
Home > Nonfiction > Brainwashed > Page 29
Brainwashed Page 29

by Ben Shapiro

  Old Dominion University, ♣

  O’Leary, Cecilia Elizabeth, Prof., ♣

  Olson, Sara Jane (Kathleen Soliah), ♣- ♦

  Omari, Mikelle, Prof. (University of Arizona), ♣

  Oral Roberts University, ♣

  Oregon State University, ♣- ♦

  O’Reilly, Bill, ♣

  Orentlicher, David, Prof. (Indiana University School of Law), ♣

  Orfield, Gary, Prof. (Harvard University), ♣

  Owens, Bill (Governor of Colorado), ♣

  Paglia, Camille, Prof. (University of the Arts in Philadelphia), ♣

  Palestine Chronicle, ♣

  Palestinian Red Crescent, ♣

  Parents Resource Music Center (PMRC), ♣

  Park, Kyeyoung, Prof. (UCLA), ♣

  Park, Stanley, ♣

  Patrick Henry University, ♣

  Patterson, Orlando, Prof. (Harvard University), ♣

  Peace Now, ♣

  Pearl, Daniel, ♣

  Pearl, Judea, Prof. (UCLA), ♣

  Pecheskey, Rosalind, Prof. (Hunter College), ♣

  Penley, Constance, Prof. (Wesleyan University), ♣

  Pennsylvania State University, ♣, ♦

  Percival, Robert, Prof. (University of Maryland), ♣

  Peres, Shimon, ♣

  Peretz, Martin, ♣

  Peters, Sheila, Prof. (Fisk University), ♣

  Peterson, Paul, Prof. (Harvard University), ♣

  Pettigrew, Tom, Prof. (University of

  California-Santa Cruz), ♣- ♦, ♥

  Philadelphia University, ♣

  Philip Morris, ♣

  Pierce, Richard (New York University Tisch School), ♣

  Pinochet, Augusto, ♣

  Pipes, Daniel, ♣, ♦, ♥

  Piterberg, Gabriel, Prof. (UCLA), ♣

  Piven, Frances Fox, Prof. (City University of New York), ♣

  Planned Parenthood, ♣

  Pollin, Robert, Prof. (University of Massachusetts-Amherst), ♣

  Pope John Paul, ♣, ♦

  Portland State University, ♣

  Postman, Neil, Prof. (New York University), ♣

  Powell, Colin, ♣- ♦

  Powers, Paul, Prof., ♣

  Prager, Dennis, ♣

  Prashad, Vijay, Prof. (Trinity College in Connecticut), ♣

  Pravda, ♣

  Price, Janis, Prof. (Depauw University), ♣

  Princeton University, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠

  Professors for Peace and Justice, ♣

  Prover, Jorja, Prof. (UCLA), ♣

  Purdue University, ♣

  Q*News, ♣

  Quataert, Donald, Prof. (Binghamton University), ♣- ♦

  Queer Notes, ♣

  Quigley, Bill, Prof. (Loyola University New Orleans School of Law), ♣

  Quill, Timothy, Prof. (University of Rochester), ♣

  Quindel, Jessica, ♣

  Rabin, Yitzchak, ♣

  Race Traitor, ♣

  Rachleff, Peter, Prof. (Macalaster College), ♣, ♦

  Rahman, Sheikh, ♣

  Rajagopal, Balakrishnan, Prof. (MIT), ♣

  Rana, Tayyib, Dr. (University of Buffalo), ♣

  Rand, Ayn, ♣, ♦

  Randall, Vernellia R., Prof. (University of Dayton School of Law), ♣

  Randolph, Carolyn, ♣

  Raphael, Marilyn, Prof. (UCLA), ♣

  Reagan, Ronald, ♣- ♦, ♥, ♠

  Reed College, ♣

  Reese, Laura, ♣

  Rego, Jim, Prof. (Swarthmore College), ♣

  Republicans, xi-♣, ♦, ♥- ♠, †- ‡, Δ, ∇, Ο- ◊, ∅, ∗, ⊕- ⊗

  Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC), ♣, ♦

  Rhode Island College, ♣

  Rice, Condoleeza, ♣, ♦

  Richards, Alan, Prof. (UC Santa Barbara and University of California-Santa Cruz), ♣, ♦

  Richardson, Fred, Prof. (Ohio Wesleyan University), ♣

  Rind, Bruce, Prof. (Temple University), ♣

  Rissler, Jane, Prof. (Union of Concerned Scientists), ♣

  Robbins, Tony (Tufts University), ♣

  Rofel, Lisa, Prof. (University of California-Santa Cruz), ♣

  Romer, David, Prof. (University of California-Berkeley), ♣

  Romirowsky, Asaf, ♣

  Rooke-Ley, Michael, Prof. (University of Oregon School of Law), ♣

  Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, ♣

  Roshandel, Jalil, Prof. (UCLA), ♣

  Roth, Brad, Prof. (Wayne State University), ♣

  Rove, Karl, ♣

  Ruetheur, Rosemary, Prof. (Graduate Theological Union), ♣

  Ruiz, Richard, Prof. (University of Arizona), ♣

  Rumsfeld, Donald, ♣, ♦

  Russon, John, Prof. (Penn State), ♣

  Rutgers University, ♣- ♦, ♥, ♠- †

  Sabri, Naji, ♣

  Said, Edward, Prof. (Columbia University), ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠- †, ‡

  Saint Louis University, ♣, ♣

  San Francisco Art Institute, ♣

  San Francisco State University, ♣, ♦, ♥

  San Jose State University, ♣, ♦

  Sarandon, Susan, ♣

  Sarat, Austin, Prof. (University of Wisconsin-Madison), ♣

  Saritoprak, Zeki, Prof. (Berry College), ♣

  Sassen, Saskia, Prof. (University of Chicago), ♣

  Saxton, Martha, Prof. (Amherst University), ♣

  Schendel, Steven, Prof. (Stanford University), ♣

  Scholastic Achievement Test (SAT), ♣, ♦- ♥

  Schor, Juliet, Prof. (Boston College), ♣

  Schultz, Kenneth, Prof. (UCLA), ♣, ♦, ♥

  Scott Jr., Harold, Prof. (Howard University), ♣

  Scotto, Susan, Prof. (Mount Holyoke), ♣- ♦

  Secret Service, ♣

  Sedler, Robert, Prof. (Wayne State University), ♣

  Seidler-Feller, Chaim, Prof. (UCLA), ♣, ♦

  Shapiro, Svi, Prof. (University of North Carolina in Greensboro), ♣

  Shareef, G.A., Prof. (Bellarmine College), ♣

  Sharon, Ariel, ♣- ♦, ♥, ♠

  Shehadeh, Saleh, ♣

  Sherwood, Wallace, Prof. (Northeastern University), ♣- ♦

  Shields, Sarah, Prof. (University of North Carolina), ♣

  Shingavi, Snehal, Prof. (University of California-Berkeley), ♣

  Shippensburg University, ♣

  Shor, Francis, Prof. (Wayne State University), ♣- ♦

  Siegel, Les, ♣

  Silver, Brenda, Prof. (Dartmouth University), ♣

  Simon, Julian, Prof. (University of Maryland), ♣

  Simon, Lawrence, Prof. (Brandeis University), ♣

  Simpson, O.J., ♣

  Sinclair, Barbara, Prof. (UCLA), ♣

  Singer, Peter, Prof. (Princeton University), ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠

  Sklar, Richard, Prof. (UCLA), ♣- ♦

  Slemrod, Joel, Prof. (University of Michigan), ♣

  Smith, Bradley, ♣

  Smith, David Michael, Prof. (University of Texas), ♣

  Smith, Ernie, Prof. (California State University-Fullerton), ♣

  Smith, Roger B., ♣

  Smith, Stephen, Prof. (Winthrop University), ♣

  Snow, Donald, Prof. (University of Alabama), ♣

  Society of Arab Students, ♣

  Socrates, ♣

  Solow, Robert M., Prof. (MIT), ♣

  Sonoma State University, ♣

  Sontag, Susan, ♣

  Southern Methodist University, ♣

  Sowell, Thomas, ♣

  Spiegel, Steven, Prof. (UCLA), ♣

  Spiers, Paul, Prof. (MIT and Boston University), ♣

  Spiliotes, Constantine, Prof. (Dartmouth College), ♣

  Springfield College, ♣

  Sprinkle, Annie, ♣

  St. Lawrence University in New York, ♣

  St. Petersburg Times, ♣
  Stalin, Josef, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠, †, ‡, Δ

  Stand to Reason, ♣

  Stanford School of Medicine, ♣

  Stanford University, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠, †, ‡, Δ, ∇

  Starr, Kenneth, ♣

  State Department, ♣, ♦

  State University of New York-Stoney-brook, ♣

  Steinem, Gloria, ♣

  Stenger, Victor, Prof. (University of Hawaii), ♣

  Stone, Oliver, ♣

  Stopes, Marie, ♣

  Struik, Dirk, Prof. (MIT), ♣

  Sugrue, Thomas, Prof. (University of Pennsylvania-Philadelphia), ♣, ♦

  Sulloway, Frank, Prof. (University of California-Berkeley), ♣

  Summers, Lawrence (Harvard University), ♣, ♦

  Suwani, Mustafa, Prof. (Truman State University), ♣

  Swarthmore College, ♣

  Sway, Mustafa Abu (Florida Atlantic University), ♣

  Swetland, Monsignor Stuart (University of Illinois-Urbana- Champaign), ♣

  Syed, Ibrahim, Prof. (Bellarmine College), ♣

  Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA), ♣- ♦

  Syracuse University, ♣

  Szalay, Michael F., Prof. (University of California-Irvine), ♣

  Takaki, Ron, Prof. (University of California-Berkeley), ♣

  Takash, Paule, Prof. (UCLA), ♣

  Taussig, Michael, Prof. (Columbia University), ♣

  Taylor, Paul, Prof. (City University of New York), ♣

  Teachers in Focus, ♣

  Teamsters Union, ♣

  Temple University, ♣, ♦

  TenPercent, ♣, ♦- ♥, ♠, †- ‡

  Thomas, Daryl, Prof. (Binghamton University), ♣

  Thomas Jefferson Law School, ♣

  Thomas, Larry (San Francisco Art Institute), ♣

  Thomas, Norman, Prof. (University of Georgia), ♣

  Thomas, Richard, Prof. (Harvard University), ♣

  Thompson, Becky, Prof. (Duke University), ♣

  Thompson, Mike, ♣

  Thompson, Troy, Dr., ♣

  Thurow, Lester, Prof. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), ♣

  Tikkun Community, ♣

  Time, ♣

  Tribe, Laurence, Prof. (Harvard University Law School), ♣

  Tribe, Lawrence, Prof. (Harvard University), ♣

  Trilling, Chrissy, ♣

  Trinity College, ♣

  Trotsky, Leon, ♣

  Truman State University, ♣, ♦

  Tufts University, ♣, ♦

  Tulane University, ♣

  Turkey, Gerald, Prof. (University of Delaware), ♣

  UC Berkeley Daily Californian, ♣, ♦

  UC Regents, ♣, ♦

  UCLA Academic Senate, ♣- ♦

  UCLA Daily Bruin, xvi-♣, ♦, ♥, ♠, †, ‡, Δ, ∇- Ο, ◊

  Union of Concerned Scientists, ♣, ♦

  United Nations (UN), ♣, ♦, ♥- ♠, †- ‡, Δ, ∇

  University of Akron, ♣

  University of Alabama School of Law, ♣

  University of Alaska, ♣, ♦

  University of Arizona, ♣, ♦

  University of Arkansas, ♣, ♦

  University of Baghdad, ♣

  University of Buffalo, ♣

  University of California-Berkeley, ♣, ♦- ♥, ♠, †, ‡, Δ, ∇, Ο, ◊, ∅, ∗- ⊕, ⊗, ∞, ∂, α, β, γ

  University of California-Irvine, ♣, ♦, ♥

  University of California-Los Angeles, ♣, xvi-♦, ♥- ♠, †, ‡, Δ, ∇, Ο, ◊, ∅- ∗, ⊕, ⊗, ∞- ∂, α, β, γ, κ, Θ, Φ, δ, λ- ψ, ϖ- ϑ, Λ, Π, Σ, ♣♣- ♦♦, ♥♥, ♠♠, ††, ‡‡

  University of California-Riverside, ♣, ♦, ♥

  University of California-San Diego, ♣, ♦, ♥

  University of California-Santa Cruz, ♣- ♦, ♥, ♠

  University of California system, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠, †, ‡

  University of Chicago, ♣, ♦

  University of Colorado, ♣, ♦

  University of Colorado-Boulder, ♣

  University of Connecticut, ♣- ♦

  University of Connecticut-Storrs, ♣

  University of Dayton, ♣

  University of Denver, ♣

  University of Florida, ♣, ♦

  University of Florida College of Medicine, ♣

  University of Georgia, ♣, ♦

  University of Hawaii, ♣

  University of Hawaii-Manoa, ♣

  University of Illinois, ♣

  University of Illinois-Chicago, ♣, ♦

  University of Iowa, ♣, ♦

  University of Kansas, ♣, ♦

  University of Kentucky, ♣

  University of Louisville, ♣

  University of Maine, ♣

  University of Maryland, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠

  University of Maryland-College Park, ♣

  University of Massachusetts, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠- †

  University of Miami, ♣

  University of Michigan, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠, †, ‡

  University of Michigan Law School decision, ♣

  University of Minnesota, ♣, ♦

  University of Missouri, ♣, ♦

  University of Missouri-Rolla, ♣

  University of Montana, ♣

  University of Montana Kaimin, ♣

  University of Nebraska, ♣

  University of New Mexico, ♣

  University of North Carolina, ♣, ♦

  University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, ♣

  University of North Carolina-Wilmington, ♣

  University of Oregon, ♣

  University of Pennsylvania, ♣, ♦

  University of Pittsburgh, ♣

  University of Rochester, ♣

  University of South Florida Faculty Senate, ♣

  University of Southern California, ♣

  University of Southern Mississippi, ♣

  University of Tennessee, ♣

  University of Texas, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠

  University of Texas-Austin, ♣

  University of the Arts in Philadelphia, ♣

  University of Utah, ♣, ♦

  University of Utah Chronicle, ♣

  University of Vermont, ♣

  University of Virginia, ♣

  University of Washington, ♣, ♦

  University of Wisconsin, ♣, ♦, ♥

  University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, ♣

  US News and World Report, ♣

  Valente, Sharon, Prof. (University of Southern California), ♣

  Van Zandt, David (Northwestern Law School), ♣

  Vassar College, ♣

  Vavreck, Lynn, Prof. (UCLA), ♣- ♦, ♥, ♠, †

  Vera Itkin, ♣

  Vigil, Diego, Prof. (University of California-Irvine), ♣

  Villanova University, ♣

  Voices in the Wilderness, ♣

  Vorenberg, James, Prof. (Harvard University), ♣

  Wagle, Susan, ♣- ♦

  Wake Forest University, ♣

  Walker, William, Prof. (Oral Roberts University), ♣

  Wall Street Journal, ♣- ♦, ♥, ♠, †, ‡

  Wallerstein, Immanuel, Prof. (Yale University), ♣

  Walsh, Diana Chapman (Wellesley College), ♣

  Walt, Stephen, Prof. (Harvard University), ♣

  Wanzer, Sidney (Harvard Law School), ♣

  Wapner, Paul, Prof. (American University), ♣

  Washington, Corey, Prof. (University of Maryland), ♣

  Washington Post, ♣, ♦

  Washington University, ♣, ♦

  Washington University in Saint Louis, ♣

  Watenpaugh, Keith, Prof. (Le Moyne College), ♣

  Waters, Maxine, ♣

  Watson, Robert, Prof. (UCLA), ♣- ♦, ♥, ♠, †- ‡, Δ, ∇

  Wayne State University, ♣, ♦

  Weather Underground (Weathermen), ♣

ngton, Sarah, Prof. (University of Texas), ♣- ♦

  Wehrli, Mary Brent, Prof. (UCLA), ♣, ♦

  Weiming, Tu, Prof. (Harvard University), ♣

  Weinberg, Steven, Prof. (University of Texas), ♣

  Weinstein, James, Prof. (Arizona State University), ♣

  Weiss, Charles, Prof. (Georgetown University), ♣, ♦

  Weissman, Hope, Prof. (Wesleyan University), ♣

  Wellesley College, ♣

  Werth, James, Prof. (University of Akron), ♣

  Wesleyan University, ♣- ♦

  West, Cornel, Prof. (Princeton University), ♣, ♦, ♥

  West, Robin, Prof. (Georgetown University), ♣

  Westheimer, Ruth, Dr. (New York University), ♣

  Wheaton College, ♣

  White, Eugene, Prof. (Rutgers University), ♣

  Whitman, Walt, ♣

  Whitman College, ♣

  Widener University School of Law, ♣, ♦

  Wilcox, Kim (Kansas University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences), ♣

  Wilentz, Sean, Prof. (Princeton University ), ♣

  Wilkins, Roger, Prof. (George Mason University), ♣

  William and Mary College, ♣

  Williams College, ♣, ♦

  Williams, Linda, Prof. (University of California-Berkeley), ♣, ♦

  Williams, Noluthando, ♣

  Williams, Robert, Prof. (Washington University), ♣

  Wilson, Edward, Prof. (Harvard University), ♣- ♦

  Wilson, Ron, Prof. (Cornell University), ♣

  Winthrop University, ♣

  Winward Community College, ♣

  Wolfowitz, Paul, ♣

  Wortham, Thomas, Prof. (UCLA), ♣

  Wright, James, Prof. (Hunter College), ♣

  Wright, James (Dartmouth University), ♣

  Yale Daily News, ♣

  Yale Medical School, ♣, ♦

  Yale University, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠

  Yale University Daily News, ♣

  Yalom, Irvin, Prof. (Stanford University), ♣

  Yasin, Zayed, ♣

  Yegge, Jonathan, ♣- ♦

  Yunger, John, Prof. (Duke University), ♣

  Zarate, Estela, ♣

  Zinn, Howard, Prof., ♣, ♦

  Zonoozy, Khalil, Prof. (Portland State University), ♣




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