Have My Twins : BWWM Romance (Brothers From Money Book 16)

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Have My Twins : BWWM Romance (Brothers From Money Book 16) Page 12

by Shanade White

  When he came in the door, he grabbed her and pulled her into his arms, and Nicole knew that she was lost. No matter what Jared had done, her body still responded to him in ways that took her breath away. All it took was one touch and she was powerless to resist him. And when he kissed her, she gave up even trying to resist, she wanted him, wanted this one last encounter before she sent him home to Juneau.

  She abandoned herself to the kiss, pushing thoughts of the future from her mind, whatever happened after this, what ever decision she made, this night would be her last with Jared, of that she was sure. The baby didn’t change the fact that they were different people, that their lives would go in two different directions, there was no ignoring that fact, but they still had tonight.

  That one kiss had left her panting and full of desire, her body demanding Jared’s in a way that startled her, igniting something else inside her, her love for him. He must have felt it too because he opened his mouth to speak, but she put her fingers across his lips.

  “Don’t say anything. We both know where this is headed, let’s just be happy to have this one last night.” Nicole said, fighting the tears that were threatening to spill over her eyelashes.

  “But…” Jared desperately wanted to explain to Nicole that he wasn’t responsible, but when she pulled his head down and kissed him again, he knew that it didn’t matter right then, all that mattered was that they were together.

  Nicole was desperate to feel Jared’s naked skin on hers and began tearing at his clothes, but in her haste to get his pants off, she forgot his shoes and he nearly fell. “I’m sorry, here let me help.” She said, kneeling in front of him.

  She took off one shoe, then the other, conscious the entire time of Jared’s erection just inches from her mouth. Finally, unable to resist, she took his throbbing penis in her hands and flicked her tongue across the tip. Jared lost in the pleasure of her hot tongue, threaded his fingers through her hair, and groaned making her insides begin to throb and moisture to blossom between her legs.

  Feeling more confident, she opened her mouth and took him in, moaning when he stiffened and groaned. Understanding now the power that she had, she sucked on him, her hands massaging his tight sack until with a growl, Jared pulled her back to her feet, and stripped off the nightgown she’d been wearing. He backed her up against the door, his eyes locked on hers, then reached around, grabbed her butt and lifted her up.

  Nicole let out a little scream, but wrapped her legs around him and grabbed onto his shoulders. Before she could take a breath, he’d buried himself inside her so deeply it took her breath away, the pleasure so intense for that one second that she felt dizzy. But then he began to thrust his hips, driving himself into her over and over, until she cried out as her orgasm washed over her.

  Jared seemed to surface then and realize where they were, he gently set Nicole on her feet, the pulled her into his arms. “I’m sorry, I just lost control.” He said, then scooped her up and carried her over to the bed.

  He laid her on the bed then joined her, rolling them until she was laying on top of him. Nicole’s body was still vibrating with pleasure, her nerve endings still alive with longing, when Jared grabbed her hips and shifted her until she was straddling him. She could feel his erection rubbing against her swollen clit and began to move her hips until he was sliding wetly across it, the pressure inside her beginning to build again.

  Jared grabbed her hips, lifted her up and entered when he brought her down again, filling her in a way he never had before. Nicole threw her head back and instinctively began to ride Jared, setting the pace and loving every minute of it, she drove herself to the edge, then backed off again. Jared thrust his hips up to meet hers, his mouth finding her breast and teasing the nipple until it was stiff and hard in his mouth.

  Nicole was sure that nothing could feel better than what she was feeling just then, but Jared reached between them and found her clit with his thumb and began to rub. She leaned back, unable to do anything more then than let Jared drive her body higher and higher, closer and closer to fulfillment. She could feel the pressure inside her growing, that wonderful spiral of pleasure that consumed her, that drove her to move her hips again.

  “Nicole, look at me.” Jared said, his husky voice sending a thrill through Nicole. “I want you to look at me when you cum, I want to see your eyes.”

  Without slowing her pace, Nicole managed to look into Jared’s eyes which were full of love. It took her breath away to see that love, and for a moment she thought she’d cry for what could have been, but then Jared pulled her down and kissed her. Thrusting deeply into her until with a strangled cry, she came, her body shuttering and trembling.

  Jared took her cry of passion into his mouth like a man who’d been starving, relishing in the moment when her body clenched around his and she was unable to do nothing more than cling to him. As her body shook, he drove himself deeper into her, grinding his hips into hers until he came, his orgasm so powerful the world went dark for a second.

  Nicole collapsed on top of Jared, too spent to move, unwilling to let the real world back into the cocoon they’d created in her bedroom. But as their breathing returned to normal, the world did come back, and Nicole slid off of Jared. He gathered her in his arms, thinking that if things were different he’d pack her up that night and take her with him, but Nicole interrupted his thoughts.

  “When are you going home? If Seth finds out you’re here, he’ll be furious with you and me.” Nicole said, wanting to get the leaving part over with as soon as possible.

  “I know but I had to see you.”

  “I’m glad you came, but I think you should go now.” Nicole said, getting out of bed and slipping her nightgown on again.

  Jared got out of bed and followed, “I don’t want to leave you like this.” He said, taking her into his arms.

  She pulled away, “Don’t make this any harder than it has to be. We were never meant to be anything more than a summer fling. I don’t fit into your life in Juneau, you know that as well as I do.”

  “But maybe in the future…” Jared didn’t want things to end this way, didn’t want things to end at all.

  Nicole reached up and stroked his face, there had been a time when she would have been happy to wait for Jared, but the baby meant that she had someone else to think about. “No Jared, I thing we’re done. You have an entirely different life in Juneau, a political campaign to run, I don’t belong there.” She said, then kissed him. “But I’ll always remember our time together.”

  Chapter 12

  “Nicole are you coming to watch?” Julie asked poking her head into the bedroom.

  Until that moment Nicole hadn’t decided if she was going to watch Jared announce that he would be running for governor in the upcoming election or not. But when Julie asked, she knew that she didn’t want to miss it, so she struggled up off the bed, her huge stomach making her feel like a turtle flipped over on it’s back. Julie laughed and came into the room to help her.

  “I miss being able to get up by myself, it feels like these babies are never going to be born.” Nicole said, when she finally managed to get to her feet.

  “I remember that feeling all too well, of course I only had one baby so I imagine it’s doubly bad.” Julie said, kneeling down and helping Nicole put on her shoes. “Are you ready for this?”

  Nicole nodded and followed Julie out of the room and down the stairs to the big living room. Over the long fall and winter, she’d watched as Jared’s name was dragged though the news, first for the mine accident, then the demise of his political career. But for the last few months there had been rumors that he was still planning to run for governor.

  He’d announced this press conference less than a week ago, and everyone was eagerly awaiting the speech he was going to give. When he walked on stage, it took all of Nicole’s strength not to cry, he looked so much like the Jared she’d come to love that it was hard to believe that the man on the television wasn’t the same person. Inste
ad of a suit and tie, he’d dressed casually, as if this was only a meeting between friends.

  But when he began to speak it was clear that he was neither of those men anymore, he was an entirely new man. The kind of man who cared about the environment more than he cared about money, a man who wanted to bring Alaska into the future of renewable energy, a man who was willing to risk total humiliation in the election to bring his ideas to the public. Love burned in her heart for Jared, and she missed him more in that one moment than she had for the last nine months.

  Missing Jared had become a part of her life, a part that she often couldn’t control, the empty feeling finding her when she least expected it, taking her breath away and leaving her in tears. The babies growing insider her were the only thing that saved her, their constant moving, kicking, and she was sure punching, reminding her that soon she’d have a part of Jared that no one could take away from her.

  A loud cheer from the television brought her out of her thoughts, Jared seemed to be wrapping up his speech and the crowd had loved him. “Thank you all for coming today, it’s with great pleasure that I announce my candidacy for governor. I’ll be running as an independent and I hope I can count on your support. Today has been the culmination of years of preparation, a summer of soul searching, and I couldn’t be happier, but there is one thing that dims the brightness of the day.” Jared had the crowd eating out of his hand, and when he paused for effect there was silence.

  “This day would have been perfect, but along with a few major mistakes I made last summer, I lost the woman I love. You see I thought that she wouldn’t fit in, thought that I needed a different kind of woman, but I was wrong. She’s the woman that I love, the perfect woman for me, and I walked away from her. Nicole if you’re watching this now, know that I love you and that I was wrong, the only place you belong is here with me.”

  The room had gone completely silent but Nicole wouldn’t have noticed anyway, her heart was pounding in her chest, her love for Jared making the tears stream down her face. Julie came over and hugged her, they’d been fighting for months about Nicole calling Jared, and now she understood that Julie had been right.

  “You were right Julie. But how can I call him now? What would I say? I love you too Jared, oh and by the way we’re going to have twins any day now.”

  “I don’t see why not, any man who would say that he loves you on television would be overjoyed to hear that he was going to be a father.” Julie said, although a part of her wondered exactly how Jared would react.

  “I can’t do it Julie. I’ll call him after the babies are born.” Nicole said, getting slowly to her feet. “If you don’t mind I think I’ll go to my room and take a nap.”

  Julie felt bad for her friend but could do nothing to take her pain away, “Are you packed for Anchorage? The doctor wants us to leave tomorrow.”

  That perked Nicole up a little bit, she and Julie would be moving to Anchorage until the babies were born, the house too far from medical care to be a safe place for Nicole to stay. “I’m ready. I just hope these two can wait until then, they’ve been crashing around in here all day.” She said, rubbing her belly.

  “Well, if they’re still moving around we have a little time before they come.” Julie said, happy to see a smile on her friend’s face.

  Gina could only stare at the television, too shocked by what she’d just heard to do anything else. She’d been sitting right in front of the little set stroking Jared’s face with her finger when he’d announced that he was in love with someone else. Those few words had crushed the last shred of hope she’d been nursing over the long months she’d been hiding in the little motel room. Over and over she’d told herself that Jared would straighten up the mess, but as the months passed, she’d begun to give up hope.

  But then one day she’d heard the rumor that he was running for governor and she’d known that it was time for her to join him again, be at his side as she was meant to be. She’d been tempted to quit the waitressing job she’d been forced to take to pay her bills, but remembered what had happened the last time she’d quit a job before having a new one. Instead she’d taken some of her hard-earned savings and gone to the salon and gotten a full treatment, after all she needed to look good on camera.

  As the day of the press conference got closer she waited for Jared, sure that he’d come for her, but he never had and now she knew why. That woman had done something to him, enchanted him with magic or something, that was the only explanation she could come up with. What man would want a nanny over her, with her perfect body and beauty, it was impossible that Jared would choose someone else.

  Gina had been balancing precariously on the edge of losing it, counting the days until she could break free of the prison she’d put herself into. She’d done it all for Jared, the horrible motel, the terrible job, and even the sex in the alley behind the diner so that she could afford to keep up her looks. All of it had been for him, and he’d turned his back on her to be with a nanny, and a fat one at that.

  Getting to her feet, she turned off the television, it was time to take back what was hers and the best way she knew to do that was to eliminate the competition. With Nicole out of the picture, Jared would be all hers again and she’d be by his side as he walked into the governor’s mansion. The fulfillment of her deepest desires would finally come true, a rich husband, social acceptance, and best of all the nicest house in the entire state.

  Almost in a trance she packed a bag, got the gun her dad had given her when she left home, and headed for her car. She had no real plan in mind, wasn’t sure exactly how she’d get Nicole in the car with her, but she did know that Nicole’s days of interfering with her life were over.

  Jared breathed a sigh of relief, it had taken hours for him to get away from the crowds at the press conference, his campaign manager had lined them up by the hundreds. But now he was on the road, heading straight for Nicole, praying as he drove that she’d seen the press conference and his plea. Scared that when he got to her, she’d turn away from him again, that he’d have to fight for her, but determined that he would if he had to.

  It was a long drive to his family home from Juneau, but if the weather held, he’d be there by tomorrow afternoon. As he drove he thought about the long months they’d been separated, he’d missed her everyday with an intensity that had scared him at first. But as time passed and the feeling mellowed, he understood that he loved Nicole, loved her more than anything in his life, including his political career.

  He knew that if she still refused to go back to Juneau with him, he’d find a way to stay there with her. The campaign could be run from anywhere, and since he and Seth had patched things up, he was sure that Seth would agree. But what he really wanted was to take her back to Juneau, back with him to his life there, whether that was as governor or just a regular man, he knew that he’d be happy as long as Nicole was with him.

  He drove through the night, knowing that even if he stopped he’d never sleep, the prospect of seeing Nicole all he needed to keep him awake though the long night. As the sun came up he saw that there were clouds building over the ocean, a sure sign that there was a storm coming, and he pushed the car a little harder, hoping that the storm would hold off until he got there.

  By noon, much to his annoyance, it began to snow. Fat flakes that were heavy and full of moisture, almost immediately blanketing the ground as the temperature dropped. His car had no trouble navigating the snow blanketed roads, but he knew that if it got much deeper he might be in trouble. He pushed harder, relieved when he crossed over onto the family property, sure that nothing could stop him now.

  But as he came around a corner just a little too fast, he nearly ran into the end of an SUV which was in the ditch. For only a second he thought about going right by, but only for a second. Sliding to a stop, he got out of his car and approached the SUV.

  “Is anyone inside? Are you hurt?” He shouted, noticing that the vehicle was almost completely covered with snow.

  He brushed the snow off the back window and saw two figures huddled together in the front seat, then rushed around and tried to open the door. It was frozen shut so he braced his foot against the door and tried again, finally it flew open revealing that the two huddled figures he’d seen were Julie and Laruen.

  He reached in to pull them out of the car, but Julie pushed him away. “You have to go.” She said, her teeth chattering. “You have to go get Nicole.”

  “Where is she? What happened?” Jared’s protective instincts suddenly kicked in.

  “We were on the way to the hospital when a car ran us off the road.” Lauren said.

  “Jared, it was Gina and she did it on purpose, she had a gun.” Julie added.

  “A gun?” Jared was confused, but needed to know where Nicole was. “Where’s Nicole?”

  “Gina took her, she was going on and on about her destiny and the governor’s mansion. Jared, she looked crazy, I don’t know what she’s going to do.” Laruen finished, then motioned to the road. “She hasn’t been gone for long, you can probably catch up to them.”

  It took a moment for Jared to sort out what they were trying to tell him, but it finally made sense, Gina had kidnapped Nicole. He had no idea why, but if she had a gun, she might be dangerous. “Which way did they go?” He asked, climbing back up the bank to the road.

  Julie pointed down the road, and Jared ran for his car, but just as he was about to get in, he stopped and ran back to the car. “Why were you on the way to the hospital? What’s wrong with Nicole?”

  Julie and Lauren looked at each other, then back at Jared. Julie opened her mouth, but nothing came out, so Laruen said, “Jared she’s pregnant, we were taking her to the hospital because she’s in labor.”

  Jared couldn’t breathe for a full minute as the words sank in. Nicole was having a baby and he knew that the baby was his, a quick count of the months told him that. For a moment he was angry that Nicole had hidden the baby from him, but then Julie interrupted his thoughts.


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