Lost Chances

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Lost Chances Page 15

by C. T. Nicholson

  Nothing helped, not even the way Ryan played with her hair, which always calmed her.

  I am pregnant.

  "Baby, we'll get you through this. Calm down." Ryan spoke reassuringly in her ear. "Cooper's a good guy, and I know he'll be there for you. I've seen how he looks at you."

  After she managed to calm down enough to move, she let Ryan lead her into his living room.

  "I know. You warned me to take it slower that night but after Seth and then seeing Cooper again… He does something to me that I can't control." The man was the devil in disguise. A very good devil.

  "The man is sexy as sin, but I'm not going to say I told you so. You need to tell him soon about that night and the baby. You can't even go to the doctor until you tell him and your brothers, at least. If anyone sees you and finds out, the whole town will know. I understand you're still trying to process the news yourself, but you have to do this. I also think the quicker you tell them the easier this will be on you." He left, then returned with a glass of water.

  "They'll want to hunt down the man who did this, but he's their best friend." Her chest tightened and breathing became difficult. She was hyperventilating. "He didn't even remember. Everything has been going so perfectly and now it's all going to change. I don't want having a baby to be the only reason he stays. He hasn't told me he loves me yet and we haven't even discussed his plans, though I think he's postponed putting the house up for sale."

  "Calm down, Sophia. Here—" He pushed her head until she had it between her knees. "Just think about something else, anything else."

  She thought of the time her father took her fishing and she caught the biggest fish of all of them. It was a time when they had finally started becoming a family again after her mother died. Ryan was so good to her. Her breathing had already become easier.

  "I'm okay." She really wasn't.

  "No, you're not, but you will be. I think you should just get the announcement over with. It'll be pretty damn hard to hide a pregnancy from your brothers when you live with them. Especially, in this small ass town." Ryan stood, grabbed her hand, and dragged her off the couch. "I'll be with you every step of the way."

  Somehow, Ryan was always right. "Okay."

  "I'll drive you home and then you can head over to Cooper’s. I would go, sweetie, but I think he'd be more comfortable with just you." He kissed her forehead before going out the door.

  She grabbed her phone and followed close behind. Just finding out you're pregnant was hard and now she had to tell the father. She knew he wouldn't leave her to raise a child on her own, but a small part of her still feared the worst.


  Cooper stared at his agent’s name on the screen of his phone and froze. What if she didn't have good news? Then again, she might have. He was so busy worrying, the phone stopped ringing.

  When it started back up, he answered right away. She wouldn't be calling twice in a row if it was bad. At least he hoped not.


  "Are you sitting down?" She sounded almost out of breath. "If not, then do it."

  He normally would've just ignored her and said he was, but this time seemed different and he fell back in the rocking chair on the front porch. "What is it?"

  "You've got the deal! I've been sent the contract and it's ready for you to sign. After you read it of course, but I've read it fifty times and there's no way you'll turn it down. They want you to fly out tomorrow to Nashville to start recording instantly. I've shown them your songs and they're ready to get it rolling." She spoke so fast she had to catch her breath at the end.

  "This can't be real."

  "Oh, it is. You'll be touring at the first of the year with Lance 'freaking' Michaels! This is so amazing. I knew you'd get there, but this has really happened fast and you completely deserve it."

  Lance Michaels. He'd be touring along with someone he looked up to. The guy was the biggest country singer around at that moment. "Unbelievable. I have no idea what to say."

  "Just tell me you'll be at the airport in the morning. I've already set the flight up and your hotel room is set to go."

  He was lucky as hell to land Krys as his agent. She had everything planned at all times. "When is my flight?"

  "At eight in the morning." Her voice was muffled for a moment; he figured she was talking to someone else. "Is that going to work? I'll be picking you up at the airport."

  "Absolutely! I'll see you tomorrow." He hung up the phone and just smiled as he stared out at the sky. It was really happening. He couldn't wait to share the news with Sophia. Hopefully she was just as excited as he. He'd pray like hell she wanted to go with him.

  Nothing would be right if he didn't have her by his side. She’d called to let him know she was coming over, so it didn't give him any time to plan something special for the news. Not that he had any time anyways. He had to get packed and beg her to go with him.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Sophia wiped her suddenly sweaty hands onto her jeans. It was time to tell Cooper she was pregnant, but not before she explained they'd had sex and he didn’t remember.

  The door swung open and she found herself picked up into a tight hold while Cooper spun her around. His smile was contagious—she really hoped that smile stayed there when she told him the big news. They hadn't even said ‘I love you’ yet and she was about to tell the man he was going to be a father.

  Talk about dropping a bomb.

  "I've got some great news!" He grinned from ear to ear.

  "I do, too." She followed him inside after he lowered her to the ground.

  He sat down on the couch and pulled her down right beside him. After a short, but thorough, kiss, he spoke. "You go first."

  The lump in her throat grew bigger. "I think you should really go first. You look like you're about to jump out of your seat with excitement."

  His throaty laugh made her relax. "Okay. Well, I've kept it quiet, but my agent, Krys, has been working to get me a record contract. I performed right before I came to town and was heard by a big name from a record company."

  "I had no idea!" Knowing what his dream was, she couldn't be anything but happy for him.

  "She made it happen! I'm supposed to leave tomorrow to start recording and then they want me to start touring at the first of the year with one of the famous singers from the label. I know you've heard of Lance Michaels."

  "No way! I have all of his music." The news was bigger than she imagined and she nearly forgot why she’d come to see him. It was hard to hide the pain. If he was going to be on tour, then what did that mean for her and their baby?

  "Hey, don't be sad. I know we haven't discussed our relationship. All I want to say is that I love you and don't want to leave town without you." He lifted her hand and kissed it. "I know it's a lot at once, but I want you with me every step of the way, Sophia. You have to know how much I love you. How much I've always loved you."

  "I—I…" Tears fell down her cheeks and she couldn't stop them. She knew what she had to do. Rising up on tiptoes, she kissed him. This would be the last time, so she made it worth it. He groaned against her lips as their tongues circled each other for just a few seconds before she pushed back, her hands on his shoulders.

  "What was your news?" He didn't remove his eyes from her lips.

  She couldn't tell him. Taking a baby on tour wasn't possible and if she told him, he'd give up his dreams to take care of her and their child. Not how she wanted to live—and she wasn't about to make him live that way either.

  "I don't feel the same way as you and I don't want to go with you. I'm so happy for you and wish you the best, but I can't be with you anymore."

  His mouth fell open. She could swear she saw his eyes water, but she was up and walking out of the house before he could say a word.

  Please don't follow me.

  Every bone in her body ached to run back to him and tell him she’d lied—but she ignored the feeling and jumped into her jeep. It hurt that he didn't follow her even tho
ugh it was for the best. If he had, she wasn't sure she could lie again.

  She drove home with one hand on the wheel and the other on her stomach. This had to be the best, for both of them. She'd never be able to live life knowing she'd taken away his dreams. And if he didn't right away, he'd eventually despise her for it.

  No matter what, she wouldn't tell him the truth and she really needed Ryan to help her through the pain, as well as support her when the time came to tell her brothers and father.

  Life had become so difficult since Cooper came to town and she was the one to blame for it all.


  Life had been perfect. He was finally with Sophia and then he got the phone call he'd been waiting for. Getting Sophia's news was not what he'd expected. After everything they’d been through, she told him she didn't feel the same way. He thought she would go with him and all would be just right.

  No, he’d professed his love and she just threw it back at him. He'd have to talk to Ryan about it later to see what the hell he was missing.

  The ringtone signaled a call from his agent, but he ignored it. He couldn't talk to her. Everything was packed and he stood at the front door with the last bag. Keeping busy with preparations for the trip didn't help with getting Sophia's words out of his head.

  "Shit!" He should've chased her down anyways. Fine. If she wanted him to leave without her, then he would, but damn if he wouldn't come back to her as soon as the album was finished. There was no way in hell he would give up that easily. He deserved more of an explanation than the admission she didn't feel the same way. He refused to believe that.

  Maybe she'd feel differently when he left. He loaded the last bag and jumped into his truck. It took the last of his restraint not to pull up to her house when he drove by, and he hated every second of it.

  He was coming back for her even if she didn't think he would. And it wouldn't be seven years this time.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  "You did what?" Ryan just stood there with his mouth wide open. "After everything, you broke up with him. Did you happen to forget about the baby and the fact that you love him?"

  She kept silent through the tears flowing down her cheeks and the ache in her throat from crying so much.

  "I can't believe you just broke up with the guy when you were supposed to tell him you were pregnant. And you did it after he said that he loved you." He stared at her a moment longer, then hugged her close. "I'm sorry. Please explain to me what was going through your head. I think you're leaving out too many details."

  "I went to tell him and had every intention of doing so until he told me his news."

  "Oh. He had bad news or something?"

  She shook her head. "No. He had great news. He's flying out today to record his first album and then, at the first of the year, he's going to be on tour with Lance Michaels."

  "Wow! That is great news. Then what was the issue?"

  "If I tell him he's going to be a father, he'll give up his dreams and I can't do that to him. He wanted me to go with him, but I can't exactly start traveling with a baby growing in my stomach." She’d waited until she knew Cooper left town before telling Ryan what happened. It was best in case Ryan decided to take matters into his own hands. "Please, promise me you won't call and tell him. It's my decision to let him go."

  "I'm so sorry, sweetie. I know choosing what to do wasn't easy, but I don't think he'll give up just like that. And I also don't think you can keep from him that he has a child. Think about that."

  She had. "I'll tell him, but not until I have the baby or he's finished with his tour, whichever comes first. I'm not selfish enough to keep a child from him. I just have to wait until he's already following his dreams. Once he's got a contract and is already well-known, he won't give it up. I love him too much and even if this hurts what I could've had with him, I'll do what's best for him."

  "I understand. Let's head to your house and tell your brothers. They need to know before you go to the doctor." He picked up his keys and waited for her to follow. "Let's get it done."

  "Okay." She knew how they'd react and the first question they'd ask was, ‘Who’s the father?’—if they didn't assume it to be Cooper.


  She couldn't do this. How could she tell her three, older and way over protective brothers she would be having a baby?

  "I think I see an indentation forming in the floor." Ryan pointed to the floor where she stood.

  Now that she was thinking about it, her feet ached from pacing. "This isn't going to go well."

  All of her brothers would be home soon. As if her thoughts controlled the world, the front door swung open to reveal Mike. He wore the navy blue work pants with his fire station shirt. Her heart sped up and didn't slow down any as the door opened again to show Nick wearing his gym shorts and tank top.

  "I know you need to talk, but can I take a shower or is this too important to wait?" Nick shook his sweat covered shirt.

  "Yes, you can—"

  "No," Ryan interrupted. "Your shower can wait."

  Nick's blue eyes narrowed; then, his face dropped and she could see his sudden fear.

  "Don't worry." She was worried herself but she couldn't let her brother think of something so much worse than the reality.

  Jacob walked in and shut the door. His face was covered in dirt and sweat and his clothes didn't look any better. That usually didn't happen since he became the owner of the construction company. He did like to get the job done himself sometimes when others didn't do it up to his standards.

  "Alright, we've all been anxious to know what you wanted to talk about." He sat on the couch.

  "Then I guess I'll come out with it. You guys know I love living here with y’all." She had no clue where that came from. She was freaking out.

  "Are you moving out?" Nick asked.

  "I know you and Cooper are doing good, but I think that's a little soon to decide," Jacob said calmly.

  "I'm not moving out. Not yet anyways, but we can't live together forever." No, and they wouldn't want to live with a crying baby with their busy lives.

  "Well, I know that." Nick laughed.

  "Let her speak." Ryan stood and grabbed her hand, giving it a good squeeze for reassurance.

  "I'm pregnant." The words flew out of her mouth and she didn't even know what to do at that point. Running sounded pretty good.

  "Say that once again." This time Mike spoke and he wasn't sitting anymore.

  "I'm pregnant. I took the test today and it was positive. Before you even ask, tests don't usually give you a false positive." And her test was far from showing negative.

  "I'm going to kill Cooper. We trusted him to take care of you." Jacob stomped to the door with Mike and Nick following.

  "No! He's gone." As soon as the words left her mouth, she realized her mistake. All three of them stiffened.

  Mike was the first to say something. "Did he leave because you're pregnant?"

  "No. I broke up with him."

  It didn't take long for each of them to come back into the living room.

  "I don't understand." Nick threw his arms in the air.

  "I do. It's not his. Is it Seth's baby?" Mike asked.

  Ryan laughed. "No! That never happened, thank God."

  "Well then, whose baby is it? Surely you wouldn't have broken up with Cooper if he's the father." Jacob shoved one hand through his dark hair.

  "I can't tell you and it doesn't matter."

  "The hell it doesn't matter! He's responsible for this and he'll do you right." Mike grabbed her free hand. "I promise we won't kill him. Even if you won't have anything to do with him, you've got to tell the father of your child."

  Her cheeks heated under their stares. Sheesh! What kind of girl did they think she was? She nearly laughed aloud at her own thoughts. She was pregnant and denying the baby belonged to either guy she dated recently.

  She sat down on the couch and her brothers moved in, towering above her, as they kept interrogating
her. She couldn't handle it and the tears streamed down. "Please, just leave it alone."

  "I'm the father."

  She froze. What the hell was he doing?

  "Are you joking? This is not the damn time to joke." Mike turned back around to her.

  "I'm not joking. Is there some reason you would think I was joking?" Ryan stepped past her brothers and sat beside her on the couch.


  Jacob would be the last one to believe what Ryan said. Whatever he was trying to pull, he better have a good reason.

  At first she was just going to deny it; then he gave her the look so she just went with it. "He's telling the truth."

  "Damn it, Sophia. What do you think Dad's going to do?" Mike had apparently taken over the interrogation.

  "I—I don't know. It's done and I'll handle it." She curled closer to Ryan but never looked away, no matter how bad she wanted to.

  "Maybe everyone should leave it alone for the moment and let it sink in." He grabbed her hands and pulled her up. "Do you want to go get something to eat? Or watch a movie to clear your head?"

  Nothing was going to clear the issue from her head and food and a movie wasn't going to ease the pain in her chest. She hated lying to her brothers and especially to Cooper. She let Ryan take the lead on this, though. Luckily, her brothers let her leave without saying anything. "It'll be okay."

  She didn't know why she felt the need to tell them that when she didn't believe her own words. Now she just had to find out what Ryan was up to. Once they were both in his car and down the road a bit, she let loose.

  "What were you thinking? I'm truly grateful to you for stopping their interrogation, but how do we explain this when I tell Cooper the truth? And you're gay!" It was like a time-bomb just ticking away for the perfect moment to explode in her face.

  "I'm not coming out anytime soon. This way we can keep it quiet from Cooper until you're ready." He pulled his truck over on the long dirt road. "I'm telling you now, if you don't tell him once the baby is here, then I will. You know I love you so much, but I won't keep that from him either. He deserves to know."


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