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Brainwashed Page 23

by Ben Shapiro

  11 . “Inauguration spells doom for democratic principles,” Professor Robert N. Watson, UCLA Daily Bruin, 8 January 2001.

  12 . Payam Mahram, “Inauguration ceremonies go unseen,” UCLA Daily Bruin, 22 January 2001.

  13 . UCLA Professor Matthew Baum, Political Science 20, Lecture, 11 January 2001.

  14 . Thomas E. Cronin and Michael Genovese, “Presidential politics in 2000,” Portland Oregonian, 31 January 2000.

  15 . “A look back at Bush vs. Gore, one year later,” Daily Princetonian, 7 November 2001.

  16 . “A look back at Bush vs. Gore, one year later.”

  17 . Nicholas Zamiska, “Bush’s Tax Cuts: A Shot in the Arm or the Foot?” Yale Herald, 30 March 2001.

  18 . Kelly Rayburn, “Address focuses on terrorism,” UCLA Daily Bruin, 30 January 2002.

  19 . UCLA Professor Lynn Vavreck, Political Science 40, Lecture, 12 February 2002.

  20 . “The Ronald Reagan Home Page: Incomes,” incomes.cfm.

  21 . “The Ronald Reagan Home Page: Unemployment 1980-89,”

  22 . “Bush’s tax cuts: who benefits?” Institute for Public Accuracy, February 9, 2001. My emphasis.

  23 . “Bush’s tax cuts: who benefits?”

  24 . “Bush’s tax cuts: who benefits?”

  25 . “Election 2000—Still ‘The Economy, Stupid’? MIT Economists weigh in . . .”, MIT Sloan School Press Release, 31 August 2000.

  26 . Robert Watson, “Illogical, rude letters condemn too quickly,” UCLA Daily Bruin, 25 February 2002.

  27 . Robert Watson, “Conservative outlook on economy not so great,” UCLA Daily Bruin, 7 March 2002.

  28 . Geoffrey Nunberg, “On the bias,” Fresh Air, 19 March 2002.

  29 . Thomas Hargrove and Guido H. Stempel III, “Many voters see bias in newspaper stories,” Scripps Howard News Service, 11 November 2000.

  30 ., 22 July 2002.

  31 . UCLA Professor Steven Spiegel, Honors Collegium 97, Course Syllabus.

  32 . UCLA Professor Lynn Vavreck, Political Science 20, Lecture, 28 February 2002.

  33 . Professor Scott Bowman, Political Science 167A, Lecture, 28 May 2002.

  34 . Samuel Kernell and Gary C. Jacobsen, The Logic of American Politics (Congressional Quarterly, 2000), 68.

  35 . “Welfare: Where do we go from here?: Opening Statements,” Atlantic Monthly Roundtable, 12 March 1997.

  36 . “The Fallout of Welfare Reform,” Columbia University Record, 20 September 1996.

  37 . “Welfare: Where do we go from here?: Opening Statements,” Atlantic Monthly Roundtable, 12 March 1997.

  38 . Robert Rector, “The Good News About Welfare Reform,” Heritage Foundation, 20 September 2001.

  39 . “UF Law Professor Warns Social Security Privatization Could Endanger Retirement Prospects For Millions,” University of Florida Law School News-Online, 10 July 2001. Emphasis added.

  40 . NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, 24 July 2001.

  41 . Adrea Korthase, “Wayne St. discusses Bush’s Social Security plans,” South End, 11 February 2002.

  42 . “Raising minimum wage seems inevitable,”, 6 May 1996.

  43 . Eric Roston, “How much is a living wage?,”, 31 March 2002.

  44 . “Commentary: The Case for a Minimum-Wage Hike,” Business Week, 2 February 1998.

  45 . “Commentary: The Case for a Minimum-Wage Hike.”

  46 . Larry Elder, The Ten Things You Can’t Say In America (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2000), 113.

  47 . Sarah Beirute, “Brooker and Gillen face off on nationalized health care,” Oracle, 15 April 2002.

  48 . Mary Lee Grant, “Texas poll: government should provide health care says 56 percent,” Scripps Howard Texas Poll, 20 March 2000.

  49 . Kathleen Maclay, “Researchers help define what makes a political conservative,” UC Berkeley News, 22 July 2003.

  50 . UCLA TA Darren Schreiber, Political Science 6, Section, 5 March 2002.

  51 . Mikhael Romain, “Panel discussion examines effects of Sept. 11 on minorities,” University of Oregon Daily Emerald, 22 May 2002.

  52 . Professor Robert Watson, “Johnson fails to accept need for dissent in life,” UCLA Daily Bruin, 20 November 2001.

  53 . Danielle Gillespie, “Liberals, radicals, or just activists?” University of Oregon Daily Emerald, 5 March 2002.

  54 . UCLA Professor Barbara Sinclair, Political Science 140A, Lecture, 15 January 2004.

  55 . UCLA Professor Kenneth Schultz, Political Science 121, Lecture, 30 May 2002.

  56 . UCLA Professor Lynn Vavreck, February 26, 2002.

  57 . Kernell and Jacobsen, The Logic of American Politics, 102.

  58 . Jim Powell, FDR’s Folly (New York: Crown Forum, 2003).

  59 . Robert Stacy McCain, “Poll Confirms Ivy League Liberal Tilt,” Washington Times, 15 January 2002.

  60 . Dexter Gauntlett, “Carnesale addresses US national security,” UCLA Daily Bruin, 1 March 2002.

  61 . “News Conference—Union of Concerned Scientists,” Federal News Service, 2 May 2001.

  62 . Robert Stacy McCain, “Poll Confirms Ivy League Liberal Tilt,” Washington Times, 15 January 2002.

  63 . Debra Viadero, “Researchers at Center of Storm Over Vouchers,” Education Week, 5 August 1998.

  64 . Viadero, “Researchers at Center of Storm Over Vouchers.”

  65 . Kernell and Jacobsen, The Logic of American Politics, 489. Emphasis added.

  66 . Kernell and Jacobsen, The Logic of American Politics, 344. Emphasis added.

  67 . David Kaplan, “Professors sign statement opposing impeachment,” Rice News, 12 November 1998.

  68 . “History professor testifies for Clinton,” New York Times, 9 December 1998.

  69 . Christopher Chow, “Conservatives equal racists at MLA,” Accuracy in Academia, 17 January 2002.

  70 . Jon Dougherty, “Campus commencements lean to left,”, 3 September 2003.

  71 . Robert Salonga, “Students protest UCLA’s invitation of Laura Bush to speak at commencement,” UCLA Daily Bruin, 20 February 2002.

  72 . Howard Kurtz, “Al Franken: Throwing Punches and Punch Lines,” Washington Post, 28 August 2003.

  73 . Michelle Malkin, “What’s so funny about abstinence, Al Franken?,”, 22 August 2003.


  1 . “Comedy & Tragedy, 2003-2004,” Young America’s Foundation, 2003.

  2 . “Comedy & Tragedy, 2003-2004.”

  3 . UCLA Professor Richard Sklar, Political Science 167A, Lecture, 7 May 2002.

  4 . Sklar, 23 April 2002.

  5 . “Struik straddled words of mathematics, Marxist politics,” MIT Tech Talk, 14 September 1994.

  6 . Professor Cornel West,

  7 . Brandon A. Evans, “Forum offers socialism a needed outlet,” Daily Illini, 17 November 1998.

  8 . Deborah Schoeneman, “Pulitzer Prize winner Kushner critiques America, pushes socialism,” Cornell Chronicle, 18 February 1999.

  9 . Schoeneman, “Pulitzer Prize winner Kushner critiques America, pushes socialism.”

  10 . Schoeneman, “Pulitzer Prize winner Kushner critiques America, pushes socialism.”

  11 . UCLA Professor Richard Sklar, Political Science 167A, Lecture, 16 April 2002.

  12 . K. Watkins, “Free Trade and Farm Fallacies,” The Ecologist v. 25, Nov/Dec 1996.

  13 . UCLA Professor Jurgen Essletzbichler, Geography 4 Syllabus, Fall 2000. Emphasis added.

  14 . Sarah H. Wright, “Merits of teaming capitalism and democracy discussed at colloquium,” MIT Tech Talk, 18 October 2000. Emphasis added.

  15 . Wright, “Merits of teaming capitalism and democracy discussed at colloquium.”

  16 . Maureen McDonald, “Urban crisis is historian’s theme,” Detroit News, 14 February 2001.

  17 . As quoted by Betsy Hart, “It’s gettin’ better all the time,”
Jewish World Review, 2 January 2001.

  18 . Elizabeth Goodman, “Ayn Rand’s resurgence,” Penn State Digital Collegian, 10 September 1999.

  19 . Teri Sforza, “Ayn Rand groups shrugs off old HQ,” Orange County Register, 6 June 2002.

  20 . Hugh Aynesworth, “Texas town sees Red as Marxist professor rides tenure track,” Washington Times, 27 March 2002.

  21 . Jennifer Hagin, “Lawsuits bolster Fla. coffers,” Daily Tar Heel, 10 April 2000.

  22 . John Creed, “USA: Oil Firms Fund ‘Tobacco Terrorism’,” Anchorage Daily News, 7 November 2001.

  23 . Joe Light, “A question of conflict: the university and tobacco,” Yale Daily News, 7 December 2001.

  24 . Geraldine Sealey, “Whose fault is fat?”, 22 January 2002.

  25 . Sealey, “Whose fault is fat?”

  26 . Sealey, “Whose fault is fat?”

  27 . Paul Ehrlich, Human Natures: Genes, Cultures, and the Human Prospect (New York: Penguin USA, 2002), 266.

  28 . Robert Watson, “Conservatives quick to excuse war crimes,” UCLA Daily Bruin, 10 May 2001.

  29 . UCLA Professor Joshua Muldavin, Geography 5, Lecture, 23 January 2001.

  30 . Eric Mann, LA’s Lethal Air: New Strategies for Policy, Organizing, and Action (Los Angeles: Labor/Community Watchdog, 1991), 9.

  31 . UCLA Professor Joshua Muldavin, Geography 5, Lecture, February 1, 2001. Emphasis added.

  32 . Robert Watson, “Johnson fails to accept need for dissent in life,” UCLA Daily Bruin, 20 November 2001.

  33 . Robert Watson, “Johnson fails to accept need for dissent in life,” UCLA Daily Bruin, 20 November 2001.

  34 . Dana Cloud, “Pledge for the workers,” Daily Texan, 1 July 2002.

  35 . UCLA Professor Marilyn Raphael, Geography 124, Lecture, 4 April 2002.

  36 . Eric Mann, LA’s Lethal Air: New Strategies for Policy, Organizing, and Action, 35.

  37 . Mann, LA’s Lethal Air, 36.

  38 . Mann, LA’s Lethal Air, 46. Emphasis added.

  39 . F. Lappe, J. Collins, and P. Rossett, World Hunger: Twelve Myths (New York: Grove Press, 1998), 175.

  40 . UCLA Professor Jurgen Essletzbichler, Geography 4, Lecture, Week 6, Fall 2000.

  41 . Essletzbichler, Week 8, Fall 2000.

  42 . Essletzbichler, Week 6, Fall 2000.

  43 . Sean Axmaker, essential video, Editorial Review of Roger and Me.

  44 . UCLA Professor Jurgen Essletzbichler, Geography 4, Lecture, Week 6, Fall 2000.

  45 . Steve Pearlstein, “In Blossoming Scandal, Culprits Are Countless,” Washington Post, 28 June 2002.

  46 . Pearlstein, “In Blossoming Scandal, Culprits Are Countless.” Emphasis added.

  47 . Pearlstein, “In Blossoming Scandal, Culprits Are Countless.”

  48 . “NAS/Zogby Poll Reveals American Colleges Are Teaching Dubious Ethical Lessons,” NAS Press Release, July 2, 2002,

  49 . “NAS/Zogby Poll Reveals American Colleges Are Teaching Dubious Ethical Lessons.”

  50 . NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll, July 19-21, 2002.

  51 . Steven Greenhouse, “Labor leaders and intellectuals are forging new alliance,” New York Times, 22 September 1996. Emphasis added.

  52 . Greenhouse, “Labor leaders and intellectuals are forging new alliance.”

  53 . “What We Stand For: Mission and Goals of the AFL-CIO,” aboutaflcio/about/mission/index.cfm. Emphasis added.

  54 . Federal Elections Committee Report, 30 June 2002, .

  55 . UCLA Professor Joshua Muldavin, Geography 5, Lecture, 20 February 2001.

  56 . “The Great Reform of China: An Alternative View,” Interview with Joshua Muldavin, Intercom, Newsletter of ISOP, Vol. 18, No. 7, May 1996.

  57 . “The Great Reform of China: An Alternative View,” Interview with Joshua Muldavin. Emphasis added.

  58 . “The Great Reform of China: An Alternative View,” Interview with Joshua Muldavin.

  59 . UCLA Professor Joshua Muldavin, Geography 5, class discussion board, Winter 2001.

  60 . “Cuba’s Isolation Fosters Challenges, Along with Charms for Medical Teams,” Stanford Medical Staff Update, June 1999.

  61 . “Going Home Could Be Good for Elian’s Health,” SLU Newslink, 3 April 2000.

  62 . “The Living Streets of Havana,” Ken Gewertz, Harvard University Gazette, May 9, 2002.

  63 . Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, Communist Manifesto (Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 1999), 78.

  64 . F. Lappe, J. Collins, and P. Rossett, World Hunger: Twelve Myths, 175.

  65 . Thomas Sowell, The Quest for Cosmic Justice (New York: Free Press, 1999), 167.

  66 . Barry Commoner, “How Poverty Breeds Overpopulation,” Ramparts Magazine, Aug/Sept 1975.

  67 . Eric Mann, LA’s Lethal Air: New Strategies for Policy, Organizing, and Action, 71.

  68 . Paul Ehrlich, Human Natures: Genes, Cultures, and the Human Prospect, 322.

  69 . “Our Structure,” Democratic Socialists of America, ure.html.

  70 . “Where We Stand,” Democratic Socialists of America, where.html.


  1 . Bimal Rajkomar, “Minority admits at UC near pre-SP-1 levels,” UCLA Daily Bruin, 4 April 2001.

  2 . Eli C. Minkoff and Pamela J. Baker, Biology Today: An Issues Approach, 196.

  3 . B.P. Giri, “CSAS Hosts Seminar and Panel Discussion on Afghanistan and Pakistan,” University of Virginia Center for South Asian Studies Newsletter, Fall 2001.

  4 . Kelly Rayburn, “Students unite to remember the Holocaust,” UCLA Daily Bruin, 10 April 2002.

  5 . Dinesh D’Souza, Illiberal Education: The Politics of Race and Sex on Campus (New York: Free Press, 1991), 5

  6 . “Comedy & Tragedy, 2003-2004,” Young America’s Foundation, 2003.

  7 . “History 330 Syllabus,” Oberlin College Web site, dmaeda/hist330/.

  8 . J. Lawrence Scholer, “The Failure of Middle Eastern Studies,” Dartmouth Review, 4 February 2002.

  9 . J. Lawrence Scholer, “The Failure of Middle Eastern Studies.”

  10 . Anne D. Neal, Exfemina, Independent Women’s Forum, April 2001.

  11 . Eric Mann, LA’s Lethal Air: New Strategies for Policy, Organizing, and Action (Los Angeles: Labor/Community Watchdog, 1991), 28.

  12 . Eric Mann, LA’s Lethar Air: New Strategies for Policy Organizing and Action, 28.

  13 . Samuel Kernell and Gary C. Jacobsen, The Logic of American Politics, (Congressional Quarterly, 2000), 92.

  14 . Kernell and Jacobsen, The Logic of American Politics, 344.

  15 . Kelly Rayburn and Christian Jenkins, “Conference covers views on race, ethnicity issues,” UCLA Daily Bruin, 29 May 2002.

  16 . Noel Ignatiev, Talk given at the conference “The Making and Unmaking of Whiteness,” University of California, Berkeley, 11-13 April 1997.

  17 . Sara Russo, “Harvard University Fellow Advocates ‘Abolishing the White Race,’” Accuracy in Academia, 10 September 2002.

  18 . Schooled in Hate: Anti-Semitism on Campus, Anti-Defamation League, 1997.

  19 . Vernellia R. Randall, “Institutional Racism in the US Health Care System: Statement to the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination,” 24 January 2001, http://www.uday

  20 . Karen Feldscher, “Minorities seek greater respect,” Northeastern Voice, /survey.html.

  21 . Andrew Edwards, “UCLA faculty remembers course of events of riot,” UCLA Daily Bruin, 29 April 2002.

  22 . Professor Donald E. Wilkes, “Lawlessness in law enforcement,” Campus Times, 30 May 1991.

  23 . Phat X. Chiem, “The Verdict and the Violence,” USC The Law School News Release, 29 April 2002.

  24 . “Building a Multiracial and Multiethnic Community in Lo
s Angeles,” Inside Dominguez Halls, December 2000/January 2001.

  25 . “Building a Multiracial and Multiethnic Community in Los Angeles.”

  26 . Linda Deutsch, “The Legacy of Rodney King,”, 3 March 2001.

  27 . UCLA Professor Daniel Buring, Linguistics 1, Course Reader, Spring 2001.

  28 . Lisa Estey, “Ebonics creator: language is a tool,” Times-Delphic Online, 4 March 1997.

  29 . “Ebonics Insider,” Stanford Magazine, March/April 1997.

  30 . Todd Hardy, “Panel emphasizes value of Ebonics as teaching aid,” Arizona Daily Wildcat, 28 February 1997.

  31 . Tamina Agha, “Ebonics supported at discussion,” Northeastern News, February 26, 1997.

  32 . Linda Prendez, “Debate over Ebonics masks racism,” Daily Forty-Niner, 26 February 1997.

  33 . Eric M. Jukelevics, “UA professor defends bilingual education,” Arizona Daily Wildcat, 3 February 1999.

  34 . UCLA Professor Pamela Munro, Linguistics 1, Lecture, 8 May 2001.

  35 . Robert Stacy McCain, “Poll Confirms Ivy League Liberal Tilt,” Washington Times, 15 January 2002.

  36 . John Mack Faragher, Mari Jo Buhle, Daniel Czitrom, Susan H. Armitage, Out of Many: A History of the American People, Volume I: To 1877 (New Jersey, Prentice Hall, 1999), 88.

  37 . Faragher, Buhle, Czitrom, Armitage, Out of Many: A History of the American People, 100-101. Emphasis added.

  38 . Marty Toohey, “Legal experts want slavery reparations,” University of Oregon Daily Emerald, 24 October 2001.

  39 . Carla Blumenkranz, “In talk, RIC professor calls slavery ‘part of the American pedigree’,” Brown Daily Herald, 18 October 2001.

  40 . Robert Chrisman and Ernest Allen Jr., “Ten Reasons: A Response to David Horowitz,”

  41 . Chrisman and Allen Jr. “Ten Reasons: A Response to David Horowitz.”

  42 . Jake Lilien, “David Horowitz to speak at Amherst College,” University of Massachusetts Daily Collegian, 12 March 2002.

  43 . Michael Mitchell, “Controversy Comes to Campus: A Response to David Horowitz,” Legacy Magazine, 2002.

  44 . Ehrlich, Human Natures: Genes, Cultures, and the Human Prospect, 2.

  45 . Bimal Rajkomar, “Atkinson proposes dropping SAT I in admissions,” UCLA Daily Bruin, February 20, 2001.

  46 . Rajkomar, “Atkinson proposes dropping SAT I in admissions.”


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