All Fear the Pharaoh

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All Fear the Pharaoh Page 7

by Neo Edmund

  “Alpha 5, I’ve found the urn, but its guardian creature is crazy quick. Is there any way you can track the thing?” the Yellow Ranger asked.

  “Aye-yi-yi, I’ll do my best,” said Alpha 5.

  The Yellow Ranger chased Bastet down an alleyway, across a parking lot, and onto a busy city street. They nimbly dashed and weaved around pedestrians on the crowded sidewalks. People watched in amazement, snapping photos and recording videos.

  The Yellow Ranger rounded a street corner. Bastet was nowhere to be seen. “Alpha 5, I’ve lost her. Any idea where she went?”

  “She’s at an intersection two blocks from your position,” Alpha 5 replied. “Hold on for an assist.”

  Alpha 5 teleported the Yellow Ranger to Bastet’s location. Upon her arrival, the Yellow Ranger heard horns honking and tires screeching. She then saw Bastet crossing the street by nimbly leaping from the top of one speeding car to the next.

  The Yellow Ranger looked for an opening to safely cross, but there were far too many speeding cars in her way. “Alpha 5, I could use another assist.”

  Alpha 5 teleported the Yellow Ranger to the other side of the street. She emerged just ahead of Bastet. The clever creature hissed viciously and skidded to a stop.

  “The yellow kitty’s more cunning than I thought,” Bastet said. “Now let’s find out if she can climb like a real cat.” She whisked past the Yellow Ranger and swiftly scurried up the side of a building.

  “That is way beyond my climbing skills,” the Yellow Ranger said.

  “I’ve got you covered, Trini,” said Alpha 5.

  Alpha 5 teleported the Yellow Ranger to the building’s rooftop, just as Bastet completed her climb and leaped up onto the ledge.

  “Miss me?” the Yellow Ranger asked.

  Bastet screeched with fright and nearly tumbled over the ledge.

  The Yellow Ranger grabbed her by the leg just in time. “Saved your life.”

  Bastet pulled away. “I suppose I should thank you for that.”

  The Yellow Ranger wheezed to catch her breath. “The way I see it, we can either keep up this chase forever, fight it out for the urn, or come up with a third option.”

  Bastet grinned deviously. “How about we play a new game? I ask you three riddles, and if you get them all right, you can have the urn.”

  The Yellow Ranger eyed Bastet skeptically. “I suspect a trick, but I’m game if you are.”

  “Oh goody, I so love a good game of riddles.” Bastet tapped her forehead with a claw tip as she thought up a riddle. “Riddle one: There are two sisters. One gives birth to the other and she, in turn, gives birth to the first. Who are the sisters?”

  Trini grinned, having remembered learning this riddle several years ago while on an Angel Scout trip. “Easy! Night and day.”

  Bastet grimaced in irritation. “Riddle two: What walks on four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three at night?”

  Trini snickered. “Also easy. The answer is a person. We crawl on all fours as babies, then walk on two legs as adults and three when we get old and have to use a cane.”

  Bastet gritted her teeth. “Now for riddle three. I must warn you that this one might send you plunging head over heels. Are you sure you want to risk it?”

  “Just get to it. I’ve got places to be,” the Yellow Ranger said.

  “As you wish,” Bastet said. “Riddle three: What can both blind a person and make her see?”

  The Yellow Ranger remembered hearing this riddle on a cartoon she had seen as a little girl. “The answer is sand. If it gets in your eyes, you won’t be able to see, but sand can also be ground up to make glass for glasses.”

  Bastet purred. “Very well done, Yellow Ranger. I am indeed impressed.”

  “I’ve played your game, so give me the urn as we agreed,” the Yellow Ranger demanded.

  “Of course, Yellow Ranger,” Bastet said, then clicked her claws. The red urn appeared in her hands. “But first, I have a bonus riddle for you. What game do cats hate but dogs adore?”

  The Yellow Ranger shrugged, not quite certain. “Is it ‘go fetch’?”

  “It is ‘go fetch,’” Bastet said with a giggle, then flung the urn as hard as she could, right over the ledge of the building. “So go fetch, kitty.”

  “I should have seen that coming,” the Yellow Ranger said. She fearlessly raced for the ledge and dove off the building. Plummeting headfirst toward the pavement, she reached out for the urn.

  Mere seconds before impact, the Yellow Ranger caught the urn and rotated to get her feet beneath her. She hit the ground, then skillfully managed to execute a dazzling dive roll, and sprang to her feet. She stood, gasping to catch her breath. She was stunned that she’d been able to perform such a dazzling feat.

  “That was amazing, Trini,” Alpha 5 cheered. “I guess it is true what they say: Cats really do always land on their feet.”

  Chapter 22

  At the Command Center, Trini carefully placed the red urn on a workbench next to the other three. A tear trickled down her cheek when she saw the four urns together. It reminded her of just how much she missed her friends.

  Alpha 5 placed a hand on Trini’s shoulder to comfort her. “Don’t be sad. We’re going to find a way to get them out of there.”

  Trini wiped a tear from her eye. “The Griffin Pharaoh’s nano-solidification is only a day from being complete. Once that happens, they may be stuck in there forever.”

  Zordon looked down at Trini. “There may be a solution, but it is potentially dangerous.”

  “Aye-yi-yi! Don’t tell me you’re thinking what I think you’re thinking,” said Alpha 5.

  “It may be our last chance to save the Rangers. We have to try,” Zordon said.

  “What are you two talking about?” Trini asked nervously.

  Alpha 5 brought up a digital display of the Command Center on a computer screen. “The idea would be to channel energy from Zordon’s hyperspace chamber into the Command Center’s teleportation matrix. That could make it possible to extract the Rangers from the urns.”

  “So what’s the dangerous part of this plan?” Trini asked.

  “Zordon’s connection to the Command Center could become destabilized. If that happens, he could be lost forever,” Alpha 5 said.

  Trini shook her head. “Zordon, you can’t seriously be considering this.”

  “If there is even the slightest possibility of success, we have to try,” Zordon said. “Alpha 5, prepare the transporter’s power buffers.”

  “Whatever you say, Zordon,” Alpha 5 said.

  “Trini, if this doesn’t work, you must flee the Command Center with the utmost haste,” Zordon warned.

  Trini took a nervous gulp and nodded.

  “We’ll start with the lowest power setting,” Alpha 5 said. He flicked a series of switches on the main computer console. “Engaging power transfer now.”

  An energy field started to swirl around the urns, causing them to glow. Trini’s eyes lit up with joy when she saw faint outlines of the Rangers trapped inside.

  “We’ve breached the exterior shells. Increasing power,” Alpha 5 said, turning a dial on the console from 25 percent to 50 percent.

  The urns began to shimmy and shake.

  “I think it’s working,” Trini said excitedly. “Try increasing the power again.”

  “I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” Alpha 5 said. “I’m picking up irregularities in the containment field.”

  Inside the hyperspace chamber, Zordon began to flicker slightly. “The irregularities are within safety parameters. You may proceed, but please do so with extreme caution.”

  “Aye-yi-yi, I hope you’re right about this, Zordon,” Alpha 5 said, increasing power to 75 percent.

  The energy field swirled faster and faster. The urns shook harder. The lids clanked and cl
unked. Trini was certain the tops were going to burst open and the Rangers would be freed.

  “Increasing to maximum power,” Alpha 5 said, turning the dial to 100 percent.

  Searing bolts of energy zapped from the urns. Trini and Alpha 5 had to dive for cover to avoid getting shocked. Several of the control consoles took direct hits, shorting them out. Inside the hyperspace chamber, Zordon disappeared and reappeared over and over again.

  “We have to shut it down before the Command Center is destroyed,” Trini shouted.

  “Aye-yi-yi, I knew this was a bad idea,” Alpha 5 said, reaching for the power dial, but a bolt of energy zapped him. He stumbled backward and fell to the floor. “Systems overload. Must shut down and reboot.” He then went offline.

  “Trini, you must abandon the Command Center. Save yourself,” Zordon said. He was in danger of disappearing entirely.

  Trini wasn’t about to leave her friends again. Taking a deep breath, she gathered her courage and dashed toward the main console. She dodged the blistering energy bolts and leaped toward the console, slamming down her hand on the shutdown switch.

  The energy field dispersed. The glow around the urns faded away. The energy bolts stopped blasting from the urns. Zordon stabilized and returned to his normal state. Alpha 5 finished rebooting and sat holding his head in bewildered confusion.

  “Trini, are you okay?” Zordon asked.

  Trini nodded. “I’m fine. But it looks like the Rangers may stay trapped forever.”

  “Don’t give up, Trini,” Zordon said. “We will find another way. I promise.”

  Chapter 23

  That night at Angel Grove Park, the Griffin Pharaoh strutted around arrogantly. He approached the playground that Trini had picked for the Community Fix Up. The monkey bars, slides, and swings were bent, twisted, and broken, the unfortunate result of a recent attack by the evil forces of Rita Repulsa.

  “This will be the perfect spot for my new pyramid, but first I need to clear out this junk,” the Griffin Pharaoh said, raising his cyclone staff. It began to spin rapidly, causing a massive gust of wind. Piece by piece, the remains of the damaged playground were blown away into the distance.

  “Now I just need a legion of servants to build the thing,” the Griffin Pharaoh said. He looked at his hands. The Nanosand was hardly moving. “In just one more day, I’ll be indestructible. Then the world will be mine to rule.”

  A bright light flashed nearby. The Griffin Pharaoh turned and shielded his eyes from the burning glare. When the light had faded away, Finster stood holding a red velvet pillow with the mind-control crown atop it. Squatt and Baboo stood cowering behind him.

  The Griffin Pharaoh pointed his staff at them. “Stay back, peasants. I have grown weary of your foolish antics.”

  Finster bowed down on one knee. “My most sincere apologies, master. We are here to pledge our allegiance to your greatness.” He approached the Griffin Pharaoh and presented the crown. “And to prove our worth, we have brought a gift for you.”

  The Griffin Pharaoh leaned in for a closer look. “What exactly is this strange trinket?”

  “It’s your new crown,” Finster said. “All great rulers should have one, and you are the greatest ruler of all.”

  “That’s not true,” Squatt said with a raised fist. “Queen Rita is the greatest ruler in the whole universe.”

  “And when she gets back from her secret trip, she’ll prove it,” Squatt said.

  The Griffin Pharaoh glared at them bitterly. “What treachery is this?”

  Finster gritted his teeth. “Ignore those oafs. They’re just too foolish to recognize your greatness. Now may I place this crown upon your head?”

  The Griffin Pharaoh nodded. “Very well. You may have the honor.”

  Finster stepped behind the Griffin Pharaoh and placed the crown upon his head. “A perfect fit. Now everyone will know who’s in charge.”

  “You have served me well, little peasant,” said the Griffin Pharaoh.

  “Oh, you’ll find I am far more than a peasant,” Finster said. From his back pocket, he pulled out a crudely built remote control with blinking lights and a long antenna. He turned a large knob and flicked a few switches on the device. “Now you’re going to serve me. Isn’t that right?”

  The lights on the crown blinked red. The Griffin Pharaoh’s eyes glazed over with a vacant expression. He was suddenly in a hypnotic trance. “Yes, master, I will serve you.”

  “We did it,” Squatt cheered.

  “Now we can finally get our plan back on track,” Baboo said.

  Squatt and Baboo grabbed for the remote control.

  Finster stepped back. “Watch it, you fools. This device is much too delicate for your clumsy hands. I will handle things from here. And the first thing we need to do is trap the Yellow Ranger in the fifth urn.”

  “And where and how are we going to do that?” Squatt asked.

  Finster walked over to a lamppost and looked at a sign advertising the Community Fix Up. At the bottom of the sign, it read: HOSTED BY TRINI KWAN AND THE ANGEL SCOUTS, SATURDAY AT 8:00 A.M. “The when and where will be right here,” he said, grinning maliciously.

  Chapter 24

  Dawn hadn’t yet broken when Trini arrived at Angel Grove Park. After days of mishaps and missteps on her Angel Scout leadership exam, she knew the Community Fix Up was her last chance to prove herself to Ms. Gertrude. Nothing on earth would stand between her and a successful event.

  Trini’s hopeful outlook on the day came crashing down when she arrived at the playground. Every last piece of the equipment had vanished. Little did she know, the Griffin Pharaoh had sent it all soaring to distant areas of the park.

  “Alpha 5, do you read me?” Trini said into her communicator.

  “I’m receiving you, Trini. It took a lot of work, but most of the Command Center’s systems are back online,” Alpha 5 said.

  “That’s great news,” Trini said. “If the viewing globe is working, please take a quick look around Angel Grove Park and tell me if you see anything out of the ordinary.”

  “Will do,” Alpha 5 said. A minute passed before he spoke again. “Aye-yi-yi! There are pieces of broken playground equipment scattered all over the park. How could that have happened?”

  Trini sighed. “No idea, but I need to get all those pieces to the playground before the Fix Up begins.”

  “I’m not sure that you could do that even if you had a week. Some of those pieces weigh hundreds of pounds,” said Alpha 5.

  “There’s only one way I could do it,” Trini said. “Zordon, do you hear me?”

  “I do, Trini. And while I don’t condone the use of Ranger powers for personal gain, I am always in favor of helping the people of Angel Grove,” said Zordon.

  Trini morphed into the Yellow Ranger and got to work. With Alpha 5 guiding the way, she was able to locate the missing pieces of equipment. For the next two hours, she carried, pushed, and dragged every piece back to the playground. She moved slides, swings, and monkey bars. Even with her powers, the process was frustratingly difficult and dreadfully exhausting.

  By the time sunrise arrived, she had managed to recover the majority of the pieces and parts. She could only hope that her team of volunteers would be able to put the piles of rubble back together. A mere minute after she de-morphed and sat down to catch her breath, Ms. Gertrude arrived.

  “Ms. Kwan, I’m pleased to see you here this early,” said Ms. Gertrude. She looked over the mess of rubble and wrote a note on her clipboard. “You’ve sure got your work cut out for you today. I do hope you’re up for it?”

  Trini nodded with certainty. “You better believe I am.”

  An hour later, the mangled playground was abuzz with activity. Dozens of volunteers arrived to help out. Some brought tools and construction equipment, while others brought food and drinks to keep everyone going. Trini r
aced around tirelessly to keep everything organized.

  By late morning, the volunteers were working together like a well-oiled machine. With Trini leading the effort, there was little doubt that the work would be completed in a single day. Making it even better, Ms. Gertrude was quite pleased with the results and even complimented Trini on her organizational skills.

  When noon rolled around and everyone broke for lunch, Trini got a chance to rest. She tried to enjoy her moment of success, but it wasn’t easy knowing that the other Rangers were still trapped inside the urns. If that wasn’t stressful enough, the Griffin Pharaoh was mere minutes from completing nano-solidification, and she had no idea how to find him, much less defeat him.

  Silvia dropped a heavy history book on the table in front of Trini. “I have great news. Can you guess what it is?”

  Startled, Trini leaped halfway out of her seat. “Silvia, I didn’t notice you there.”

  “Sorry, I just had to tell you right away.” Silvia flipped open the book to the chapter about the Griffin Pharaoh. “I figured out his weakness. It was right here in the book all along.”

  Just then, startled screams erupted from all around. The scouts and volunteers were scattering in a panic. Trini saw the cause of the chaos: An army of Putty Patrollers swarmed into the area. Squatt and Baboo then teleported into the middle of the playground.

  “Putty Patrollers, capture the humans. Don’t let any escape,” Squatt commanded.

  Chapter 25

  “Trini, what do we do?” Silvia cried.

  Trini knew the Putty Patrollers were far too great in number for her to fight alone. They were already rounding up the scouts and volunteers and herding them into the center of the playground. Her only chance would be to morph into the Yellow Ranger, but that wasn’t an option with so many people around.

  Before Trini could figure out a plan, a pair of Putty Patrollers raced her way. The first grabbed Trini from behind and locked its muscular arms around her waist. The other Putty Patroller scooped up Silvia over its shoulder. She screamed and kicked helplessly, trying to get away.


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