Roman: A Zambrano Family Novel (Miami Mafia Series Book 1)

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Roman: A Zambrano Family Novel (Miami Mafia Series Book 1) Page 24

by Olivia Deici

  My eyes felt heavy, and as they slowly closed, I had a sinking feeling that they may not ever open again.

  Chapter 48


  My world was devoid of everything good. All I saw was red.

  Rage flowed with my blood. My veins gorged with the emotion my fists wanted to met out.

  I knocked on his door not knowing what to expect. It was a break in uncodified mob protocol. You didn't go knocking on the doors of mob leaders at night.

  Especially if your weren't allies.

  Unless you were suicidal.

  Or didn't give a fuck.

  I slammed my hand on Marcelo’s door again. Raul had provided me with the address. It was a high-rise penthouse. Apparently Marcelo was sure of his ability to protect himself because there was no security on the outside.

  The door opened and I was greeted with the barrel of a gun pointed to my head. I didn't flinch, and instead followed the hands to the shoulder, to the face, to the eyes, of Marcelo Fiore.

  “Zambrano, you better have a fucking good reason to be knocking on my door, an address you shouldn't have, at nine o’clock at night.”

  “I do, and if by the count of three you don't have that fucking gun pointed away from my face, you're going to be shitting metal for a week.”

  It must have been something in my eyes, in my stance. He looked at me solidly for a second before pointing the gun down.

  “If I wanted to kill you, you'd be dead, Marcelo.”

  He studied me for a moment. “I don't doubt that, but, the question remains why the fuck you're at my home unwelcome and uninvited.”

  “I don't have a lot of time. I need your help.”

  He laughed. “Why would I help you?”


  His smile faded. With flaring nostrils and a clenched jaw, he surprised me by taking my arms and shoving me against the wall inside his home. His forearm was pressing my neck against the wall.

  I let him think he had the upper hand. I'm sure he was shocked after a decade and a half of not hearing about his sister, so I was giving him some leeway.

  But this motherfucker needed to learn his place.

  “What do you know of her?”

  “Get your fucking arm off my throat, Marcelo. I'm giving you some allowance in your lack of manners, but don't fucking push me.”

  He backed up, but not by much.

  “Where the fuck is Giulio Valenti?”

  He shrugged. “How the fuck should I know? Not his keeper.”

  He stepped back when I growled.

  “Izzy is missing and he took her.”


  His voice was soft and airy.

  “Follow along, Fiore. Yes.”

  “How the fuck do you know Izabella? She disappeared more than fifteen years ago.”

  I saw the pain in his eyes.

  “Our family has long thought her dead.”

  “I don't have time to explain. I had a tail on Giulio. It was lost in the warehouse district. Do you know if he owns any property there?”

  He nodded his head. “Family property, but he bought his own facility. Why?”

  “Because he fucking took her.”

  “How could he, Roman? What he last knew of her was the same as what me and my family knew. He was her fiancé.”

  My snarl had his backing up. “He was her rapist!”

  Marcelo’s eyes widened.

  “I don't fucking have time for this! I'll explain on the way. Grab your shit, Marcelo. We need to ride dirty. He's dangerous.”

  I moved away but turned on him quickly.

  “Unless I can't trust you.”

  I walked up to him and got in his face. “Can I trust you, Marcelo? Are you going to hurt Izzy, too?”

  He looked taken aback. I'm guessing this was all a lot for him to process at once.

  “My sister?”

  His eyes were wide.

  “No. My woman.”

  His mouth gaped open.

  “I'm trusting you, Marcelo. She told me you both were close. If you fucking do anything to jeopardize her safety, I’ll end you.”

  His face grew dark. “Fuck off, Roman. I'm getting my shit, and on the way to his goddamned warehouse, you’re going to tell me everything.”

  “That's the plan. Now fucking move!”

  Chapter 49


  Drowning Pool, Bodies

  I'd updated Marcelo on everything. He'd had no clue what had happened to Izzy at seventeen. He admitted that he'd never liked Giulio and always had a feeling that Giulio was involved somehow in Izzy’s disappearance.

  One thing was certain, that man wanted to see his sister. He'd echoed the same close relationship Izzy had described to me. The look on his face as I told him everything changed from one of horror and rage, to hope and worry.

  “Drive faster!”

  “I am!”

  I was driving and taking lights. Marcelo told me of a warehouse Giulio bought on his own. Apparently there were issues between the Valentis and Fiores, and Giulio buying a warehouse off the books without telling the Fiores was cause for suspicion.

  We'd called back-up. I cautioned him on telling any of his men and family about Izzy. She needed to tell her family, only if she was ready. He agreed. It seemed like Marcelo had never been on board with the marriage alliance and had unsuccessfully argued against it with their father. He assured me that he only called his most trusted and they would not mention anything he didn't want them to. I had my own men, as well as Shadow and his. We were all meeting there, including Carlos and Cari. He wouldn't allow her to go without him. I'd called Pop and updated him. Marco and Diego would continue the family lockdown.

  I hoped to God Izzy didn't need Cari’s help.

  When we arrived, everyone quietly got out of the cars where we’d parked two blocks away. Carlos and Cari stayed behind.

  We made our way slowly, unsure what to expect. As we reached the warehouse, shots were fired. They weren't us; we had silencers on our weapons. We ducked and looked at one another. Shadow crawled next to me. He was communicating to his sniper.

  “Sniper took out two on rooftops.”

  I nodded, and we moved. I saw a glint of metal and pulled Marcelo back. The shot lodged into the wall where he'd just been standing. He looked at me and nodded. I aimed and fired my gun when the son of a bitch stuck out to shoot again. He collapsed on the floor.

  We rounded a corner, and someone came from the side. Ducking from his gun, I punched his abdomen, stood, and elbowed his face. When he was on the floor groaning, I put one between the eyes.

  This slow movement was killing me. God only knew what Izzy was suffering and for how long, and it made me want to tear the city apart to get to her. It would do no good if I rushed and got shot while trying to get to her, though.

  Finally, we were in front of the warehouse door. There were no lights around the buildings. It was dark as shit, yet Marcelo was going to pick the lock.

  Fuck that.

  Raising my hand, I shot the lock and it broke open. We raised the rolling door only to encounter another dark space. Not even the moonlight infiltrated the interior.


  Shadow passed me infrared night vision goggles. Able to see, we walked in. It was a large space filled with boxes, shelves, and mechanical equipment. I saw something on the floor.

  Rather, it was someone- and when that registered, I ran towards her with a bellow wrung from my soul.

  “I'll run and get your brother and the doctor. Someone, find a fucking light switch.”

  Shadow was so light on his feet despite his size, I didn't even hear him run out. But then again, I noticed nothing but my poor Izzy splayed on the floor with what looked like a broken bloody body.

  I was afraid to touch her.


  Marcelo kneeled next to me.

  “Is she alive?”

  His words were like a bucket of cold water over me.
Slowly, I reached out my shaking hand to her throat and felt for a pulse. Minutes ticked by and I couldn't find one. I moved my fingers to her delicate wrist.

  I shook my head.

  My world was ending.

  My breathing was irregular. I couldn't catch my breath.

  “Dio mío, Izabella.”

  His words echoed in my head. Heaviness settled in my chest. My lungs refused to expand.

  “Izzy, baby.”

  I just wanted to hold her one last time. I wanted to feel her warm body pressed to me, kiss her temple, and whisper to her how much I love her.

  Her body was cold.

  Despair forced my head down on her chest.

  Memories of us flashed before me. Dancing with her. Making love to her. Running with her and sweet Dezi. Her rubbing my shoulders when I was stressed. The time she nursed me to health when I had a fever. The way she challenged me on everything and made me think. The way she made me feel.

  She’d made me feel. I was dead before her.

  I'll be dead without her.

  Tears gathered in my eyes.

  My plans and thoughts for our future played before my eyes, mocking my pain. My beautiful Izzy in a gorgeous white dress. Her looking like the ethereal angel she was walking towards me down the aisle to the church alter. Her belly plump with our baby. Welcoming our first born into the world together. Little green-eyed, blond-haired children. A daughter that stole my heart like her mother did.


  Just as I looked up and saw Cari, overhead lights came on. I took off my night vision goggles and looked down at Izzy, and Jesus Christ, she was a mess.

  “Oh, baby.”

  My voice broke. She was covered in blood and bruises. Her cheek was swollen and slashed open. Her fingernails were chipped and broken. Blood surrounded her body.

  The inventory of her injuries were on loop in my head.


  I looked up and realized they'd been yelling at me.

  “Move, Bro. Let Cari in.”

  I must have looked lost because suddenly Carlos and Marcelo were at my sides pulling me back.

  “Fucking let me go! I need to be with her!”

  I fought them, shoving them away from me. They strong-armed me, and Shadow came over to help them subdue me.

  “Fucking get away from me! I need to be next to her, damn it.”

  Cari’s strangled voice was the only thing that stopped my movements.

  “She's alive! I felt a pulse! It's faint, but there's a pulse.”

  I fell to my knees.

  I watched Cari assess her injuries. My eyes were riveted on every blink of Cari’s eyes, every grimace of her mouth, every expansion of her chest for breath.

  Anything to give me hope.

  Frustrated, she took the Kevlar off.


  “Back off, Carlos.”

  She kept looking Izzy over.

  “Apply pressure.”

  Carlos was on his knees and helped her out.

  “I need a rope! Over there! Bring it now.”

  Marcelo ran and brought it to her. She tied it around Izzy’s thigh.

  “He shot her.” I didn't even recognize my voice.


  Carlos gave Cari his. She dialed the hospital and began barking orders. Within minutes, I heard the ambulance.

  I stood back and watched the EMTs lift Izzy. The floor was covered in her blood. I hadn't noticed until that moment how pail she was. Blood had been on the floor behind her head, too. That worried me the most.

  I followed them out to the ambulance and made to get in.

  “Sorry, sir. There's no room.”

  I looked down at the EMT’s hand on my chest and looked back up at him.

  “Get your hand off my chest and step away from between me and my woman.”

  Carlos came and moved me back. I fought him, and Marcelo and Shadow joined him.

  “Roman, we can't wait anymore. I'll take care of her. I promise.”

  My eyes locked with Cari’s. Izzy's blood was all over her.

  “Save her, Cari.” My voice choked up.

  What would I do without my bella?

  She squeezed my shoulder. “I will. We gotta go, Roman. She needs a hospital.”

  I nodded and watched as the loud and flashing ambulance carried my life away.

  Chapter 50


  Two days later

  Sick Puppies, You’re Going Down

  She was in a coma.

  But she was alive.

  As long as there was hope, that's all that mattered.

  I stayed day and night by her side. Mom brought me clothes and I showered in Izzy's private room, something that I’d arranged for her. There was heightened security. Shadow’s best, along with my men, were roaming the halls and stationed outside of her room.

  We hadn't found Valenti, but it was only a matter of time. Marcelo’s men, my men, and Shadow’s were looking for him like hungry wolves.

  Getting the cops involved wasn't as messy as it could've been. Fortunately, it worked out. Izzy had been kidnapped, and her guard murdered. In rescuing her from the warehouse, they saw our use of force as justifiable. Still, Al had to talk to the State Attorney’s office, but he was convinced no charges would result.

  I took the heat alone and didn't involve any of the others.

  The doctors were hopeful that Izzy would awaken. She had a broken right arm, broken tibia, and fractured skull. There were other injuries but those were the critical ones. The head injury is what worried us the most. There were so many miracles that needed to happen for Izzy to be Izzy again, and not be some shell of who she used to be.

  She was alive and that had been the first miracle.

  Now we needed her to wake from the coma. Once she awoke from that, we needed her to move her limbs and make sure she wasn't paralyzed. The doctor didn’t think she would be but they weren’t sure.

  And still, even after all of those miracles that we needed for those milestones, we hoped her skull fracture would heal without injury to her brain. Fortunately, it must have been the way she landed, but it was what the doctor described as a linear fracture without injury to arteries or veins. Had that happened, she would've been bleeding on or in the brain. The doctor cautioned that even though it was the kind of skull fracture that was the best-case scenario, it didn't mean that she would have her memory or be her normal self. She could have a traumatic brain injury, amnesia, or have serious cognitive deficits. That broke my heart. My Izzy loved being a doctor and helping people, and if she could no longer practice medicine, it would break her spirit.

  Another bit of good news was that Dezi made it. We'd gotten there in the nick of time. The vet was able to retrieve the bullet and save his leg.

  I sighed, scratched the beard forming, and rested my head on our joined hands. A knock sounded on the door.

  “Come in.”

  I looked up as Marcelo walked in. “We got a lead and investigated it. We found him.”

  I stood up as the bloodlust ignited like kerosene in my veins.

  “I’m going to call my mother to sit with her. Then you and I are going to make this asshole feel and experience everything he's put her through.”


  Originally, I wanted to kill the bastard by myself. Marcelo wouldn't have it, wanting to exact his own revenge on the man who had torn apart his family by raping his little sister and making her run away from home.

  My mom arrived a short time later. She was happy because she thought I'd be going home to rest since I'd spent every minute by Izzy. I let her believe what she wanted. It was best that way.

  Marcelo and I walked out and we drove in silence to the warehouse where the men left Valenti. It was large and we had to go to a back room. The only way inside was through a hidden door behind a large elaborate shelving system. Once inside, I saw that it was soundproof. Drains were on the floor. I looked at Marcelo.
r />   “Move fast, huh? Built this pretty quick.”

  He smirked. “Family secrets, Roman. I'm trusting you here.”

  His eyes were hard and I nodded. I understood the chance he was taking with me.

  “It's amazing what the love for one woman will do for opposing families.”

  He nodded his head.

  Valenti watched us and sneered. “Ahhh, so the pussy ass boyfriend joins the party.”

  I rubbed my beard. Eagerness must have shown in my eyes, because the smile that was on Valenti’s face faded.

  “It's only a party for us, Valenti.” I looked at Marcelo’s man. “Untie him and leave us.”

  Valenti looked concerned and surprised. I smiled at him as Marcelo’s man left.

  “I don't fight those who can't fight back.”

  Walking over to an aluminum table, I began unloading my weapons from my body as he watched, adding to the ones already there. I took my sweater off, folded it, and placed it next to the weapons. Bare chested, I left my sweatpants on, and turned to him.

  “I don't bat for that team.”

  Valenti laughed as if what he said was funny.

  “I like that sweater.” I looked down and shrugged. “These pants are replaceable, though.”

  “Did that puttana give it to you?”

  I smirked as I leaned on the aluminum table. “Your mom? Nope. She didn't buy me that sweater.”

  Valenti laughed. “You won't succeed in getting a rise out of me.”

  I looked at his crotch. “Naw. I doubt it'll rise much anyway.” I held up my pinky.

  Marcelo snickered.

  “Rose enough for me to fuck that puttana.”

  Marcelo charged at Valenti and punched him. The bastard fell to the ground and spit blood on the floor.

  “You'll pay for that, Valenti.”

  “Fair fight? Two on one?”

  I shook my head. “I never said anything about fairness, but, it will only be one on one. We kept tying at rock-paper-scissors when we tried to decide who had the right to kill you. We’ll just take turns until you die.”

  “So let's go then.” He motioned for me to come forward. I remained leaning against the table.


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