 5.

  “Trini, this is Zordon; I’m afraid I have to agree with Alpha 5. It’s far too dangerous to face that beast on your own,” he said.

  “You’re probably right, but I’m not leaving without that urn,” Trini insisted. “The other Rangers wouldn’t turn tail and run if I was trapped inside that thing.”

  “Understood. Do what you must and may the Power protect you,” Zordon replied.

  Trini climbed up another couple of feet so she could get a clear look at the scorpion. The best she could tell, the beast appeared to be sleeping. That was a huge relief. The thing was so big it could crush Trini’s entire body in one of its massive pincers.

  She reached out and gripped the pink urn firmly in both hands. Taking a deep breath, she pulled with all her might. The urn’s smooth glossy surface made it tough to keep a grip. After a full minute of straining and pulling, the urn finally broke free.

  “Got it,” Trini exclaimed.

  “Good work,” Alpha 5 cheered. “Stand by, and I’ll teleport you out of there.”

  The scorpion suddenly snapped awake and lurched forward. Trini couldn’t move. She couldn’t think. The only thing she could do was gasp in terror.

  Chapter 11

  Breathless and paralyzed by fear, Trini stared up at the scorpion. Before she could hope to react, the beast plucked the pink urn from her grip. It then reached out one of its massive pincers and snapped her climbing cable. Trini desperately gripped the cliff wall. The brittle rocks cracked and crumbled in her hands. At best, she had only seconds before she would plummet to her doom.

  “Aye-yi-yi, Trini, you need to teleport out of there before it’s too late,” Alpha 5 yelped.

  “I’m not going anywhere until I get that urn,” Trini insisted.

  Trini knew her only chance would be to morph into the Yellow Ranger, but with both her hands clinging to the cliff, that just wasn’t an option. She first needed to get to a place stable enough so she could reach for her Morpher. Taking a quick look around, she spotted a small ledge a few yards to her left.

  As Trini began to work her way across, she saw the scorpion staring down at her from above. Its red eyes glared so bright that she had to look away. The scorpion then let out a furious screech and stabbed at Trini with its venomous tail. The strike missed her by mere inches, and the scorpion’s tail bashed into the cliff. Sharp rocks scattered toward Trini, scratching up her arm and leg.

  Trini reached out for the ledge desperately, but it was just beyond her reach. With no other choice, she found two solid footholds, crouched down low, and took a deep breath. Then, with every bit of strength she could muster, she made a daring leap for the ledge. Her valiant effort proved to be just enough to make it all the way. She caught the edge and quickly scurried the rest of the way up.

  Glancing back, Trini saw the scorpion crawling along the cliff wall, jamming its pincers into the rocks as it moved. At the speed the beast was coming, it would reach her in only seconds. With no time to catch her breath, Trini grabbed her Morpher and extended her arms.

  “It’s Morphin Time!” she shouted.

  Now morphed into the Yellow Ranger, Trini set her sights on taking the urn back from the scorpion. Without hesitation, she lunged at the menacing creature. The scorpion tried to smack the Yellow Ranger away with its pincer, but she twisted around and dodged the strike. With one hand, she grabbed on to the scorpion’s massive head. With the other hand, she punched the beast right between the eyes. The strike caused the scorpion to stumble.

  With the beast knocked out of its senses, the Yellow Ranger grabbed the pink urn and tucked it under one arm. She gripped the cliff with her free hand and looked into the scorpion’s eyes. “This is the part where you go tumbling down.”

  The Yellow Ranger raised a leg high and then kicked downward with all her might. The walloping strike caused the scorpion to lose its grip on the wall. Its legs flailed helplessly as it plummeted and crashed onto the rocky ground below.

  The Yellow Ranger gasped rapidly to catch her breath. She tapped her communicator to teleport away, but just as at the museum, a yellow energy field flickered around her and then faded away. She tried again, with the same result. “Alpha 5, can you hear me?”

  “I read you loud and clear, Trini,” Alpha 5 replied.

  “I’m having trouble teleporting again,” the Yellow Ranger replied. “Any chance you can get me out of here?”

  “Right away,” Alpha 5 said. “And if I may say so, you were awesome.”

  Chapter 12

  At the Command Center, Alpha 5 waved a digital scanning wand over the pink urn. Trini hunched in exhaustion, still gasping to catch her breath. There were several scrapes and scratches on her arms and legs, but she had more important concerns at the moment.

  “Alpha 5, please tell me you can get Kimberly out of that thing,” Trini said.

  “Aye-yi-yi,” Alpha 5 said. “I’m afraid the urn is sealed by nanotronic energy.”

  “Well, now we at least know the source of the nanotronic energy,” Trini said, then looked up at Zordon. “Do you think that being near the urns is what’s causing my communicator to malfunction when I try to use it to teleport?”

  Zordon nodded. “That is a certainty. It also means that whenever you are near any of the urns, you won’t be able to teleport on your own. We will have to rely on the systems here at the Command Center.”

  Alpha 5 stepped up next to Trini. “And to make it even worse, until we figure out how to defuse the nanotronic energy, we won’t be able to free the Rangers from the urns,” he yelped.

  “Then we’ll smash the urn to bits,” Trini insisted. “We must have something around here that can bust through this thing.”

  Zordon looked at Trini. “I’m sorry, but we have no way of knowing what effect that would have on Kimberly. Our only choice is to find a way to dispel the mystical seal.”

  “So then I’ve failed the Rangers again,” Trini lamented.

  “That is not true,” Zordon said. “If not for your bravery, we would have never recovered the urn. You’ve taken us one step closer to saving the other Rangers.”

  Trini shrugged in half-hearted agreement. “I won’t rest until we recover all four urns and all my friends are finally free.”

  “We won’t rest, either. Not for a second. Or even a nanosecond,” said Alpha 5.

  Trini smiled warmly. “Thank you, both of you.”

  “Then it is settled. We will continue working here, and you shall return to Angel Grove. I believe you have a hike to lead today,” Zordon said.

  “Oh no! I nearly forgot,” Trini said, checking her watch. “I just hope I can still make it in time.”

  • • •

  On the observation deck of the Moon Palace, the Griffin Pharaoh was still sitting on Rita’s throne. Putty Patrollers fanned him with large palm leaves, while others served him grapes from a golden bowl.

  Squatt and Baboo raced
in the door, tripping and stumbling in a frantic frenzy.

  “Griffin Pharaoh, this has gone on long enough,” Squatt yelped. “The Yellow Ranger just found one of the urns, and you need to do something about it.”

  The Griffin Pharaoh laughed deviously. “I don’t care if that inferior Yellow Ranger finds all four urns. Only I, the great Griffin Pharaoh, know how to open them. Now get out of my sight.”

  Baboo puffed up his chest, trying to look tough. “I think you’re a little mixed up about who’s in charge around here.”

  Squatt folded his arms, also trying to look tough. “Now get off your golden butt this minute, or we’ll—”

  The Griffin Pharaoh leaped to his feet. He bashed Squatt and Baboo with his cyclone staff, hard enough to knock them to the floor. “Take this as my final warning, peasant fools. Question my authority one more time, and I’ll blast you both clear across the cosmos,” he shouted.

  Finster, who had been watching quietly from the corner, decided it was time to step in. “Greetings, Griffin Pharaoh. May I most humbly approach your greatness?”

  The Griffin Pharaoh pointed his staff at Finster. “Who are you, and what is your purpose?”

  Finster bowed nervously. “I am here to serve you, great Griffin Pharaoh. And, if I may be so humble, to offer you a bit of valuable advice.”

  The Griffin Pharaoh glared at Finster. “You may speak, but you had better speak well.”

  Finster moved closer. “It’s about the Power Ranger that escaped from your clutches. It would be in your best interest to return to Earth and capture her as soon as possible.”

  “If you’re speaking of that yellow coward, she is of no concern to me,” the Griffin Pharaoh said.

  “I must humbly disagree,” said Finster. “Our Queen Rita battled these Power Rangers many times. They are quite cunning. Disregarding even one of them could be a disastrous mistake.”

  The Griffin Pharaoh considered this carefully and nodded. “Very well. In that case, I will deal with this Yellow Ranger.”

  “A wise decision, your greatness,” Finster said, breathing a sigh of relief.

  The Griffin Pharaoh looked at Squatt and Baboo. “Seek out the Yellow Ranger and tell her that I, the great Griffin Pharaoh, have decreed that on this day, we shall meet on the field of battle.” He then waved his staff and the fifth urn magically appeared before him. “When she arrives, I will trap her in my final urn, and these meddlesome Power Rangers will trouble me no longer.”

  Squatt approached the Griffin Pharaoh nervously. “And how do we get her to agree to face you?” the dimwitted sidekick said. “The Yellow Ranger will know it’s a trap.”

  Finster nodded. “We will need some sort of bait to lure her out.”

  The Griffin Pharaoh thought for a moment. “Tell the Yellow Ranger that I will bring an urn containing one of her Ranger friends. If she can defeat me in battle, then it shall be her prize.”

  “And we’ll be there to make sure that she loses,” Finster muttered wickedly.

  Chapter 13

  Trini teleported directly into her tent at the Angel Grove Campground. After a night of battling the giant scorpion in the blistering heat, she felt exhausted and much in need of some sleep. Rest would have to come later, she told herself, and then made a quick change into her Angel Scout hiking outfit.

  Moments later, Trini hurried out of her tent and was disheartened to find that the scouts were already gone. Ms. Gertrude must have grown tired of waiting for her and decided to lead the hike herself.

  For the next half hour, Trini raced along the hiking path. She searched every place the scouts would have gone. They weren’t at the bird sanctuary, or the wildlife refuge, or the wading pond. By the time Trini reached the upper ridge, she’d begun to worry. As much as she hated interrupting Alpha 5 and Zordon’s search for the other Rangers, she needed to know that the scouts weren’t in danger.

  “Alpha 5, do you read me?” Trini said into her communicator.

  “Alpha 5 here,” he replied. “If you’re calling for an update on the search, unfortunately I have nothing new to report.”

  “Sorry to hear that,” said Trini with a disappointed sigh. “But I’m actually calling to see if you could do a scan of the hiking trail. I’m trying to locate the scouts.”

  “Just give me one minute to align the scanners,” Alpha 5 said.

  Trini waited nervously as Alpha 5 performed the search. She would never forgive herself if something bad had happened to the scouts.

  After a few tense moments, Alpha 5 finally replied, “Aye-yi-yi, I’ve found the scouts. They’re hiding out in the ancient painted caves.”

  “Hiding from what?” Trini asked urgently.

  “Not from what! From whom,” Alpha 5 yelped. “Squatt and Baboo are outside the cave with a squad of Putty Patrollers.”

  “Copy, Alpha 5, I’m on my way,” she said and then pulled out her Morpher. “It’s Morphin Time!”

  Trini morphed into the Yellow Ranger and teleported directly into the painted caves. The rocky walls were decorated with images created by a tribe that had lived in Angel Grove thousands of years ago. During a search of the expansive caverns, the Yellow Ranger found Ms. Gertrude, Silvia, and the other scouts huddled behind a rock formation. All the girls lit up with excitement when they saw the Yellow Ranger.

  “I told you the Power Rangers would save us,” Silvia said in amazement.

  Ms. Gertrude was equally awestruck. “Thank you for coming, Ms. Yellow Ranger. How did you find us?”

  “You can thank Trini Kwan. She’s been searching for you,” the Yellow Ranger said.

  “But how did Trini know?” Silvia asked.

  “No time to explain,” the Yellow Ranger said. “I’m going out there to deal with the monsters. I want you all to wait just inside the cave entrance. When I give the signal, make a break for the hiking path and head straight back to your camp as fast as you can.”

  Ms. Gertrude and the scouts all nodded.

  The Yellow Ranger led the scouts toward the cave’s main entrance. The scouts took cover behind a large boulder. When the Yellow Ranger stepped out of the cave, a dozen Putty Patrollers raced over and circled around her.

  Squatt and Baboo were standing at the far end of the rocky area outside the cave.

  “We were wondering when you would show up, Yellow Ranger,” said Squatt.

  “And just so you know, we know you’re hiding those scouts inside the cave,” said Baboo.

  The Yellow Ranger raised a fist. “And just so you know, if you do anything to hurt those scouts, you’ll have my fist to answer to.”

  “Cool your jets,” Squatt said. “We’re just here to deliver a message.”

  “The Griffin Pharaoh wants to fight you,” said Baboo. “He says you have to meet him at the rock quarry in one hour.”

  The Yellow Ranger shook her head. “I’m not letting him trap me in one of his urns. Tell him I’m not falling for his tricks.”

  “It’s no trick. It’s a challenge,” Squatt said. “The Griffin Pharaoh says if you can beat him, your prize will be an urn that one of your Ranger friends is trapped in.”

  “And just in case you’re not getting it, you can either go fight him there, or you can fight us here,” Baboo said.

  The Yellow Ranger now understood what Squatt and Baboo were up to. If she refused to meet the Griffin Pharaoh at the rock quarry, the scouts would be in great danger.

  “Fine. If you let the scouts go free, I’ll fight the Griffin Pharaoh,” the Yellow Ranger said.

  “Then we have a deal,” said Squatt.

  “Come out, come out, little scouts,” Baboo shouted.

  Ms. Gertrude and the scouts peered out from the cave.

  “It’s okay,” said the Yellow Ranger. “Head back to camp, and don’t stop for anything.”

  Ms. Gertrude and t
he scouts nervously emerged from the cave and hurried toward the hiking path. They soon were heading off down the trail to safety.

  “We’ve kept our part of the deal,” said Squatt. “Now you’d better keep your part, or your precious scouts won’t be so lucky next time.”

  Chapter 14

  Trini stood looking at the Command Center’s viewing globe. It displayed an aerial view of a rock quarry located on the outskirts of Angel Grove. Machines were busy ripping deep into the earth, forming a rocky canyon fifty feet deep and over a mile wide.

  “Aye-yi-yi,” Alpha 5 yelped, pacing in a frantic frenzy. “This is a terrible idea. Zordon, please try to talk some sense into her.”

  “I’m sorry, Alpha 5, but Squatt and Baboo have left us with no choice,” Zordon said.

  “I already gave my word that I would go. It was the only way I could assure the safety of the scouts,” Trini said.

  “But you’ll be walking right into a trap,” Alpha 5 said.

  “Alpha 5 is correct,” Zordon said. “There is no doubt that the Griffin Pharaoh will attempt to trap you in the fifth urn. If that were to happen, you and the other Rangers could remain captive for all time.”

  Trini nodded nervously. “It could also be a chance to get one of the missing urns. I have to try.”

  Zordon carefully considered this. “Very well. Remember, the Griffin Pharaoh’s nanotronic energy may prevent you from using your communicator to teleport.”

  Trini understood. “Then I’m going to have to rely on you and Alpha 5 to do that for me. Actually, my entire plan depends on it.”

  Alpha 5 stood straight and saluted Trini. “You can count on us. We won’t let you down.”

  “Then it’s decided,” Trini said, holding out her Morpher. “Back to action!”

  The Yellow Ranger teleported to the upper rim of the rock quarry. The pit looked far more treacherous than it had when she saw it on the viewing globe. Her heart began to race as she cautiously made her way down a steep embankment. With every step forward, she had to be careful not to slip on the loose chunks of gravel scattered all over the ground.


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