Cowboy Bikers MC #6

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Cowboy Bikers MC #6 Page 7

by Esther E. Schmidt

  “That’s the reason we’re here, to take out the trash so everything can go back to normal. Funny, though. The DEA sticking their nose into our business to check if we’re into some shady shit. Yet we’re the one to wrap up the bad seed within the DEA.”

  “Don’t remind me,” Nick grumbles and rubs a hand over his face before he shifts his attention back to me. “All we need is his admittance to you planting evidence he’s supplying. As soon as those words leave his mouth we’re pulling you out. Understood?”

  “Understood.” I glance down at my chest where underneath my shirt the tiny high-tech equipment is hidden.

  They’re going to be listening in on every word voiced and any sigh expelled. Dammit. My palms are damp and my nerves are shot. I seriously wish I could fast forward this day and know all will be well.

  What I wouldn’t give to have this shit behind me so I can go riding with Alfie and Joaquin. Either on the back of either of their bikes or take the three horses out for a long ride. Alfie has three horses and though I adore all three, my favorite is the brown quarter horse which is the youngest of the bunch.

  He’s dynamite in a muscled package and he keeps me working every second I’m on his back. It’s no wonder Alfie named him Dev, it’s short for Devil. But he’s such a joy to ride and sweet as sugar when I’m grooming him.

  But right now, my mind doesn’t need to dwell on all the joys my life has been wrapped with these days. It needs to be sharp and ready because the details I’ve been told about my partner gives me the creeps. Those bikers from the other chapter think Matt killed the other woman he tried to force into planting evidence.

  I’m not in the mood for dying. Even more when I feel life has just started. But I’m ready to face him. I’ve been trained to do this. I might be quitting after this is handled, but I’m not weak; I can, and will do this.

  “Okay, we’re going to leave but we’re right outside in the white van,” Decker says.

  Nick leans on the table. “Don’t hesitate. He might be your partner but if he’s dirty he’s just another criminal who needs to be behind bars. Understood?”

  I give him a tight nod and both men walk out the back door. The place where Matt and I meet to discuss the case we’re working on is a tiny, one-bedroom apartment on the ground floor. It has a garden leading to rocky grounds, typical rough terrain but it does give a nice view of the scenery.

  “Nervous?” Alfie says as he comes up behind me.

  I tear my gaze away from the view and spin around to seek his comfort. “It would be crazy not to be nervous. Being relaxed and overly confident can get you killed.”

  “That’s our girl,” Alfie murmurs and places a kiss on my temple.

  Our girl. It’s never ‘my girl,’ even if it’s just the two of us here. That reminds me, “Did Joaquin message you?”

  “Nope,” Alfie chuckles. “He’s pissed at me for making him go to the clinic. He wanted to take the day off and sit in the van, but I told him he needed to go to work. He’s been taking too many days off with me getting injured. And I know how much he loves his damn job and he misses working with his two best friends.”

  I give him a small smile, knowing the reason why. “You wanted to keep him safe.”

  “It’s hard as fuck having you in the line of fire. Even if I know you’re qualified and a damn agent, but my mind simply can’t cope. And Joaquin has proven to handle himself perfectly. Did I ever tell you about the time Cassidy’s ex came by the veterinary clinic and kept Joaquin at gunpoint? Fucking hell. Decker and Roper went in to save them and the fucker almost shot them but Joaquin grabbed a fire extinguisher and blasted the fucker. They took him down because of him. And there was another time where we jumped on our bikes to confront fuckers who came after Colt’s old lady, guns blazing, he just dives in no matter what. He’s capable, reliable, fucking strong and fierce…but I can’t have the two of you at risk all at once. And fuck. If something happens to me…he needs to be there for you.”

  I crash my lips against his to silence all his worries. He opens and swirls his tongue against mine. Throwing everything out of harm’s way and giving us a frozen moment in time to fall into tenderness right before havoc threatens to crash our lives.

  His fingers slide into my hair and he pulls my head back to break the kiss. “Whatever happens next we will be moving forward. No regrets and no looking back, okay? Live life…two if tragedy rips us apart or three for perfection. Living is one day after the next and don’t fucking dwell on shit you can’t change. Dying isn’t what we want but if shit takes a turn…you move forward, get me?”

  I drag a deep breath of air through my nose. “Dying isn’t what we want so in a few hours we’re going to pick up Joaquin from work, have dinner at the diner where they have these magnificent hamburgers Joaquin brought home last week…and then we’ll all go for a ride. Bikes. Horses. Each other.”

  “Each other,” Alfie croaks. “And I kinda promised Joaquin you’d ride on the back of his bike for the next week as compensation for him heading into work today.”

  He winces and pouts right after and it makes me chuckle. “I’ll be on the back of your bike soon enough.”

  “You’d better be,” he grumbles and places a kiss on the top of my head.

  His phone vibrates and we both know it’s showtime.

  “Stay strong, and like Nick said, don’t hesitate. If the fucker pulls a gun on you…aim to kill that asshole.”

  “Will do,” I promise right before he disappears into the bathroom and leaves the door slightly ajar.

  I wipe my palms on my jeans and focus on the entrance. Matt is bound to walk in any second and with Alfie getting a message on his phone, we know he’s arrived.

  Without knocking Matt strolls in and shuts the door behind him. He throws a USB stick my way. “Get that on that biker scum’s computer.”

  “What? You want me to put what on his computer?” I ask, making sure I sound confused since I need him to say the actual words.

  “Just do what I tell you, it’s not that hard,” Matt snaps. “And you can print some of those files and spread it around.”

  Great, more random words.

  “What evidence do you want me to plant, Matt?” I sigh, getting agitated. “What’s on the stick you threw on the bed? It’s not like you can put random information on a computer or put papers on a desk and that’s it.”

  “You,” Matt growls. “It’s you who is planting evidence, Greta. Not me.”

  The asshole laughs right in my face.

  “And don’t think you can grab that stick and run to our boss either. Everything is made on your computer and will be a direct link to you. And when I tell them about your little fuck session with those two models you did a photoshoot with, all your credibility will be blown to shit. I’ve worked years for the DEA and you’re just coming around the corner. A fucking rookie trying to suck cock and grab a quick score. Yeah, who do you think they’ll believe, me or you? Right. Now get your cunt over to the bed and grab that stick and do what I say. And if you must know, the files contain information about dog fights.”

  He takes a step closer to me. “The last time I covered my tracks and I’ll do it again. That bitch was tainted by those bikers and needed to keep her mouth shut, just like you. One swipe with a knife across the throat to silence her before her dirty cunt landed in a ditch. It’s the exact way all of them treat women. Biker scum are all outlaws and think they can do anything to earn a buck and fuck whomever they like. Easy targets. Their profile fits and who knows, maybe I didn’t kill the woman and maybe those bikers you are with now did. But you make sure not to get caught, you hear me? Or you’ll find out what I’m capable of. I don’t care if you have to spread your legs to get it done. Hell, you’d probably do it anyway since you enjoy it, don’t you? Maybe you should suck my cock too before you head out and plant the evidence.”

  The door swings open behind us. “Freeze, FBI,” rings out loud.

  Before I can grab my gun, Ma
tt has launched himself at me and throws an arm around my neck to use my body as a shield.

  Oh, for fuck’s sake, such a cliché, my mind offers. But his arm tightens and makes it harder to breathe.

  “Let her go,” Alfie says in a deadly tone.

  Matt’s words flow in a rumble through his chest when he says, “Get the hell out, all of you. We’re DEA and you’re interfering with a case we’re working on.”

  “FBI, Matt. Put the gun down and we’ll talk,” Nick says.

  There are three other men behind him and they’re all dressed in black with bulletproof vests. I, on the other hand, along with Alfie and Matt aren’t wearing any protection. Matt slowly drags me back as he heads for the back door.

  “Stay there,” Matt growls and keeps swinging his gun from Nick to Alfie.

  Neither do anything and let Matt guide me toward the back. I know they can’t risk my life and I’m also very much aware they didn’t put anyone in the back yard since it’s surrounded by a gate left and right and all there’s left is the rough terrain out back which leads to a rocky nowhere.

  I slightly stumble and Matt spits curses in my ear, calling me a bitch and a stupid cunt as he drags me out the door and into the daylight. I can feel his head glancing left and right in an effort to search for a way out. What a stupid idiot; there is no way out. Not unless he can climb rocks anyway.

  Matt fires his gun, the sound echoes through my ears as I see Nick jump out of the way while Alfie keeps standing tall as if he’s bulletproof. Dammit, Alfie. I’m about to scream for him to get down when I notice Nick who has his eyes wide as he takes a step back.

  I don’t know what’s happening but something slams into us from my left and it makes both Matt and I crash to the ground. Pain bursts free in the upper part of my arm where my body takes the brunt of the fall.

  A thick, black paw enters my vision as growls reach my ear. Wetness sprays on my face and I scramble away on my hands and knees. Risking a glance over my shoulder I barely manage to catch a flash of black fur dashing over the rocks like a feather bouncing in the air. The animal heads for a man I recognize as Ash, a biker from another charter Alfie introduced me to earlier today, before the both of them disappear out of sight.

  I’m stunned and still staring when Alfie’s hands surround my face. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?”

  I tear my eyes away to make them collide with his. “Was that a dog? A wolf? No, a dog. There are no wolves in Texas. Are there?” Looking over Alfie’s shoulder I see Matt’s body on the ground, his neck is ripped right open. “Holy shit, oh yikes, that’s nasty. Though a bullet can do more damage, but…yikes.”

  “How in the fuck am I going to explain this, Decker?” Nick rumbles. “I thought you guys didn’t own these type of dogs?”

  “Hey, don’t look at me, it’s not my dog,” Decker states. “I have an Australian cattle dog. And I don’t know what the hell that breed was, but thank fuck it was here and ended the hostage situation. Fuck, that would have ended badly otherwise. Neither of us had a clear shot. Matt had nowhere to go and nothing to lose.”

  “I hear ya.” Nick puts his gun away and I hiss from the pain when Alfie tries to pull me up by my arm.

  “Oh, fuck, I’m sorry.” Alfie turns his head in Nick’s direction. “Call an ambulance, I think she dislocated her shoulder.”

  Decker kneels beside me and I hear Nick talk into his phone.

  “You should call Joaquin,” I tell Alfie. “He must be going crazy.”

  He reaches into his pocket and taps his phone before he’s holding it in between us. He’s put it on speaker and on the second ring I hear Joaquin’s voice.

  “Is it over? Are you guys okay?” The worry bursting from those words is evident.

  “I’m fine. Matt isn’t though, he’s dead.” My eyes almost slide to the body but I don’t need another visual of a ripped-out throat.

  I take a deep breath and hold it, the pain in my shoulder is tormenting me. The adrenaline rush I was riding must be fading.

  “What the fuck am I hearing, boy?” Alfie growls and my attention goes back to them.

  “Nothing,” Joaquin says a little too quick.

  “Right. Well, I’m taking her to the hospital. I’ll call once we’re there, okay?”

  “Talk later,” Joaquin quips and ends the call.

  “What was that about?” I question but at the same time EMTs come rushing my way.

  Alfie’s lip twitches. “Nothing you should worry about. I might spank his ass if it is what I think it is, but you’ll love it.”

  “I think you two would love the spanking part too,” I mutter underneath my breath, making Alfie laugh.

  And even if the pain is hard to breathe through, hearing this man laugh soothes my soul and warms my heart. Knowing Matt and the situation is dealt with we’re now able to really have our mutual shared future wide open for the taking. And I’ll be sure to grab hold with both hands.

  “Fuck, that hurts,” I grumble and glare at the EMT who I know is only trying to help.

  I guess we have to swing by the hospital first before I’m able to grab hold of anything.


  I pace the room until I finally hear a car approach. Stalking to the door, I swing it open and patiently wait for Alfie and Greta to get out of the car. Her arm is in a sling and my heart squeezes knowing how much it must have hurt.

  She will need to take it slow for a few weeks. Alfie called and talked me through what was done. The doctor gave her a sedative and was able to maneuver the shoulder bones back into position. And it takes around twelve to sixteen weeks for it to heal completely but the next two weeks she will have it in a sling and will be pampered by the two of us.

  As soon as she steps over the threshold, I have her face in my hands to give her a kiss. I need it as much as her. To make sure my body and brain knows she’s still right here with us. She moans into my mouth and it’s music to my ears. But I have to end it all too soon.

  “I would like nothing more than to take you into my arms and squeeze you,” I sigh in regret, knowing I can’t because I don’t want to hurt her. “But I guess we can wait. I do have a surprise for you.”

  “I thought we agreed–” Alfie starts but I shoot him a glare to silence him.

  “We agreed to disagree on the pond you’re going to dig.” I turn and guide Greta toward the couch where there’s a box.

  “A pond?” Greta questions and when her eyes lock on the contents of the box she gasps.

  Tears form in her eyes and she takes a seat right next to the box with the ducklings.

  “You got me a duck,” she croaks and places her hand in the box, gently stroking a finger over one of the fluffy bundles.

  “Seems he got you three. And what the fuck is on their heads?” Alfie grumbles.

  I roll my eyes. “They’re Crested Khaki Campbell ducklings, they have a mohawk.”

  “Great, not only do we have three ducks, we have three weird ones,” Alfie mutters underneath his breath and I once again shoot him a glare.

  “Who wants normal?” Greta says in adoration as she swoons over the ducklings.

  “Normal is overrated,” Alfie agrees as he takes a seat on the other side of the box. “If we’re also getting a dog…we should get one without any hair. Or one who has a mohawk to fit in with the ducks and all our weirdness.”

  Greta giggles and I laugh right along with her.

  Her face grows serious. “We’re not getting a dog like the one that attacked Matt.”

  She visibly shudders.

  “That was a special breed, no buying those,” Alfie states. “And didn’t you hear me? We’re getting one with a mohawk.” He reaches out and brushes his knuckles against her jaw. “Don’t worry about the dog, sweetheart. He protected you, like we all will. Me, Joaquin, our MC, along with every chapter of Iron Hot Blood. No one dares to mess with us. Not now, not ever.”

  Alfie stands and places a kiss on the top of Greta’s head. “I’
m going to grab the ice cream I promised you.”

  He stalks off into the kitchen and Greta whispers, “I might have been a big baby before they shoved my arm back in place. I whined about needing ice cream to make me forget all about it.”

  A chuckle slips past my lips. “You deserve all the ice cream, woman. Even if we have to hand feed you. Are you sure you’re okay?”

  She nods and I’m happy to see the small smile on her face is an honest one. “Yes. Though the whole dog ripping out Matt’s throat was something I could have done without. But on the other hand, the dog saved my life. Not only mine, who knows what might have happened if he didn’t take Matt out. Yikes. Do you think the dog is okay? Is it normal for a dog to do that? And why would a dog save me and run away the next instant? Why didn’t Ash stick around? I saw the dog ran to him, is it his dog?”

  “Some dogs are special trained ones. Like those K9’s the police use. Those guys from the other chapter that were here have this fan-freaking-tastic breed.” I grab my phone and have to scroll way up to where I received pictures from Alfie when he ran into them a while ago.

  I click on one of the pictures and turn to let Greta see. She gasps and grabs the phone. “Holy shit, I think this was the same one. It looks like it. Thick black fur, blue eyes, and the size…this was the dog.”

  “They are highly trained if I remember correctly. I bet those bikers helped the FBI. Didn’t Matt try to frame them too? And killed that woman who he ordered to plant the evidence with them? Yes. That might be it. I’ve heard their dogs are great at tracking too.”

  “Don’t worry about the dog. They are trained but not to kill or do this shit on a daily basis. The dog was going for the hand holding the gun but missed and got the throat instead. Lucky for us he accidentally killed Matt in one go. Besides, what’s the damn difference if Nick put a bullet in his head to save you from this dangerous situation? The fucker is dead either way, end of discussion,” Alfie says as he strolls into the room. He hands me the bucket of ice cream and a spoon. “Put that phone away and help our girl to some ice cream. Everything is behind us now.”


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