Driving Me to Christmas (London Loves Book 5)

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Driving Me to Christmas (London Loves Book 5) Page 5

by Farrell, Julie

  “Oh yeah,” he said, stepping over to the car.

  “But it’s not Christmas yet,” Patty said.

  “This is an early present,” Sam said. “To welcome you back to the UK. I chose it myself. I hope you like it.”

  Verlaine handed the boutique bag to his mother and she glowed with gratitude. “Why, thank you, Sam. How sweet.”

  “It’s to keep you warm while you’re here!” Sam said.

  Patty took the bag from Verlaine and started to undo it. Sam’s gaze fell upon the bag’s logo and she braced herself to be thanked and hugged. The store she’d got the scarf from was expensive and Sam was certain Patty would recognise the label. Excited pride puffed in her chest; glad she’d finally done something right.

  But, wait a minute, why was the bag in Patty’s hands emblazoned with the logo of the lingerie store? Oh no! Terror twisted in Sam’s chest and she opened her mouth to prevent the impending disaster. But it was too late. Patty had already reached inside and pulled out…

  “A negligee?”

  Sam felt the blush begin in her toes, spread up through her body, and radiate from her cheeks, burning them painfully. Verlaine threw her a baffled look. She closed her eyes, hoping to dissolve into nothingness.

  Laughter shot out of Rebecca. “That’s awesome!”

  Jim inspected the lacy material. “It’s not gonna keep you very warm, is it, hon?”

  “I’m sure it’ll look very nice,” Rebecca said. “It’s beautiful.”

  “It was supposed to be a scarf,” Sam muttered. “Verlaine gave you the wrong bag.”

  Patty was staring at the negligee with her mouth open, as if it was a used-condom. She composed herself, then forced a strained laugh. “It’s okay, Sam. Obviously it’s a misunderstanding. A woman of my age couldn’t get away with wearing such a sexy thing!”

  “Oh,” Sam said. “I think you look amazing for a woman in her sixties.”

  Patty’s grin froze. “I’m fifty-five.”

  Sam’s life unravelled before her and exploded. Someone find me a cliff to jump off! Oh yes, there’s one behind me, isn’t there. Perhaps the sea will take me.

  Rebecca’s sweet voice pulled Sam out of her melodramatic thoughts. “Why don’t we all go inside and grab some coffee, huh? It’s freezing out here.”

  “Good idea,” Jim said. “Then we can get going to the gunpowder mill.”

  Rebecca put her arm around Jim’s shoulders. “Awesome. Well, I’ll gladly make some lunch before we go if everyone’s hungry? I’ve smuggled over a box of taco shells, cuz apparently you can’t buy them here. I thought it would be nice for Verlaine to get a taste of home.”

  Sam opened her mouth to say this was Verlaine’s home.

  “Sounds swell,” Verlaine said. “Thanks, Bex.”

  Verlaine grabbed his and Sam’s luggage from the back of the car, then strolled inside with his parents, chatting animatedly about all the exciting things they planned to do this afternoon.

  Feeling abandoned, Sam propelled herself into life and decided to find Patty’s scarf. She leaned in the car and grabbed the bag off the floor, where it must’ve slipped thanks to the bumpy ride. Sam wondered whether she should give it to her over lunch. Or would she just end up humiliating herself even more?

  She stood up straight, then recoiled as she discovered Rebecca standing in front of her, smiling.

  “Hi, Sam,” she said.

  Sam fondled the door, again using it as a shield. “Hi.”

  “I just wanted to say, don’t worry about your faux pas. I’m sure Patty and Jim will forgive you. They’re such nice people.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure they will.” Sam smiled, trying to be polite.

  “Shall we go inside?” Rebecca said. “I’d love to get to know you better. I really hope we can be the best of friends.”

  “Um. Okay.”

  The sound of footsteps crunching across the gravel driveway caught Sam’s attention, and she glanced over to see a tall woman dressed in long black dress heading this way. Her hair was scraped back into a severe bun, and Sam wondered whether this was one of the resident ghosts.

  “Oh, here comes my mother,” Rebecca said.

  Ellie drifted over to join them and scrutinised Sam with a superior sneer.

  “You must be Samantha,” she said in a clipped mid-west accent. “I’m Eleanor. My friends call me Ellie. You can call me Eleanor.”

  “Right. Okay.”

  Sam became invisible again, as Ellie turned to Rebecca to tell her about the phone call she’d just made to her solicitor. The two women became engrossed in the conversation, using jargon that soared over Sam’s head, then they turned away and began strolling towards the house as if Sam didn’t exist.

  Sam slammed the car door and watched them. She knew she should go inside before she contracted hypothermia. But what terrors was she going to find in that haunted house of hell? She felt jumbled-up and out-of-sorts. But standing out here getting frostbite wouldn’t help, so she steeled herself and trailed in behind Rebecca and Ellie, making sure she didn’t catch them up, because reminding them of her pathetic existence right now would be even more embarrassing than being snubbed.

  Chapter Six

  The bedroom décor was as heavy as Sam’s heart, and the ancient dust which hung in the air stifled her. But the view outside was awe-inspiring, so Sam stepped over to look out the huge window, turning her back on the low ceiling, oak beams, and hefty mahogany furniture. The window was divided into three sections; one normal pane was sandwiched between two beautiful stained-glass panes, giving the room a church-like feel. Sam pressed her thighs against the radiator, trying to warm herself as she took in the spectacular sight below.

  From here she could see the rest of the cliff as it curved around the harsh landscape. It was crumbling and covered with scrubby mosses, and it plunged down to meet the swirling grey sea like a monolith. Sam watched as the white spume fingers of the sea probed the black jagged rocks, then trickled away, waiting to be collected by the next wave that sloshed up to the shore. The water was rough out there, and hypnotising. The weak sunlight glistened off the dark water, creating an illusion of monochrome.

  Sam wondered what it would be like to sink beneath the rough sea; to find the deep soothing calm below. But in order to get there, she’d need to drown…

  She shook herself out of it and switched her attention to the pretty stained-glass patterns on the other panes. The rectangular shapes were brightly coloured and gaudy, like a Kandinsky painting, giving the outside a kaleidoscopic haze.

  Sam felt her mood rise. She smiled. Maybe it was just a matter of where you put your attention…

  The hard double bed behind her creaked, as Verlaine shifted position. She turned and discovered him leaning against the mahogany headboard, watching her in the dim light.

  “You okay now, honey?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I guess my humiliation will blow over and I’ll be forgiven.”

  “Don’t worry. My parents still love you, okay?”

  “Rebecca’s mum’s a bit scary, isn’t she?”

  He chuckled. “I guess. Hey, come here and let me hold you in my arms.”

  Sam padded over and sat on the bed with him. They kissed, which spread a joyful contentedness throughout her body. Verlaine’s lips were soft and he tasted of tea.

  “Is your head feeling better?” he asked, caressing her cheek.

  She chuckled. “I haven’t really got a headache, remember? It was our excuse to get out of the gunpowder mill!”

  “Sorry, of course – you were so convincingly subdued during lunch, that’s all! I’m sure they’ll be leaving soon, then we can have the run of the house!”

  This idea appealed to Sam. She felt arousal unfold within. “I want my negligee back.”

  “Hmm. I’m sure mom’ll give it back to you if you ask.”

  Sam raised a suggestive eyebrow and grinned.

  “You want me to ask her?” Verlaine said, trying to figure out Sa
m’s non-verbal communication.

  “No. I want it now.”

  Verlaine beamed. “Well, I can’t refuse a demand like that, can I?”

  Verlaine kissed her, then he hopped off the bed and made his way towards the bedroom door. He turned back and threw her a smile, then stepped out into the chilly carpeted landing.

  God he loved that woman. She was beautiful, kind, funny… What a shame she’d been so embarrassed when they’d first arrived. But he knew everything would be okay. She’d made such an effort over lunch and he knew his parents adored her as much as he did.

  He crept along the corridor feeling like a thief. This was exciting! And that negligee was spurring him on. Sam was going to look beautiful in it, and he couldn’t wait to make love to her.

  This corridor was decorated with heavy red carpet and gold wallpaper. It’d been like this for years. As he crept across the squeaky floorboards, Verlaine was assaulted by a childhood memory of him and Rebecca sneaking out of bed on Christmas Eve and tiptoeing downstairs to see if Santa had been. And then later, in their early twenties when Rebecca had finished college and plunged herself back into his life, Verlaine would creep to her room, where they would quietly explore each other’s young bodies until dawn.

  He reached out and turned the brass door handle, holding his breath as he eased it open. He was certain his parents were still home, because he hadn’t heard the front door slam, so he needed to proceed with caution.

  He stepped inside and saw his mom’s suitcase on the bed. He’d always loved this room – it was much grander than his. There was a massive four-poster bed to roll around on, and not so much heaviness. It was brighter, with higher ceilings and white furnishings. And despite that, it felt warmer. He wondered whether he could make love to Sam in here, but he knew it would be too risky if they were all still downstairs, waiting to go sightseeing.

  He glanced at his mom’s bags, and spotted the one with the negligee in. He pounced, grabbed it, and practically ran back to his room, so he could make love to his awesome girl.

  He stepped back inside, to find Sam staring out the window again. She seemed taken by the sea and Verlaine wished he could ease her mind. He knew it was probably just this time of year dragging her down. She missed her parents and she was worried about her sister. She was such a sweet and compassionate person, and sometimes she took the weight of the world on her shoulders. But Verlaine knew a great way to distract her from her troubles, and make her feel better.

  “Hey,” he said. “Got it.”

  She turned and they shared a smile. “Well done! And you didn’t get caught?”


  Sam gratefully took the bag and pulled out the lacy lingerie. She held it up against herself, and her innocent expression turned to desirous. “Wanna see me in it?”

  He pulled her close and kissed her. “Please.”

  Sam giggled. “Your family might hear me. You know how loud I can be when you make me come!”

  Verlaine opened his mouth to remind her that the others were about to go out, but he was interrupted by the distant sound of the front door slamming.

  He grinned. “That’s one problem solved!”

  “Great timing!” she said. “I’d much rather be here faking a headache, than out there, being dragged around museums and aerodromes!”

  “Well, as long you’re not planning on faking anything else.”

  “I never would; what’s the point?”

  “Exactly. My motto is ‘satisfaction guaranteed’.”

  “I love your motto! Turn around and I’ll put this on.”

  Verlaine kissed her again, feeling his cock harden at the thought. He turned and listened to the sound of her removing her clothes. It seemed strange to give her the privacy to change, when he’d seen her naked so many times. But then again, it wasn’t to give her privacy, was it? It was to give him the delight of seeing her transformed.

  “God, it’s cold,” she said. “I hope you’re ready to warm me up!”

  He rubbed his hands together. “Always!”

  “Okay, you can look.”

  Verlaine turned and gasped. Sam had twisted her long hair up on top of her head and fastened it in a style that looked as if it should’ve taken hours, but had obviously taken seconds. She smiled warmly, then giggled self-consciously. “Say something, Verlaine!”

  He realised he must look totally gormless, but he was mesmerised. The negligee was made of purple chiffon, which cascaded over Sam’s toned stomach and covered the top of her panties, revealing her silken thighs. At the top of the negligee, the cups were lacy, but they were transparent enough for him to be able to see her perfect breasts. The ribbon that ran under the cups added even more allure to the skimpy outfit. He wondered what would happen if he was to undo that bow – hopefully the whole thing would come floating down to the ground.

  Sam stuck out her hip and threw him a smouldering grin. “Are you leaving your clothes on?”

  Verlaine tugged off his sweater and jeans, knowing how much Sam loved his muscly physique. He threw them to the floor, then removed his boxers, revealing just how aroused he was, seeing her dressed like that.

  They stood staring at each other for a beat, appreciating each other’s sexiness. Looking but not touching.

  Verlaine broke first. He stepped over and drew her into his arms, kissing her hungrily and holding her tight. She let her head drop back, so he kissed her neck and chest, enjoying the feel of the lace on his face.

  She giggled and pulled away slightly. Then, maintaining smutty eye contact, she bent at the waist and grabbed his hard cock, guiding it towards the bottom of the negligee. She gathered up a handful of chiffon, then wrapped it around Verlaine’s erection. He gasped as she started to move her wrist back and forth – rubbing the material over his shaft. He tried to keep his eyes open, watching in awe as her hand beat out a rhythm. A bead of pre-cum leaked from the head of his cock, smearing over the pretty material. It felt great to soil such an intimate garment – it was as if he was making his mark on it, and therefore on her.

  He realised this train of possessiveness was drawing him towards an early climax, so he quickly stepped back and disconnected.

  Sam shot him a look of devastated rejection. “What’s wrong? Don’t you like it?”

  He chuckled kindly, pulling her against himself. “Of course, baby. I just needed to stop before I ruined everything!”

  She grinned. “Ah, okay. We’d better take things slow, then.”


  He reached up and caressed her cheek, relishing the magic of being here naked with her, stripped of all his usual daily pretences. Bliss soared through him as Sam pressed her gorgeous body against his bare chest – rubbing her chiffon-covered breasts on his pecs. He inhaled her aroma, which reminded him of sweet mango juice from a faraway land.

  He kissed her tenderly. “You taste like the sunshine.”

  She chuckled, making her beautiful face radiate with joy. Lustful desire sparked in him once more, and he couldn’t resist. He wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up, which made her giggle and gasp. Then he carried her over to the bed, feeling like a hero from a black and white movie. Sam hugged him and kissed his neck as he carried her.

  “You’re so light,” he said.

  “But strong!”


  Verlaine carefully lowered her down onto the feather-filled duvet, making it rustle. She knelt up and swayed her hips from side-to-side, clearly feeling horny and unable to hide it. He got comfy on the bed in front of her and took her face in his hands, running his thumb over her beautiful lips. She smiled and closed her eyes.

  “You’re so perfect, goddess,” he said. “So pure and beautiful. You’re like…”

  He leaned forward and kissed her gently on the lips, wishing he could be better at romantic poetry. “Like…”

  Sam opened her eyes and smirked. “Remember what happened last time you compared me to a Ferrari?”

p; Verlaine chuckled. “It was supposed to be a compliment. I guess I’m not the most articulate guy in the world.”

  Sam grinned. “There are much better things you could be doing with your mouth than whispering sweet nothings.”

  Excitement whooshed in Verlaine’s chest, and he rose to the challenge, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her strongly. A sweet hum of arousal vibrated from her lips onto his, and – as the kiss increased in passion – Verlaine leaned into her, encouraging her to lie down.

  “Allow me to demonstrate my oral skills, ma’am.”

  Sam’s body writhed as she rested her head on the pillow. “Please do!”

  He crawled up to gaze into her eyes and kissed her hungrily, then he reached down towards the ribbon of the negligee, determined to discover whether this single bow was holding the whole thing together.

  He rested his body weight on one elbow and pulled the bow with his other hand. It unravelled, causing the top of the negligee to become loose, then fall open. Verlaine’s body washed with an urgent lust. The chill in the room had caused Sam’s breasts to plump up, making her nipples hard and her breasts shapely.

  Verlaine exhaled with delight as he reached out to touch her silken flesh, making her groan and writhe with anticipation. He leaned forward and sucked her nipple – savouring the softness and enjoying her light groans of joy. Sam arched her back and pushed herself into him, already starting to lose control. Seeing her squirm at his command rocketed Verlaine’s animal desire to the max, making him want to fuck her hard and fast.

  But he wasn’t that sort of guy. Her pleasure was his desire, and he knew the longer he delayed his own pleasure, the better it would ultimately be for them both.

  He moved his body upwards and kissed Sam on the lips. “I love you.”

  She beamed a smile into his eyes, then gasped as he reached down towards her panties – savouring the feel of her soft skin as he went. He always relished touching Sam’s panties; somehow it felt subversive and exciting, so it was no hardship to fondle his fingers over the material covering her pussy, which was quickly becoming wet.


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